- Feb 9, 2023
- 638
- 200
- 43
Cottonsprig wonders if she has some sort of draw to her. She must, for even the sour sort of her Clan are inclined to relax with her. Today, with the sun hanging in the air, she has somehow dragged the authority-adverse Brackenpaw into a seated position beside her. The coal-striked molly seemed none-to-eager to halt in her duties, but also rather annoyed to be instructed in them at all. An odd balancing act, that one - though it is not the medicine cat's duty to decipher the machinations of the apprentice's mindset.
A rabbit lays between them, partially eaten already. Cottonsprig has a goal with this encounter, yet after several bites and a few moments of failed small-talk... she has still yet to bring it up. The smoke-furred molly chews the remaining morsel in her maw for too long, eyebrows furrowing as she tries to put words to her emotions and wants.
"You'll be a full tunneler soon, right?" she finally speaks, her ears folding back on her head.
A rabbit lays between them, partially eaten already. Cottonsprig has a goal with this encounter, yet after several bites and a few moments of failed small-talk... she has still yet to bring it up. The smoke-furred molly chews the remaining morsel in her maw for too long, eyebrows furrowing as she tries to put words to her emotions and wants.
"You'll be a full tunneler soon, right?" she finally speaks, her ears folding back on her head.
- ooc // @Brackenpaw
♥♥♡ WOUNDS ; can confidently stop bleeding and mend lacerations. will often request that you keep your injury clean and wait it out first.
♥♥♡ INFECTION ; as a side effect of likely her own doing, very dutiful with technique and treatment shortly thereafter.
♥♡♡ ACHES & PAINS ; will defer to a dark tunnel and rest. if pain persists, maybe she will offer something.
♥♡♡ BROKEN BONES ; has never dealt with a broken bone. likely will ask that you never move. ever again.
♥♥♥ TRAVELING HERBS ; learned well from her previous mentor. will pile even too many remedies to tough the wilderness with.
♥♥♥ KITTING ; having kittens of her own and helped several others with their litters, she is very well versed with calming techniques and quelling pain.
♥♡♡ POISONS ; she knows what they are... but that isn't enough, isn't it?
♥♥♡ ILLNESS ; having worked through two yellowcough bouts, she is confident in her remedies. much else... she's operating on trial and error.
⸻ cottonsprig is a dutiful and excitable medicine cat. she enjoys company and loves conversation. she'd rather not have too many curious noses snooping around her den... but who is she to quell curiosity? -
⸻❥ cottonsprig is the primary medicine cat of windclan. a former princess to the moors, she harbors many guilts for her actions throughout her short life. she has no consistent partner, unwilling to commit and settle, and she is training celandinepaw in medicine.