I CAN'T BE HOME TONIGHT || after the skirmish

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It's twilight. The patrol treks home under a pale and eerie lilac sky with a hazy sliver of moon. The last lingering traces of adrenaline have left him, and Weaselclaw feels every mark in his flesh, every missing bit of fur. It's cold, beginning to flurry slightly. He winces with every step. Every time he tears a new scratch open, every time he moves his head and feels the wind push its fingers into his bitten ear, he thinks, I hope you're feeling that eye, you bastard. I hope you're feeling every bit of it.

He almost doesn't make it to camp without stumbling, but he holds onto his tattered dignity. Pride juts his lower jaw out, keeps his head high and his good ear jetplaned back. He did what any loyal WindClanner would have done -- teach a thief to steal from them. He looks behind him, at those who followed him back, and gives them a rare, warm blink. "I'll explain to Sootstar. You all fought very well. Like warriors." Who would've thought that he'd end up fighting side by side by two former rogues and two apprentices, one from SkyClan... but he couldn't have asked for a braver patrol to take on the thieves.

@SOOTSTAR but you don't have to wait for her!

tag for @ASPENPAW @Coyotepaw @GOATFOOT @Jasperglare (i know he went back early but still)

Weaselclaw is bleeding heavily from his right flank where he got clawed multiple times; his left ear is shredded; his back is scored with claw marks, and he's favoring his right hind leg just slightly.

- ,,

For once, Echolight had decided to let herself relax. Daisykit was somewhere in the nursery behind her while the queen was laying on her stomach with her shoulder propped up against the nursery’s entrance, her scarred face lifted slightly and single eye closed to let herself slip into her mind.
She was trying to find peace, but her situation did not include a linear recovery- still, she found solace in the small moments like these.
The scent of blood and Riverclan are blown in her direction first, and bile rises in her throat before she can even open her eyes.
The thought is tiny, and quickly dissipates as soon as she blinks open her eye.
Her clanmates, bloodied and almost stumbling over themselves. She feels her expression almost pinch, a patrol skirmish? In leafbare?
She looks over her shoulder for Daisykit only once before she makes her way over, paws trudging in freshly fallen snow.
"Stars" she breaths with a shake of her head "You’re going to give Dandelionwish a heart attack if Sootstar doesn’t get you first" her tone is scrutinizing, and her disdain is evident in her expression. Cats were already falling ill, and Dandelionwish was still just a child himself, having to prepare for an inevitability hard leaf-bare.
She looks to Aspenpaw, the youngest of the group, before her eye flickers back to Weaselclaw, disgust flickering in its powder blue depths.
It wasn’t her place to lecture or scold, her dislike for the lead warrior could only grow.

Oh, he was livid. Boiling with rage. Why did he even go after Weaselclaw? Oh, woe betide him.

He glared at Weaselclaw after Echolight spoke.

He was dripping blood, he was staggering, and his sides ached from the several blows done to him. Not to mention his HEAD. OH, HOW IT THROBBED IN AGONY.


"Whats the point of borders if you're JUST GONNA CROSS THEM WHENEVER YOU FEEL LIKE, DING DONG!!!!" He shouted angrily at Weaselclaw.

Oh he was so mad. From now on he's ONLY listening to Sootstar.

Maybe Duskfire too. He hasn't steered him wrong yet.

He bristled, making him look even more ragged.

He was just!!! ANGRY!!!

He wanted to take a nap.

Sootstar fully expects her mate's patrol to return back with prey, why wouldn't they when led by one of the greatest warriors of WindClan? Instead they come back battle-ridden, bleeding all over camp. Blood still looks to be dripping on Weaselclaw's face, one of his ears that she likely groomed numerous times now shredded.

The blue molly doesn't have the slightest idea of whats going on, but she automatically takes her mate's side. He couldn't have possibly done anything wrong, after all. "RiverClan attacked?" Sootstar says in dismay, they hadn't been on the best terms but... had they really been that bad?! Fury boils within her and she shoots a venemous stare at Jasperglare, "He is your lead warrior. Your superior." She reminds the bright pelted tom with a hiss.

What's the point of borders if you're just gonna cross them whenever you feel like.
No... he couldn't have... "Weaselclaw. What happened?" It's hard to tell which emotion she felt the most, her tone was tiptoeing on shock, concern, and rage.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The first to approach his tattered patrol is the pregnant queen. Her one blue eye flickers over him and those with him, shock and dismay registering clear across her scarred features. Weaselclaw meets her gaze stonily. "I did what any loyal WindClan warrior would have done," he says, voice frosty as the wind that batters his thin tabby fur.

Jasperglare dares to voice his disdain next, and Weaselclaw fixes him with a stare. "You wouldn't know honor if it bit you in the ass. You ran while your youngest Clanmates fought," he sneers, his tail beginning to flick with his agitation.

Sootstar's on his side initially. She scolds Jasperglare for his insolence, but when she turns to him for an explanation, he realizes this is his second offense for attacking a RiverClanner. He shakes his head at her question. "RiverClan attacked?"

"We were chasing a rabbit that fled over Twoleg Bridge," he says, searching her expression. "It fled over RiverClan's border. Before I could retrieve it, a RiverClan apprentice caught it. Our rabbit, right in front of me." He lashes his tail. "Smokethroat, one of Cicadastar's lead warriors, started talking shit, and I..."

He feels several pairs of eyes on him, judging, demeaning. Weaselclaw lifts his chin proudly. Blood drips into his eye, a mockery of what he'd done to the black warrior. "I made him think twice about stealing from WindClan."

- ,,

Oh he did.
She feels numb with anger and it swiftly grows to show on her features. Her face grow read and her claws unsheathe into the snow in raging disbelief, that was it! It was over! RiverClan and WindClan's shaky tolerance of each other was over thanks to the same cat who made it shaky in the first place! She dealt with the blow that caused them, all of WindClan did... and now Weaselclaw had done it again?

Any other situation, any other time of the year and Sootstar might've agreed with him. That rabbit was born on the hills, their patrol was chasing it, and hence it was their rabbit. Yet Sootstar's opinions were flopped whenever she pleased, one day she'd believe this the next that with no rhyme or reason.

It feels like an eternity before she speaks again, "You... ruined our last standing leg with RiverClan for a rabbit you couldn't even win back?!" The hiss pours out through bared teeth, all of the sudden she forgets about his lovely ear that was now missing. She forgets about the fact he's bleeding out. She sees her own red. "What am I suppose to do when RiverClan is at our borders- no, charging into our territory for an attack?! What am I supposed to do this gathering when Cicadastar inevitably embarrasses me?! How am I to defend you this time?! How am I supposed to take the fall for you again?!" Sootstar goes into a yowling and spitting fit, it takes every ounce of grace within her not to start mewling out swears at him too.

Embarrassing. Embarrassing! He even had a rogue with likely less than half a brain displeased!
"So what am I suppose to do, Weaselclaw? What am I suppose to do when they fight back? When they turn the rest of the clans further against us? What am I suppose to do with them? With you?" "Them" referring to the rest of his patrol... and good StarClan Coyotepad had been with them? If SkyClan spots him with even a scratch at the gathering she knows there will be hell to pay... he cannot go. None of us can. Not without it being a mess. She needs to think this through, but first dealing with him.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
I won't apologize for being who I am
The last few strands of adrenaline leave him as he follows silently behind Weaselclaw, cutting quick glances at the battered patrol surrounding him. The boy grimaces at the constant sting to his side, grateful that his longer fur helped to soften what could have been a deeper wound. While he ached, throbbed and bled small beads of crimson, he dared not complain. Especially after seeing the aftermath of the lead warrior's wounds. If anyone had the right to mumble and moan it was Weaselclaw. Cream paw tread upon fresh snow, the frozen slush only adding to his discomfort as he enters camp in time to see Echolight approach and more or less scold them over how horrid they appeared. An ear flicks in Jasperglare's direction as he expresses his grievances over the entirety of the situation, causing the boy to frown. It would have been one thing to attack and actually get the rabbit back. But in this situation they had to retreat with their tails practically tucked between their legs.

Sootstar arrives next wearing a mixture of emotions dancing across her face, reprimanding the pregnant queen and demanding to know what happened. Cold eyes of mint fall upon the Weasel again, listening as he explained, watching the unwavering pride. Even when decorated in wounds, he holds his head high. Amazing. However, Sootstar was anything but impressed and it manifested itself in both tone and action. The tension makes the boy uneasy, the shouting making him wonder if she would dive upon the brown tabby warrior. But she doesn't and Coyote's ears fall flat as he looks to the warrior weeping red. "They...wouldn't declare war right?" With it being so cold there was no way they would risk it, right?
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

Her stomach knots as Weaselclaw proclaims his loyalty, her jaw almost drops as he continues on with his explanation.
Her jaw actually parts a bit in subtle shock that she found herself agreeing with Sootstar.
Her eyes narrow at the tabby tom, the blood dripping from him and pooling to the ground making her want to spit in his face for his stupidity.
"You… you put dozens of cats in danger for- for talking shit?" Her words are almost breathless with disbelief. "Not only with the other clans but… who’s going to make up the numbers that we lose while your injured recover? Who’s going to help Dandelionwish replenish his herb stock- if he can even find the herbs- from tending to your wounds while the rest of the warriors are trying to hunt?" She has to pause, shaking her head softly. "If Riverclan retaliates…" the thought is mostly muttered to herself, to the half Riverclan kits that she is carrying, to the endless terrifying possibilities of a war in leaf-bare.
She casts a sympathetic look to young Coyotepaw. "Hey Coyotepaw, why don’t you and Aspenpaw go and get Dandelionwish? He’ll want to take a look at those" she prompted, her voice keeping away from the soft tone it is used to when speaking to the kits and taking a more encouraging stance as she gestured to the bleeding cuts on both of the apprentices.

( ) The trip back is silent, nobody daring to try and make idle chatter as they slowly make their way home, and Aspenpaw isn't sure if she hates or it or if she's relieved. Her mind is still racing, still playing the events over anew every time she feels a flash of pain from the cuts across her back, every time she catches a glimpse of red-torn flesh from one of her fellow clanmates. Weaselclaw got the worst of it, she knows, and a part of her wonders if he would have had less wounds if she had been stronger, quicker, better. She's hardly had any training, hardly had any time to start learning the ins and outs of a battlefield, but she still feels guilt thrum within her as she thinks back to the fight. Tunnel vision had her locked onto Smokethroat, trying to distract him, and she'd hardly noticed the other warriors approaching until it was too late. Aspenpaw hadn't even been able to draw his attention, either - all she'd gotten in return was a well-placed swipe that she had only narrowly avoided taking to the face. Trudging along after Coyotepaw, she tries to focus on putting one paw in front of the other, to simply calm down, and before she knows it they're already back at camp.

Of course, others are already gathering, and she dimly wonders if this was what Spiritpaw and Galeforce had felt bringing Nettlepaw back - this feeling of defeat, of having fur spattered with blood, even if it hadn't been their own blood. Remaining towards the back of their rag-tag group, Aspenpaw only listens as arguing immediately breaks out between those gathered. Sootstar is obviously livid, and for the first time the thought crosses her mind that, while Weaselclaw had actually started the fight, none of them had really done anything to stop him, to try to break it up. The rest of them were perhaps not at as fault as her mentor, but they had still unsheathed their claws unprovoked against Riverclan alongside him. Perhaps they would be all be punished for this, but right now she's more focused on other, bigger consequences, hearing Coyotepaw speak up about war. War with Riverclan. It's not something she can fathom, even right after her first real taste of battle against other cats, and just the thought makes her intensely uncomfortable. Had they just started a war?

Right now, she's too tired to pick up arms, too tired to try and sort out all her thoughts in order to contribute anything meaningful to this argument, either in their favor or against. Weaselclaw had been in the wrong - Windclan had been in the wrong - and she knows it, had known it the second the fight had started, but in the moment it had seemed much more inconsequential than following her mentor into battle. Now, Aspenpaw's sorely wishing she hadn't followed so blindly, and that she had tried to do something to stop it, even if it wouldn't have amounted to much in the end. At least then she could have stood here knowing she hadn't immediately jumped to contributing to the start of a potential war. Only when Echolight addresses them, suggests that they go fetch Dandelionwish, do her stiff limbs move fall into action. Wordlessly glancing towards Coyotepaw to see if he follows, she heads towards the medicine cat's den, on the off chance that he hasn't heard the commotion and isn't already on his way. Even if Aspenpaw doesn't want to leave the conversation, she knows it's only right to alert Dandy, though she's not exactly thrilled to have to be the one to tell him they've brought back injured cats on the heels of unnecessary conflict.
// @Dandelionwish

True wrath showed on Jasperglares face. "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO ENDANGERED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!" He growled harshly. "I DIDN'T WANT MY HEAD BASHED IN BY THAT....TALL GUY."

Yep. That's what Cicadastar was, a tall guy.

"And I wasn't going to die because of someone else's stupidity and ego." He snarled.

His anger was making him worse. He closed one eye as he tried to focus on Weaselclaw. There were....Two of him now.

"....... Why's there two of you....."

Was all he managed before falling to the ground, passing out and saving everyone from his attitude.

This is a blessing for all.

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Sootstar hears his words, and the fine, delicate features of her face distort with her rage. The tiny blue smoke unsheathes her claws, and Weaselclaw stares at her for a heartbeat in disbelief. She wouldn't use them on him, surely? Her only lead warrior left, her mate? Her love, or so she'd whispered into his ear as he'd gone to pledge devotion to her.

"I've done all that I've done for you," he spits, his fur ruffled. His exhaustion is bone-deep, his wounds are seeping and painful, but he's more hurt by Sootstar's reaction than he is anything else. She frets over war -- war, the queen of the moors, reinforced by rogues, even if they are idiots led by a murderer.

Weaselclaw stares at her, ice glazing over his eyes. "I would fight with the strength of ten warriors, if they came to our borders," he says, intense, fierce. "Is this Clan afraid now? Too afraid to protect what is ours? Are we to sit here like prey while RiverClan takes our prey as well as theirs?"

Jasperglare collapses, the idiot; Weaselclaw gives him an irritated look before shifting his gaze onto Echolight. Fool. They're all soft-hearted fools! He hadn't anticipated Sootstar taking their side.

He snorts at Echolight. "So you would have let them steal the rabbit from under our noses? You, expecting kits? I'm no coward. I don't cower from prey thieves." He dismisses her with a roll of his eyes, turning his attention back to to his mate. His leader, who looks at him with zero love in her glittering eyes.

"Do what you must. But I know I did what I needed to do, and I'd do it again." He shudders from cold, from pain, from lightheadedness, but he stands strong. "The cats with me did nothing but fight for their Clan. If you want a cat to fire your fears at, it's me. I'm the one who attacked Smokethroat. And like I said... I'd do it again." He meets her mint-leaf gaze steadily, waiting, waiting.

- ,,
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Disappointment. Any respect Spirit had for Weasel had been thrown out the window as she stared wide-eyed in horror. Made him think twice about stealing from Windclan, her face twists in to anger, pure anger because she knows that Aspenpaw had been out there. Maybe thats why she had been mad, not for the simple fact that Weasel endangered everyone that had come back battered, but the fact that Weasel endangered her. Blue eyes seek for her friend. Oh and Sootstars mad now, her face is contorted and Spirit's heart hammers heavy in her chest, shes reminded of her own mother and so she steps back.

Her eyes meet Aspenpaw and everything else fades. Anger strips in to cold-blooded fear as she searches so desperately for any wounds the other may have. She was going to fucking kill him! He led his apprentice, her best friend in to a battle that could've gotten her killed! It's only then that she realizes angry tears roll down her face and her paws feel like led once more as she stumbles to catch up with Aspen as she breaks off to go get Dandelion. "Aspen," her voice is viscerally soft, so unusual for the boisterous apprentice. "Puh-lease tell me you're okay." she thinks of Nettle, her voice cracks and bile rises in her throat.

War with Riverclan, she hears a thump but everything is all distant as she focuses on her friend. Weasel fires back at Soot but Spirit can't be bothered to listen. It's all a mess, everythings a mess, Stars- she just wanted Hyacinth. Wanted to know Aspen was okay.

—————————————【 She/Her | Windclan warrior | 32 Moons 】——————————
"ASPENPAW?!" A wail of distress so unlike the stoic molly it tore from pierced the air. Moonshadow slipped past the other warriors present and ran over to her daughter and Coyotepaw, eyes widened in an unspoken trauma as she looked over the wounds that littered her kits pelt and those on the other apprentices. Flashes of her first litter blew up in her mind and she had to fight back the panic she felt in her trembling paws.

Her ears would flick backward before she could even ask what happened and a look of pure cold fury would pass over the molly's face. Weaselclaw did this? HE caused this?! With Spiritpaw coming over to check up on Aspenpaw, the warrior would lick her daughter's head as gently, and also nod to Coyotepaw, before turning and stalking up to the growing group, looking more like a enrage panther than a simple cat. "This is how you lead?" Her tone was deathly calm, eyes of dark sapphire burning with a rage that no cat within Windclan had ever seen before.

She stops beside Sootstar, not quite registering that the leader was there as she spat, "WARRIORS?! LOOK AT THEM!" She would lash her tail to motion towards the cut-up apprentices as she stepped closer, "I trusted you with my daughter. With teaching her how to be an honorable warrior and THIS is what you do? THIS IS THE EXAMPLE YOU SET?! Pulling inexperienced cats into a battle over a rabbit that you could not catch?"

Moonshadow was only stepping closer to the tom with each growl, tail lashing as she seemed about ready to launch herself at the lead warrior herself as he boasted that he would do it again, no longer caring what punishment she would receive, "You speak so haughtily about war, but you know nothing of it. The deaths, the wailings, the destruction. You are worse than a coward, Weaselclaw. You're a damn fool."

Turning to Sootstar then, Moonshadow would attempt to swallow down some of her anger before speaking, "Sootstar, I ask your permission to deal out whatever punishment you deem fit for this recklessness myself." Claws would slip out of their sheathes, the mother wanting the cat who caused the scores on her daughter's pelt punished.

[penned by Zaeya].
I won't apologize for being who I am
The cream colored apprentice jerks his head in Echolight's direction at the call of his name. At her suggestion to go seek out Dandelionwish he offers the queen a shallow nod before falling in line behind Aspenpaw. Not even several steps later did a piercing wail reach his ears, a sound of distress so similar to Dearsong's it hurt. The situation was different then, windclan came to the borders to pick him up, effectively tearing what little family he'd foraged apart. But the scream, the anguish, it resonated all the same. Moonshadow runs to her child placing a kiss of comfort upon Aspenpw's head, a gesture he longed for had the mocha hued deputy been here. But there was no warm pelt he could melt into or prickly grin of encouragement to gaze upon. Deer and Thistle were not here. Moon nods to him, however the boy's attention falls away in his moment of sulking. He could still hear the shouts between the warriors as they verbally tore into Weaselclaw as he took a seat some distance away from Aspen and Spirit. Gritting his teeth he adjusts some more before wrapping his tail around his paws. Hopefully Dandelionwish was a good healer. "How are you feeling?" He mumbles softly, his inquiry aimed at the other apprentice caught in the scuffle. Based on the way she launched onto the field he never would've guessed she'd only begun her training.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
  • Crying
Reactions: ASPENPAW_

One might think Sootstar would appreciate the verbal backup, but she does not, her bristling tail raises into the air. "Shut it! The both of you." She snaps at both the queen and Moonshadow. In both their places she'd likely be furious to... but even through her anger it agitated the already fuming blue smoke to no end that they had the audacity to believe she needed help in scolding her mate. If anyone was going to claw off that other ear of his it would be her!

Sootstar half expects her mate to crumble to her anger, to submit to her as he usually does, yet she's surprised. He stands his ground, nips back at her, plays hero with his patrol. Well, she supposes he is right, they had done as ordered. Weaselclaw said he would do it all over again too, something that'd usually impress Sootstar.

"RiverClan fancies ThunderClan. SkyClan fancies anyone who wants us dead. We can hold RiverClan, oh sure! But not three whole clans!" Maybe with a miraculous blessing from StarClan, but who were they to ask for such a feat from their ancestors? Sootstar would not insult them by asking for more, not when WindClan is yet to give back to StarClan's already ample blessings. "We are not afraid, but we also are not idiots!" Again she continues to berate.

Embarrassing, really all of this is... and what was she to do? Not punish him?
"Until you learn... how to not ruin our peace you are no longer a lead warrior of WindClan. Maybe once you've demonstrated you can learn, you can have it back!" She huffs, further diminishing her high rankings and not only that, tossing the cat she truly considered to be one of her best warriors. What other choice had he provided him?!

"Dandelionwish! Patch these cats up... everyone else get back to what you are doing. Duskfire, send a hunting patrol out and tell them to stay the hell away from RiverClan. Now, get going! All of you!" And that was that from the tiny blue she-cat. She storms off but not to her den but to act like a furious mother, barking orders at anyone and everyone who did not have themselves paws busy in work.

// please see the ooc announcement in windclans discord regarding the demotion! also i hope it doesnt need to be said but its ic opinions 4 everyone!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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"Howdy, Aspenpa-aAh!" His greeting to the apprentice as he spots her out of the corner of his eye is shattered into a shrill sound of alarm at the spotting of blood on her pelt and the state of Coyotepaw just behind her. The long-limbed medicine cat rises to rush over, expression twisting into concern as he places a gentle paw on her side to examine the cuts and gives a sigh of relief that they seem mostly surface level. Some cleaning and cobwebs ought to do, Coyotepaw seems a little worse off but its hard to tell with how long his fur was compared to Aspenpaw, outside he is suddenly aware of the shouting, the screaming and a tail flicks to usher the apprentices inside as he pokes his head out and narrows both eyes curiously at the scene. Sootstar and Weaselclaw didn't argue often but once he's aware of the reason and hones in on the bloodied lead warrior and his mutiliated ear, Dandelionwish is suddenly regretful he didn't join the conversation sooner: to yell at the idiot too.
"Ya'll go ahead and take a seat, give the ones ye can reach a good clean'n." Thankfully he was prepared, leaf-bare made him prep the extra nests in his den in advance and he had the cobweb to spare. Unfortunately one look at Weaselclaw told him a patch job was not enough for the tabby and he trotted forward outside with his expression dour, "Ye lucky she didn't take yer other ear, ye damn fool. Get in the den." Once Sootstar was stomping off he'd make his comment to the lead warrior or...well, ex-lead warrior in this case. Whatever, they'd make up in a day or two or something.

His work was never done.

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Reactions: Marquette
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Weaselclaw isn't surprised when Moonshadow materializes, fury and worry for her kit sparking in her dark blue eyes. Her words are vicious, volatile, but the tabby only stares back at her, unwavering. "Aspenpaw and Coyotepaw fought like warriors," he mewed. "Do you meant to tell me you'd let RiverClan steal our only chance at prey for a whole day, gloating all the while, while fish swim plentiful in their rivers?"

The idea that his attack on Smokethroat had been all for nothing is as painful to him as it is to the other WindClanners. He gives Echolight a mutinous glare and mutters, "I tried to get our expecting queen a mouthful before she has to go to bed cold and hungry, kits starving in her belly before they're ever born. It'd been the first rabbit we'd seen on the patrol!" He sinks his claws into the frosty earth. RiverClanners' entitlement won again, and he's angry, he's angry even in the face of his mate and Clan leader.

Sootstar's rebuke to the other warriors is instant, and when she turns to him again, Weaselclaw sees he has not impressed her with his reasoning. "Until you learn... how to not ruin our peace you are no longer a lead warrior of WindClan." The tabby blinks bitterly at her, shaking his head. "If this is how it's going to be, I don't want it back. Keep your rank. I know that what I did was for my Clan. For your Clan." His shame burns worse than his ear now, the pride he's always taken in not only being the leader's mate but her trusted lead warrior has been stolen from him.

He whips around as she begins to bark orders at other cats, only to come face to face with the young medicine cat himself. Dandelionwish looks up at Weaselclaw with a dour expression and says, "Ye lucky she didn't take yer other ear, ye damn fool. Get in the den."

"Take care of the others first. I'm fine." He lashes his tail and begins to stalk away from camp. His anger is again getting the best of what little sense he has; his ear continues to weep blood, the scratches on his flank scattering drops of brilliant scarlet onto fresh snow, but he can't bear to be around his Clanmates right now. He needs to be alone.

Cowards. Cowards, all of you. We will all starve. RiverClan will steal everything from us! Catastrophic thoughts that burn bitter behind blue eyes.

/ out!

- ,,
  • Sad
Reactions: SOOTSTAR
periwinklepaw | 04 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

This. This is why he doesn't want to fight. He doesn't want to be like them, hurting others over something as silly as a rabbit. His clanmates are hurting - bleeding, injured. And for nothing. Eyes widen as he finally takes in the whole group. Aspenpaw had been with them! Weaving his way around the group, the long legged boy dives past dandy and tumbles to a stop in front of her, clear gaze damp and worried. "A-a-a-are y-you ok-k-k-ay-y? a-r-re y-y-you hur-rt " he stammers out, words a rambling mess from his worry as he looks her over.

( ) With the appearance of Spiritpaw, she feels her mood improve, some spark inside of her relighting, as if she only just realized how much she wanted to see her friend in this moment. To see all of her friends, really, and her family, as if to forget about this whole mess, even if it's only in passing. Seeing the tears falling from her friend, the way she seems so much more subdued than normal, it's almost too much, and tears of her own threaten to spill out. She has to take a moment to muster up what she hopes is a reassuring smile, however weak, before she can answer. "I'm okay - just got a scratch," she responds, wincing slightly at how hoarse her voice sounds. "Just a scratch, really," she repeats, Weaselclaw's and Jasperglare's torn forms at the forefront of her mind. It could have been much worse, she knows, and Aspenpaw's thankful she doesn't have to deal with anything other than the stinging wound across her back, even if the thought is tinged with guilt. Everybody else had contributed more to the fight than she had, they hadn't upset Spiritpaw like she had - and yet, here she stands, with only a single slash to her name, in some strange twist of fate.

The cry of her name from Moonshadow immediately draws her attention, the tone haunted like nothing she's ever heard from her mother before, and Aspenpaw instinctively leans towards her, seeking the comfort of her dark pelt. Just her very presence, as furious as it's quickly turning, is enough to soothe the apprentice, even just a little, and with the quick lick pressed to the top of her head Aspenpaw feels almost wobbly with relief. Whatever happens going forward, whether there's war to come or not, at least she'll always have Moon to turn to. All too quickly, Moonshadow stalks off, joining the yelling match, and her gaze drifts back over to Coyotepaw, particularly drawn to the crimson stain along his side. "I'm tired, mostly," she admits after taking a second to mull over her thoughts and feelings. "What about you? Looks painful," she inclines her head gently towards his side. Aspenpaw hadn't even seen him receive the wound, too caught up in her own world, but as terrible as she feels over the whole event there's still something honorable in his defense of a clan he's hardly known, she thinks. Again, she finds her thoughts drifting to his former home in Skyclan - had they ever fought another clan like that? Had he just been lucky like her, or did he actually know how to conduct himself on the battlefield, how to navigate the tangle of warring cats?

It's hardly any time at all before Dandelionwish appears, fretting over them both, and she tries to stand as still as possible so as not to interrupt his inspection or to jostle her own wound too much. Heading into the medicine cat's den, it feels different now that she's the one who's actually there for treatment, rather than just visiting Periwinklepaw. Almost as if summoned, her brother suddenly appears, leaping with an urgency she's scarcely seen from him before. It's probably fully warranted, she realizes, since Weaselclaw and Jasperglare left outside probably look to be in a pretty bad state, especially compared to her and Coyotepaw. "A little scratched up, but I'm okay," she tries to reassure him, once again offering a weak smile. After a moment, she steps forward, gingerly attempting to lean her head against him, both for his sake and for hers. Dimly, she's aware of the continued shouting outside, but quite frankly she'd rather focus on just about anything else right now. Pulling back slightly, Aspenpaw begins to twist around, heeding Dandy's suggestion to start cleaning their wounds. The first sight of her torn flesh gives her pause, but she pushes through and begins to give it slow, methodical licks, just wanting it all to be over with as fatigue begins to set in.

—————————————【 She/Her | Windclan warrior | 32 Moons 】——————————
A demotion, for making such a stupid decision and placing their youth in harms way, all he got was a demotion. Moonshadows mind flashes back to all of the injuries Sootstar herself had doled out for lesser things, and it is clear that the black smoke is not satisfied with just a demotion.

A snort would leave the mother, lashing her tail as Weaselclaw spoke more haughty words and the molly decided then and there that they meant nothing to her now. He had lost all the respect she had formerly had for him and Moonshadow would be damned if she allowed him anywhere near her daughter again. Stalking back towards the medicine cat den, the mother would slip inside and try her best to place the reserved mask back on her face as she curled around the three younger cats huddled within.

"Do not fret, my kit." She would meow in comfort to Periwinkle as she moved to groom her daughter carefully, "You are of my blood, and my blood is strong. Aspenpaw will heal as long as she listens to Dandelionwishs' instructions." Her sapphire hues would turn to Coyotepaw then, looking him over for a quiet moment before meowing softly, "Weaselclaw said you both fought like warriors. Despite how much I disliked the reason, I am very proud of you both for holding your own." She would lightly tap the tom with her tail tip, before turning to see Dandelion return and rising to her paws once more.

"I will not get in your way, Dandelionwish. But if there is anything you need for your healing please allow me to help. I have very basic knowledge from my homeland, nothing to your wisdom. But I will do my best."

[penned by Zaeya].