camp HER LOOMING SHADOW [🔆] Eclipse

❝ SO GIVE ME COFFEE AND TV ————————————

Snoring away and snuggled up cozily in a vacant nest was the little bundle of chocolate and stripes in question. Coffeekit had deemed it a great idea to make an attempt at staying up most of the previous night. Now he was paying for it after his sluggish trek to Skyclan leaving him exhausted. Once they had arrived the tiny tom had resigned to crashing in the nursery while his sister played with the other kits.

All was well as little paws kicked out as he dreamed of chasing a mouse. Where he was as big as a boulder and as strong as a badger. Except screams dissipated the vivid imagery and tired greens slowly opened. Heavy with tiredness and confusion. When the kit finally blinked away the last remnants of sleep his pupils widened. It's night time? Did they forget me here?

Then the screams of his dreams registered as reality and his heart began to race with adrenaline. Looking around the nursery it was eerily void as cats rushed out into the clearing. Something's wrong... Where's mama? Where's Sangriakit and Figfeather? Springing to his paws he squeezed out from the entrance and stepped into the chaos of cats running every which way and some staring slack-jawed at the sky.

Following the looks skyward the brown kitten gasped audibly in as he perceived an inky black hole ringed in red sitting in the sky with a menacing aura. Before he can do much as voice his own terror Sorrelsong practically shoves him back into the confines of the nursery. Coffeekit 's pelt spikes and his voice rises high. "M-mama! Where are you!" He can't hardly think straight as more and more cats rush inside.

His chest heaves with nerves but Coffeekit is determined to find his kin. Squeezing himself close to the wall nearest to the entryway of the nursery. Once a familiar bright pelt enters with Sangriakit in tow his heart squeezes with relief. "Figfeather!" The kit exclaims and he races to her side. Cowering at the warrior's paws as uncertainty clouds the air.

Coffeekit wasn't used to being so petrified, he was meant to be the bravest, but how could he when even the biggest and strongest Skyclanners looked just as scared.
[penned by tasmagoric]

Devastation is upon them all. The sun, as Figfeather exclaims, has a hole in it; the light has been snuffed from the world. Fluffykit had been watching Candorkit, Lionkit, and her cousins play when the darkness had fallen onto camp. Her fur puffs out comically, her eyes round as an owl's. “M-Mama! Mama, where are you?"

Tears begin to stab at the corners of her eyes; while other cats begin to run for cover under Orangestar's orders, Fluffykit feels frozen in place. She cowers, putting her paws over her eyes, and trembles beneath the shadowy circle the sun had become. “Someone help!" She cries, her voice warbling into a sob. She can hear Coffeekit and Sangriakit running for Figfeather—and she hears Candorkit exclaim that this is the work of Blazestar.

If it is, she doesn't like Blazestar anymore. She doesn't know if she can like StarClan at all after this.

  • ooc: —
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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

The wails of kittens fill the camp, underscored by a myriad of growls, moans, and curses, as the sky blackens and the sun winks out. "What the..." The inside of Cherrypaw's skull stands still in the midst of the grim cacophony, a recurrent, resounding notion of "why now?" She was so close. She had passed her assessment, fought the rogues, survived the eagle, walked the mountains—all to end up dead before even hearing her warrior name? At least she'd be dead along with everyone else. Maybe they'd hold warrior ceremonies in StarClan, just for this special occassion.

Maybe StarClan didn't want her to be a warrior? Maybe it was the ultimate form of sacriledge to ask for one's own name, when it was ultimately the leader's choice, the one who StarClan communed through. Surely she wasn't important enough to garner that kind of attention, yet some small part hoped she was, even though she'd loathe to be the cause of more cats dying. Really, it was difficult to think of anything but death as camp melted around her.

Her heart pulses in her throat, and she stares blankly into the sky, slack-jawed but bristling. "Lupinepaw!" she croaks. "Edenpaw!" Near the apprentice den, she spies Owlpaw leading Orchidpaw to safety, just as their mother ordered. "Glimmerpaw! Eggpaw!" Oh, she hoped Eggpaw wouldn't be stupid; she doesn't know how he'd be stupid or if stupidity guaranteed something would go wrong, but it was better to be smart about this. What "smart" was in this situation, she couldn't quite say. In this moment, she misses her father again.​
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Huh....

They think at first maybe it is just a particularly stubborn cloud that blots out the sun... the land runs dry of all its vibrancy and color so quickly one could blink and mistake it for hours having passed. They stare somewhere between the here and the there, brows knitting themselves together into a tapestry of confusion when cries of Blazestar light off from the crowd like crazed fireworks. It's wishful thinking, the black-striped cat admits, scouring the suddenly starry sky for his face. Orangestar or Dawnglare, even Fireflypaw, would've known if that was it... and instead the peach-cream leader tells them to retreat towards shelter.

Their ears swivel at the autumnal call of their partner- a rasping thing that betrays Cherrypaw's nervousness but.... there is a swirl of cinnamon and milk looking so stupefied and afraid, they struggle to choose which direction to crawl to. Spicepaw's so new here.. and so nervous, they can't dare abandon her when their girlfriend's support structure is so much more widely spread. "Spicy, this way," they call, brushing up against the normally hat-adorned girl with a reassuring smile. They can at least direct her towards the rest of the apprentices, reunite with a group of their friends and wait out this... weirdness. Whatever it was.

They're quick to press her to her paws, urge her stubbornly to move so she might not be frozen here under the blackened sun. "We're comin' Chers!"

They don't waste time thinking about what this could mean... what bad energy it may be signal to. Twitchbolt frets about it so openly they can't help but feel guilty for not having more paws to spread thin amongst all their friends to stifle their fears. StarClan, if they really were the merciful, powerful beings these cats claimed they were, would not hurt them now in their moment of recovery. Not after all the bad they'd been willing to overlook and let them suffer through, right?​

✧ . Taking a needed break before his own patrol’s supposed to head out by lounging beneath a pine tree’s shade, Greeneyes hears his sister before he sees her. A quip about how well her own group has done, a competitive air in the sentence that follows. He smiles, head tilting toward the sound of her voice.

“ Oh, I doubt it won’t be too — “ Eyes open to sentence-stopping darkness as he speaks, a world without color set before him. What..? His chest constricts, malachite eyes darting toward the source of night’s shadow, his sister’s words finding him again as he casts his eyes upon it. There’s a hole in the sun.

And there should never be a hole in the sun.

The lead warrior jumps to his paws, eyes wide with fright as the camp devolves into chaos, as Orangestar calls for everyone to retreat to their dens. Would they be safe there, tucked away from whatever’s attacked the sun?

“ Figgy? “ he calls after first, for its her whose voice he’d heard first, before hears Sangriakit and Coffeekit, frightened all the same. They’ve found her, so he searches for three, and when he finds golden-fur dimmed in darkness, two forms following after her toward the cover of the nursery, he finds an ounce of relief in the catastrophe they find themselves in.

And then another voice, a cry nearby. Someone help. Familiar splotches of brown and cream cowers, hunkered down in fright as she calls for her mother. And though he’s not Butterflytuft, Greeneyes moves, a hooked tail brushing over his kin so she’s aware he’s near.

“ I-I’m here, “ the tom offers to his niece, voice wavering in his own fright as he tries to usher her forward, “ Let’s go to the nursery, cariño, okay? Your mother shouldn’t be far off — “ He doesn’t know where she is, where the rest of his kin is either, but Butterflytuft never strays too far from the nursery, from her kits, right? She should be close, should be safe too, hopefully. ​
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    GREENEYES ✦ AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri ‣ @_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
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