i am a massive deal ☾ petty fighting


Moonwhisper felt a lot of things and it was apparent she felt them with much more intensity than was normal. Things that made her angry sent her over the edge with rage, things that upset her were almost life changing in how deeply she was affected by them. Compliments could carry here through even the toughest struggles, the most marginal of mentions of her incompetence or failings could send her into a spiral so violent she would lose herself for days in it before finally climbing out of the dark pit she made herself. When she was a young kit she didn't have this problem, or if she did she didn't notice it, she'd always been quiet and that hadn't really changed - the difference was the world got louder and her voice was often lost in the noise of it all. Struggling to find her place was difficult, getting an apprentice had helped but she still felt an ache in her chest that reminded her that she was worth nothing if she could not perform.

After her talk with Lightstrike and their terrible hunting excursion that went nowhere due to a lot of heavy emotion and shouting, she had settled on a few things. The first was that she knew what she wanted, she knew what she felt and there was no longer any sense denying it. The second was that she was going to stomp Mousenose into the dirt like the prey animal she was named after.
Spotting the tortie she wasted no time in her approach, her gait confident and her stride swift as she sauntered over with that plume of a tail lifted high and her expression one of cool indifference as she nods in the faintest greeting before speaking.

"I'm sorry to hear you and Lightstrike didn't work out." She says simply, her head lifted up enough she can look down on the tortiseshell with narrowed blue eyes, her voice drops low and her next words are clearly for Mousenose and Mousenose alone to hear, "Maybe someday someone will actually love you...and you can stop playing pretend like a kitten."

    Ooc - Please note this takes place prior to Berryheart's death.

  • dgk9va7-e404f34c-d42a-4934-8360-235d0834d2d4.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes

  • Wow
Reactions: Floppie and Jay
Since Lightstrike had more or less admitted to the Clan that he’d never called Mousenose anything but a Clanmate, the tortoiseshell has done her best to avoid him. He’s always clinging to Moonwhisper’s pelt like a burr, anyway, and she certainly has her paws full enough with Sunshinepaw to keep her away from that dreadful she-cat. When spotted paws bring bared teeth and frosty eyes toward her, she feels her flank begin to twitch almost instinctively. Moonwhisper approaches her predatorily, aggressively, and her chin is tilted in the air, her blue gaze looking down on Mousenose as though she’s better. To hear Lightstrike’s name in her mouth like this… Mousenose’s messy fur bristles.

I have two parents who love me,” she hisses. Moonwhisper had found a sore spot and pressed it so hard it had turned into a black pit of a bruise. “That’s more than you can say, isn’t it?” She knows it’s a low-blow, but she’s angry now, angry and hurt, and she can’t let Moonwhisper walk over her any longer.

  • ooc:
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 18 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Sunshinepaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.

  • Wow
Reactions: Floppie and Thorny

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The past quarter moon has been a blur, and Roeflame had realized she had practically been stuck to her mates flank like a burr. Between patrols, hunting, juggling her two apprentices, and her pregnancy that still remained under wraps, the tabby had been avoiding just about everyone else but Burnstorm.
Today however, the lead warrior awoke with a fresh conviction in her heart, embracing the realization that soon enough she would no longer have the option to leave camp whenever her heart desired, chatter with her friends whenever she wanted.
Perhaps she should have sought out anyone else, but Moonwhispers pelt was the first to catch the warriors eye.
Barely had she begun to close the gap with a greeting formed on her tongue does the brindled warrior begins to speak to someone Roeflame cannot quite see yet.
She doesn’t have to, though. Theres only one cat those words could have been hummed for.
Unfortunately for Mousenose, Moonwhispers next words go unheard on cinnamon ears, the next thing Roeflame catches as she comes to stand at Moonwhispers flank striking a particularly personal cord within her own heart.
I have two parents who love me. Thats more than you can say, isn’t it?
”Seriously, Mousenose? Roeflame barks, disgust swelling within celadon hues.
”That was low, even for you. Grow the hell up, or I can think of a few chores the apprentices will happily have taken off their paws.” Lip curled, Roeflame’s tone is scalding as she scolds the full-grown warrior, optics turning to Moonwhisper. ”This isn’t worth it. You know that.” While her tone is low, the irritated warrior keeps her words firm.
I don’t have the time for this bullshit.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Toadhop doesn’t care much about… whatever is going on between Moonwhisper and Mousenose in all honesty. Anything he’s heard about it has been against his will from gossiping clanmates, in glaring looks and displays of affection toward cream tabby fur. In the confrontation set in front of him, the tortie point stalking over to the tortoiseshell.

And while he doesn’t hear what Moonwhisper says, he hears what Mousenose says. And it’s… It’s not directed toward him, he knows, but it’s low and harsh and — and it strikes him. If such can be said to Moonwhisper, daughter of Little Wolf and Blazestar, two cats held in prestige who Toadhop believes cared greatly for their daughter… What can be said about him?

What can be said about someone who has less than that? About Cinderfrost’s son?

He opens his mouth to speak, to say something, but it’s Roeflame that says something first. His presence shifts him from Mousenose’s comment, her barking words guiding him to her side. “ It’s a wonder she was even made a warrior, “ he mutters as he nears the lead warrior, brown tail lashing behind him. How could someone so childish graduate on time, while he was held back?

Roeflame seeks to diffuse the situation, but part of him doesn’t want Moonwhisper to step down — doesn’t want this to end without Mousenose put in her place. ​
  • 75352427_5zJK0BNBCWuj2E9.png
    ── Warrior of ThunderClan

    ── Cinderfrost x Grime
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A brown tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by Stonepool
    ── "Speech"; Attack

She has already snorted to turn away before Mousenose could even reply, but what she hears has her whirling back around in a blur of cream and spotted fur to bare her teeth at the tortiseshell, "How DARE you, my mother DIED FOR THIS CLAN! More than you can say for your kittypet father who couldn't even handle the responsibility of his position and had to step down!"
Weak, pathetic, she was born of thin and watered down blood and Moonwhisper was not! Even with Blazestar as her father she had overcome what genetics may have held her back and leaned into her forest born side; Little Wolf was her only parent as far as she cared and the insult to her would not stand. Roeflame was there at her side suddenly, scolding and punishing as she used her position of authority to keep the peace but it wasn't enough for her. It would never be enough. Her muscles coiled beneath pristine and delicately curled fur, she tensed where she stood before suddenly springing forward to slam into the spotted molly and throw her onto the ground on her back, a growl rose in her throat, a sputtering hiss of a threat spat into her ear for her alone to hear before she swung back a paw and ebony claws unsheathed and flashed like curved moons from the tip of each spotted toe. Toadhop was about to get his wish.

  • Ooc - Minor powerplay with permission! She has not swung yet!

  • dgk9va7-e404f34c-d42a-4934-8360-235d0834d2d4.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes

Sparkwing isn't violent by nature. Its when his family and clan are threatened that he becomes violent. He was not expecting anything bad to happen today, but something tips him off when he sees Moonwhisper and Mousenose talking. Nothing good can come from this, he thinks. He doesn;t hear what Moonwhisper said, but he does hear what Mousenose said. Ouch. That wasn't okay... He agrees with the others. But they are also ganging up on HIS sister, who must have had a reason for saying such a thing. He's walking over to stand by her when he hears Moonwhisper insult his father.

And suddenly, he doesnt want to mediate anymore.

He rushes over now, bristling with teeth bared as Moonwhisper has the audacity to attack his sister. With the full force of his body, he attempts to barrel into Moonwhisper to knock her off of Mousenose, not thinking about how he could also knock over... Everyone else.

"GET OFF MY SISTER!!" His usually jovial voice is now harsh and angry, and his eyes are full of fury. " AND DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY FATHER THAT WAY! YOU'RE JUST ANGRY THAT HE WAS PROMOTED TO BE A LEAD WARRIOR AND YOU WEREN'T!" He spits, standing just a hair away from Moonwhisper's face. "NOW BACK OFF, BEFORE I MAKE YOU." Its spoken with weight, he fully intended to score his claws down her face if she didn't. He was giving her a chance to reconsider her actions, a mercy before he swung one of his big paws into her face.​

"Umm, Flamewhisker? There's something happening back at the camp..."

The deputy flashed Russetfang a confused look, before following the tom back to the camp. She had been trying to hunt, leaving Roeflame in charge of keeping watch, but for someone to come and grab her, whatever was happening must be concerning. As she burst through the tunnel, her gaze immediately fell upon Moonwhisper, Mousenose, Roeflame, Sparkwing, and Toadhop. She could see their mouths moving, and judging by Roeflame's curled lip she was ordering the group to stop. For a second she thought maybe...just maybe they would respect their Lead Warrior's orders, until all hell broke loose.

Moonwhispers wicked yell echoed throughout the camp. "Go get Howlingstar. NOW." she ordered to Russetfang, but the tom was already running to their leader's den. Within seconds Little Wolf's daughter sprung forward, knocking Mousenose over, and almost as fast as that happened, Sparkwing was barreling towards Moonwhisper. Anger surged through her stomach, awaking an all new feeling she had never felt.

"ALL OF YOU STOP RIGHT NOW!" The fiery deputy roared, authority filling her voice. Her nostrils flared as she stomped her foot down beside the wrestling bunch of young warriors. "I don't care which one of you fluff brains started this, all three of you are going to Howlingstar's den right now. And don't even try to back talk, or else I'll personally see that you are on apprentice duties again for another six months. Clearly you have all forgotten how to behave."

  • sending an npc to fetch @HOWLINGSTAR

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


she doesn’t know how she managed to be around each time this happens ; passing by, a scrawny mouse in her jaws, all tired eyes and aching bones from her hunt when suddenly, a screech. a screaming wail, something from the chest, eruption in a way she’d only heard rarely before. moonwhisper. moonwhisper was an intimidating figure — ice cold, narrow - eyed and flat - eared. she seen the way disdain flicks towards her family, glowing dim in frozen lakewater eyes ; of course she had. freckleflame, coward as she was, side - steps the observance altogether as best she can. she tells herself nothing good can come from it, and the tortoiseshell is convinced that much is at least truthful.. at least, enough to avert her gaze in these situations. to tuck her head and scamper away, throwing a wide - eyed look at whatever soul decides to approach after her. but mousenose was an instigator. she’d known this since kithood, when snot would bubble in her nostrils and her eyes would well with tears when sparkwing had tumbled her a little too hard. drama, always ; perhaps that was why freckleflame chose to avoid confrontation altogether when it came to her clanmates.

as her sister grew, as did her desperate plea for attention — and yes, maybe freckleflame had been bitter over it as a youth, but now, it was only a fact of life. mousenose was an instigator, but so was moonwhisper ; a trait, for better or worse. an explosive relationship, frequent to erupt and worsening with each episode. how she ends up stumbling into frame now, she doesn’t know — but the tortie point whirls, snarls something vicious too close to her passing muzzle and context clues fill her in before anything else. she backs rapidly, then dives back forward, unsure of who to defend but ready to do it nonetheless, ” guys — guys! her voice lilts to a yell to be heard above the screeching, the sudden plowing forward of her brother that has her pitching higher in frantic desperation. there was nothing else to do. she scrabbles forward, tries to grab sparkwing by the scruff, or wherever she could safely latch ; they’d both gotten their father’s hefty genes and it pays well now, she hopes, to handle her equally stout brother. why didn’t she just stay out? why hadn’t she just buried that awful mouse and kept going —

before she could get a grip on anything other than flying fur and limbs, there is a another scream. this one sharper than the others, authoritative, and her head pops up so quick from the fray it would be funny, should anything else be happening. in the brief lull of time where attention draws towards flamewhisker, freckleflame attempts to wedge herself between moonwhisper and sparkwing, glancing desperately towards the tortie point for truce. dark rings of exhaustion line bright eyes ; kittypet father. she’d thought most had forgotten, really. she’d hoped. regardless of the way her ears rang, the two were her mess to clean up by birthright, even if flamewhisker orders them ( and possibly her, she frets ) to howlingstar’s den. her jaw locks and she stands rigid, glancing wide enough about to expose the whites of her grassland eyes. were they really going to be punished like kits? what happened?

  • i.

  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
His shoulders tensed, pushing to his paws from where he had been depositing a piece of prey in the elder's den. He pad to the commotion on quick paws, his eyes narrowed and shoulders aching, arriving moments before Flamewhisker had. Anger bubbled in the stomach of the lead warrior. The yowling was bad enough, but the fact they ignored not only a lead warrior, but now Flamewhisker was roaring in camp. Batwing didn't know how to rectify this situation beyond what had already been done.

Batwing flashed into the mess as Flamewhisker yelled, taking his opportunity to push the cats apart, standing beside Freckleflame. Emerald eyes snapped towards Moonwhisper, teeth slowly bared. A challenge. Go ahead and try it, some part of him itched to say. But he kept his mouth shut, letting his deputy do the talking. Thoughts bubbled up- kittypet versus dead parents. Neither of them were any kind of correct- no, this was a whole kind of bad situation.

His tail lashed, vision shifting back towards Flamewhisker. This could get bad. This is the kind of argument that doesn't settle.

The yowling is enough to draw Howlingstar from her den, wide-eyed and sleepy from being awoken from a much-needed slumber. She hears her name and hurries towards the sound before she can think. She sees Moonwhisper. She sees Mousenose. She sees Flamewhisker and Roeflame and Freckleflame and many more gathered around. She stifles a yawn and pushes through the crowd, with a lashing tail, green gaze round with confusion. "What is going on? I want an explanation now," She commands, noticing the way cats shove themselves between the two bristling she-cats as if to separate them. A fight? That seems to be the only explanation. "Moonwhisper, Mousenose?" She growls a warning, eyes flicking between the two of them. If they don't answer, she will look to her deputy, ears pricked.
Did it surprise anyone that Martenmask could be seen at the scene of an interpersonal conflict? He had enough of a self-preservation instinct to not get involved - not least because Howlingstar and Flamewhisker were both present, as if Batwing and Roeflame weren't enough - but he certainly wanted to spectate. There were plenty of cats trying to break up the quarreling she-cats, and he didn't think his bulk in the midst of everything would be helpful - especially considering his kittypet background. This being said...there was no way he was missing this. A few fox-lengths from the clump of cats, Martenmask slowly groomed his great plume of a tail, blue eyes flicking from one angry face to another.

Despite his curiosity about what was going on - and his earnest desire to pepper both Moonwhisper and Mousenose about what had spurred this disagreement - he could not ignore a film of unease that pulsed beneath his skin. Infighting never generated anything good, as far as he was concerned, and he though he couldn't have known it, he shared Batwing's concerns about the conflict. It felt like this came from deep, dark places, cobwebby corners of the mind where resentments accumulated and insecurities simmered. He rasped his tongue over a particularly thick clump at the base of his tail and worried. Worried about his Clanmates, and about pains of the heart, and about things that could and could not be mended.