no angst he needs some milk | drowning in kittens

Exhaustion weighs the tom down after a long early dawn patrol. After trekking toward the border and back to mark scents and stop to hunt for potential prey the only thing he wished for was rest. Hefty paws drag him to the prey pile where he deposited a wiry rabbit. Slowly turning on his heels the warrior trudged forward several steps before melting into the ground with a heavy sigh. Amber eyes flutter closed, leaving time to hardly pass before Addervenom succumbed to sleep's sweet embrace. This, of course, paints a massive target upon the tom's back. Leaving him completely vulnerable to the nefarious schemes of bored kittens. (feel free to have your kit turn him into a living playground) @whitedawn @FOGBOUND
»»———- windclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him ———-««
And, cue a bored kitten. While her plans were anything but nefarious, Midnightkit had indeed just toddled out of the nursery with the intent of entertaining herself at the expense of one or more of the clan's warriors; something she was finding to be more and more fun with each passing day. She was too young to understand the subtle nuances that came with clan politics, and often found herself interrupting serious or tense situations; not that the young girl would ever notice. In this particular instance, she absolutely could not tell that Addervenom was tired. All she saw was a warm body laying on the ground in the middle of camp, right where she could easily reach him.

Endurance and climbing were certainly not her strong suits, but she was determined to try anyways. The ebony tabby teetered as quickly as she could towards the unsuspecting tom, her baby claws unsheathing as she leapt as high as her frail body would allow and sank them into his thick fur. Scrambling (and probably pulling on his fur a bit too much), Midnight wordlessly clawed her way up his spine and onto his large head. Panting from the small effort, her legs gave out beneath her and her tiny frame collapsed and splayed out between his ears. "Hello," she murmured tiredly against his forehead, her eyelids growing heavy from exertion.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Grasskit saw his sister climbing her way up Addervenom's side, and saw an opportunity. He (unsuccessfully) tried to sneak his way around. He hadn't quite grasped the idea that one had to be under cover for stealth to be all that effective. But damnit he was going to try. His clumsy waddle was surely a sight to see. He finally got to be close enough, and geared up. Oh, this was gonna be funny for sure. "RAH!" He cried, putting as much ferocity into it as he could, and jumping at the warrior's shoulder. He hoped it would scare them both, killing two birds with one stone and getting a good laugh out of it.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
Sheepkit was laid out on his side near the elders den, just soaking up the leafbare sun. The black smoke twitches his ear at the sound of a "RAH!" from one of his denmates. He lifts his head, still groggy from being roused up. He lifts himself up fully, long pelt messy from his time laying on the ground. The kitten lets out a yawn escape from his mouth, as he got onto his dark paws. He wobbly makes his way to what his denmates were up to, he blinks blue eyes at the two kittens climbing all over Addervenom. Ohhh! Are they playing? He pads over with a little hop to his step, as he made it to the warm body of one tired warrior. "Ooo!" He marvels at Midnightkit and Grasskit climbing all over their new plaything.

He bounces on the tips of his toes, eyes wide with wonder and excitement. Sheepkit crouches down, wiggling his haunches as he then leaps onto the warm body. Tiny, needle claws sinking into the other's tom's thick fur (definitely pulling at his fur too much). Scrambling up and over the other feline, he sits on the warriors back squeaking out a loud "BWAAA!" Before plopping down to lay on the warrior's back. Waaarm. I need another nap! The small tom casually rests his head on the other's back, humming brokenly yet gently.

  • no ref yet </3
    ✦ cisgender male ; HE / HIM ; kitten of windclan
    ✦ a longhaired black smoke with high white & blue eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, f8ede3"
    ✦ smells of early morning dew & windblown heather

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
  • Haha
Reactions: Grasspaw
Whitedawn was used to hosting games for the crowded nursery, to keep all the little minds that resided with in entertained. Yet, she wasn't always in camp when boredom would strike them, as she was still a tunneler and had to help provide during the leafbare. In fact she was returning from a tunnel patrol, when the sight of kits scrambling over Addervenom made her pause, her serene expression shifting to a wide-eyed one of surprise. Only to then switch to an amused expression as her eyes closed, an amused purr rumbling in her throat. It was such a strange sight, especially knowing her gruff friend doesn't typically go near the nursery at all. Yet an amusing one nonetheless as clearly the kits had found a method to entertain themselves during her absence. "Oh dear..."