I’VE NEVER BEEN GOLDEN ♡ herb gathering (phase II)


Jun 26, 2024
Riverclan was already having difficulty preparing for leafbare with the early frost, but now that they were at war with Thunderclan, life would become even harder. Whatever precious stores of herbs they had gathered to last them through the colder moons would now be needed for those inevitably injured during the battle for Sunningrocks. If they were going to survive until newleaf, it was vital they keep scouring the dying territory for usable herbs.

Cloudpaw, driven by a strong sense of duty, eagerly stepped forward to join the herb patrol. She wished Swirldance were with her. After feeling so powerless in the face of the flood and unpredictable weather, it was a relief to be able to make a tangible contribution. While she obviously didn't possess the same expertise in identifying medicinal plants as her sister, her time spent with Moonbeam and her stores had given her a rough understanding of what to look for.

The alabaster apprentice shivered slightly as a cool breeze whipped around them, her warm breath leaving a trail of steam above her. As thick as her silken fur might be, the chill cut straight through to her bones. But she was here. She was alive, her heart was beating and she was able to keep working for her clan. That's more than some of my clanmates had. She was lucky, and she wouldn't complain.

Cloudpaw's mint-green eyes scanned the frozen earth along the riverbank, her pace quickening to avoid her paw pads sticking to the icy ground. It felt like they had been searching for an eternity when her gaze finally landed on a wilting yellow flower. She couldn't recall the plant's name or its medicinal properties, but she was certain she had seen Moonbeam using it before. "I found something!" She exclaimed with a burst of energy, her spirits lifted as she carefully plucked the stem with her teeth.

  • [ set after the battle! cloud rolled a 19 (found coltsfoot) ]
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    CLOUDPAW she / her, apprentice of riverclan, 11 moons
    long-hair white and cinnamon chimera with pale green eyes
    npc x npc // sister to moonbeam, rowan and crawfishpaw
    single, crushing on no one // mentored by swirldance
    peaceful powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots
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Her position in her Clan is unstable; she feels eyes rake her pelt like claws when she's in camp, and though her worry over her daughter's condition takes precedence over the rest of her turmoil, she finds it best to keep her paws busy. She feels naked without Pinepaw beside her, but she remembers Smokestar's ordeal well enough to know the other tortoiseshell won't be by her side for some time. It had taken the black warrior moons to recover from the loss of his eye, and then... then their training had seemingly begun all over again, as he learned to adjust without half his vision.

She exhales; her breath mists in front of her. Cloudpaw has found something growing amidst the icy reeds. Normally, Iciclefang would offer the pale she-cat praise, but she is selectively mute today as her head swims with possibilities.

A blue gaze sweeps the rime-ridden wetlands until it focuses on a stubborn plant with long, fern-like tendrils. It threatens to wither, but it's verdant enough to look viable. Iciclefang pads closer to it and harvests it by its root; when she extracts the thing, she's surprised by the herbaceous flavor.

Iciclefang briefly meets the eyes of her patrolmates, but says nothing. She continues walking, eager to have something to show for her efforts.

  • ooc: rolled a 13; found chervil (2 points)
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 29 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.



✦˚.✧˚✧˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✧˚✦˚✦.˚✧
  • It was a boon that her position afforded her the ability to recovery quickly- Moonbeam still cast the occasional glare that suggested she wished Lichenstar wouldn't be so hasty to return to duty but she could not reasonably rot away under the willow branches while those of far more mortal flesh suffered. They needed supplies... the whole point of taking back Sunningrocks was to gift them more space to find the things they needed most.

    Her vision stays transfixed somewhere just up ahead... some nebulous point farther away that demands she keep walking. Somewhere Cloudpaw chatters about cuddling up at camp, being warm instead... but the lynx point doesn't pay it much attention. A splash of flame and shadow fur dances across her periphery- she ignores that too.

    The glistening of dew drops caught on a dense pattern of webbing is all that matters in this moment... the rest falls away. In this act she can make sure that Pinepaw has new bandages for her eye. Can ensure that Snakeblink doesn't face an infection if his are not replaced regularly. The aftercare that Lichenstar doesn't need but they do...

    "Thank.... StarClan..." goes murmured on a hushed breath as paws reach to collect the cobwebs with careful precision, trying to keep an eye out for whatever spider had made them.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦ rolled an 11, found cobwebs!
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ .

    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦ . . ˚ ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦ ˚ ✦ . . ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦
Useful. There often seemed like the amount of things the 'paw could do for their clan that might be viewed as 'useful' grew slimmer every day. Of course, that was in all likeliness very far from the truth especially now with the early leaf-bare. That's why they came on this patrol. A desire to be useful, helpful, make sure their clan succeeds. And Merlinpaw will not say no to being the least bit helpful. He hadn't fought, but he can still do this.

Weather consciously or not (he isn't sure), Merlinpaw's gaze follows the places his leader looks, and finds that there's some cobweb not far from her own bundle that she collects. It feels inadequate, and he wishes he'd found something better, but anything RiveClan can get they must take and there is little exception to that.

Clodpaw's excited mew of her find catches the tom's attention, and we wanders over on three legs, paw cradling the bundle of cobweb held above the ground so that they do not get ruined. "Good find," they compliment in monotone, looking at the plant with thinly veiled curiosity, "...what is it?"

  • ooc - roll: 12, cobwebs 1 point

  • #6360c4

  • (img) Merlinpaw * they/him* 10 moons
    mentored by Streamsong
    short furred blue classic tabby w/ low white; brown eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
The churning in her stomach hasn't stopped. She feels permanently nauseous, her mind plagued with visions of the Sunningrocks battle. The way the mottled warrior spoke - "... Please..." And the aftermath, the revelation that she had been nothing more but an outlet for someone's frustrations. That her sin of existing was only amplified by another sinner, hated by many, even with her so near. Her lover -

She pauses in her step, gritting her teeth. Fear of all sorts tuck into her mind's eye and she collects the nearest morsel of stems and leaves - unknowingly grabbing herbs of use - and turns from the patrol. "I promised Midnightash I would be back in time for a hunting patrol," she says to no one in particular. Her leader is here, still nursing wounds atop the deaths they've suffered, and Iciclefang too. She cannot look towards either of them for permission, simply deciding on her own that she cannot be of use here. "I'll take some of this back so you guys have free paws," she offers, ears pinning back while she waits for freedom.

[ rolled a 17 :] 2 pts! ]
Being confined to a den was Blackwater's own version of hell. He had not sustained injuries as fatal as some of his clanmates upon their return from the battlefield, however according to Moonbeam, it was concerning enough to warrant extra rest and the promise to leave behind visible scarring once healed. He had yet to get a proper look at it, for in truth, he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to. It was not a simple wound, but rather a final remembrance of what- no, of who had been lost- by his own paws. He was not the most emotional tom, it was no secret...but he was not a monster devoid of the ability to feel, despite his inability to make it known in the expressions he wore upon his face or the lull of a gravelly voice.

To be here with his more well fit clanmates in search of herbs was the distraction he so desperately needed, for being alone rotting in his nest...it was the perfect place for thoughts and memories to ravage a vulnerable mind. His attention was turned to that of Robinheart, who had announced her find of moss with as much pleasure as one could muster after the recent events. He gave her a nod of acknowledgement in an attempt to convey praise, for his voice seemed to be caught unmoving within his throat these days.

He would wander a considerable distance away from his patrol, not just in search of herbs but also due to the haziness of his own mind caused by muddled thoughts and the endless concentration it took to keep them at bay. His steady pace stilled as unfamiliar but potent scents wafted into his nose, only strengthening as he parted trembling jaws in order to absorb the gentle wind that had carried it in his direction. Following the airborne trail like a dog, he would come across the unexpected sight of chickweed which had somehow managed to endure the rapidly progressing chill of Leaf-bare. Blackwater's eyes widened just slightly, his muscles barely a twitch as per usual before craning his neck to bite the precious bundle at the base to loosen them from the gravel they nestled in. He would take great care in returning them back to his patrol, his maws a warm and welcoming cradle for his cargo to sink into...so unlike the instrument of violence they had been not so long ago.
° . ☠︎︎ . °
  • ooc: rolled a 16, found ultra rare herbs worth 3 points :) took a peek at the guide and just assumed chickweed would be the most accurate herb for respiratory treatment based on their location but if its inaccurate feel free to overlook it </3

    also this is copy pasted from a different thread as i had gotten it mixed up with this one, so if some things dont seem to be completely cohesive in comparison with the surroundings set up for this gathering thread that'll be why! i apologize for any confusion but i really dont wanna have to rewrite my whole response :(
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    SH blue tabby/blue chimera with low white. born to riverclan and eternally devoted to their ranks, he often prioritizes the wellbeing of others over himself and is prone to doing much more than he is physically capable of as a means to prove not only to others that he is deserving of his position, but also to himself. although not something he displays externally, he is imbittered and melancholic regarding his physical ailments and incapability. despite this repressed mental unrest, he is quite laid-back and gentle towards those around him, often content to converse and connect to any who may desire it- although admittedly, he is not the most observant or quick-witted when it comes to recognizing social cues.

Frost culminated on the brittled earth and on wire-tipped whiskers, as though the noontide of a day deeply entrenched in leaf-bare, a season thrust into the midst of the wrath of another one. Algaepaw could feel the chills even within thornbush pelt, sending shivers down the young apprentice's spine. She wondered if it was normal for leaf-bare to come so early, for it to disregard the natural cycle of the seasons. It would have angered her if it did not pique her ardorous interest. Then again, he was a keen-eyed spirit, and knew that the warriors would not be panicking to gather supplies and herbs while they still could. Gunmetal-grey nose sniffed along the ends of the riverbank, though nothing remained of the sudden deposition of the gentle autumn, with only indelicate rime spewed out from the early winter. Mist-laden huff escaped his nostrils as there lie nothing to gather, only dull verdant shades that proved to be mere ghosts of the incredulous follies of weeks before. Is this Starclan's plan, too? Surely, it was in their design. "Mm, sorry. Can't find anything." Loose-lipped smile fluttered onto Algaepaw's ivory face, wearing his sickeningly-sweet disposition like the crest of a proud rooster, countenance peeled in undue pride. Vibrant golden suns turned towards his mentor, prickles of worry beaded into light upon his eyes. He wished he could not disappoint, but fate had not imbued him with the ability to pick out herbs as a medicine cat, so he couldn't eat himself alive about it.

  • OOC: Rolled a 6 and found nothing! 0 points.
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  • —— ALGAEPAW / He/She / 6 Moons
    —— Apprentice of Riverclan / Sibling to Redpaw and Rivuletpaw / Mentored by Lichenstar
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white and freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaepaw is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his mannerisms and tendency to weave tall tales.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

Despite Cloudpaw's energy, it wasn't enough to stop the air from being suffocating. He is well aware of why. Iciclefang and Lichenstar are here. Without a doubt, Lichenstar knows the truth of Iciclefang's kits. When he volunteered he didn't expect for both mollies to volunteer as well, especially Lichenstar who was recovering. One might say, but Pikesplash you could've backed out. Yes. They were right, but it was infinitely more awkward to suddenly make up an excuse to not be on the same patrol as either molly.

Not because he loathed any of them. When it came to Iciclefang, it was the awkwardness of the conversation they had and what truths he now knew. Both of them had kits with cats outside of their respective clan. To sneer at Iciclefang was hypocritical. Not that he was going to in the first place. He was just left with a single question. Why? Why did she lash out him, even though they both comitted the same crime?

As for Lichenstar? That was more complicated. He didn't even want to get into it.

When his eyes met Iciclefang he simply glanced towards Lichenstar. All he could do was remain quiet. He didn't want to cause a scene or throw himself into a worse situation. He's grateful that his daughter is here. It eases his nerves a little. He flashes her a strained smile, hoping she understands it's not because of her. Soon they each split off in different directions to find something that could be of use.

Unfortunately, Pikesplash only finds ruined herbs. Even though he is no medicine cat, his soul yowls at him that these plants are useless. Eventually he trudges back to the group, with nothing to show for. He isn't the only one. Algaepaw also returns with nothing.

Midnightash... I'm happy for you. The silver tom approaches his daughter. "I can take it back, if you want. Midnightash's waiting for you, after all."

Rolled a 5! Can't find usable herbs, 0 POINTS

( ) verdant eyes scan the forest floor, slender paws padding carefully down the trail as the willowy warrior follows her clanmates. cloudpaw bounds ahead, cinnamon spots standing out against stark white snow, picking out speckles of sun from beneath the frost. "well done, cloudpaw," at least we're having some luck, willowroot ponders as she smiles kindly at the younger feline. iciclefang veers off to snuffle at something as well, plucking a long, herbaceous plant from the earth. "good find," the smoke offers her shunned clanmate, a small kindness she is never sure the mottled woman appreciates. lichenstar and merlinpaw find cobwebs, blackwater some other herb, and willow starts to feel slightly inadequate as she paws through the frost, finding nothing but crumpled brown leaves.

splashdance offers to take the herbs back, a kindness, but one willowroot wonders about. the white-freckled she-cat is looking uneasy, her smile not reaching her eyes. concern for her clanmate flares inside the lithe she-cat, but there is a guarded look in the younger cat's eyes. pressing into a potentially open wound might not be the best choice in these circumstances, willowroot decides. instead, she turns back to her herb search, smiling at algaepaw when he declares his difficulty. "me neither," she sighs to her niece's son.

  • // no roll due to late reply "#91A26C"
  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png
    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.