sensitive topics heaven’s falling down | dog attack (𓆞)

TW: mentions of blood and injury

Golden light envelopes RiverClan's camp in comforting warmth and security. The dens swell once more with the cats who had been taken by the twolegs - families and friends reunited with the help of the traveling kittypets. Robinheart had not played a part in the rescue but she heard tales of pandemonium and haste in the moments trapped RiverClanners fled and twolegs scrambled for shelter. A part of her is glad then that she had been hunkered down in the nursery with the other queens and kits; to put herself in harm's way would defy all Brookstorm would have wanted for the mottled molly.

Robinheart basks outside of the nursery, her splotched pelt soaking in the mid morning sun as her kits toddle about nearby. They are beginning to get bolder, more curious about their home now that they've seen what is beyond woven nursery walls. She is relieved that they are safe to explore now - that the threat of harm by misguided humans believing themselves saviors is gone. Evident by the near emptiness of the recently burgeoning campground.

"Remember to stay close, my darlings," the queen reminds her children, citrine gaze sweeping across the trio who toe the invisible line she has drawn in the sand, eyeing discarded feathers and bits of reeds the older kittens grew tired of playing with. Curiosity blooms beneath infant paws and she sees how they long to follow after and copy the older kits. Not yet, little ones. They are still too small, too young to keep up with their den mates. Robinheart knows within the next moon that will all change. They'll be able to try fresh kill and learn to play and begin asking countless questions with their newfound words. She's not ready for that, even if the thought of them growing up equally warms and shatters her heart.

Robinheart isn't ready for the day where they won't need her. Where she won't be present for every milestone and able to recount them to heavenward mate like she does now.

A distraught squeal draws her from her thoughts and the queen looks to her children. She notices Rivuletkit fussing and wailing over a feather that her siblings had stolen from her, the duo proudly squirreling their stolen prize back towards the nursery. She supposes this is just the beginning of the teasing and quarrels her kits will engage in. "Hey now, your sister was playing with th-"

The air is pierced with a thunderous bay. A hound seemingly separated from its master in the chaos of days prior. Heavy paws churn loam and mud as apocalyptic beast bursts through sedge and reeds, heading straight towards its target. Predatory gaze is fixated upon prey of white and grey; a creature crying as if injured and awakening instinct within the hound.

It all happens in the blink of an eye. Protective maternal instinct floods the tortoiseshell and Robinheart is to her paws in an instant. Her heart, lodged firmly in her throat, is racing faster than her scrambling dash as she moves to intercept the blur of blacks and browns intent on snatching her crying daughter.

The hound is quick but a mother is quicker.

Like a shield she slides in front of Rivuletkit, her shoulder colliding harshly with her daughter to send her tumbling away from the beast. Blinding flashes of white (Rivuletkit's sunlit pelt? The hound's teeth?) are all the queen sees for a millisecond before she is raised skyward. NO?! No no no! A yowl escapes her parted jaws as the hound grabs her in its. She thrashes and swipes with unsheathed claws in an attempt to escape. Crushing pressure vices around her, the predator not willing to part from its new prey. A loud CRACK erupts from her hind leg where it could no longer withstand the pressure and Robinheart howls in agony.

Panic floods her senses, adrenaline coursing through her veins in an attempt to dull white hot pain. The canine's maw is slick with her blood where teeth had pierced her flesh. Her movements become erratic. She has to get free. She has to live. She has to protect her kits - Brookstorm's kits!

She twists and razor sharp claws find purchase in thinly protected eye. A pained bay escapes the half blinded hound, whose grasp loosens rather than tightens. Perhaps an untrained beast would have clamped down harder and shook their prey to tear and dispatch. Perhaps it is luck or the grace of StarClan that this hound, cloaked in bright orange collar, knows not to destroy that which it has been trained to hunt. Robinheart does not consider it as she unceremoniously drops to the ground in a heap, biting back another pained scream from the impact.

No sooner does she touch the ground that she heaves herself to her paws, crying at the buckling of bloodied hind leg, and scrambles away from the hound. In the haze of anguish and churned dust she sees others convening upon the threat to camp, teeth bared and claws out. But where are her children? My kits?! Where are my kits?! She needs to find them. She needs to protect them.

Injuries be damned the queen will not seek refuge until she knows her children are safe.

// permission to powerplay given by rae. robin has a broken hind leg and some puncture wounds. she's currently a few tail lengths away looking for her kits. anyone is free to have herded them to safety and everyone is free to chase off the hound
it’s a bingo eligible thread so have a sailfin!

[ penned by kerms ]
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The intricate concept of days and nights mean every little to the moon-old kitten. The details do not matter just so long as when her eyes are open and its bright out, her mother lets her play in the sun. She's learned how to more easily place one paw in front of the next, now, without falling face first with each attempt. And playing with toys is so much more fun now that her siblings can grab and steal them from her...! Okay, well, that's actually not fun at all. Rivuletkit makes that very clear, with a long, drawn out, "Maaaaaaaaaaaaa!" It was meant to alert Robinheart to the transgressions delt against her - however time does not care if children grow curious to it. It moves regardless, and before Rivuletkit knows it, she hears stomping, growling, a cry - and she is forcefully shoved aside.

She screams, the impact both terrifying her and hurting her. Rivuletkit rolls across the sandy ground, earning scrapes in her freshly minted skin and fur. The kitten spills in uncontrollable sobs and screams, her head bobbing up as she coughs and chokes on her own saliva. Blue tinged eyes turn back to where her mother once was - and she only catches a glimpse of the beast that certainly had done this to her. It drops her mother, her body falls nceremoniously to the ground. Robinheart tries to stand, gilded eyes frantically looking about for her trio of little ones. Rivuletkit lets out another saddened scream - Mommy, I'm here! Mommy, what happened, I'm so scared! Something isn't right, I'm hurting. Please don't leave me here - I need you! - and yet all that can be heard is snot ridden cries of, "Mama - Mawwwmama maaaama mmmamm - Maaaaamaaamaaaaaa."

Rivuletkit attempts to close the distance between herself and her mother, however her own injuries only further perpetuate her crying. She stills, willing Robinheart to come to her instead.​
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Echos of a bay erupted through the sky along with the crash of the underbrush in exposure to it's direction. The scent of dog and blood was quick to surface the air along with a yowl. Despite Petalnose already making her way over as quick as she could, there was already contact. It was evident with the smell of blood and the fur raising screams. And.. it was near the nursery.

Twolegs. These dumb creatures. Lack of control of their own pets, ones that didn't belong to the forest. Just when they all thought that was enough, it lurched upon them once more. Petalnose hoped they didn't lose someone once again. It seemed the stars were against them once more.

It was a scene she dreaded, Robin heart was between the teeth of the hound and her kits fluffed up, helpless in the situation. Petalnose darted forward to interupt Rivuletkit's steps towards her mother, "Stay back! Go hide!" She hissed, attempting to body block the kitten away from the situation. Although, seeing Robinheart weaken, she knew she couldn't worry upon herding the kit away. Hopefully.. she understood her message; That she'd handle it herself. She just prayed to the stars someone else would take that responsibilities as her specialties rested in battle.

Petalnose lunged forward, fangs piercing the neck of the dog and claws sinking within it's body to cling on. A position where the dog couldn't clasp her, it released from it's victim and snapped about to reach for the opposing cat with a whine. The felines jaws clamped harder as it attempted, a yelp slipping from it's oversized jowls. All she could see was the fur of the hound and it's frantic movements to make her it's victim instead. Soon her clanmate's would come about. But would they help her or herd the kits away? Would they herd Robinheart away if she couldn't get away?


It is with great luck that despite the fact Moonbeam had not been trained fully by her previous mentor she had had enough time alongside the warrior to know and understand what fear could bring and how to help herself work through it. Dogs were not common in the territory - not as common as they would be in WindClan at least considering the rivers would be harder to traverse than the moors for the twolegs that usually were close behind - but they were common enough in newleaf and greenleaf that queens and elders warned kits of their teeth and the damage they could do. They were used commonly as a way to get kits to behave but here recently the empty threat of dogs getting unruly kits in the night had become truth, first with Valepaw just now freshly getting over his own wounds from the dog that had grabbed him and now Robinheart who cried out in pain that caused the medicine cat to move out of her den quickly, blinking away the fear that had her frozen for a moment as the initial bay of the hound had been heard.

As clanmates surged forward helping to both fend off and distract the dog Moonbeam too would move, paws quickly skirting around those that surround the dog as she silently willed StarClan to not let her be seen by the beast before she came upon Rivuletkit and aimed to pick her up by the scruff before moving forward to press against Robinheart's side, ears pinning back as the scent of blood twice washed over the medicine cat. She saw the angle at which Robinheart's leg lie, had heard the agonized yowl from the queen from when the dog had attacked, and though she hadn't been there to see what had happened she could assume, and she knew that she could figure it out. "Come on, it's gonna hurt but we have to go." She'd speak the best she could around the kit that hang within her maw, urging the queen to move with her to the nursery. Though she'd rather she be within the medicine den now it wasn't safe to go there yet and the nursery was the closet possible thing. If any other kits were out she'd usher them with her paws, with her tail, anything she could to get all to safety that she could so that they could be protected where walls surround them instead of open air.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

// tw for graphic description!

The baying of hounds- Claythorn swore she remembered them in her sleep, it's ranking breath at her heels as she lead it away from Ospreypaw. She wasn't asleep now, not this time of day. She had been briefly aware of Robinheart taking the kits to the shore, but the screams that followed soon after was easy enough to realize that it wasn't playtime anymore. Claythorn was on Petalnose's heels as she arrived at the scene, Moonbeam not long after- swiftly, she glanced towards Moonbeam, silently afraid of losing their medicine cat, but her vision snapped back forward.

Robinheart had been discarded, Petalnose already leaping at the beast. Claythorn followed. The rising urge in her paws had her flanking the beast. She could already taste it, blood in her jaws, the scent of fear in her air. Her heart raced, the roaring in her ears blocking out the whining of the dog, of the screaming of the kits. Claythorn leapt, savage claws digging into the flank of the dog as she mirrored Petalnose's actions. Teeth sank into shoulder of the dog, and when she could, tore her head backwards to rip flesh from shoulder. She barely succeeded, the skin tearing and what little flesh she tore still just attached.

The cruel beast's head whipped towards Claythorn, and she dropped her head down it's leg as it curled it's body to chase her, her claws unhooking as she scrambled backwards. Claythorn disengaged then rushing to place herself firmly between the kits- Moonbeam, Robinheart; and the dog, snarling with bloodstained lips. "Someone help Moonbeam!" She shouted back towards camp, eyes flashing with fury. If it was her last breath, she'd stand between this dog and the rest of Riverclan, so help her. Vision was also trained on Petalnose, but she was confident the warrior could handle herself.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- She was bigger than some of the other kits now, and it felt strange… a good strange, she supposed. It’s hard to imagine being so small and fragile, how a mere couple of moons ago she could have been tipped over with a strong gust. Mama says Robinheart’s kits can’t keep up with the kind of games Pinekit prefers to play, and while it made sense, it also made the younger kittens slightly inferior, they had no use to her if they couldn’t roughhouse. From one pool of sunlight to another, Pinekit hops, waiting for something to happen- to be approached or called somewhere, for someone to need her presence.
Shrieks split the smogged air before that happens, they are chilling at first, but Pinekit is quick to bound in the wailings direction, head swiveling as she keeps an eye out for her patch-furred mother.
The scene she barely catches a glimpse of still stretches sunshine optics wide, jaw going partially slack as dilating pupils click onto slobber-dripping jowls and beady, horrendous chocolate hues. Unfortunately for Pinekit’s curiosity, she was still much too small for anyone to let her stay. In Moonbeams hurry, she is whisked away alongside Rivuletkit and an injured Robinheart, both of whom now reeked of hound.
Oh, what she would have done to watch that fight, saw how real warriors sprung into combat. Rivuletkit got to see more than she could’ve, and with a slight furrow of her brow, Pinekit doubts the younger kitten even appreciated her first-hand seat. “Where’d it come from?” Pinekit would prompt when they would reach safety, eyes still blown wide with adrenaline.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 4 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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there is something in the meadowlands.

saccharine eyes stare, unblinking into the quivering of cattail and bayswept reed from her spot just aside the medicine den. there was something in the meadowlands, the thinks — the sun ruffles lilac curled fur bristled gently in nervous impatience. there was something.. there was something. lost in the chaos of days prior, though, shellpaw seemed to believe there was something there often. suspicion eats at rabbitveined heart, ticks it quicker, heaves thick wheezes of breath around the permablock in ever - dewy nostrils.. it couldn’t be helped. riverpaw was gone, not found amongst the steely crates and cages swallowed by those strange - shaped monsters twolegs seemed to love.

the water was quiet today, no babbling in the frothy brooks nor over it in the willowy canopies above — only the thin, gentle silence of greenleaf.

rivuletkit cries somewhere in the short distance behind her, inclining bone - tipped ears forward and drawing away from the quivering reeds in time to see robinheart sway near to console her. tired eyes soften, lifting up on fishbone pale limbs to approach and offer one of the scales lodged delicately in her fur as a replacement when their brief peace shatters. there is a sudden thundering of paws from behind, just over her pale - ribboned back. her skull whirls, ears pinning slick to her head just in time to see thundering paws lift over the familiar spray of cattail — and her. it is a massive thing, all thick hanging skin and drooping eyes, ears downturned and flying back with the force of its leap. it’s bay is deafening, all - encompassing ; she has to air to shriek, no willpower to move or make a sound when the creature bypasses her and heads straight for.. straight for robinheart and rivuletkit.

shellpaw shuffles backwards, breath catching in her chest and rioting a panicked wheeze up her throat. large, thundering paws head straight for a mother and her kit, brookstorm’s kit, young and soft - coated with kitten tufts still. she watches, bypassed entirely and unable to shove herself forward to — to do what? her nose whistles with panicked hyperventilation, wide eyes brimming with tears, claws outstretched, thornlike, useless. she cannot watch when the dog finally snaps it’s head down, somehow managing to screw her eyes closed to keep the vision of rivuletkit’s life coming to a brutal, bloodridden end. as expected, there is a crunch. there is a shriek.

it’s not rivuletkit.

shellpaw opens her eyes, whiskers pulled back in fear she’s never felt. robinheart is flailing, caught like that rabbit had been on mosspool’s patrol — leg awkwardly bent, paws scrabbling to pull herself aside, prettily mottled tortoiseshell fur shredded to pulpy bits of too - red viscera. drool collects at the corner of her mouth, snot pooling from her nose, her eyes running wet and red. claythorn and petalnose act as if on instinct, rushing in to save the shattered day and shellpaw can’t do anything, she can’t do.. moonbeam darts in, alabaster shadow towards her children brookstorm’s wailing kits. unharmed. relief floods her marrow, shortlived and sparking. slowly, the apprentice finds her footing. shaking, trembling, she finds her footing.

darting around the wailing hound shellpaw aims to duck alongside robinheart’s injured side — heat radiates from strawberry gashes, pressing into frostbleached fur and staining it berry bright when she attempts to hoist herself semi - under the queen and take some of her weight. moonbeam says it, it will hurt, and shellpaw knows it does ; the awkward but of broken bone pressed sharp and jagged into her flank but the molly only hoists herself firmer to steady her enough to use her uninjured limbs unimpaired, ” so sorry. soo sorry! she’ll cry too soft amongst the chaos of camp, knowing the pain erupts like wildfire from the contact — she didn’t want to hurt her, but she begins to move anyway, urging her forward and away from the raging, empty - eyed beast. apologizing for inaction, apologizing for the touch, apologizing.. and its all shellpaw can do, waste of claws that she seemed to be, ” lean — lean on me, let’s go

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

In her youth, Splashpaw had heard plenty about predators. Bears that swarmed the marshlands to the rare fox or two that would pick through on occasion, she was all but accustomed to the nursery tales and dangers they produced, but never has she witnessed one personally. She knows it inevitable; being a Clan cat means dedicating one's life to their Clan (funny that she abandoned her first,) even in the face of danger, like a bloodthirsty badger or a swooping hawk. Cats have to be prepared to risk their lives for the sake of others...

Yet knowing that does not make it real, in the end - knowing that her blood could spill, that anyone's blood could spill... does not soften the fear of when reality makes true on the promises.

The barking, the stomping, it all becomes white noise as Splashpaw and many others are seated front row to watch the bravery of a mother. She cannot help but envision her mother, facing off against a fox mere minutes before she and her siblings were born. She sees the black tabby pelt of someone she never knew - the Claythorn or Petalnose of her story - sacrificing themselves for the life of another. She sees eyes like hers. Happiness that fades into clouded lenses and -

Before she knows it, she too is rushing forward. Cowardice is skin deep but motivation and familiarity control her strides. Her skills in battle are barebones yet she still dives for the flesh of the hound's legs, slapping unsheathed claws against it several times over but rearing back whenever it swings towards her. Three of them should be enough - to scare the beast away will be a feat of its own, making due on a promise she's never meant to keep. Splashpaw bares her teeth, a snarl unknown to her trilling from her lips as she dives to then sink her teeth into its ankle.
Shrills, screams, a thundering howl, and the scent of blood.

A sight of a loose canine in their camp shakes her to her core as the beast charges for Rivuletkit and she rushes forward from the opposite side of camp. Everything happens too fast for her too process and she screams out as a loud crack can be heard, “ROBINHEART!” Her heart races at a thousand— no, the beats have no count or pace. She can't hear anything outside the roaring of blood filling her ear, and the entire world had became a blur of sound and vision.

This had be a dream, surely. There was no way a dog could get into camp? She had just returned home and reunited with her family, the horror of her capture made it hard to pass the day but she was improving. Troutsnout was finally falling into place with her normal once more and now— it was all gone in a split moment. Her eyesight is blurry and she feels something strange in her heart such as when she first saw Midnightpaw torment and torture an mother protecting its nest.

A mother dies protecting her family.

A father dies protecting his family.

Robinheart dies protecting her family.

This wouldn't happen if she wasn't like how she was. Oh, how disgusting she was. If she was useful and didn't get captured, she would've been doing patrols constantly and would've distracted a dog before it came close to camp. Her father died for her sins. Robinheart would die for her sins. How useless were you, Troutsnout? You allowed your mother to die because you rather be hurt instead of letting others be hurt. Your father died because you were too weak and useless to protect him while he got killed by the rogues.


Your best friend would die for your mistakes. Robinheart would die from losing blood because you didn't go stay by her side. Who was next? Who would die next? You already failed Riverclan by not being able to find Smokestar because you were sick. What was the use? How much more guilt would she carry because of her sins? You couldn't save anyone. A whisper would state in the back of her mind as the warrior stares at the battered body of her best friend— she's dead. You failed your best friend, the woman you called your sister and grew up with.

She failed her mother, her father, Riverclan, and now Robinheart.

A figure pushes by her causing her to blink as Shellpaw assists Moonbeam and her paws shake in fear and disgust at herself. I'm disgusting. I don't deserve to be happy. A voice would coo to her as she attempts to assist Moonbeam and Shellpaw, an emotionless expression on her face. What was going in her head? Why did she seem so calm? Who else will die because of you, Troutsnout? It taunts as she bites her lip roughly, quickly breaking the skin as blood drips down her lip.

Her head swirled and she felt so different, she wanted to destroy the beast that hurt her best friend. She wanted to watch it bleed out on the bay for ever stepping its disgusting paws on their home, for ever thinking of coming close to Rivuletkit, Algaekit, Redkit, and Robinheart. Would it be so bad if everything was to just be destroyed if it meant everyone she loved was safe?

Algaekit wobbled out of the nursery with uncertain feet, like a neap tide that ebbed just along the frays of the shores, reluctant yet nipping along the edges of what it knew anyhow. Although the earth did not sway beyond her feet, it was he that faltered to match the stability of the world around her. She had been gaining confidence in her gait, step by step, just as water learned to still itself. Ivory whites bathed within the golden light of day, as fleet as water flowing through the rivers of her home, as tried and true as the ichor that ran through the veins of the territory. At the cusp of greenleaf, the sun smiled heartily at Starclan's most gifted children. Brilliant blue gaze, soon to turn a shimmering aureate, pooled along what little she could glean from his distance from the ground. Remember to stay close, my darlings. His mother's voice rang loud through the noise whistling through newfound hearing, almost like a salty taste that persisted at the back of her tongue, overpowering amongst the tangles of noise and conversation within the camp that was her world. Curled ears twitched in curiosity. The words around her seemed hard to parse right now, but if she really focused, he could glean the meaning through the mire...

Pinprick teeth grabbed onto a stray feather, pulling it away from Rivuletkit with all the strength her tiny body could muster, with sharp edges boring into the rather delicate thing as though it were soft skin she aimed to pierce. She was still growing used to how hard she must bite onto things, how soft she must handle her siblings, and how middling he must be in order to pluck the meat from her prey. The barbs of the feather tickled the roof of her mouth, causing a snort to roll from her nose.

Before he knew it, chaos had overtaken the idyll, like a brash pell-mell thrashing through her preconceived notion. The world had suddenly become so fast, so much so that he could hardly make bodies from bracken and cats from cattails. Where had her mother gone? Where had his siblings gone? "Mama!" Algaekit squealed as rushing limbs knocked her into a clump of reeds, though the shadows had concealed her from the gnashing maw of the ravenous hound, as though the gloom had sewn itself into freckled and fragile bird-bone body. She curled up, hummingbird heart threatening to burst from her chest and spill onto the cold earth. "Maaaaa!" She continued to cry out.

( ) it happens in two heartbeats. the shattering of the peace, the traumatizing of these fresh lives begun at their first venture out of the nursery. how fucking fantastic. willowroot crouches beside the nursery's entrance, watching as robinheart shepherds her little ones into the sunlight like a gaggle of duckings. their heads swivel every which way, eyes flicking around towards everything, little noses twitching with scents. it's an adorable sight, and one willowroot has experienced twice over. brookstorm will never see it, but robinheart is. the smoke vows that robinheart will never miss a milestone like this if they can help it. the babies toddle over to a stray feather, one rivuletkit approaches first and seems enamored with. her siblings snatch the plume from her grasp and a great sob builds in rivulet's throat. laughter bubbles in willowroot's own, and she watches robinheart turn to address it, when quiet explodes into noise.

a great monster of a creature bursts through riverclan's walls, baying with tremendous lungs. enormous teeth drip slobbering drool, the entire scene a terrifying painting of trauma to come. willowroot isn't fast enough, but robinheart is. the young queen slams into the dog with the ferocity of a pride of lions, intent on defending the creations of her blood and tears. chaos breaks onto riverclan's camp in seconds- first robinheart is dropped from the slavering jaws of the hound, crimson soaking the dusty ground. moonbeam darts out to snatch rivuletkit up, shellpaw behind her to support the injured queen to safety. petalnose, claythorn, and splashpaw throw themselves at the dog, ferocious cries at their throats, driving it back with swipes and the tearing of skin. willowroot for their part, doesn't freeze. she's done with freezing.

dexterous paws dart into the fray, verdant eyes scanning for the pale dappled pelt of algaekit, the striped tabby fur of redkit. cries echo from beneath a bundle of bracken, where the two tremble, screaming for their mother. willowroot doesn't stop to talk, rather scoops up the two with deft jaws, darting away and towards where moonbeam has corralled the others. the dog looks about defeated as they glance back, but adrenaline pumps through their veins. they bring the two uninjured babies to safety, pausing only briefly to insure neither are hurt before they dash away again, joining their clanmates at hurling themselves at the dog. it howls in pain and misery, more crimson dripping from it, and willowroot feels satisfaction in sinking their claws into the frothy fur of the thing.

  • // finding @ALGAEKIT and @Redkit "#91A26C"
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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

The grand delusion that such peace and quiet would be the result continued in its cycle. Like clockwork, the world fell on their shoulders with the weight of the stars and in ceremonious effort hoisted the balance once again. The calm was temporary, soon enough chaos would continue to reign but this time Hazecloud was wholly prepared. She would not think herself so confidently capable to avoid every curve of danger, and do more to prepare her own kits for the same.

The queen would like to believe that with most of everyone's return that they would have at least a few days to recuperate from their losses, but things did not always go as she wished. The sound alone caused her to freeze, the same it had when Pinekit had spotted the same beasts. This one shared the same hollow dirge as the thudding, beating paws from the hounds on the journey.

It all happened slowly before her. Blood rushed to her ears, her pulse hammered away beneath her skin but nothing within her body would allow her to move. Robinheart dove to shield Rivuletkit, warriors leapt to fend the slobber-jawed dog away from the young queen. Hazecloud was still, stunned into a fearful statue as she inwardly spiraled. I'm next, I'm next- I never escaped!


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.