history has its eyes on you &. nine lives ceremony


the journey was long and exhausting. they'd barely had the strength, given the terrible leafbare they had. but the stars have finally blessed them, and the treachery is over, until next time. they can hold onto that. they will make a conscious effort to find ways to store more food for those cold nights. they need not worry about that, right now. right now, they had to think about this. they were going to be leader now. they had their moment to relax and now they had an entire clan to take care of. more than when they were deputy.

they didn't know the way, so they followed closely behind starlingheart as they crossed through the territory. they hadn't realized how close to the territory that highstones was. maybe it's because they had no real reason to talk to the starred cats before... but now they did. they would, over and over. how agonizing. they grunted with a grit of their teeth as they pulled themself up the rocks, muzzle scrunching as rough edged stones pressed against their paw pads, but they continued. it isn't until they come to the entrance of the cave that the gravity of this settles in their stomach. they're unsure but they swallow down. they have to do this, if not for themself than for shafowclan. mothermouth swallows the onyx colored pelt and they only look back briefly at smogmaw and starlingheart with a nod of their head before they continued on.

they walk on, breath hitching in their throat for a moment as they find themself staring at the stone. they remember starlingheart's instructions on what to do, and they do just that, biting their tongue and then pressing their nose to the cold surface. they feel a jolt, and suddenly their eyes snap open. if they had any doubt of these cats existing... it was swept away in this very moment. they knew they were there before but they absolute understood now. their ears pinned back and they searched only to find many glowing cats staring at them. they... didn't say a word. they couldn't say a word.

don't screw this up. they tell themself. as if they could.

// @Blitz Krieg @Marquette @nico @chuff @beatles @ABRI @Jay

the order doesn't matter as long as pitchstar goes last !! thank yall again for offering !!!

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Reactions: nico

This feels too soon. Rain knows as well as any other StarClan cat that this had not been planned, the quickness of which the leaders seemed to fizzle out. One by one they had to stand by and watch helplessly as the cats they had bestowed multiple opportunities upon were snuffed out. He hopes that Chilledgaze is not one of the cats who would have to join their ranks soon. He hopes that they have a long leadership, that ShadowClan prospers under their paws. More importantly he hopes they do not blame them for this, though he knows many do. If their anger helped them cope then so be it.

He is the first cat to step forward, his silvery pelt dotted with star shine and his pale yellow eyes falling on the new leader. He dips his head in polite greeting. Once, they had been enemies. Different sides of the same war drawing them to different sides but in the stars, there were no borders. There was no prey to fight over. There were no grudges to be held.

"welcome Chilledgaze, to StarClans hunting grounds" with his fluffy tail he indicates the starry landscape surrounding him. "you stand before as a new leader. Tragedy has befallen your clan, for that I offer my condolences." he knows what it is like to have lost, to have loved. He does not dwell on it long though "Death is not the end, however, as I'm sure you know" no, as long as a cat had lived a good, honorable life they would join them here in the stars. "we are gathered here today to bestow upon you the nine lives granted to the leaders of the clan. With this life, I give you the power to show mercy to your enemies. It is easy to take a life, sparing one is harder. Use it to lead your clan with fairness and a level head." with those words spoken he leans forward and touches his nose to the black and white cats forehead. Chilledgaze would feel a rush of anger and then a soothing calm, the urge to kill replaced by clarity. Rain only hopes it is enough.

The deed is done and Rain steps back to rejoin the ranks of his fellow StarClanners, though his eyes never leave the new leaders ebony colored pelt. He wishes they could do more for them.

✦ ★ ✦
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Ash follows Rain, and the tiny black and white cat can't help but show the sorrow in his round golden eyes. Not so long ago, he'd given Briarstar one of her nine lives, and it has been even less time since Pitchstar had stood grief-hollowed before StarClan.

ShadowClan has suffered, and Ash's heart is heavy for them. He meets Chilledgaze's blue eyes and dips his head courteously. "Hello," he meows, tipping himself forward to gain some height. "With this life, I give you courage."

When his nose graces their's, a flood of heat will pass from his starkissed body to the new ShadowClan leader's. Powerful, fierce, the desire to protect his comrades and his home -- ending in a death that had brought him solace in the end. "You will be at the frontlines of ShadowClan now. They will look to you to make the toughest decisions and to lead them into battle when neccessary." Ash blinks up at Chilledgaze somberly. "StarClan will be with you, and them, even in these darkest of times. Lead them with all the bravery you can, knowing we walk behind and beside you."

He knows the black feline distrusts their warrior ancestors -- or perhaps simply resents them for perceived failures. Ash does not blame them, but for Chilledgaze's sake, he hopes they can resolve that bitterness soon.

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The next cat to step forward is a cat that Chilledgaze may be able to vaguely recall, but then again, the days of the Marsh Colony seemed so long ago. The fawn tabby's death had predated the founding of the clans, even the Great Battle itself. There is a certain regal and celestial essence that this male somewhat lacks in comparison to the others; despite living in the afterlife, Goose still retained the warm and bubbly aura that accompanied him in the living realm.

A father's love radiates from Goose's aura as he sets his starry gaze upon the younger black cat before him. No, they are not his own child, but he practically considers all ShadowClanners—alive and dead—his own kin. "Chilledgaze," Goose begins, "You may not remember me, but I've been watching over ShadowClan for a while now. I know you'll do us all proud." He officiates the process, gently touching his nose to their cranium. "With this life, I give you humor. Even in the darkest times, it can bring your clan together. Don't be afraid to laugh once in a while." He steps back. For those who had known Goose, bestowing such a life would be fitting for the tabby tom. His sense of playfulness had been something that his own son had inherited.

Speaking of his son, Goose mentions before rejoining the ranks of the other StarClanners, "And, if it's not too much to ask, let Roosterstrut know that his father loves him. Please." His son undoubtedly believed in StarClan, but Goose felt that he may need to hear these words... now more than ever.
  • Crying
A father joins the gathered StarClan cats, and a mother leaves them. The beautiful black and white dappled queen approaches Chilledgaze with a dip of her head. Her death had been before Chilledgaze had been appointed to deputy, but she remembers the dark-pelted feline well. Dutiful, hardworking. Twilightfall looks at her with a soft expression, starlight gleaming around her muzzle and nose as she approaches.

"You must remember me, hmm?" She smiles. "Or perhaps not. You and I led very different lives, even when I walked among the living." Her face becomes serious. With a brush of her pink nose against Chilledgaze's, she says, "With this life, I give you motherly love."

It will be a warm, gentle wave of energy that rushes from Twilightfall to Chilledgaze. All of the love and pride Twilightfall had had in her son is contained. And after it fades, there's an aching sorrow left behind -- a hollowness, the emptiness of losing a child.

"All of ShadowClan have become your kits now," she murmurs. "You must nurture your Clan, but also teach them by example. You must know when to be stern and when to show kindness. You will suffer when they leave for StarClan, but you will also know you have done the best you could have for them." She peers over her shoulder at Ash, smiling. "And you will know that you will meet again."

With a bow, Twilightfall departs, leaving the space before Chilledgaze empty for the next cat.

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Starry paws step forth and theres a fire in faint orange eyes, one that has not died out even after death. Once upon a time, Pumpkinpaw had been afraid of what comes after death, seemingly thinking of herself as untouchable until the last thing she remembered was being dunked in the river, and then rising into the starry lands that Chilledgaze stood in now.

Shadowclan had always held a special place in her heart. Even though she had left with her father-figure to Riverclan, everything remained behind, from her favorite napping spots, from some of her favorite cats. It's a shame Flickerfire joined so early, but Pumpkin would be lying if seeing her didn't send a wave of nostalgia through her.

"Hi, Chilledgaze. I don't know if you remember me," the calico starts with a grin, stepping forth once its her turn to give them their next life. "But Shadowclan is as much of a home as Riverclan, for me." her purr is gentle, genuine. Chilledgaze is tall, much taller than Pumpkinpaw is and slightly does she feel a tinge of jealousy once she realizes she has to reach.

"I give you the life of freedom," Pumpkin strains to touch her nose to theirs, but when it finally does, the feeling would be warm, freeing. "Though there are borders and sometimes conflicts, always remember that you and your clan are unshackled. You are free, when you put your mind to it, you can do anything." she offers another toothy smile, tilting her head to the side.

Pumpkinpaws gaze lingers on them for a moment longer before she steps back into the gathered cats. She would be back to watching over Cicadastar and Ashpaw soon, but there's a warmth in her chest that tells her that Chilledgaze would do just as well as her dad. Shadowclan would be okay, she prays.
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If the stars had gathered themselves in his pelt at a younger age, Leaping Toad might have believed that time passes differently in the night sky. It's a naive idea, one that builds itself up on how swiftly new faces from ShadowClan arrive to earn nine lives - only to be standing among the next group to give them out, just moons later.

Though he might still be young enough to have once assumed such, he's been up here a while now. Leaping Toad can't bring himself to believe it, to find comfort in it while he prepares to give life, once more.

Briarstar. Pitchstar. The marsh child had been at both ceremonies. And now he stands at a third, ever so quickly. None of the other clans dealt with overtly fragile lives - taken in multiples as often as this. Why must his home suffer? What had gone wrong with his home, to be dealt with this fate, time and time again?

His brother, still among the newest of warriors, will follow the directions of a third leader already. He hopes his littermate - and the rest of his home, his family - won't have to deal with a fourth until seasons from now.

Despite his worries, the small brown tabby steps forward next, bowing his head in greeting. "Hello, Chilledgaze," he greets the dark-furred feline. "I'm... not too sure you know me, but you know my family well." His mother, a lead warrior. His brother, a strong warrior in his own right. He takes pride in both of them, even if he found himself wishing to walk beside them every so often, void of the stars in his paws.

"With this life, I give you hope." The scrawny tom leans upwards to press his nose against the incoming leader's, a rush of energy shared between them. It is bright and warm with anticipation - in triumph and victory, like winning the games he'd once played so often within the marshes. A future that had been short-lived for him, but Leaping Toad expects to be longer for Chilledgaze.

"ShadowClan has had its hardships," he explains, though he knows he doesn't have to tell them. "Your clan will be looking to you, now. Remember that a better future can be forged for them and that you have the ability to guide your clan to it. ShadowClan deserves brighter days, after all."

Leaping Toad begins to step back, but pauses in realization. One last thing. A tradition for him at this point, with the marsh-dwellers he so often faces.

"Tell them I said hello, if you can," he urges. He doesn't know if his request has ever been answered, but he'll keep reminding each sucessor he sees during these ceremonies for as long as he can, "Geckoscreech and Ribbitleap. Tell them I'm always with them."

He finally steps away for the next cat, feeling less worried than he had at the start of the ceremony.

ShadowClan will be okay.
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The seventh cat to approach Chilledgaze is one they'd known well in life. Even wreathed in starlight, Flickerfire walks with a swagger, her muzzle creased with a mischievous grin that reveals pointed white fangs. The former lead warrior had served alongside ShadowClan's new leader, and though the two of them had butted heads at times, Flickerfire had considered Chilledgaze a friend in life.

"Bet yer not happy to see me again," she trills. A dark ear twitches. ShadowClan believes her to be a traitor, and despite her simmering anger at Smogmaw, Flickerfire does not say anything to the contrary. She'd sworn fealty to her home, but blood had been stronger than code in the end -- love had beaten loyalty, and she does not regret the life she'd lived or the death she'd suffered. "Regardless, I'm here to give ya another life."

The tortoiseshell leans close to Chilledgaze, bumping their noses together. "With this life, I give you sacrifice." As with Howlingstar, the life Flickerfire bestows is staggeringly painful. Chilledgaze's mortal body will be battered with the agony of a hound's fangs cleaving through fur, flesh and bone, the desperation she'd felt at watching her beloved's flanks struggle to rise again, the bravery as she'd bowed back up for the final time to meet her end. She imbues the pain with the only lesson she knows how to teach: "I know you care 'bout ShadowClan, even when you don't act like it. Make ShadowClan your priority, like I made Emberstar. Devote every life you have to protecting it... you've got nine lives to their one, so make every last one count."

Flickerfire pulls away, and there's a tinge of regret painting her features before she leaves. "Be on guard. Not all'of'em have your best interests in mind." A few heartbeats pass. Flickerfire's grin returns. "You'll do fine."

She turns away from her old friend, becoming one with the mass of StarClan warriors once more.

  • Crying
The eighth life-giver steps forward, glowing eyes fixed on Chilledgaze as he strides forward. "It's been many seasons since I've seen you," He greets, warmth resonating in his deep voice. "You were nothing more than a naive youth when I joined the stars. Now look at you...leader of ShadowClan, the home I once settled my own colony in. I am very proud of you." Smiling, he leans forward to press his nose to the top of their head.

"With this life, I give you wisdom." Chilledgaze would feel a mild pain rush through them, but mostly a weighted pressure on all parts of their body. The feeling ebbs away, leaving behind an uncomfortable throbbing before that leaves, too. "Use it well to make the smartest decisions you can for your clan. Their failures are your failures. Their successes are your successes. Encourage your clan to take risks, to make tough decisions for themselves so they can also become wise. Learn from past mistakes to make the best choices you can for them."

Hare Whiskers steps back and offers another smile, head tilted slightly. Eyes glimmer with hope for ShadowClan under this new leader before he turns to join the other StarClanners once more.
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pitchstar is the last to step forward; nearly unrecognizable in death. his ribs no longer jut sharply from a concave abdomen, his starlit fur no longer matted from moons of neglect. there is a smile laid softly upon his angular features, but it is not mocking or bitter. a peace of mind that he could not find in life, he's found in death; here with his mother and father, with the newfound knowledge that the stars could not control everything, watching over his siblings as he waits for them. he's an image of what he once was before the crown was abruptly laid upon his brow.

and though he never wanted to leave the burden of shadowclan on chilledgaze's shoulders so soon, there's a selfish part of him that cherishes the weight being lifted from him. he is dead, but ironically, he finally feels as if he could breathe.

but even the wisdom of the stars could not keep him from curling his lip at flickerfire as he passes her in the crowd. even if she was never a spy like smogmaw had claimed, she would always be branded as a traitor in pitchstar's mind; throwing away her life for the thunderclan leader over her own clan was nothing short of detestable.

the rosette tabby stops in front of chilledgaze, straightening himself with a sweep of his tail. if he knows them as well as he thinks, they're probably blaming themselves for what happened. it'd been their insistence on pitchstar leaving the confinement of his den that'd led him to the thunderpath that day. but pitchstar doesn't fault them; how could they have foreseen his untimely demise?

"chilledgaze," pitchstar greets with a casual twitch of his whiskers, sadness lacing his rumbling voice. "hope you're not bein' too hard on yourself; nothin' that happened was your fault." he wishes he could say more, that his mind would conjure up some magical, starclan-blessed words that would soothe his friend. but it seems that even death couldn't save him from floundering in the comfort department.

so he closes his eyes and leans forward, his nose brushing the top of chilledgaze's. "with this life, i give you endurance." a rush of energy would sear them, burning bright in their chest for what might seem like an eternity before ebbing away into comfortable warmth. "shadowclan has faced many hardships, and there will be more to come; you have to keep your head held high, even when it feels like you're drownin'... don't make the same mistakes i did. shadowclan will look to you for answers when everything seems hopeless, you have to be strong for them."

pitchstar leans back, pride glittering in his copper eyes. "i hail you by your new name, chilledstar. your old life is no more. you have now received the nine lives of a leader, and starclan grants you the guardianship of shadowclan. defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity." the ceremonial words end with a nod, craning his neck one last time to bump his forehead against chilledstar's. "you'll be an amazin' leader, chilled." at least i made one good decision when i chose you as my deputy.

with his piece said, pitchstar steps back into the crowd with a final smile cast to his friend.