- Jul 12, 2022
- 67
- 1
- 8
Today Ivoryflight was hopeful that her training session with Shrewpaw would go over well. Her intention was to take the apprentice out hunting, hopefully building upon her skills. No specific plan was set in stone for the day, more so go with the flow and allow Shrewpaw to detirmine how they went about their day. Allowing herself a moment to groom her coat and stretch before exiting her nest, she would make her way over to where Shrewpaw laid, gently proding her with a paw. "Good morning! We're going hunting today, so get yourself ready and grab something to eat, then we'll head out." Whispering the instructions to her apprentice, Ivoryflight would then set out herself to eat before starting their training.
// so sorry for the delay @SHREWPAW
// so sorry for the delay @SHREWPAW