camp I can always hear you sing, I wanna hear you speak to me // week 2 prompt with questions!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Uranuskit
  • Start date Start date



There are rumours beginning to spread that Clan leaders are considering new alliances. Does your character have any hopes for formed or broken bonds?

Uranuskit is young. She is a daylight warrior - or might be. These don't escape her understanding as she follows her mother into camp, paws cool and aching. Pelt shivering, the molly tries her best to look unaffected. She is bigger now - her body elongating and warping into something different. Something new. Something more like her father then a fluff ball, but that does not change everything about her - nor should it. The season change. The weather changes. But it is still the season. It is still the weather. No matter how uncomfortably cold it is.
"Is it just me, or is it getting colder every time we come here?" She whispers, her breath a blur in front of her. She casts icy eyes around camp. Cats look thinner here, and shame runs through her. Why don't they eat two legs food? Why don't they all have nests to go back to? She knows that the undergrowth is gone now, mainly ghosts or suggestions of the plants they once were. How can you hunt if you have no cover? A breeze rips through the trees above, she whines as it does hurrying over to a group chatting cats in hopes that their words would give distraction to the cold.
Polite - for her - Uranus jumps into the conversation and does her best not to chat over other cats as she is swept into the warm shape of words. It's only when the conversation shifts to rumors that she breaks this personal rule.
"Wait, why would that be a bad thing?" Her question is loud but still polite - the kind of annoying only a child can be as they trip all over another cat. "Why wouldn't we want cat to work together? Wouldn't that mean less fighting and more prey for all of, " us was an odd word, given the context, so "you" comes out instead. Shame follows, but Uranus keeps her eyes unclouded by embarrassment as she awaits an answer.
  • she/her 3 moons Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed

[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] Tiredly, Fawnkit was the next to approach the group of cats chattering before overhearing was Uranuskit had to say. Luckily, his fever had slightly gone down thanks to the expertise of Fireflyglow, yet he wasn't allowed to do much aside from rest or taking bitter herbs to help him get better. The chilly wind made the boy shiver ever more before ears twitched to Uranuskit's question while he tiredly shuffled over, settlinf himself down to where he could listen but not close enough that he could potentially get another sick.

"From what I overheard... Thunderclan was found stealing from us, and... we tried to steal territory from them... they don't like kitty-pets either, same with the other clans... and I guess the clans are just selfish or have reasons we're to young to understand" the boy sniffled a bit, ears drooping a bit before he closed his eyes slightly, trying to keep awake to listen to the conversation that was before them. He just didn't want to sit there all day and do nothing, and surely Fireflyglow wouldn't mind the kit going about and stretching his tiny legs, Flax has done it (without Fireflyglow's best wishes though).
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 4 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Butterflytuft sits at the edge of the group, ears pricked as she listens to Uranuskit's question. The young daylight kit's earnest voice brings a soft flutter of nervousness to her chest. This topic evades her, normally. She doesn't like to concern herself with politics. The idea of new alliances is daunting, and thoughts of it stir a tangle of worry within her. The history of the clans tells stories of friendships turned fragile, one wrong word or accusation or broken promise turning claws towards - or across - the border. The queen's eyes roam over the kits - whatever choices are made, they would shape these young lives, and the thought makes her stomach twist with concern.

"Um, that's a very thoughtful question," She begins hesitantly, unsure if she should speak at all on this topic as she glances the warriors she sits with. They'd know better than her, surely. But the kitten's expectant eyes urge her on, and she swallows, continuing, "Alliances can bring more prey and safety, and that's important, isn't it? But, well, they can also be...complicated. If...if trust isn't strong, misunderstandings can happen, and that can be difficult for everyone."

She glances at Fawnkit, whose eyes, though tired, are bright with attention. "You should be resting," She chides gently, leveling him with a maternal look of protection. But if he will be out here, she may as well keep him warm, so she wraps her feathery tail around his haunches. "I think...I think what I'd hope for," She adds in her usual soft voice, eyes drifting to the other cats, "is that any alliances made would come from kindness and honesty. If we can be there for each other, maybe this leaf-bare won't be so rough." Her words trail off, as if she'd talked too much. She tucks her tail around herself, looking down shyly.
With the season turning everyone on their heads. He stayed put in the nursery during his time as queen, tucked safely in his nest with his broods. But, with the wintery change... paired with his worry about prey problems occurring. This time he had decided to stretch his legs bit, it has been a while since he had stretched without having to look at his nest for a few moments at a time. Knowing his slowly growing brood... they'd probably get into trouble escaping the nest.

Luckily a queen stepped up to kitsit for a while so Oddgleam has time to spare. Languidly slipping from the nursery, his breath billowing in front of him in puffs of smoke. He lets out a yawn split open his jaws, before shaking his... terribly unkempt coat. The wind brushed his lanky figure as he stepped fully out of the nursery with a tired hum. He started to stretch out his forearms before pausing– mismatched ears twitched towards Uranuskit's question. Hm?

The feathered calico decided the chatter has caught his interest, he ambled over greeting the warriors there with a nod in greeting. He settled on his haunches as he listens to the chatter around him. He tilts his head as Butterflytuft sits at the edge if the group, he tiredly blinks. "Hahhh... Clan cats are a stubborn bunch..." He sighs, curling his tail around his paws as the corner of his mouth twitched. "Wish it was that easy to trust one another... especially in Leafbare." He wrinkles his muzzle slightly at the thought of clanners actually working with one another. Tis but a hopeful thought.

  • temp oddgleam reference
  • ( HONEY IN WARM MILK ) ˖⁺‧₊ ♡ ₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan queen.
    mated to crowsight & owlheartmentoring none.
    an elegant, long-legged medium furred silver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, e7d3e7" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic
    currently residing in the nursery. 𐂯 parent to one litter of kits.

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Fluffypaw had been there to congratulate her brother on his first battle, and in turn, she had seen Orangestar's ire as she questioned Figfeather's judgment. Her aunt had attempted to steal a sliver of territory from ThunderClan, and truthfully, Fluffypaw can admit they had that territory now. Their oak-dwelling neighbors have descended upon the pines again and again, to the point that the border reeks with their undergrowth-moldy musk. Meanwhile, SkyClan has heard nothing from RiverClan, who some cats like to say they are friends with... she hadn't been chosen to attend that little Gathering, but Candorpaw had, and she remembers him telling her that it had been cordial.

She comes to sit beside Butterflytuft for a moment. The kits are cold, too, and far too young to be debating politics. The queens offer what little guidance they can, but Fluffypaw finds herself frowning at their answers. This is her first leafbare as a cat meant to provide for her Clan, and she has found nothing but hardship at every turn. She is watching kits grow weak and hungry; she is witnessing warriors return to camp with empty mouths, empty paws. It's disquieting. It's upsetting.

"I don't think we can trust the other Clans like that. They have their own queens, kits, and elders to worry about," she says; despite the topic, her voice is nearly as gentle as her mother's. "SkyClan must look to itself to find strength. We have to rely on each other to get through this." It's the first time she's verbalized this belief, but as she does, she finds it to be her truth.

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 12 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

The fate of SkyClan's relations with their neighbors was a hot topic of debate, naturally. Some cats had mentioned an impending war should the border tensions between ThunderClan and SkyClan fail to cease while others had proposed the idea of partnering with RiverClan. All of this talk nearly makes Lionpaw queasy; never has the boy lived to see a fully-fledged war, though he knows that such a thing would be inevitable. If not during this leafbare season, then at another point in time. Peace never lasted, not when so many cats were constantly competing for resources.

Lionpaw had also been listening to the discussion quietly, opting to lend his keen ears to the older cats who were wiser and more seasoned. Butterflytuft's sentiment is idealistic... if it was even achievable. At least for ThunderClan and SkyClan, nothing would get better if the leaders did not step in and prevent their warriors from quarreling.

Fluffypaw seems to lean toward pessimism, deeming the other groups untrustworthy. Would SkyClan truly have to brave the winter alone, fending their borders from trespassers and thieves? "Flamestar surely doesn't want conflict. Neither does Orangestar." Despite the hungering pang in his belly, Lionpaw tries to reason, breaking his silence and twitching his whiskers bashfully. They aren't known to be particularly talkative about their opinions, but they couldn't help but say something.

"Maybe... they could work something out. For leafbare, at least?" What these terms would entail, exactly, Lionpaw does not know. He doesn't have the answers, but he has hopes. ThunderClan was SkyClan's rival—they always would be, like all the other clans—but couldn't the two clans agree to peace during this challenging season? He doesn't want either clan to suffer. He doesn't want these fights to progress; he fears that, one day, he'll face off against Squirrelpaw. Against Burnstorm, his own brother. Lionpaw knows that he is expected to defend SkyClan no matter what, but the thought of actually raising his claws against friends and kin... it's difficult to fathom.

As always, sleepy shadow trails behind one of her siblings or her mother as the family enters SkyClan's camp to spend their days. Today, the cat she's attached herself to is Uranuskit, the pep and energy is something Mercurykit lacks for herself, and something she finds she envies. Perhaps sticking close would grant her knowledge of how it is done... maybe it's like a disease, a sickness that one might catch from close proximity. That thought is silly, though, if that were the case, surely Mercurykit would have caught it by now?

She stops just short of bumping into her sister as she worms her way into a group of cats talking in the clearing. In the cold clearing. Her pelt might be long, but her wispy fur is not very thick, just beginning to fill out into the silky smooth pelt she might have as an adult. So, shimmying close, Mercurykit attempts to lean against her sister, wanting the warmth of two bodies cuddled together. The conversations lulls over her head until Uranuskit asks her question, and Mercury feels obligated to pay attention now. The question is about... alliances... and why the clans don't all work together. Mercury isn't sure she has a very strong opinion, so she just listens to the different perspectives for now.

"Why is... trusting hard?" She asks, voice slow and mumbly, "you trust... us, why not... the other clans?" It's a naive question, one that only a kit who has not seen much of the treachery or betrayal, the back stabbing and the sabotage of the world could ask. And it's a question that might get her into trouble if she'd asked the wrong cat... but Mercurykit doesn't know that.

  • ooc -

  • #a38b5d

  • (img) Mercurykit * she/her* 3 moons
    lh blue smoke/cinnamon tabby chimera
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
Patchwork pelt melts with silver and copper as Uranuskit leans into her sister as she breaths a small "thank you".
Wide blue orbs blink, scrutinizing the sky as she listens to the adults above her. There words pepper the air like clouds, thick dense and sometimes, if she really pays attention, she can see what the adults mean. Or at least, she hopes she can.
"Yeah, I mean, I think you trust us cos someone vouched for us, right? Well what if some cat vouches for another cat? Like, like, I mean,Cats have relationships outside of the clan right? I know that's like, no allowed but I mean it's a rule. No one really listens to them all the time."
  • she/her 2 moons Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed


Ravenkit waddles after Oddgleam, escaping from the queen who'd volunteered to kitsit. He bounces excitedly, his fur fluffed out wildly — like a dark cottonball. The outside is cold, too cold, and he squeals when his breath billows in front of him. Had it ever done that in the nursery?He. . . doesn't remember. But it's weird, and cool! The black-smoke kitten continues to charge forward, unbothered by the amount of times he trips over his own paws. The conversation happening around him goes in one ear and out the other, Ravenkit is too focused on getting to Oddgleam first before anything else.

The kit drops into a crouch ( or the best crouch he can muster on wobbly legs ) when he gets close enough, his baby-blue eyes narrowing as he prepares to pounce on his parent's tail. He slips and misses ( of course ) but he puts the blame on Oddgleam instead who curled his tail around himself. Ravenkit doesn't let that stop him, and tries again closer this time, landing on the blue tortie's tail-tip. He beams a bright smile up to the queen and hopes everyone stopped talking to admire what he'd just done.

  • ooc.

  • LH black smoke with low white (25% maine coon, masking ticked, polydactyl. carrying non-ticked, dilute, albinism, cinnamon)

  • 90029298_PMAUi8sMqCMokgl.png
    RAVENKIT. he / him kit of skyclan
    Last-born son of Crowsight x Oddgleam x Owlheart
    Brother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit and Brightkit
    Born 10.12.24, ages realistically
    A long-furred black smoke kitten with ticked ghost markings and six toes on his right forepaw. Eyes are silver in coloration
    "speech" thoughts

— Brightkit watches as Ravenkit manages to slip away and she spares a glance over to the rest of her littermates only to wrinkle her snout. How unfair... Why did Ravenkit get to go out and not her? While the queen hovers over the rest of her siblings, the two-toned molly sees the opportunity and slips away as quick as her clumsy kitten paws can carry her. She ends up tripping and going face first into the ground only to huff with slight frustration as she tries to not cry at the fall, her olive eyes landing on the sight of her brother leaping at their parent's tail. It causes her own pelt to prickle upwards with excitement as she tumbles forward and rather haphazardly in an attempt to bowl her sibling over.

If she manages to succeed then she peers up towards Oddgleam with a lopsided grin and tilts her head at the rest of her clanmates not realizing that they had all been there, her whiskers twitch and nonexistent eyebrows knit together. Whatever they were talking about was downright boring so she focuses on her brother once more and attempts to cuff his ears with a high pitched squeal.


  • ooc
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    a vibrant, curly furred blue torbie with high white and olive-green eyes
    much like her name given to her by her parents, she's a bright individual with an overly imaginative mind that comes into play ever day in her life. she's very childish and has a very colorful vocabulary, brightkit can oftentimes come off as quite blunt or sharp-tongued later on in life. all opinions are IC only
    ages realistically; born 10.12.24
    sexuality unknown; too young to consider love
    child of oddgleam, owlheart, and crowsight
    sister to pearlkit, morningkit, cuckookit, and ravenkit
    relatively easy to befriend and make your enemy ; will start fights always
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed