camp Homeward bound | return to camp

In every situation you give me peace
Quietly she trails in line, periwinkle eyes skimming over every nook and cranny of the old abandoned camp. Fond memories flooded her mind as her steps slow briefly. "I haven't been here since I was a kitten..." She muses softly to herself as her attention finally lands upon the nursery. It felt like almost a lifetime ago now considering she spent nearly all of her apprenticeship at the beech copse. Now she is back. Now she is home, and she could finish the rest of her training and become a warrior where she belonged. The rambunctiousness of the kits draw her attention away briefly with a blink of surprise, listening as several warriors attempt to entertain them in different ways. But her gaze ultimately shifts to Fernpaw with a small frown. The poor tom hadn't been quite the same since the failing of his assessment. She could sympathize with him, for she knew all too well what it was like to struggle with training. Although she longed to trot to his side and offer word of comfort or encouragement the ginger tabby looked as if he needed some time alone.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
sneezefur | 28 months | demi-boy | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
Returning to camp is a strange thing for sneezefur. When they'd first left, he'd been alone. But one queen had decided to claim them his and then join starclan during the battles, and he is no longer alone. Skeletal frame moves slowly, nudging @Dragonflykit and @PINKKIT ! ahead of him as they travel, and endless sniffling coming from the tom who seems to be dealing with troublesome allergies. When they arrive at last, seafoam gaze glances about, before head hunches down to whisper softly enough only the two will hear over the roaring din of the river and their clanmates, "We're home" It's nice, he thinks, to be back in the protected camp. Though he was not born here, riverclan has been his home for many a moon now, and the thought of getting to raise his kits here brings only joy.
( tags ) - How long had he been walking? One moon? Two? With all the pitter-pattering of dainty kitten paws, his own flame-tipped limbs had grown tired. Not that he'd whined too much. Maybe just a tired huff of discontent here and there as he was nudged forward by his beloved caregiver. A part of him wanted to show Sneezefur that he could walk all on his own, while another wanted to be fussed over and carried. That wouldn't have been fair on either his father nor his littermate, however. Pinkkit spent most of the trip eyeballing the new sights, sampling the new smells. The place he'd made all his memories was only temporary. What awaited him now was something else entirely. He'd heard the grown-up warriors reminisce about this place. No longer just a story, he could see it with his own two gaping blues.

His father's voice brushed softly against his ear. Looking over his shoulder, Pinky offered him a jolt of laughter and a cheerful smile. Home. This was home. And it was gonna be all theirs, forever. The tiny tom took a few delighted steps forward to take a closer look, tail held up high. Eyes were filled with childlike wonder, taking it all in.