camp HOLD A CANDLE TO ✦ sunlight

Golden-hour sun falls upon flame-painted leaves, and with it, a cascade of dancing light spreads over the camp. Cerulean watches, a gaze focused on filtering light above for a moment’s worth, tracking the rays downward toward their stage across the camp’s clearing.

A memory. Toadhop remembers being a kit — an apprentice, then, but still so young, still carrying kit-fluff in moons meant for the nursery still — leaping from patch to patch, the sunlight his target in a practice-made game. It amuses him, the memory he unearthed. For how long ago it seems — for what has changed and how ThunderClan has prospered in wake of near-wreckage since — he can’t help but to smile.

Restless, he was then, filled with worries that he can remember if he thinks on it long enough. Stars, how grateful he was for rest nowadays — how grateful he was for a break in his day to watch sunlight now.

The warrior moves, a paw stepping foot into a patch of sunlight, as if testing the waters, before his gaze darts to the next patch, and he leaps toward it. It’s a shorter leap than what he remembers — a bound, a hop — but he catches the light’s rays in his paws once more, and a reminiscent smile grows once more.

Got you, ” he murmurs to the sun patch before lifting a paw, as if to release dancing light, to let it escape his false trap.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Before Roeflame’s little family had grown bigger than the Lead Warrior could count, it had just been her, Toadhop, and Ragwortpaw- well back then they had carried the name -kit. The tabby is grateful for how understanding her brother can be when it comes to their quality time being spent far and few between, but his grace does not spare Roeflame the sisterly guilt.

She had merely been passing by when the sight of Toadhop had stopped the warrior dead in her tracks. Unseen by the other, the Lead Warrior watched in unhidden amusement as the chocolate-furred tom tried to trap sunlight in his paws. Got you, he murmurs with long-abandoned juvenile wonder, and Roeflame is shoved back in time. Just for a moment. “You’re a pro- might be even better than me now.” The rosetted molly hums with a smile, beginning to pad towards her adoptive sibling. Celadon hues fall to the light Toadhop has ‘set free,’ and she smiles fondly.

If it were anyone else, perhaps Roeflame would not be so amused by a fully grown warrior catching sun-patches with Leaf-bare looming just over the horizon- but this was Toadhop, after all. “Think you can catch that one over there without your paws touching the ground?” The elder sister challenges, pointing her nose at the nearby sun-lit pool, likely about a fox-length or so away.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Warriors can play too, apparently... They could play these games that she figured out were unwinnable, like, a moon ago, jumping on sunspots... It could still be kinda fun, even if she knows you can't actually win anything. Was she dumb, for thinking that? Tigerkit wants to be cool, she wants to be grown up... But she also wants to be a good kit. Maybe even a cute kit, that the older warriors go aw at and tell sweet things to.

Maybe it's instinct... or maybe it's not, but she joins Toadhop (and maybe Roeflame?) in their playing. A black tabby flank wriggles as she prepares her mighty leap... and a patch of sunlight is captured. Well, not really... it hovers just atop her paws, and she knew that was gonna happen, but it still makes her kinda mad... A pout forms at her lips. Her brows furrow, a great injustice done to her...

But... she shouldn't be doing this, should she? And Toadhop and Roeflame probably shouldn't be either. Raccoonstripe or Nightbird was gonna come over any moment to tell them they were wasting their time... and that warriors should be doing important stuff. Not things like this. Unlike them, Tigerkit didn't actually have anything better to do, but she would pretend she did anyway, suddenly straightening her posture and looking to the side, suddenly shy. Even if they were allowed to play, she hadn't even asked before joining. Hopefully, they weren't mad at her... Tigerkit shuffles in place, awkwardly scuffing the dirt with her paws.

It confuses Softsight for a moment, to see Toadhop, well, hopping about, but she's quick to note that he's been playfully trying to grasp a beam of light that's been cast down onto the ground through the trees overhead. It was a familiar game, one that Softsight herself had played as a kit, trying to catch light even when it was impossible: there was still fun to be had in trying, and a warm smile came over her face as she watched Roeflame and Tigerkit join Toadhop, especially the latter. Kits being kits, without fear of something looming over their shoulders... that was what they deserved.

"You'd both ought to watch out." Softsight warned Roeflame and Toadhop as she approached, nodding towards Tigerkit, who seemed to have closed up since her playful outburst. "Tigerkit seems keen on making fools of you both." Loud enough for the kit to hear, encouraging words for her, a amiable teasing for the warriors beside her.

⊱⊰ Hopepaw is cast in brassy hues to match her mother, a shadow at Roeflame’s side as she watches Toadhop play with the dappled patches of sunlight as though they are prey. The warrior doesn’t seem to be as old as Roeflame is, but maybe that’s only a side effect of his seemingly carefree nature. Or maybe he isn’t carefree at all, but putting on an act—playing a game, pretending to be their friend so he can stay close enough to hurt Roeflame when she isn’t expecting it-

It’s Toadhop, the apprentice chides, feeling the bubbling of shame beneath her pelt. Not every clanmate is out to get her, or her family, or her friends… she just needs to remember that. Her copper eyes drift to her mother when the lead warrior speaks up, challenging Toadhop to a new feat of acrobatics. Looking at the tom, Hopepaw is sure that he’d be able to do it, but then again, the patch of sunlight that Roeflame gestures to is fairly far away. Toadhop certainly doesn’t seem very professional, seeing as he let his “catch” go so quickly, but maybe that’s part of the charm of chasing after sunbeams.

Another clanmate seems to have taken a liking to the activity, as well, and Softsight’s voice draws the girl’s attention to Tigerkit. The kit had been leaping after the same light as the darker-furred warrior, but has since stopped. Now, she appears vaguely uncomfortable—Hopepaw wonders whether Nightbird chastises her for playing around like a kit. "That was… a good catch, Tigerkit," she speaks, awkwardly. Softsight seems to be so much better with kits than she is… maybe she should have stayed silent. She casts a glance to the snowy white warrior, seeking some sort of reassurance. Is she doing this right?

  • ooc:
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  • HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan apprentice
    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue (adopted by roeflame) ; sister to braveheart, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalpaw ; adoptive sister to beetlepaw, dovepaw, littlepaw
    mentored by lovelight
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore
Well, what Softsight says is just silly... cause to make a fool of them, she'd have to be beating them, and Tigerkit can't beat them in a game that she can't win! And she can't win, because it's an unfair, unwinnable game. ...And she probably wouldn't win anyways, if she tried, but on the off-chance she did, it'd be very cool... None of that is real, though. None of that is right. But she feels... nice, when Softsight says that anyways. Her ears flatten atop her head, then perk again. She feels nice when Hopepaw says it too. Maybe she's gonna be the best sunspot catcher in the whole forest... But that'd be a pretty dumb thing to be the best at, wouldn't it?

" I didn't actually catch it... " sheepishly, she mews, though she had apparently started smiling a little bit at some point... What's better than a sunspot catcher kit... a smart sunspot catcher kit. She knows its not real. Would they be impressed? Or was she old enough that it wasn't impressive, anymore...? " It went on top of my paws, see? " She'd hold up her white paw for the older cats to see. They probably knew; definitely new... but she'd like them to keep looking at her for a little while.