private How many stars in the sky? || Copia

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It was late, or rather, later then she was hoping. Paw aching with each step, the molly stands and gives her patchwork pelt a gentle shake to dislodge all of the dirt. Licking her lips clean of her recent meal - a mouse that she caught while it studied the sky - words and questions bounced around in the molly's tongue. She wasn't usually one for walking up and asking questions of others. It felt odd. Rude. Personal. Embarrassingly so. But things were changing for her. The relationship with her brother, her mother, her best friend. Why couldn't her habits change too?
"H-hey Copia!" Her voice was cheery and friendly, even though it got caught on the edges of her smile. She greets the black and white cat with a smile and a high tail.
"I've got a question for you, if you've the time. " Her paws are itchy with dirt and prey-blood. They struggle to be still as she contuines, a clear give away of her anxiety. "Nothin' bad, I was just wondering about, well, I suppose I'll be blunt - but I was wondering about your thoughts on Star Clan. I heard your views were different, I.... I am curious. Could you tell me about them?" She hoped the other cat wouldn't take this as a rude question however blunt it was. The question itself was born from genuine curiosity, something she hoped was readily apparent.
↪ OOC: Surprise! I was reading through the cool stuff u posted on ur channel on discord and got an idea :3 no pressure to respond! @COPIA
The darkness of the night begins to cloak the sky, and the black smoke tom lets out a quiet sigh. He feels the most comfortable here— in camp— and he takes one final bite to his meal. Swallowing his last bite of a robin, he licks his lips clean of any mess; and his ears twitch as clanmates nearby murmur and talk amongst themselves. Some warriors might be retiring early for the evening, but the night is still young to him. If the sky is clear tonight, he could watch the stars from outside the warrior's den— don't his clanmates have a name for the stars that paint the evening sky? What was it again?

"H-Hey Copia!"

His ears perk up at Sorrelsong's sudden voice, and he feels shock in his chest that she's talking to him, and the black smoke quickly looks in her direction. She pads over with a high tail and a smile, and the newly promoted warrior gives her a small nod of greeting. "Er, hello Sorrelsong," Copia greets back, and he can't help but raise an eyebrow by what leaves her maw shortly after. A question? About what? She seems to read his cautious mind, insisting it's nothing bad, but he gives her a wary nod.

"I was wondering your thoughts on StarClan." His mismatched eyes blink in surprise at her question; that is quite a personal question to ask. He debates telling her no, that he doesn't wish to discuss the clan's faith, but he notices how her paws tremble & shake. It must've taken some courage to ask such a blunt question, and he mentally pushes back his wish to decline her request. "I do not believe in StarClan," He quickly gets straight to the point, and his tail wraps around his paws. "Heh, I find the overall concept of it to be quite strange," He mews and looks over at the chocolate seal point, and he wonders if she feels shock at his lack of faith. To think that that the majority of former outsiders came around to accepting StarClan, is an interesting concept to the black smoke. He couldn't, and still can't, imagine himself looking up to a bunch of dead cats for guidance— as blunt, or rude, as that sounds.

"When I look at the night sky," He mews and his mismatched gaze looks up to the stars, "I don't see your ancestors, er, watching over me. I wasn't raised to believe that, heh." Others might be able to pick up on it, but Copia wasn't ready to let go what he has left of his previous life. He devoted himself to Nox, and he wasn't about to abandon it for a bunch of dead cats. He pulls his gaze away from the shimmering stars, and a thought that was on his mind earlier comes back to him. "Oh, what name do you guys call the night sky? I swear, er, I've heard it before. But I cannot remember it, eh." He might not believe in StarClan, but it's killing him that their name for the stars is on the literal tip of his tongue.

  • mwahh tysm for the surprise, i quite enjoyed this :3c
  • 89763132_S5MU9f3ZeHFl3mu.png

    artwork by llumisky (via TH) for the artwork<3
  • Copia
    36 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    pixel by nopeita <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & white
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)


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She took in his words, blinking slowly as she thought each implication through. She had shifted when the tom mentioned her ancestors, but she didn't really have the heart to correct him. I'm not clan born. They aren't mine - I was just told they were there. Did that means she stole them from the mouths of the warriors that informed her? Or had they simply told her another truth of the world?
Truth be told, this was not the first time she had thought of this. She sighs, sitting beside the dark tom and almost trips over him in the process. His pelt was hard to see now that it was getting darker, his eye shone like a star though. She almost forget that he was there - that she was instead talking to some Being from a different place.
"Is.. Nox the reason you didn't take on a..." The words tumble out again. She has a bad habit, huh? Great! Instead of being known as the shyiest cat in Sky Clan, I'll be called the rudest! A cough forces its way out of her throat and she takes the opportunity the shove the rest of her question out with it.
Once she recovers, she quickly formulates a new question. Both were born from curiosity - it'd been a while since she'd truly talked to someone - but this one was (hopefully and purposefully) less abrasive.
"Is Nox a cat or a place? An' how did'ja come to know of them? I'm just curious. I... joined the clan a few moon cycles ago. Kinda just wondered and followed my dreams of cats flying. Was it...Was your introduction to Nox like that? "
↪ OOC: I'm glad! I genuienly am intrested in ur Nox lore 👀