- Jan 3, 2023
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wolfkit is a girl with heft. she's large even for a skyclanner, which she suspects she might owe to her ragdoll heritage; though, notably, her bulk is more fur than it is muscle. long and luscious locks of pale cream and delicate lilac coat her kitten frame until the ability to discern fluff from baby fat has been all but erased. like coyotecrest wolfkit bears a mane of fur that spills across her back and over her shoulders, fading from daylight cream to dusky brown to dawn-hued lilac, a beautiful sunrise of color. her fur has a tendency to clump and spike, giving her a wild appearance, though she tries to maintain her feathery pelt as best as she can. as she gets older, her downy fluff will give way to silky fur and toned muscle. climbing skyclan's pines and training hard for warriorhood will fill out her large frame with bulky strength.
her eyes are most piercing; moon-yellow liquid gold and ringed with dark skin. combined with the lilac veil markings on her face and the deep stripe between her nose and lips, it seems uncanny that such canid features can be borne of two cats as plain and sweet as coyotecrest and howlfire. but thankfully wolfkit howls to no moon, much to the relief of skyclanners that may be superstitious about her appearance.
– carries solid, point
( + ) social, loving, family-oriented, deeply loyal ( / ) very smart, conflict-averse, keen, highly rational, but naive ( – ) dependent on authority, craves attention, meek beneath a hardy exterior.
– all subject to change as i would like this character to be ic reactive!
– on the surface, wolfkit is an incredibly social cat; they're easy to get along with, love their clan and their family, and they are eager to make friends and keep those friends close. she can be outspoken, enthusiastic, and is proud to work as hard as she does, for she seeks to be skyclan's best warrior. she is fiercely loyal to her clan, but has little prejudices against cats in other clans; as her own family sprawls between a good few of them. she may struggle to face family on the battlefield especially, and will be easily influenced by the opinions of her parents on other cats and other clans. she also will not hold much of a grudge against kittypets, having been born and raised in a clan that (generally) opens their arms to them.
– family comes first, always. wolfkit is a pack animal, but if she must ever choose between skyclan and her family, she will choose her family every time. this diehard loyalty would push her even to extreme actions, such as covering up any code-breaking actions her family commits, or similar such things.
– on the inside, wolfkit struggles hard to feel worthy of the attention she receives. she is prone to overthinking her positive attention, often feeling as though any praise she receives is given out of pity for her struggle to achieve it in the first place. that is to say, wolfkit's self-esteem suffers, leaving her more subject to following the whims of others. she is deeply proud of the work she does, but lacks pride in herself as a cat outside of that work.
– wolfkit can rationalize nearly any action taken against her or her clan, often leaving her on neither side of a conflict, but somewhere in the middle of one. her instinct is to appease and soothe, but her morals and ideals tell her that instinct is wrong, leaving her indecisive in important situations, or seemingly indifferent when indifference would be frowned upon. though her loyalty to skyclan is fierce, this attitude may leave some cats wondering where her priorities lie.
– wolfkit is intensely smart, which helps her rationalize actions that other cats take. her smarts often lend to her overthinking, though, too; and though she is so smart and keen, she is not as worldly as some of her peers, leading her to make naive decisions that otherwise may not make sense for a girl of their intelligence.
in friendship, wolfkit is incredibly easy to get along with; in fact, she wants nothing more than to get along with others, no matter the cost. while she is smart and often guided by her own strong principles, she has little issue discarding her own morals in order to better appease the group (though she might feel guilty about it later). still, she has a wide net of friends (or at least would like to have one).
in romance, wolfkit is not so obvious. though she will doubtfully have any romantic interests in her kithood, in her apprenticeship she will discover her lesbian identity and the concept of attraction– but also the concept of guilt and the shame of wanting. i would love a slowburn of some sort between her and a kithood friend!!
– wolfkit would be my strongly preferred name, as her markings are wolf-inspired! but i do have a backup name list, in order of preference: day/dawnkit, figkit, leopardkit, cloudkit
– themes and motifs: tbh i am just fully diving into the wolf theming, so wolf personalities in the wild have influenced her as well as wolves from mythology! kind of a sheep in wolf's clothing vibe. very tied to her familial bonds and loyalty. resident evil save rooms; she's just a teenage girl; dear diary. honestly thinking of her as a twilight sparkle-esque character LMAO nerdy lesbian who just wants to make everyone proud
– this is as finished as this app will likely get; i do have plots in mind i am just not sure i can get them in before deadline!! but i would love 2 be considered when u guys are choosing regardless! :- )
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