hold it all together with a little duct tape } rattleheart


Silas Rattleheart
Lead Warrior
AFAB Nonbinary
He / They / She
    Black and white lanky feline with a spiky pelt and pale green eyes. Eye-catching thanks to his stark monochrome pelt against the bright greens and browns of the moors, Rattleheart looks more ready for leafbare than any other season. The majority of his pelt is a bright pearly white, though it is often stained to at least a lighter brown shade thanks to his frequent work down in the dirt of the tunnels. His face, shoulders and tail are the notable exceptions, bearing swathes of black that ring around his tail and jut out like shards of onyx over his spine.

    Overall his build is small but athletic, with powerful muscles and long legs that make up the majority of his body height while still enabling him to fit into his role as a tunneler. The long fur that covers said frame is groomed often but still sticks up in unruly spikes thanks to the cramped walls of the tunnels and frequent anxious ruffling, broken up only by a few scattered scars on his chest, muzzle, and shoulder.
    ⤷ Genetically LH black with high white. TH.

    Understanding / Loyal / Perfectionist / Observant / Emotional / Stubborn / Scornful / Anxious / Hesitant. Though it is initially relatively easy to write Rattleheart off as a bundle of anxiety, that isn't all there is to him. Worries do often dominate his life and demeanor, but they're out of an intense care and loyalty for his clan and the cats around him, whom he tries his hardest to protect. He's far from a pacifist – or at least has learned not to be through past events in WindClan – but he still prefers resolving situations with tact and peaceful methods if possible, only properly unsheathing his claws to defend those he loves the most. This does unfortunately lead to him getting in his own way, hesitating to take decisive action until he gets a chance to consult with those that he trusts unless there is something major going on.

    His emotions tend to be the leading factor behind all of his behavior, whether that ends up being a boon or a bane for him. It allows him to easily and eagerly listen to the worries of those around him and take notice of their behaviors, but also leads to him harboring impressive grudges when wronged. Getting to that point isn't an easy task, but it's an even harder one to come back from him forming a negative opinion of you, especially if that anger came from insults towards his family or friends. He's also undeniably prone to digging his claws in once he has made a decision, determined to see things through and incredibly difficult to sway unless influenced by a trusted voice.

    Once content to simply linger in the background without ever causing waves, Rattleheart has grown away from his former desire to remain a silent face in the crowd. Instead he has realized how vital it is to make sure that his voice – and the voices of others who may not advocate for themselves – is heard, a realization that has improved his confidence over time. In spite of these changes, he does still often find himself simply listening to those around him and filing away what information they can provide. This may undoubtedly cause some to see him as a gossip or a meddler, but this usually isn't intentional on his part. He simply believes in sharing with and trying to help others, regardless of what trouble that belief may bring him.​
    GEN 1. NPC xx NPC. SISTER TO Scorchstreak, Rabbitclaw, and Lizardbounce. MOTHER TO Thistlekit, Breezekit, Splinterkit, Crunchykit, and Vinekit.

    MENTORING No one
    MENTORED BEFORE Peonybreeze, Downyfur
    ADMIRES Sunstar, Wolfsong, Bluepool
    NOTABLE FRIENDSHIPS Bluefrost, Sedgepounce, Slateheart
    NOTABLE ENEMIES DuskClan, Smokestar


    Trust is not easily earned, though they are generally kind to anyone. Tends to prefer those who don't immediately jump to violence
    SMELLS OF Earthy, fresh-cut wildflowers
    SOUNDS LIKE Permanently hoarse and raspy version of Jack Quaid
    Speech is #8b9b62

    Not born as a child of either of the mighty original groups, Silas was instead born and raised in the isolated safety of an abandoned badger's den alongside his siblings. Their kithood was relatively peaceful and undisturbed, especially seeing as they were far from the influence of any other cats besides their parents. However, this isolation was what eventually drove them all away, with Silas following in the pawsteps of his sister Saoirse when she left barely into adulthood. His anxiety was most of what motivated him to leave alongside her, not wanting to see her or any of his other siblings hurt.

    This protectiveness was also what caused him to eventually join WindClan alongside Saoirse and her single child, Finnegan. They were all swiftly renamed after their joining, with Silas being given the name of Rattleheart thanks to his trembling voice and anxiety, along with his loyalty and compassion towards his sister and other cats. For a time he was perfectly content with their new home, adapting naturally to the role of tunneler that was assigned to him. He loved the work, glad for something that took advantage of his small size – a trait he had always considered to be a liability. That peace and happiness was short-lived, however. Trouble came in the form of Dandelionwish being made a prisoner in WindClan's territory, with Rattleheart's nephew Dappledsun eventually helping him to escape.

    Though Rattleheart could not begrudge him for his compassion, Scorchstreak didn't feel the same way. She put an end to the life of a son that she considered traitorous, an act that prompted Rattleheart to fade into the background of WindClan as a whole. He didn't want to fight with a sister that he remained proud of, even if her actions broke his heart and made him aware of how brutal WindClan could really be.

    It wasn't until a skirmish at the RiverClan border that he seemed to break his usual silence, frustrated by WindClan's past losses and terrified of what Sootstar might plan as retribution for their attack on Whitepaw. His fears were only made worse when Sootstar called upon him to fight in a raid on SkyClan. Though the battle ended in a WindClan victory, Rattleheart was only further terrified by what that could mean for the future of his home. Especially as Sootstar lost another life, inching WindClan's leader that tiny bit closer to the grave.

    A bit of light did at least come into his life in the form of Venomstrike, a moor runner that he had grown close to even through his days of rarely speaking with others. After Venomstrike coming to visit him once his injuries were patched up, his anxieties were soothed for a time – though his mind did still occasionally linger on whether he had done the right thing in fighting in the raid. Another uplifting moment came in the form of Sootstar announcing a tunneling project to Riverclan, a task that bolstered Rattleheart's pride in his sister and also gave him the chance to help his home out without violence.

    His faith in WindClan and Sootstar was restored, for a time. The arrival of a child named Red entangled him even further with Venomstrike and WindClan as a whole, and he found himself dedicated to keeping both Venomstrike and the newly named Redkit safe as well as his family. That was what ultimately caused him to volunteer to go on the journey for lungwort that would save all the clans from the scourge of yellowcough that was ravaging them. He was determined to go along, only to end up catching the illness himself right before they were set to leave. Not wanting to jeopardize the journey or succumb to the yellowcough, he was forced to wait alongside the others for the return of his sister and the other journeying cats.

    The joy over his sister's return, though intense, was also brief. Soon afterward Sootstar brought back stolen kits from ShadowClan, claiming that she had taken them because of mistreatment in her home clan. Rattleheart refused to agree with her actions, lashing out despite the sickness having just barely left his body. A heartfelt conversation between him and Scorchstreak only solidified his anger and disapproval over their leaders actions – eventually being driven over the edge by Sootstar's taking of Highstones the attack on Smokethroat that came from it.

    Furious and no longer willing to just turn a blind eye to Soostar's actions, Rattleheart agreed when Sunstride approached him and Scorchstreak about taking the kits back to their rightful home. He went through with it alongside his sister without regret, not shying away even when their absence was discovered by the rest of WindClan. It wasn't until Sootstar called out Sunstride publicly for his betrayal that Rattleheart finally picked a side, following along after Sunstride and the rest of the cats that refused to bend a knee to Sootstar's madness. A group that happened to include Venomstrike, much to his relief.

    After weeks spent avoiding Venomstrike due to his own guilt over seemingly getting the moor runner sick, Rattleheart finally confessed his love following their escape to the twoleg barn, relieved that they were both still alive and together. Living in exile at the barn gave him a new perspective on life as well as a new sense of confidence, eager to shove Sootstar from her throne and have a new sense of peace brought to WindClan. That determination remained even as it came time to plan their own counterattack, though said plans went awry following the late arrival of an escaped Downypaw and Cottonfang. He fought viciously during the resulting raid, relieved when their might was enough to drive Sootstar and her loyalists back to WindClan territory proper.

    There was only time left for them to regroup and for him to confide in Scorchstreak about his worries before battle came once more. He fought alongside the rest of Sunstride's rebels in the final raid on WindClan's camp, nearly mortally wounding Bluefrost before deciding to grant her mercy following her yield. The battle ended with another of Sootstar's lives being torn from her, and the rebels coming out on top as Granitepelt and the loyalists fled. In the aftermath, Rattleheart led both himself and Bluefrost to the medicine den, refusing to abandon her after his own decision to grant her mercy.

    Left with a newly-liberated clan and many things to be done, Rattleheart was quick to work alongside the rest to try and help bring them into a more tranquil era. Sootstar's trial came as a genuine relief, with him not participating in her death but still feeling joy over her evil reign finally coming to a definitive end. Though her influence still remained through echoes like Harbingermoon's death and the drop-off of his and Hollowcreek's kits, children that Rattleheart vowed to treat kindly and practically help raise despite who their parents were.

    With so much of his time dedicated to rebuilding WindClan alongside Sunstar and his assumed council, it seemed almost natural when he was offered the position of lead warrior alongside Periwinklebreeze, even if the offer startled Rattleheart himself. He readily accepted, taking up the mantle and moving forward even through unexpected events like Sedgepounce's seeming return from death, a relief that drove him closer to the now-injured warrior. Another surprise came in the reassignment of Downypaw as his apprentice from Sootspot, a responsibility he has taken extremely seriously following the betrayal of his last apprentice, Peonybreeze.

    Since his promotion Rattleheart has continued to work for the betterment of WindClan, offering his voice on Sunstar's council through events like RiverClan's scorning of WindClan during the first gathering following Sootstar's death. He has become even more driven in making sure that WindClan doesn't return to the brutality of the past, while also trusting Sunstar not to lead them into a weakened future.
  • 55118218_CirWeEutFsmEGhy.png

    [box=48%][justify][font=georgia]Text [b][color=#8b9b62][outline=black]""[/outline][/color][/b]
    [tabs][slide=𝐀𝐒 𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐓][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .  +    ˚      · ][quote][img]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/84487258_6QR5QHInY12rV6o.png[/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄][fleft][img width="150px"]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png[/img][/fleft][quote]a lead warrior of windclan, [abbr=nonbinary, uses he/they/she pronouns]rattleheart[/abbr] is one of the older members of the clan at [abbr=ages every 1st]fifty-three moons.[/abbr] he is mated to [abbr=written by bosstaurus]venomstrike,[/abbr] and has many [abbr=redheart, splinterkit, crunchykit, vinekit, thistlekit, breezekit]children[/abbr] whom he adores. named for the trembling sound of his commonly hoarse voice, he is somewhat difficult to befriend due to his wary nature. [url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/hold-it-all-together-with-a-little-duct-tape-rattleheart.6850/][color=#b7d058]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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