- Sep 11, 2024
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THEIR STORY: (cw for elements of misogyny (NOT SA), emotional abuse, and death. if any of these topics trigger you, and/or if emotional abuse is a topic you would prefer not to actively touch on in roleplay, do not apply to this adopt. i will be very understanding about rehome requests for those who overestimate their mileage.)
In hindsight, Reedfang knows he shouldn't have pushed his luck. In his youth, he was handsome and charismatic, exaggerating tales of former hunts at a Gathering, and Frostbreath was the pretty, glittering thing that caught his eye one night. But he was going to be the greatest warrior RiverClan had ever seen, maybe even deputy one day, while Frostbreath clung to the fringes of SkyClan. It was never going to work, but Reedfang was spoiled and foolish. He courted her in secret, and what's a girl to do when a tom like him showers gifts and compliments on someone like her? It was a swift, mutual infatuation, and ultimately a mistake, something neither of them thought to consider until Frostbreath fell pregnant.
Reedfang was going to be the greatest warrior RiverClan had ever seen, and no kit of his was going to be raised any differently. He demanded that Frostbreath hand over the kits to him when they were born, his sweet flattering turned to intimidation at the drop of a whisker. Too nervous to say no, Frostbreath agreed. Reedfang determined that he would take his childhood friend, Herondive, as his official mate, selecting her for her resemblance to Frostbreath to hide the evidence of his foolishness once the kits arrived. She kept his secret out of a misguided sense of loyalty to him, though she resented him for it.
Hemlockkit and his siblings knew from the moment their eyes opened that something about them was wrong. Reedfang and Herondive made that abundantly clear in the cold way they treated their kits in private. In public, it was all fawning smiles and pride, but the moment the Clan turned away, the siblings were nothing again. They were told of their true parentage as soon as they were old enough to understand the need for secrecy, carefully omitting their real mother's name, and their father wove tales of exile in deadly lands to frighten them into compliance. Their apprenticeships were micromanaged, with Reedfang placing the weight of his own unfulfilled future on their backs and pressing down. By the time their final assessments approached, the siblings were worn thin and struggling to not show it at risk of displeasing their father.
Nothing stays whole under such strain forever. Something had to give, and it did. Swept out of camp by his father, Hemlockpaw was taken for a walk near the gorge to be berated for a middling performance in training, and some part of him decided he'd had enough. His paws were lashing outward, catching Reedfang by surprise and shoving him into the gorge, before his brain could catch up with his decision. As he gazed down at the waters his father had disappeared into, he realized he felt eerily calm. The panic came later, of course, when he finally realized the enormity of his situation, but he came up with a lie to explain his father's absence and returned to camp. His reaction, when Reedfang's disappearance became known, was appropriately anguished. Hiding his pain had turned him into a skilled actor.
So far, no one has discovered what really happened. Herondive suspects, but without any evidence and unable to accuse without risking her public image as his doting mother, she keeps silent. And perhaps she fears the same thing happening to her; after all, Hemlockshine has begun to display his father's thirst for battle with none of the fire, a chillier bloodthirst befitting of his true mother's name, as if Frostbreath's pain had passed down to her son and turned him cold.
Frostbreath is a longhaired blue-silver rosette tabby with low white and vivid blue eyes. She is 34 moons old. She no longer attends Gatherings to avoid being seen near one of her kits, afraid that someone will notice the resemblance. In her youth she was a shy outcast in SkyClan, easily charmed by Reedfang's advances, but in the moons after he turned on her and forced her to give up their kits to him, she sought the comfort of her Clan, who think that she birthed a stillborn litter. She's moved on with her life and has become a hard-working warrior of SkyClan. As she tries not to attend Gatherings any longer, she doesn't yet know what Reedfang is dead. She doesn't even know her kits' names. Maybe one day, she'll happen to meet one of them, but would she even recognize them as her own? Her backstory besides what has already been outlined is up to whoever is chosen.
Herondive is a silver ticked tabby with low white and light blue eyes. She is 36 moons old. A close childhood friend of Reedfang's, she reluctantly agreed to pretend to be the mother of his kits and keep his secret. She regrets it now, even more so after his death and her fear that Hemlockshine will kill her next, but speaking out now would ruin her. She's aided and abetted in a crime for a tom that only cared about how he could use her, and she's suffering for it. Only the stars can say if this suffering is deserved or not, but nothing changes the fact that she is as much a victim of Reedfang's manipulation as Frostbreath and their kits. Her backstory besides what has already been outlined is up to whoever is chosen.
— Frostbreath - vayle
— Herondive - open
— Duckweedsplash - kitty-kat-
— Ripplecreek - TragicallyTrans
— please heed the content warnings! as stated above, if you overestimate your ability to roleplay these topics, i will be more than happy to rehome your character. please do not kill them off without checking with me! if you have an interesting plot to kill them off, i will consider it instead of a rehome.
— for the siblings: hemlockshine is already a toxic family member. he took charge of his two siblings as the first born in place of their father, and has been an overbearing influence in their lives. he claims he's doing it to keep herondive from filling up their heads with more pain and self-doubt, but his true reasoning may not be so caring... if a sibling were to begin to suspect hemlockshine of being behind reedfang's disappearance and question him about it, the toxicity of his treatment of them would only deepen as he manipulates them into keeping quiet. keep in mind that i don't particularly want the clan to discover the truth any time soon, i would like plenty of time to flesh out hemlockshine as the horrible little male manipulator that he is. if you would prefer not to roleplay the manipulation semi-frequently, i'd encourage you not to take this plot!
— for frostbreath: right now frostbreath is sort of a blank slate aside from her past shyness, so i'm gonna see what our applicants think! give her a backstory in your app, decide if she's gonna meet her kits or not. is she gonna move on and meet someone new? will her past mistakes continue to haunt her? how imperfect and messy of a victim is she? does she get a happy ending? her world is your oyster! just remember to play her sensitively!
— for herondive: herondive might be difficult to play sensitively, so she is not for the faint of heart! i'm looking for a roleplayer well-versed in roleplaying deeply imperfect victims for this character, as she very much is one. reedfang manipulated and deeply hurt both of the women in his life, reducing them both to objects: frostbreath was his trophy and herondive was his tool. jealousy makes it hard for her to reconcile their similar situations, but perhaps you want them to finally connect. perhaps you want herondive to continue bitterly resenting her. give her a backstory with reedfang in your app, decide how her life is going to play out from here!
— as of 9/30, this is now first come first serve!
— the starting age for the siblings will be 21 moons, and they will age one moon on the first of every month. the starting ages for frostbreath and herondive are 34 moons and 36 moons respectively, and they too will age one moon on the first of every month.
— these character come with a quota of a minimum of 5 posts a month. I reserve the right to rehome after two months of not meeting this quota.
— the siblings will have a complicated relationship with herondive and hemlockshine, though they wouldn't publicly hate herondive at risk of revealing their parentage, nor would she publicly hate them. as for hemlockshine, they would be close with him despite his overbearing attitude.
— hemlockshine will pretend to mourn reedfang, but there's nothing saying your character's mourning isn't genuine!
Sire: SH chocolate w/curled ears (masking rosette tabby; carrying longhair, dilute, normal ears)
Dam: LH blue silver rosette tabby w/ low white (carrying chocolate, non-silver, solid)
- Kits can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, lilac tabby, black smoke, chocolate smoke, blue smoke, lilac smoke, silver tabby, chocolate silver tabby, blue silver tabby, or lilac silver tabby
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- tabbies will display rosette pattern; solids will mask rosette
- kits can have curled or normal ears
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies will carry solid; curled ear kits will carry normal ears
— no names that could tie them to SkyClan
— Reedfang would want to name them more in his image than Herondive's, though as their "mother" he would allow her naming rights to one of them. The kit named by Reedfang would have a riverside, wetland or aquatic plant name - Cypress, Cress, Sedge, etc. The kit named by Herondive would have a typical RiverClan name - Trout, Perch, Salmon, Ripple, Drizzle, etc.
— suffixes are free-for-all
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