[ god i am SO sorry i'm this late, @RUST i'll try and do some back and forths today but honestly just kill em whenever you want! local ex-kittypet tries to be mean but doesn't know how to insult anyone ]

The marsh? The marsh? Was it worth anything to them, was it worth this? Their heart is pounding in their throat and their paws feel stuck to the ground. Already there is death in the air. And it comes for them quickly. Lark tries to scramble away from the hammering of Rust's paws but can't seem to move quick enough. One tumbling touch then another, and both sets of claws have dug into their fur. "Get– get away from here!" they yell, hoping for intimidating but barely even reaching pathetic. Lark twists in Rust's grasp, trying to forcefully free themselves despite the pain that comes with struggling against curved claws, the shifting of Rust's claws and their own head leading the touch to one of their ears. Soft skin tears like it's nothing, a pain even sharper than the one in their scruff drawing a yowl from Lark.

"You're cowards," Lark shouts, "you're all just cowards!" They twist their head to try and sink teeth deep within Rust's foreleg, the only thought in their mind that they want someone else to suffer the pain that they were.
  • Love
Reactions: RUST

Lark's yell was far from intimidating to Rusty, in fact? It only further enraged him. Get away from here, they had yelled... He was not about to have a Pine cat tell him what to do, tell him to leave his home just so they could claim it for themselves! Lark manages to twist and pull away from his sharp grasp, but Rust could tell his attack even if it hadn't been long-going had made a mark.

"A coward I am not!" He practically spits in the other's face as he braces for an attack, despite his efforts though teeth sink into a ruddy forehead, causing a somehow monotone yelp of pain to erupt from the older tom-cat. "Damn you!" Going for the first thing in sight, Rust leans down and attempts to sink his fangs right into Lark's neck, his fury blinded him from rational or careful thought. He was in pain, he was furious, intentional or otherwise he would fight dirty. Eyes, ears, and the easily deadly target, the neck, were all fair game in the midst of his anger.

He's willing to kill, but not yet... Only that he fails to realize how much pressure he's giving into his bite.

//NO WORRIES!! I left it open ended on whether or not Rust kills them this post! They totally r free to escape or entirely avoid that attack if we want a few more posts <3

[ cw for blood and fatal injuries, though lark hasn't officially passed yet :c interacting with @RUST but no combat! ]

Lark had made a promise, what felt like an eternity ago– no matter what happens, I'll follow this through. Living in this forest, carving a home from this terrifying unknown. It was because everyone they met was worth it. The fear, the uncertainty, the hard work and empty bellies. This place was worth it, their future was worth it. And so, quietly, the younger cat had sworn that no matter what was ahead of them, this was gonna be worth it, and they weren't going to run away. So even when Rust scares the living hell out of them, they're not going to back away from this. Even with teeth sinking into their throat, Lark doesn't regret this battle. But they're young, without experience, and that, in the end, is likely their downfall.

The tabby wrenches away from Rust's grasp, leaving fur and flesh in the older tom's mouth. The sear of pain is blunted by adrenaline, but there's nothing to hide the fact that they had messed up. Lark's mismatched eyes widen at the realization, meeting Rust's gaze with growing panic as blood slicks down the fur along their throat and their legs begin to buckle. Their mouth opens, though what they intended to say seems unable to get past the wound.

In the end, at least, wasn't this what they had promised? No matter what.
  • Sad
Reactions: AVA
Blood splatters across her pelt, and she flinches. She hates the way that flesh tears beneath her claws, how the copper taste of blood fills her mouth as she sinks teeth into delicate skin.

Dawn snarls that they are the ones responsible for this. Gorse's hackles rise, regarding him with an incredulous glare. "Us?! You-" Her hiss is cut short as claws flash in front of her face. Gorse jumps back, but she's a heartbeat too late. The claws rake across her nose. She grits her teeth against the sting of the fresh cuts.

"Rain is far more honorable than your snake of a leader," Gorse retorts, her narrowed eyes flashing. How dare these marsh rats attack them, kill them, and claim that Rain is to blame? The cameo she-cat lunges towards Dawn once more. She rears up onto her hind legs and aims to bring all of her weight down onto the golden tom's skull. It's a risky move to expose her underbelly, but if she's quick enough, she hopes that this move would stun him for a couple of heartbeats.

[ attacking @Dawn ]
— His vision is blurred. The adrenaline pumping through his veins blur the lines of what’s wrong and what’s right. The molly underneath him dribbles pathetically, a sliver of crimsom spattering at her maw. Her eyes seemed to dull, the light of bright carotene fading into something dim.

His body trembles with the breath he legs out, long and deep. One less cat for Rain to deal with. One less cat threatening their home. Good. His stomach twists.

Once can’t help but stare at her for a moment. The incessant wails of her friend are like static in his ears. Wailing, growing louder—

And a weight slams into him, pins him to the ground. He chokes at a sharp breath, weazes as he connects with the ground. The air is forced out of his lungs, and he writhes. Writhes against the pin-pricks sinking into his shoulders; stutters a groan as those pin-pricks turn into sharp pain; falls silent as teeth clamp around his throat.

The anger inside him quells suddenly, then. It cuts off, abrupt. Leaves him empty. It only makes it that much easier to feel the churning in his stomach. Nothing is there. Nothing but the vague discomfort. Ichor stains his fur red. His eyes turn dull.

[ dead to @FLICKER ]

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Seemingly satisfied with the good catch of her nose, Dawn lashed his tail back and forth in agitation. Of course they were to blame! If they hadn't just upped and come to the forest, started stealing prey from them, then none of this would be happening! If Rain could've talked like a normal cat then blood wouldn't have needed to be spilled! Teeth gritted at her words and he had half a mind to cut out her tongue to prevent her from speaking ill ever again. Though instead this she-cat rose up on her hind legs with her paws ready to come down on him, to which Dawn took the chance of moving to slash her under belly with his claws.

While she did make the landing on him, Gorse landing on his back instead of his head. Knocking the wind from the golden mink tomcat with an audible crunch from his spine at the force. Though the tomcat gave no indication yet of being in pain or loosing feeling in his back right leg, he continued to push forward with a force. Aiming to rake his claws down her belly once more for good measure.
She isn't quick enough.

Gorse has overestimated her own speed; it seems that age is catching up with her after all. There's a searing pain that opens in her underbelly, followed by a sickening sticky warmth. The cameo tabby gasps. Her aim is thrown off, and she lands on the spine of the young tom. An audible crack follows. Gorse grits her teeth against the pain in her abdomen. She'll be fine. She'd send this cat off with a few scratches to remember her by, and then she'd staunch the bleeding. It couldn't be too bad, could it?

In the midst of her thinking, she loses focus. Dawn gouges deeper into her stomach with his claws, and Gorse screams. Blood coats her underside within heartbeats, a thin trail dribbling from her mouth. "You- You bastard." It's the last thing that she could manage to hiss before she collapses. Her head reels, the world spinning around her, but she aims to spit a mixture of saliva and blood directly into Dawn's face.

Her eyes grow heavier until she couldn't hold them open any longer. With a choked sigh, her head falls to the ground, glazed eyes fluttering closed.

She grows still.

[ dead!!! ]