GURENGE \ border patrol

The dawn is almost lazy, the way it flowers across the sky, violets and pinks unfurling in tandem with the rising sun. There's a brisk wind, a bitter reminder that leafbare has not left them, but Raccoonstripe walks with confidence despite the tangles in his pelt. His patrol streams behind him, their banter gentle. He allows himself to relax with the younger warriors in attendance; he even bites out a joke or two, a smart remark. It's a lovely day; Scarletdust is here not because she's been assigned to be his tag-a-long, but as a warrior of her own merit. He has good, strong cats by his side, loyal, and their recent victory still warms his veins.

A single onyx eye sears the grove ahead; he stiffens, silken tail flicking out to halt the procession behind him. "RiverClan is at Sunningrocks." Raccoonstripe's ear flicks, his mouth twitching with interest. "Border patrol, if I had to guess." He half-turns, assessing the warriors who've accompanied him this morning; each of them are fit, spirited. ShadowClan had put up what little fight they could, but in the end, ThunderClan's raw strength had driven them back into the dark where they'd belonged.

An idea begins to flicker like wanton flame in his mind. He runs his tongue across his lips almost hungrily. We took back what ShadowClan stole from us. We could do the same today, couldn't we? Raccoonstripe picks his way through the undergrowth, revealing himself to the RiverClan cats with a rich and inviting smile.

"I see you're actually making use of this territory for once." He tastes the air, mentally counting the bodies on the enemy patrol. "There won't be any bodies for you to leave for crowfood today, I'm afraid." He finagles the tip of his tail — a signal to the warriors who accompany him to fan out on either side. He's not made any direct threats, but any cat with half a brain could see Raccoonstripe is looking for a fight.

[ @STAGSNARL. @Scarletpaw @roaringsun @Softsight ]

… ❞


Dipperfrost barely bites back a curse as icy water seeps between her toes. The breeze carries a whisper of warmer days ahead, but today is a bitter reminder that leaf-bare still lingers, its claws sunk deep into the land. Getting wet was going to be miserable, but at least sunningrocks belonged to them again. Soon, she'd have the chance to stretch out on the heated stone, the sun baking into her fur. That thought is enough to keep her complaints at bay as she slides into the river, cutting through the water with practiced ease. Land hunting would never be her strong suit, but it was still better than trudging through another tedious dawn patrol.

They aren't alone for long. A rustle in the undergrowth draws her attention instantly. Her ears twitch toward the sound, and her horizon-streaked eyes lock onto the patrol at the exact moment they emerge. Her expression remains unreadable, but she flicks a glance toward Beefang, dipping her head in the slightest nod. If the lead warrior deemed this a fight worth having, Dipperfrost would be ready.

Silently, she shifts into a defensive stance, muscles coiling as she prowls forward, shadowing the ThunderClan patrol's movements. Her gaze never wavers, cold and calculating, locked onto the opposing warriors. Let them make the first move.

// Open to any opponents, will not strike first
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    Dipperfrost is a tall, slender she-cat with a white coat broken by blue tabby patches, a tuft of curls atop her head, and a star-shaped marking on her forehead. Her brilliant blue eyes—one flecked with a yellow starburst—are often half-lidded, lending her a distant, unreadable expression. Quiet and observant, she speaks with purpose, choosing honesty over comfort and control over chaos. Her aloof demeanor and measured composure make her difficult to approach, but for those who earn her trust, she is fiercely loyal. Though cynical and pragmatic, she remains a steady, unshaken presence, ever watchful of the world around her.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter

If there is one thing that Softsight has learned over the moons, it is that ThunderClan should never - and would never - be the one to back down from an encroaching threat. They had recently shown ShadowClan that they were unwilling to be bowled over so easily, and now, as Softsight stands behind Raccoonstripe, pacing out to his side to bare metaphorical fangs at the RiverClan patrol they've now come across, she wonders the same as the older warrior leading their patrol - is taking back what RiverClan had taken from them written in the stars for this day?

She watches the RiverClanners closely, warily, but does not move beyond fanning out as instructed by Raccoonstripe. Not many moons ago, softsight might have cowered from the fight, attempted to reason with Raccoonstripe, but she does not feel the same way now as she did then. RiverClan had proven themselves to be a threat, and Softsight would react accordingly.

From where she stands, Softsight glances over at Roaringsun, making sure to keep an eye on her friend. The last thing she wants is for RiverCLan to injure the warrior, though as it stands that may be unavoidable.


It's a good day at first, her very first patrol as a warrior of ThunderClan. Scarletdust strides behind her former mentor with her chin tipped upwards and her tail waving in the air with pride. She's a new cat, one who's fought for everything she's gotten. The confidence of that knowledge shows in every movement she makes, precise and certain. And as the river's scent reaches her nostrils, she's not even in a bad enough mood to wrinkle her nose at it! What an amazing, relaxing- wait. She can see the shift in Raccoonstripe's posture before he even speaks. 'RiverClan is at Sunningrocks.'

Scarletdust follows his gaze, split eyes narrowing. She sees them, too, sitting all comfortably on land they don't deserve. It should be ours. Every muscle in her body tightens with the thought. Sunningrocks has always been a point of contention, every cat knows it, but the sting of their recent loss still lingers. Just moons ago, the rocks had belonged to ThunderClan, warmed their pelts. To see RiverClanners lounging on them makes her teeth grit.

Her tail flicks at the implication in Raccoonstripe's words. They could take them back. She wants to take them back. Her claws itch for the fight, for the chance to show them exactly why ThunderClan is stronger. Like we did with ShadowClan. Like we'll do again, every time they think they can stand against us. She moves as soon as the lead warrior signals, fanning out with the others, her prowling stance loose but ready. Her gaze locks onto Dipperfrost, who moves just as cautiously as she does, just as aware. If their eyes meet, Scarletdust's mouth will twist into a smirk. Do you really think you can keep what isn't really yours?



✦˚.✧˚✧˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✧˚✦˚✦.˚✧
  • Parts of the river remain layered by a thin platform of ice... it's almost an enticing offer from the trickling stream to avoid getting wet; a decoy... an inviting trap. There was no telling if it would hold... and bounding from slippery step stones was the best bet to avoid a freezing swim. A body tattered by scars struggles to cover old wounds with thin fur and any chance she can take to avoid a frigid bath is a welcome one. She loathed swimming even in the finest weather... but least of all now.

    Dipperfrost glides under the surface like the ripples of her pelt are one with the water... a competent warrior now, not a sight of the young girl they'd mentored in sight. Icy gaze moves to inspect the rest of her patrol, gauging what choices they make to cross in order to finish their patrol near Sunningrocks. If they were fortunate enough there might be a few mice or a desperate water vole between flat stones.

    The sound of ferns bursting apart to reveal chest-fluffed visions of foolish pride signals the end of their peace. Her jaw sets, eyeing Raccoonstripe with all the skepticism he is owed. She'd only ever known him to be hungry to pick a fight... and he stands true to his reputation now as ThunderClanners swarm around him in a formation begging for violence.

    "There won't be," the lynx point agrees in tones mimicking the shore's gravel, "Because you won't... be trespassing... to merit our claws." A warning. A last piece of advice.

    They needn't join Freckleflame in StarClan so soon.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
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    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Beefang follows in tow with the rest of her patrol making sure not to step out of line as to not upset the blue lynx point molly that's in charge of the patrol and the scent of Thunderclan causes her gaze to flicker in the direction of the approaching cats only to see her opponent in the front. His marred appearance that reflected her own is certainly a pleasing sight, at least, for the two-toned lead warrior as she takes a step forward but shifts her gaze in the direction of Dipperfrost and offers a curt nod of her own. The black smoke would've attacked these cats without further warning if it had been up to her so that they'd get the message loud and clear that Sunningrocks would forever belong to Riverclan. A part of her wants to spit venom at Raccoonstripe since he's so keen in showing his own fangs though she stands idle as she listens to Lichenstar offer the Thunderclan patrol a warning.

How merciful of her but she knows that the black tabby isn't all that intelligent and that he'd likely spit at the Riverclan leaders attempt at mercy, it didn't matter either way, Beefang would be prepared for anything that these Thunderclanners would throw at them and she'd fight bravely. Her feathery tail sweeps behind her once and her narrowed gaze sweeps over those present and with a twitch of her whiskers can't help the shit-eating grin on her maw, she waits to see what he'd decide and only hopes that he wouldn't disappoint her. She could practically feel her claws itching with anticipation within their sheathes and glances over the rest of their patrol, she'd size them up silently from where she stands.

/ open to any opponents :]


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white
It was almost cruel, for a day as nice as this- something that had been so few and far between this season- to be the catalyst for violent desire. It could be seen in everyone, what the world took from the forest, you had to make up for of your own accord. To get your hands dirty meant you may live to see another day...but it was not always welcome, today being one of the many prime examples of that. Blackwater was almost at peace, the warmth of the rock's face pressing comfortably into recently uncharacteristically warmed skin coaxing him into slumber.

The approach of a Thunderclan patrol struck him like a bolt of lightning, his stomach tightening into a mirror of the rivers roiling tide. His senses were immediately on high alert, ears and head turning to allow his eyes- sharpened with newfound tension- to fixate unwaveringly upon those who had begun to circle him and his clanmates like starved predators. Raccoonstripe did not need to voice his intentions, the fact that they had come to this piece of territory saying enough on its own. This was no accident, there was intention behind his command and the actions of those he kept closely in tow. They've come for Sunningrocks. Blackwater would right himself, his limbs pulsing with steadily building adrenaline, prompting claws to unsheathe and glisten against the sunlight still beating down overhead.

He remained still and calm, his expression giving away little in the ways of how he felt. Truthfully, it didn't matter how he felt, for his first and only responsibility was to his clan. Blackwater would not attack without the order of Lichenstar, and so he would simply linger closely beside the quickly forming line of Riverclanner's, a reflection of the position taken by their opponents. One ear was trained to their gravelly voice, waiting for an indication to press forward. Their leader was being lenient, an opportunity to give up a fight they could not win- whether or not they decided to adhere to it would be their choice- but the wrong one would not come free of losses, this was certain.

OOC: Open to any attacks! He will not engage first unless ordered to by Lichenstar.

ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤgay aroace, single
ㅤ25 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 24th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 13 moons
silvertide x splittailㅤ/ㅤno other relations
ㅤmentoring noneㅤ/ㅤmentored by willowroot
ㅤpenned by sloaneㅤ/ㅤmessage encarcerated on discord for plots!

sh blue tabby/blue chimera w/low white with deep, teal colored eyes and a stoic demeanor. physically inexpressive and socially flat despite being quite polite and easygoing.
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RiverClan seeps through the border like water through a cracked surface, led by none other than Lichenstar herself. The steel-eyed she-cat's eyes are cold as the ice chunks clinging to the surface of the river; she meets Raccoonstripe's challenge with a retort. "There won't be, because you won't be trespassing to merit our claws." Her voice is harsh, throttling, her words menacing, but Raccoonstripe does not balk. He smiles, his tail beginning to flex behind him. Others spill into the clearing; some are cats he recognizes, like Beefang, and some are unfamiliar faces, like the teal-eyed gray warrior beside her.

Either way, the tabby is not perturbed. He boldly meets the RiverClan leader's gaze, fire meshing with the bitter frost of leafbare.

"Is that right, Lichenstar?" The tabby squares his shoulders. "Well, you've got one thing right, at least. It's not trespassing if it belongs to ThunderClan in the first place." A growl begins to rumble like a distant storm in his throat.

His tail kinks — it is a signal his warriors will know instinctively. Without giving a verbal command, Raccoonstripe lunges for Lichenstar with outstretched forepaws. He aims to sink his claws into the fur and flesh of her shoulders, and aims a savage bite toward the exposed flesh of her previously ravaged throat.

attacking @lichenstar ; open to other opponents, but he does have one planned interaction :]
Raccoonstripe is a lead warrior of ThunderClan. He has thick, silken black tabby fur interrupted by a stark white chin, chest, and belly. One ear is ripped to shreds; the paired eye is missing and scarred over. The other eye blazes golden-brown in direct sunlight. Two near-vertical scars slash across a milky chest. One forepaw is ivory; the rest are dark.

Gray Wolf x Howlingstar / sibling to Hollow Tree, Little Wolf, Cobwebtail, Lily Pad, Graystorm, Jackdawflight, and Berryheart / mate to Nightbird / father to Bayingpaw, Twilightpaw, Tigerpaw, Stormpaw, and Berrypaw
mentored by none / previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper, Scarletdust / mentoring Stormpaw
50 moons old as of 02/05/2025
penned by Marquette

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Reactions: STAGSNARL.

stagsnarl has a loathing for the fish breathed water enjoyers across the river. why wouldn't they when riverclan has only ever caused grief for thunderclan for as long as they've been alive? not to mention they hurt houndshade. that, right there, is plenty of reason for them to hate the clan. so, accompanying raccoonstripe to sunningrocks is easy. danger and violence dances happily in their gaze as they follow the lead warrior before they simply just wait. when signaled, they make themself known, tail lashing and awaiting further orders.

raccoonstripe does it again and stagsnarl gives a firm nod and decides to attack the first cat she saw. dipperfrost. with her claws outstretched, the very large molly aims to barrel over dipperfrost, to pin the other to the ground and swipe at her face with claws extended.

He will never get used to the sight of RiverClanners on Sunningrocks, he thinks. The stentch of fish does not mesh well with that of the forest, and it makes his muzzle wrinkle in disgust at how strong and fresh it is. He stands beside Softsight, fixing his posture and fluffing his fur out to intimidate their neighbors. Amber eyes roll at Lichenstar's words, and for once in his life he finds himself agreeing with Raccoonstripe. It's not trespassing if it belongs to ThunderClan in the first place.

His hiss pierces through the air as he flings himself onto Blackwater. The ThunderClanner will try to grab the enemy warrior by the scruff in order to drag him further into their territory, away from the water. He could not risk falling in and being swept by the river, or overwhelmed where he does not have an advantage.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤunsure of sexuality, single ; crushing on hawkspine
ㅤ16 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 14th of the month
ㅤwarrior of thunderclan
npc x npcㅤ/ㅤnpc siblings
ㅤmentoring Berrypawㅤ/ㅤmentored by Copperfang and Leafhusk
"speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
ㅤpenned by nocthymiaㅤ/ㅤmessage hypmic on discord for plots!
lion-like in stature, roaringsun is characterized by his golden fur, cream 'mane' and strong legs. long-furred with longer strands on his cheeks, one cannot tell he once was a soft-born kittypet before joining thunderclan as an apprentice.

ooc: attacking @Blackwater


✦˚.✧˚✧˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✧˚✦˚✦.˚✧
  • At the very least she can trust that her measured lecture to Beefang has inspired some self control... if only it had been said sooner. Had not been given the chance to fan the flames under the inferno of the forest. Her breath clouds around the softest of exhales, a rising anticipation warning a great danger lingering in the crook of his grin. He is unbothered... confident... and a part of her wonders what that tells about ShadowClan's odds. Are they so invigorated because they've already found victory once? Or is this just the black tabby's signature pride?

    For a moment the reed-limbed molly hopes that maybe the coolness of the frigid air is enough to take some of the heat out of their embers... that her lack of willingness to rise to his threatening will be enough to rip the wind from his sails.

    It's a short lived hope.

    They descend like vultures upon her patrol and he most hungrily reaches for her in a way that almost mimics Beefang's thirst to hit hard. His weight surges forward, arms outstretched like a kit reaching to embrace its mother; if only the image wasn't ruined by the glint of claws, the saliva dripping from exposed fangs. The RiverClan leader rears back to try to alter his course, claws dragging down her flanks while teeth struggle to find a place to sink in far lower than they'd intended.

    A paw swings down above his head, aiming to slam down on his muzzle and tear down his muzzle- if nothing else he might bite his tongue from the impact.. and that would be a victory enough. Death didn't need to stain these floors more than they'd already had- all RiverClan needed to do was beat them back enough to make it seem a stalemate, a waste of time. Her balance grows unsteady where she holds herself on her hind legs, pupils narrowed with frustrated uncertainty.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦ fighting @RACCOONSTRIPE , has a planned interaction!
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
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As ThunderClanners and RiverClanners warriors fan out across the stones, tension crackles like a storm ready to break. Dipperfrost stands ready, ears pricked as her leaders voice rings out across the shoreline - rough, grating, yet unmistakably clear. A final warning, a chance for TunderClan to reconsider their foolishness. Sunningrocks belonged to RiverClan. That was the way things should be, why couldn't they just accept it and leave?

Her gaze flickers to Raccoonstripe. Arrogant, full of self-importance, his stance alone dares them to challenge him. His words nearly earn an eye-roll from her. Almost. Then he moves. The black tabby lunges froward and in an instant, the battle begins.

Dipperfrost barely has time to draw a breath before the ThunderClan Warrior opposite her barrels towards her, claws flashing as they swipe for her face. She twists sharply, but not fast enough. Pain flares across her shoulder as claws rake through her pelt, a fresh wound blooming red against her pale fur. She barely acknowledges it beyond a short, clipped, grunt. There'd be time to lick her wounds later, now there was only time to act.

She surges forward, striking in tandem. Her teeth snap towards her opponent's scruff as her claws lash out, aiming to hook into their pelt. It's a calculated move, a distraction and an attack in one. If her claws found purchase, she wouldn't hesitate. She'd tear


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  • 95272855_E1r3Zh0Kun04J53.png
    Dipperfrost is a tall, slender she-cat with a white coat broken by blue tabby patches, a tuft of curls atop her head, and a star-shaped marking on her forehead. Her brilliant blue eyes—one flecked with a yellow starburst—are often half-lidded, lending her a distant, unreadable expression. Quiet and observant, she speaks with purpose, choosing honesty over comfort and control over chaos. Her aloof demeanor and measured composure make her difficult to approach, but for those who earn her trust, she is fiercely loyal. Though cynical and pragmatic, she remains a steady, unshaken presence, ever watchful of the world around her.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter
The only warning given was the silent signal put forth by Raccoonstripe, the hulking warrior wasting little time in throwing himself into combat. His sights were set on Lichenstar, outstretched claws glinting against the suns beating rays for a mere heartbeat before being stained with red. Blackwater would attempt to push forward in an attempt to intercept him, however he was quickly barreled over by the weight of another who he did not recognize.

He allowed himself to go limp, rolling downwards in time with the Thunderclanner as to minimize the strain of impact. Before he was able to right himself, he felt fangs tear into the nape of his neck as his opponent began the process of removing him from the river's vicinity. It was a wise thing, admittedly, for everyone with half a mind knew anyone who was not born with the tide coursing through their veins was as good as dead when thrown to the depths.

Blackwater would not go easily. Following the rhythmic pull of the lion-like warrior, he would find a foothold in the crevices of the rocks below, gripping onto the fissures before attempting to throw himself upwards, silently willing the force of his unexpected collision to be enough for his adversaries grip to loosen or dislodge entirely. If successful, the Riverclan warrior would spring backwards out of the vicinity of any grappling claws, his eyes locking with the others momentarily before rushing forward with an attempt to score his side with unsheathed claws. If missed, he would still attempt to remain at the others rear end. If he positioned himself correctly and played his cards right, he might be able to herd him close enough to the water's edge to push him in.


ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤgay aroace, single
ㅤ25 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 24th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 13 moons
silvertide x splittailㅤ/ㅤno other relations
ㅤmentoring noneㅤ/ㅤmentored by willowroot
ㅤpenned by sloaneㅤ/ㅤmessage encarcerated on discord for plots!

sh blue tabby/blue chimera w/low white with deep, teal colored eyes and a stoic demeanor. physically inexpressive and socially flat despite being quite polite and easygoing.
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The dark lead warrior isn't surprised when Raccoonstripe chooses not to heed the warning of Lichenstar and watches how he silently signals for the rest of his patrol to attack, her own claws unsheathing and it doesn't take long for Riverclan and Thunderclan warriors to collide into one another. Her lone eye focusing onto the sight of the black tabby flinging himself at her leader with brandished claws and jaws ready to bleed his enemy, it seems that Blackwater had intents of helping the blue point but he's dragged away by a fire pelted tom, and the black smoke darts forward in the direction of Raccoonstripe and Lichenstar. Her pupil narrows into a dangerous slit not uttering much of a word and notes the way that her leader doesn't intend to kill the other lead warrior so perhaps, Beefang would take that as a sign to not attempt to finish off the black tabby that had barely slipped death's claws.

Her own ivory dipped paw slices through the air as she attempts to sweep them harshly across the tom's side to draw blood and so that ribbons of velvet splash onto the snow covered battlefield. She didn't care if its two against one right now nor did she really give a fuck about fighting fair in the slightest and her snout wrinkles as her lips draw back into a silent snarl, this is Riverclan's territory and if a bit of bloodshed had to remind the Thunderclanners of this then the black smoke would do it without hesitation.

/ attacking @RACCOONSTRIPE ; open to other opponents


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white

Scarletdust's lips curl into a satisfied smirk as Raccoonstripe lunges at Lichenstar. The moment the fur begins to fly, her instincts ignite. A flash of her past battles rushes through her and her muscles coil like a tightly wound spring. She moves fast, closer to the fray, her steps almost silent on the ground. Her split-colored gaze flicks from the ThunderClan warriors' battle forms to the RiverClan patrol, trying to pick out her first target.

Beefang's grin catches her attention, and for a moment, a surge of exhilaration flows through her; she'd love to face off against this one. Her claws unsheathe with a sharp snick, ready for the fight. Picking up speed, a low growl rumbles in her throat as she leaps toward the black she-cat just as she attacks Raccoonstripe. Sharp claws swipe at her flank, aiming for the soft spot between her ribs and hip. She's swift, her body a blur as she strikes with calculated precision.

"Get your paws off him!" The tortoiseshell snarls furiously, next aiming to kick dirt up towards her face just as Skyclaw taught her. If she has to fight dirty to protect her mentor, so be it. This battle isn't about fairness, it's about survival. They need this territory back.

// attacking @BEEFANG to help @RACCOONSTRIPE

striding along beside his mother, the blue furred tom finds himself slightly distracted. a yawn stretches his jaw, eyes sandy from tiredness. the rising sun warms his dappled back, a chilled breeze not unpleasant wafting through his mane of fur. as dipperfrost glides through the water first, and pebbletail follows swiftly, unbothered by the icyness of the river. his thick fur saves him from feeling it, though he feels a flash of pity for his scarred and thin-furred mother. beefang and blackwater approach as well, strong in their strides. a competent patrol over all, the man is confident they will find at least some scrap of prey on these hard won rocks. (if not, he fears they had been more trouble than they are worth.)

shaking that thought from his mind, the tom is set on edge as the undergrowth rustles and an equally matched thunderclan patrol steps from the shadows. at their helm, a battle scarred tomcat pebbletail has only seen through violence. beside him, equally violence-craving jaws - four other warriors with their claws prickling the earth. lichenstar growls a warning, and raccoonstripe dismisses it, muscles coiling and springing at the riverclan leader. pebbletail hisses hackles raising as he begins to hurry to his mother's side. the other thunderclanners attack, dipperfrost taking on a dual-hued tomcat, blackwater put against a golden warrior. beefang gets to lichenstar first, claws out to defend the river's ruler. pebbletail spots a multicolored blur from beyond, a smaller cat, newer warrior, grinning sharply. she swipes at beefang's flank and pebbletail will interrupt with a growl. "trespassing foxhearts," the man snarls as he thunders up behind the she-cat, crashing his stronger paws down on scarletdust's back. "this. isn't. yours!" claws score down the girl's back, and he goads her to face him. should she take the bait, he will aim to bowl her over, to pin her upon the slate.

// deciding this is before pebs near-drowning :) attacking @Scarletdust "#a2bfba"

cis tom (he / him) / bisexual, taken by SPLASHDANCE
15 moons old ages realistically, every 15th of the month
lead warrior of riverclan
mentoring RYEPAW / mentored by FOXTAIL
penned by lavs / message lavendes on discord for plots!

a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebbletail's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

Lichenstar is battered backward by the force of him, the momentum, and though his claws find purchase on their pale flank, his teeth scrape almost uselessly against the base of her chest. The RiverClan leader rears back, on her hindlegs, and she slams a forepaw across the expanse of his muzzle. The flesh rends, and had he not clicked his teeth together just before the impact, he may have bitten through his tongue as the lynx point had silently wished.

Behind him, around him, the battlefield explodes; his warriors, his warriors, they rally to his side, their breaths smoking in the air like wildfire trails. His blood is alight, ignited; adrenaline and the prickling frost of leafbare cold numb his face to the wounds Lichenstar inflicts. Her warriors spring, reacting with snarls, with exposed fangs, and a she-cat bundled in curled smoke fur barrels toward him with outstretched claws. He swings his half-blind face toward her; a single brown eye meets her remaining amber, just in time for her to rend the flesh on his side and spill his blood. He hisses, though he does not change his course; his target is not Beefang today.

Another silhouette, splashed with auburn, streaks to his rescue. Scarletdust knocks the RiverClan warrior away, and Raccoonstripe does not waste the opportunity she's purchased him. He lifts his ivory forepaw, aiming a quick parry of slashes toward Lichenstar's face and chest. The blows are imprecise, haphazard; if they hit, they may draw blood, but the movements are barbaric and seemingly without purpose. Every pawstep he takes toward her draws them closer to the river's shore; it's a dance he knows well, one Beefang had entangled him with during their last fight.

He trespasses further into the Sunningrocks he knows, has bled to keep, has had to watch be ripped from ThunderClan's claws. He snaps, adderlike, at Lichenstar's shoulder; if his teeth meet her flesh, he will shake, doglike, in an attempt to tear the fur away.

acknowledging @Scarletdust and @BEEFANG ; fighting @lichenstar
Raccoonstripe is a lead warrior of ThunderClan. He has thick, silken black tabby fur interrupted by a stark white chin, chest, and belly. One ear is ripped to shreds; the paired eye is missing and scarred over. The other eye blazes golden-brown in direct sunlight. Two near-vertical scars slash across a milky chest. One forepaw is ivory; the rest are dark.

Gray Wolf x Howlingstar / sibling to Hollow Tree, Little Wolf, Cobwebtail, Lily Pad, Graystorm, Jackdawflight, and Berryheart / mate to Nightbird / father to Bayingpaw, Twilightpaw, Tigerpaw, Stormpaw, and Berrypaw
mentored by none / previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper, Scarletdust / mentoring Stormpaw
50 moons old as of 02/05/2025
penned by Marquette

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The sudden spring from the RiverClan warrior causes him to let go off his neck rushedly, his teeth snapping with force as his mouth shuts. He hisses at the pain, blood tickling down from a cut on his lip. He steps to the side, still mindful of where he stands; some other warrior may join in against him and try to push him towards the river's edge.

Amber eyes meet teal, and nothing could ever feel more ThunderClan versus RiverClan than the fieryness of orange and the frostiness of cerulean reflected in their gazes.

The claws at his side cause a rumbling growl to echo from his throat. But instead of wasting time turning around, the ThunderClanner firmly plants his front legs on the ground and focuses in delivering a powerful kick to Blackwater. If he hits, then he will turn and aim a hit at the other's head with apricot-tipped paws.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤunsure of sexuality, single ; crushing on hawkspine
ㅤ17 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 14th of the month
ㅤwarrior of thunderclan
npc x npcㅤ/ㅤnpc siblings
ㅤmentoring Berrypawㅤ/ㅤmentored by Copperfang and Leafhusk
"speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
ㅤpenned by nocthymiaㅤ/ㅤmessage hypmic on discord for plots!
lion-like in stature, roaringsun is characterized by his golden fur, cream 'mane' and strong legs. long-furred with longer strands on his cheeks, one cannot tell he once was a soft-born kittypet before joining thunderclan as an apprentice.

ooc: @Blackwater


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  • Even a snow and shadow assistant can only find purchase for a half moment... it isn't a great tidal wave to drown him out, only inspiring the leaping ember of another ThunderClanner to bury herself in Beefang's fur in his defense. An exasperated breath escapes, the flutter of an accelerated heart-beat- he is relentless in his pursuit, they all are.

    A hindleg staggers back once- a blow cut across her cheek while berry-pink pads slip against the sensation of slick ground underfoot. Another step in retreat, claws scrambling to find some sort of grip against the ice; Raccoonstripe has seated himself an important advantage... the grip of solid earth under his feet as she crawls on her haunches to try to dodge what comes her way, unable to do much to retaliate while so focused on defense.

    A hound-like grin remains ever plastered to his maw, like he's hungry for blood in a way that far remove him from feline. It isn't so different from that wide-mouthed gnashing of fangs that had adorned her underbelly in flesh-toned scars, had been the first of many lives taken in the last few seasons. The spatter of crimson, a painting made of her own death. It strikes a cold chord, like her spine had been plucked in harp-song, freezes the body in its practiced panic to block or defend. Wild ivories gouge themselves comfortably into the ruffled patches between scars, a hateful thrashing that sinks ever deeper with each insistent tug.

    Curls of ice peel up where claws grate against it for a grip, to try to keep steady against the way the pressure of furious muscle presses back, shoves- there is a tell-tale groan from somewhere within the river, like it agonizes in what rivulets of red that drip onto its flimsy, temporary surface. A rush of urgency inspires quick reaction- a pull away in an effort to unseat his bite despite what fur and flesh he may take with him, the lift of paws that try to grapple at him to pull him onto the ice too- the effort is made all the more difficult by the lack of balance, by the way she slips like a newborn fawn against the slick surface.

    Every ounce of energy spent atop it only tests its patience more... and with a last-ditch effort to disorient Raccoonstripe with a slap towards his ears, the mirror-thin plane shatters under the weight of that desperation. Lynx point fur is there in one moment, then gone the next, plucked like a daisy into the frigid water underneath. If it weren't so cold, it might be a blessing... an unplanned escape route.

    But it isn't new-leaf... and it is like being dragged into a tomb of frost.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ .

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    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦
  • Wow

The two of them, night-striped and sky-faced, grapple for a grip on the wintry battleground beneath their flaying claws. He maintains his position on the riverbank, and even this proximity to the watery mass that had almost taken his life before sends a wash of cold fear flushing through his body. He focuses on his unrelenting barrage of attacks, and Lichenstar does everything she can to evade his blows. Her back legs skitter onto the frozen surface of the river, and when she withdraws from him, she effectively pulls his front half onto the ice with her. He snarls, half in panic, but he does his best to maintain his grip on her body with his teeth.

A final smack to his ears causes him to let go of her—and it is an act of god, of fate, that he does right at this moment. The ice heaves under Lichenstar, splinters right by his paws, and the RiverClan leader is plunged into a black mass of turgid, freezing water. He can feel the droplets rake his face; they sting, they burn, almost, and he gasps, scrambling away from the river with an expression of palpable shock.

She's dead. There's no surviving that! And he had almost gone with her—he had been moments from being plunged into that frigid hell. His tail bushes out behind him, the fear-scent rolling from his body in waves. "We're done here," he rasps, struggling to maintain his composure. "ThunderClan, retreat!" His voice trembles, even if the commanding boom does not waver. He tears away from the broken ice, back through the forest, hoping his patrol will abandon their battles and join him.

Sunningrocks is not ours today… His flanks heave; his ears strain, listening to the shouts of panic from the RiverClan patrol as they no doubt do what they can to heave their leader from the water. But StarClan has their reasons for everything. We all live to fight another day. It's all he can cling to, in this moment.

Raccoonstripe is a lead warrior of ThunderClan. He has thick, silken black tabby fur interrupted by a stark white chin, chest, and belly. One ear is ripped to shreds; the paired eye is missing and scarred over. The other eye blazes golden-brown in direct sunlight. Two near-vertical scars slash across a milky chest. One forepaw is ivory; the rest are dark.

Gray Wolf x Howlingstar / sibling to Hollow Tree, Little Wolf, Cobwebtail, Lily Pad, Graystorm, Jackdawflight, and Berryheart / mate to Nightbird / father to Bayingpaw, Twilightpaw, Tigerpaw, Stormpaw, and Berrypaw
mentored by none / previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper, Scarletdust / mentoring Stormpaw
50 moons old as of 02/05/2025
penned by Marquette