camp Homeward bound | return to camp


After everything that happened since the flood, coming back to their home camp feels like stepping out into the past. The clean-up patrols did a good job: there is no debris left, no signs of the water that swallowed their home whole, and no den damage that Snakeblink can see at first glance. The result is so clean it becomes almost unfamiliar: his last memory of this place is one of wreckage, and he has carried it as such in his mind since. It’s as if nothing happened at all, like the past three moons were naught but a bad dream. He can almost believe that Clearsight went ahead of them and is about to walk out of one of the dens, that Ashpaw is helping Willowroot carry her brood.

Most catastrophes, unfortunately, are not so easily fixed as the camp, and for now he is the one saddled with helping the Riverclan queens ferry their progeniture to their new, and hopefully forever, home. He sighs around a mouthful of grey fur. He dropped his current charge once… or a few times… on the way, unbalanced by the strong wind or tripping over nothing, and the boisterous little things has not been shy, making her displeasure known in her shrill kitten’s voice. The noise hasn’t gotten any quieter since the last time, when he grabbed her in a panic before she could plunge into the river and ended up carrying her across the stone path by her back leg.

He lets her go once he has all four paws on dry, wincing when he realizes he should have lowered his head first to avoid dropping her from such a height. Glancing back at his clanmates trailing after him into their familiar camp, he calls out, ”Let’s get the queens and elders situated first — quickly, before it starts raining. If it ever does…”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Carrying @silverkit
    We did it people! Home at last!!!

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 40 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo
Clay hasn’t spoken since the clan began their trek to their original home—the home they’ve been away from for far too long. His mouth is occupied not with a kit, like Snakeblink, but a single stone. Slate blue and shot through with veins of sparkling white, it’s carried carefully so that it won’t be dropped, and it keeps him from uttering a word in response to Snakeblink when the other tom speaks. He doesn’t really see a need to talk, anyway. The weather sucks, and while the island camp may not have the ghosts that the beech copse has, it’s still not a comfortable place to be.

At least he’d grown used to being alone in the temporary camp. Coming back here may be a victory, but it’s bitter. He thought he was getting better, thought he was finally okay—but what’s the point of any of it, if his mate isn’t here to see it all again? Clear would have been so happy to come back to their camp. He would have-

Clayfur sniffs, blinking rapidly to clear his eyes. He doesn’t set the rock down, still too afraid of losing it, but he nods to the other brown and white warrior. Queens and elders first, and then everyone else can settle in. He sets off for a moment, away from the rest of his clanmates, hoping to find a safe place for the single most important object in his hoard.

The old territory was like new to Petalnose. She was not familiar with it at all after the memories within her mind washed away by a simple act of consuming foxglove. She had to admit, there was uncertainty within her. She was slightly uncomfortable. Petalnose would have to relearn a territory once more. She just hoped this was the last time. At the same time, she craved the comfortablity she so heard her clanmates promise upon this camp. She was curious to see what all the groaning was about to return to this camp. She hoped it was worth it.

"Um. I think you're agitating her. All her mewling is fire to my ears." Petalnose grumbled as she limped over beside Snakeblink. Her ears throbbed and ached from the cries, flattening her ears against her skull. She had to admit, him carrying Silverkit so off was quite amusing to her despite the annoyance. It made her wonder how long it would be until the lead warrior would accidentally harm his victim of poor handling skills. Then, at her thoughts he dropped her, Petalnose winced, bending her head down on unsteady lanky legs to sniff her to assure no injuries. When she decided that she was alright, mewling or not, she lifted herself again.

The woman wobbled as she rose back up, attempting to not put too much pressure against her injured hindlimbs. When she caught her balance, she opened her maw to speak, "I'll help.. lead the elders. I guess. Make sure none fall behind." She felt pathetic, useless within the moment. She would turn her body in direction of the elders in preparation to lead them if she had gotten the okay. She hoped she could help in some way despite the stinging reminder of Thunderclan on her hindlimbs. Petalnose didn't want to be useless.

DISGRACED, that's what she was. A mere fishing trip turned into an attempted murder. The crustacean was bigger than she had normally seen and it had seen fit to have her removed from its territory. All it took to send her to Beesong's den was one snip. It was a powerful snip, right on the tip of her tail that startled her so badly she slipped and sprained her paw so badly she couldn't use it.

She had hidden in the back of Beesong's den this whole time in SHAME.

But now that it was time to go home, she had to leave her cold dark corner of anguish and come back into the light. It was good to be going back home. The beech copse was.... Tainted. Tainted with the blood of their friends and family and sullied by Windclan paws. Their home was clean of it, and she was glad to finally be where she belonged.

In a further attempt to act like nothing had happened to her, she bounded into the camp with her usual energy and started yelling.


She stood in the clearing looking up. Man, it sure looked nasty up there, huh? Was it the weather, or was someone up in Starclan having a bad day?


"i'm, i'm gon' charge you fifteen gray rocks for — for pain and sufferin'. uh-huh, i'm gon' FINE you."

"hey! hey! hey! that's my LEG! OW, OW, OW — "

"you're NOT a very good mama cat, you know."

" — aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa – "

"why YES, i AM being agited. um, agated. adatated. thank you for noticin'."

between wriggles and wiggles and shimmies and being absolutely totally dropped on the ground, silverkit has squeaked out all of these protests and more as snakeblink carries her through the forest. it's a long trek and her little voice does get tired kinda easy, so she's quiet for most of it, but pipes up with complaints often enough to be annoying. dangled unceremoniously by one leg, by the time they're actually approaching the camp she has accepted her fate: she dangles limply from snakeblink's jaws and chatters up a storm, detailing the Bark Forest, a special offshoot of the Dark Forest specifically for cats who carry kittens by one leg because they're dumb. yeah, snakeblink is NOT going to starclan with this behavior.

" — an' they get dangled by their legs from trees an' the trees all have different colored bark and that's why it's called the Bark Forest, see, an' THAT'S WHAT FATE HAS IN STORE FOR YOU — "

but her chattering's interrupted when snakeblink — well — drops her.

silverkit, too startled to prepare, falls right on her head. her little skull thunks against the packed sand. ow, she thinks as the rest of her body follows, slumping onto the ground.

she is very tired from the journey (it's a lotta energy to get carried by your leg for seventy hundred hours!) so for now she elects to just lay there, unmoving, exactly as snakeblink dropped her, and listen in to the adults. hmm. this is their "real" camp, huh?

silverkit was pretty sure their real camp was a lion's den hanging down from starclan in a bird's nest with strings of spider silk so it's kinda disappointing, she won't lie. (or, well, she will lie. loudly and constantly. but — you get it.)

"inch restin' ... " she mumbles, blue eyes surveying the place as best they can from her slumped-over position.


// so like, you know when a toddler has a tantrum in the grocery store and then they just lay down on the floor


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) prior to their journey back riverclan's original camp, chicorykit had been weaving and bobbing between the legs of warriors who were in the process of rounding everyone up and ensuring they weren't leaving anything behind all while trying to avoid tripping over this energetic ball of fluff that blathered endlessly about why the beech copse wasn't their true home and how excited she was about seeing the real thing because according to her dear friend silverkit, who has never lied once, said their camp was a lion-bird den that hangs from the clouds by fancy string! man, she should've asked how they get up there. maybe there is a giant reed stalk that they all climb? do they ask starclan themselves to help?

all that running around and non-stop questioning drained more and more from her well of energy until the blue tortie suddenly ends up feeling drowsy and slowing down greatly giving a nearby warrior the chance to pluck her up by the scruff where chicory protests that she can walk on her own but the words come out slurred with sleepiness, eyes blinking slow and struggling to stay open.

cut to the present, chicorykit had fallen asleep during the walk back with her little limbs tucked close to her body and head lulled forward as quiet snore escaped her. pray she stays asleep for a little while longer or else she'll be reving to go again with the promise of sticking her nose in every nook and cranny of this camp.

// anyone is free to be the person carrying eeping chicory
Were it not for the sake of her kittens, too big to carry now and given a special task to stay in line, you'll be apprentices soon so show Cicadastar you can do this and he might promote you early, Apricotflower would be bounding ahead of her Clanmates in her eagerness to return home. The ginger-and-white queen pads along at the back of the Clan, sour golden eyes fixed on Snakeblink - no wonder Silverkit was struggling against his hold if he'd deemed it correct to do so by the leg of all things! Why not just go the full way and carry the poor thing by her tail instead? StarClan above, he was supposed to be a lead warrior.

The wind ruffles her long pelt, a particularly forceful gust forcing her to dig her claws into the soil beneath them, and Apricotflower steadies herself with a grunt. Around the mouthful of moss, however, she takes in a deep breath - and relaxes, small purr bubbling up in her throat that grows louder over Redpath's yowl-and-scowl combination. "Nice to be home."

// assumed to be near @FOXKIT @robinkit. @LITTLEKIT. @WAGTAILKIT

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It would have been a lie for Tallwave to say that she didn't miss their camp. The beech copse was nice, but it wasnt home and her heart had been yearning for it. For the willow tree thats tendrils sway softly in the wind, for the shallows where kits splashed and played. She missed weaving shells into the dens, watching sunlight dance across the ground because of them. Some of the kits who had been born after the flood hadn't even seen the camp yet, hadn't gotten the chance to live like they should be living, like proper RiverClanners. Chicorykit was among them. The small bundle of fur is clutched between her teeth now, though the poor thing seemed exhausted. It was a long journey for someone so small. Her eyes flash to Silverkit, wiggling and squirming and crying out and silently she thanks the stars she had been tasked to carry anyone else.

Gently, she places Chicorykit on the ground between her feet and with her nose she gently nudges her cheek. "Wake up little 'un were home!" she cannpt keep the excitement out of her voice, or her eyes.

Petalnose states that she is going to help the elders and once Chicorykit is properly awake, Tallwave would nod in her direction. "I'll come with ya. Wouldn't want any of them to give ya any trouble" sometimes the elders could have sharp tongues, plus of any of them fell or were having a hard time walking, she could help carry them. Stars forbid Blueshell's(npc elder) leg started giving her trouble. They would never hear the end of it.

Pure excitement vibrates within young Brightkit the closer and closer they get to the new camp (or is it the old camp?). All her life had been spent in the beech copse. What was supposed to be temporary became everything that she had ever known. Sadness borne from her emotional attachment to her natal haunts threatens to dull her mood, but the exuberant joy caused by her thrill for adventure drowns out every other feeling. How can Brightkit possibly be upset when she finally gets to explore the world beyond?! Sure, she doesn't get to explore very much before some busy-body warrior picks her up by the scruff when she wanders too far, but that is easily solved by saying as many words as possible in a single breath to successfully irritating her captors enough to restore her freedom. Left to her own devices, she is content to trot alongside the adults until her paws begin to ache, wherein she is once again ferried by her scruff until she fights to be let down and the cycle continues.

Her parents are surely tired of managing Brightkit's wealth of boundless energy by the time the convoy finally arrives at their destination. "Wow!" she exclaims with a sigh of wonder. "This place is awesome!!" The trees are different here. Instead of the thick trunks and broad canopies of the beeches, the branches are long and flowing with leaves that dance in the breeze like whispering feathers. The river here is softer, the soft gurgle of water over pebbles a Sweet serenade to Brightkit's ears. She can't wait to swim!

Although her paws ache from all that walking, she bounds over to Silverkit with shining eyes. She is about to ask her nemesis to go swimming with her when she is distracted by Silverkit's graceless plop onto the ground and the subsequent face-plant (which is both impressive and mildly irritating). "Um," she says with a confused frown. "Are you busy melting?" Brightkit knows not to pester Silverkit in the middle of one of her dramatic episodes, but Brightkit is just so excited to explore that she is willing to poke the rabid creature. "Cuz I wanna go swimming!" She pauses, then, with a sharp-toothed smile, she adds. "And there's lots of new kinds of pebbles." Maybe that will get Silverkit to stop pouting and actually play with her.​

It had been an arduous trek back. Before they had used the frozen river to cross swiftly from the camp to the beech copse but here they had to navigate through the territory with so many young cats and looming threat of two-leg traps still littering the area. Everyone had done their best to assist the queens, picking up a kit or two here and there to tote alone and he had begrudgingly volunteered to keep tabs of some of Buckgait's brood despite his disinterest in having anything to do with them. It was how he had come to carrying Brightkit along by the scruff until she irritated him enough with pleas of good behavior and nonsensical chattering that he set her down only to have to chase her as she bounded off chasing moths and leaves sporadically the entire time. It was truly suffering, he had to either cope with carrying her as she caterwauled into his ear or let her go and be forced to track her every moment less she bolt into the woods and become some predator's meal. Smokethroat was at his wits end with the girl by the time they arrived and he set her down to run of and bother another kitten in the safety of the camp where he no longer had to keep tabs on her. The queens could take over now. It had taken every ounce of will in his body to not fling her on the first wad of nesting material he came across to rid himself of the loud child; but he'd never hurt a kit. Even if they did deserve a cuff upside the ear now and again. With Brightkit distracted by Silverkit he resumed stepping into the camp and taking in a deep breath that was a mix of relief and satisfaction; finally home.

"They need to teach you how to hold a kit properly." He commented in passing to the tabby tom now free of their squirming gray captive, he'd held his fine, she was just horrible. His long orange eye glanced back to Petalnose and Tallwave wandering alongside an Blueshell to keep them walking forward and some degree of company, a faint smile on his maw as he fully turned to watch the rest of the clan file in and move about. The apprentice den still needed some work, but it was an excellent start to their home feeling properly like theirs again; reclaimed from the river. He was already wistfully daydreaming of sleeping in proper nest again where he didn't feel the wind constantly rolling over him.
"Get your nesting material and get sorted in your dens, like Snakeblink said it may rain. Hunting patrols will go out later."
  • Love
Reactions: ☆ Brightpaw ☆

After everything she and her clan had been through in recent weeks, the sight of their former home is one of great relief and joy for Lilybloom. This was where her family had settled, where her siblings had been born, and where she had grown close to Lakemoon. There were so many good and happy memories attached to this place.

Although walking and general movement had slowly gotten easier for her since losing her eye, the journey home had been quite a bit taxing for her. Luckily Lakemoon had been there for her and Lilybloom was incredibly grateful for her mate to patiently assist in getting her home. Stars, if not for Lakemoon she might have gotten stuck on a rock somewhere. The camp looked pretty good all things considered, and her clanmates had done a good job of clearing away the worst of the debris but there will need to be a lot of work still done to make it feel like home again, Still, when Lilybloom stands in the grounds of their old home she can't help but take an inhale of breath, savouring the smells and sounds that surrounded her. "Feels good to be back," She says with a contented sigh.
The whole making friends things wasn't as simple for her as she suspected it was for most people but if anyone felt like something close to friends, Clayfur was amongst that list. It was his silence that stirred an uneasiness in her chest... She knew he had experienced a great loss in all of this. He tried so hard to put on the brave face he expected the clan needed but as he walked in silence, that stone stuck tightly between his teeth... she knew he was remembering it. Feeling it.

Gently pressing her shoulder to his as they passed through the threshold of their home, Lichentail cast him a spared glance of support before he peeled off to find some space. She wanted to say something... but words wouldn't help. This was a bittersweet moment for near anyone older than the youngest litter. They were home... but it felt hollow in some ways.

Padding over to the kittens who eagerly discussed play in the shallows that dripped through the camp, it was heartening at least to see their joy. They hadn't gotten to play in the rivers before.... splash in the streams. They could finally understand what the river meant to them, could practice catching debris drifting in the current. It was an experience they needed and had gone without for too long.

"I wanna see who can blow the biggest bubbles," she meowed, resting a challenge at the feet of the clan's most... stubborn to say the least. They had a lot of confidence for being such tiny little scraps... it would prove a good enough distraction while the others hurried to settle in.​

Fernpaw had not spoken for the entire journey over, flames of rage and sorrow still purling beneath his pelt, flitting between furious and mere kindling melancholy. Aqua eyes stared forward, seeing only the direct path before him; he trudged behind the squealing kits and the young apprentices, where he almost believed he belonged. Doomed to forever be a part of that cohort, imprisoned in the stasis of failure that never, never relented despite all the good he tried to do.

It was defeatist, his poise; but he knew not how else to be. Cheering, chirping kittens raced forward and warriors expressed their quiet contentment, but Fernpaw's mind was mist-clogged and relentlessly elsewhere. A moon ago he might have bounded forth into his birthplace too, spun around and cheered and stuck his head in every long-forgotten cranny. But- he could not bring himself to do it. Perhaps in some alternate universe Fernripple was doing that, his head held high, returning to his true home with all the glory he had earned abroad.

He was not Fernripple, though. Nor Fernclaw or Fernleap. He was still just Fernpaw, and he was struggling still to believe that he'd ever be anything else.
penned by pin
જ➶ Their head is held down low as they move, each step like fire to their harmed visage. Their mind is only on one thing. To just keep going because they want to be home. They want to feel safe a secure despite everything that has happened. His limp has become more and more prominent as the journey back to their water encircled home takes what feels to him too long. Yet olivine eyes lift up and a soft breath issues forth from strong lungs. Despite everything they can handle pain. They can deal with it just as fine as anything else. Keeping it hidden across a calm exterior. Upon entering they allow a small moment to rest. Sitting down within the familiar clearing and lifting a paw to gently drag a tongue across. Home. Finally home. Where they feel that they belong. Even wounded as he is he finds the want to help the rest of the clan. And so he looks about the crowd, tilting their head.

"If anyone needs any assitance I can offer some help." Injured or not he doesn't like the idea of just doing nothing. The idea of being useless eating away at them. He scorns that and shifting they rise back up to shaky legs.

It felt as if countless seasons had passed since she had set her eyes upon this island. Her home, their home. The flood had taken so much from them in Leaf-Bare, had threatened to take their very lives and unfortunately did take one life. Cicadastar had died in those very icy waters, losing a life and drug back onto shore by Houndstride. The beech copse had been a temporary home for them all, and in those handful of moons, it felt as if her clan had been drug through the ringer. It was countless events that did not end in their favor, suffering loss upon loss. In an optimistic mind, one would say it made them all stronger—more resilient—in the end. They all came back wiser and more sure-footed. But that was all bullshit within the rosetted molly's mind.
These past moons have pulled RiverClan through the muck and glum, solidifying their mistrust for other clans snd still grieving loss over loved ones. Her eyes flit to a familiar earten pelt that lay ahead of her, stone in tow for his beloved that would never get to return to this very island. The island that had sheltered them for many moons and provided protection. The island where their budding loved blossomed and grew until death stole him from them all. She had sat with Clearwater as he took his last breaths along with many others, guiding his paws while the stars embraced him.
Her gaze then flicks to Willowroot hiding somewhere in the sea of cats, finding their willowy frame somehwere ahead. Her heart stones as she thinks of Ashpaw, how she was taken and StarClan only knew if she was still even alive. Was she sitting up there with Clearsight, watching them from wherever they were among the heavens? Or was she locked in some Two-Leg trap still, screaming to deaf ears and pleading to release her? Cindershade had no way of knowing, no one did. What if she did return and saw no one was there at their old camp? Would she remember where the island resided? Of course she would. She's known this home since she was a squealing kit.

Speaking of squealing kits, her mind that was just lost in the deep lore of these past moons had been interrupted by Silverkit's incessant yelling. The whole way home it had been nonstop, and just as the others, she felt a headache brimming just at the edge of her helm. Cindershade glowers towards the small blue kit as she thrashes about in the clasp of Snakeblink's jaw, yowling her protests and it's when he suddenly drops her that the lead warrior bites the inside of her cheek to keep from laughter pouring over her teeth. She watches her gangly clanmate struggle, going as far as to pick her up half-hazardly by the leg and she almost loses her composure as Silverkit squeals even louder. Perhaps that had made her gathering headache feel a bit better, though she'd not dare say such a thing out loud; especially with Apricotflower so close by. She wasn't in the mood to get a verbal lashing of a barbed tongue.
The surrounding river is within her view now, that too familiar bubbling stream and not the fierce roaring of the gorge was music to her ears. She could only hope that same peace beneath the swaying willows would remain the same, and at dusk—she hopes the fireflies will continue to be out and illuminates the darkness along with the veil of the moon. She had missed those warm New and Green-Leaf nights the most about this place, to hear the thrumming of cicadas and feel a cool wind in her fur. Cindershade's steps pick up the pace as she edges forwards, taking her first steps into the streams and away from the stone path. A breath she hadn't realized she had been holding now exhaled soundly, relishing in the cooling waters before pushing pass the cattails to reveal their beloved home. It still needed some sprucing up, some reinforcements to collapsed dens and restructure but soon it would be even better than it was before the flood.

Home. They were home. She was home.

it seems almost surreal, he thinks vaguely — beneath the haze of his mind, dark and brooding like the rolling skies above. the river waves violently behind where his rock juts tall and imposing from the small stream that surrounds it. the willows whip, flighty in the pre - storm weather. his curls kick up, ruffling to a false bristle as he steps further beyond the arching reed. they were back.. they were home, safe beyond the waters that protect them. though the winds had been rough in the past sunrise or two, their dens were woven tight, woven to hold against the most wretched. they had faced tragedy in the wake of starclan’s wrath once, he would not be privy to it again — not without a fight. his willow stands pristine and he aches to collect moss for them, to hunt down the goose and duck that populates their shores more commonly these days and line their resting place with it. he’d cleaned it meticulously, he knows ; there are very few able to step paw in the split bark, in their space, away from prying eyes and ears and paws outstretched for help. he wants to nest, to provide — barbed tongue salivates with the urge to sink fangs into fresh prey, to bring it back and repay the debt that itches at his paws.

instead, the mottled felidae slinks alongside his mate to rub the sleek hollow of his cheek against the top of his head, more eel than cat in his fluid movement. unabashed, but he’d always been — there is nothing theatric in the way his eyes close, his head tucks to breath firebrand and river scent. they were home, home together, amidst friends and kin. he smells of brightkit, the wrestling he’d had to do to keep her in line far reason enough.. though he would be lying to say watching the tom skitter after the absentminded kit hadn’t been amusing, and endearing. snakeblink drops the chattering silverkit to her head and he hides that brief chuckle that passes dark lips. the molly was okay, but he moves away from smokethroat once said lead speaks, training his attention on the folded youth.

two ivory paws place on either side of silverkit’s flanks, looming over where she lie pouting in the soil, unmoving. with a wicked grin he quickly whisks beneath a sad tsk, the man leans down, ach nein, it seems little silverkit didn’t make the trip. “ he murmurs, faux solemnly, before using the nip of his dark nose to nudge her flank playfully, as if checking for life. after a moment he would sit back, lowering his ears and giving his head a slow shake, ” yep. ah, it’s so sad.. she didn’t even get to see the riverbed outside their nursery — with all those shiny stones and shells. my, i don’t even think she got to see a shell in her short life. “ the leader releases a great heave of a sigh, theatric and barely suppressing the grin that eats at his lips, ” i suppose they’ll all have to go to brightkit. “

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
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  • Haha
Reactions: ☆ Brightpaw ☆
Thoroughly annoyed, they are. Not only will they have to drag their collection back to the island camp, but they will have to watch as the temporary dens that they had helped to weave go to waste. They have half a mind to drag one of them to the island, to set themself up their own little corner of the camp. But for now, the calico only brings themself to camp.

Of course, they are happy to return. But perhaps they had hoped for more warning, before having to leave the temporary camp so soon after being given their warrior name. The warrior walks in silence, though, pawsteps for once steady and sure. They are returning home a fully-fledged warrior. Their parents would be proud—if either of them had stuck around.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
Wagtailkit plodded after his mother in his usual bumbling fashion, though there was a certain swiftness that whistled inharmoniously through each step, as he had the instruction to follow his siblings and his mother. Like the ugly duckling to its reluctantly-fond mother, he trailed as some insistent shadow to his brood. Wanting to lead the pack, though wanton willpower led capricious attention elsewhere, he stopped in his tracks. The sable-and-snow feline meandered away from his kin to stare up at the titan Cicadastar, who bore much of the same colors as he, but the leader seemed as though the waters had chewed at his fur, picked at his bones, and spluttered out his remains. Not that that was a terrible observation - Wagtail admired those who could brave the white-jawed rapids. He wanted to do that, too! For now, his attention turned beyond his commander. "I wanna shell." He pointed to a jagged edge of the river's spat-out prospects, hoping they wouldn't all go to Brightkit. They looked so cool...
TAGS — "New home... old home? New home..." Meadowkit mumbles as he waddles along with the rest of the RiverClanners. He's not far behind Brightkit or the rest of his family; and though his kittish exuberance is dulled by questions of new versus old, he does feel the current of excitement in his paws. The beech copse is where he's been raised. Undoubtedly, that is the place that is home to Meadowkit, and his sisters, and his friends; so is he really returning anywhere, or just moving someplace new? Does it really matter? Maybe he shouldn't worry about it so much- but he'll really miss the way the beeches hung above him, and the hiding places unique to that apparently temporary place. Maybe he'll visit when he's an apprentice, if he can even remember where it is.

Soft fawn ears prick at the sound of swimming. Meadowkit's focus snaps to his sister; green gaze widens with a quiet excitement. If Silverkit didn't care to swim, what with being super dead and leaving her inheritance to Brightkit and all (why does Brightkit get all the stones, actually?), he figures it could be his chance to swoop in and be excited in her stead. "I wanna swim, too," he chirps, bobbed tail wiggling.​
He can't help but think of all they had lost in the journey over back to their new camp—they hadn't been there in moons, surely it would look a little different and take getting used to. They were missing Clanmates who would never see their true home again. Ravenpaw tried to not dwell too much on it. The squirming and shouting of the kits was amusing—in another mental state—for now Ravenpaw willed them to be silent, heart twisting at how little they understood the gravity of this change—what it meant to everyone else.

Luckily he did not have to carry a kit. His jaws were stuffed with herbs, ones that he put down in relief once they got there. His eyes cast out over the sea of cats, feeling self-satisfied in their journey to return home, even if it took a long time.

"Depends on what kind of help." He remarked when he heard Wolfglade's offer of help toward the others. He would have to keep a close eye on this one, check back in with Beesong to make sure the warrior was fit to do some of the chores.