camp I COULD BE LOATHESOME [grumpy kit]


strike, little wolf, strike
Apr 3, 2024
⊱⊰ Hopekit likes to sleep in. He doesn’t like being awake anyway, because being awake means that the other kits are talking. He doesn’t know why their voices and antics bother him so much, but it’s just so… annoying, when they’re being loud while he’s busy trying to tuck his face further into cinnamon-flecked fur and hide away from the world. He’s not sick or anything, just doesn’t want to be around anyone except for his littermates—at least they share their warmth with him on cold nights. Moonwhisper’s kits, on the other paw, serve as little more than annoyances to him. They might be Littlekit and Dovekit and Beetlekit’s cousins, but they definitely aren’t his. And Flamewhisker just has too many kits, even if they aren’t as irritating as the rest.

Today, though, it isn’t the other kits who are keeping him from his napping. The sound of voices filter into the nursery, and rather than high-pitched squeals, Hopekit hears the more mature rumbling of an older cat’s voice. It isn’t too loud, but it’s certainly disturbing the lilac-patched kit, and so he drags himself tiredly from the nest to go and investigate.

When he pokes his head out of the nursery, he immediately spots the problem. A small group of older cats are loitering nearby, apparently having a conversation while sharing tongues or eating prey or whatever else they do when they aren’t doing their duties. On sleepy paws, Hopekit strides over to the group, approaching the loudest of them all. "Can you shut up?" He asks the question as politely as he can, reaching out to gently place a paw upon the offending clanmate’s foreleg. Bleary blue eyes are focused on the older feline, slow blinks punctuating every word he speaks. He’s sleepy… maybe, if the older cats stay quiet, he can just curl up right here…
conversations during patrols were limited to training her apprentice, and a friendly hello towards a patrol across the border. being able to walk back into camp, and have friendly conversation with her clanmates was a treat. leafhusk sat back on her haunches, the tip of her tail thumping against the ground.

she’s not a loud cat by any means- the molly keeps her head down most of the time. on the rare occasions she wants to be heard, she’ll project her voice, but that’s about it. though, when you’re having fun, it’s easy to forget your volume. the small group is being just as noisy, and silence has become a virtue since the litters started rolling in, so it’s fine. just a little. leafhusk brings a paw to her muzzle to horribly suppress the belly laugh that escapes her- and the snort-but it is too late. a tiny paw presses on her leg, and she inhales, looking down to meet hopekit’s eyes.

he asks her to shut up, with those beady little eyes, and it’s.. kind of funny. she’d usually tell someone this small how rude it was, but the after effects of good conversation makes her not care. in a few hours, though, the embarrassment will settle. "sorry." she snorts. "someone said something- really funny."

  • 80086491_tN0R2xbOnPV1ykB.png
    thunderclan warrior / / former kittypet・38
    mentoring adderpaw
    cis woman・she/her & bisexual
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted・all opinions ic
    won't start fights・will try to end fights・won't kill
    excels in stealth and tracking & average at fighting
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord
—That’s what I said!” Raccoonstripe’s laughter is booming throughout the camp as he shivers his way through the gorse tunnel behind Leafhusk. The patrol had been successful, the weather divine, and it’s a beautiful morning for good companionship. All of them are in high spirits for once—something ThunderClan deserves after the tragedies that had befallen them moon after moon.

Until their conversation is somewhat rudely interrupted, that is.

While Raccoonstripe adores his kin, Leopardtongue’s kits are only a reminder that both Batwing and his mate are gone. Aptly named, he thinks with a snort, Hopekit stumbles close to the warriors’ little gathering and presses a paw to Leafhusk’s leg. “Can you shut up?” He asks the tittering she-cat, and the tabby’s dark eyes narrow. Whichever queen is rearing this little one clearly hasn’t taught him about respect, he thinks with a roll of his eyes. “Maybe try stuffing your ears with some moss,” he tells Hopekit bluntly. “It’s the middle of the day. Shouldn’t you be up playing, or… something?

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Something that Gentlestorm had taken note of was how different Coalkit and Hopekit seemed to be compared to their denmates, their personalities a lot more fiery and it reminds him of Batwing. The sound of faint laughter is enough to let him settle into his nest without a care in the world but when he hears the lead warrior begin to speak it does make him wonder who Raccoonstripe's speaking to. He hesitates to rise from where he is and releases a huff, the snowy giant pushes himself onto his paws only to make his way out of his den soon emerging from the fern tunnel to see who had told the returning warriors to shut up. The fur on his spine prickles when he realizes that it's Hopekit and the older tom doesn't hesitate to walk over to his nephew offering the warriors that had returned an apologetic smile only to turn to the lilac tomkit "There's nicer ways to ask someone to be quieter, Hopekit." The pale tom says in a soft tone as his helm tilts to the side noting how sleepy he must be and he wonders if his denmates don't let him fall asleeep due to their constant playing. If he doesn't end up turning completely gray due to the last few moons of overwhelming stress then the kits left behind by Batwing and Leopardtongue certainly would.

"Perhaps you could nap elsewhere," Gentlestorm suggests with softened gaze though he doesn't dare utter out his idea, Starclan forbid that he vocally reccomends a kitten to come to his den when all of Hopekit's denmates had trespassed only to end up eating a herb or two of his. He doesn't want them to end up eating something that they'll regret or waste and it makes him think for a heartbeat, he'd check his herbs once more to make sure that he didn't have anything dangerous... But it won't stop a curious kitten from eating herbs or honey. The thought itself makes an exhausted sigh escape his jaws soon focusing his attention to both Leafhusk and Raccoonstripe offering an apologetic look once more.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

Tornadokit had slept better moons ago when he was smaller and the den wasn’t crowded with new litters. He claims he doesn’t mind, he’d be leaving the nursery soon anyway. He had been affected though, it doesn’t bother and irritate him like it does Hopekit but he has been losing sleep between nighttime squabbles and stray limbs jutting against him suddenly in the middle of the night. It was whatever, nothin’ a strong guy like him couldn’t handle. Thankfully too he’d always been an early riser to begin with, much to some of his denmates chagrin he never liked wasting time sleeping when he could be playing. He’d have his crash naps but other than that he was always raring to go.

It was louder than usual today but he hardly pays any mind as he searches around looking for the little rolly-polly he’d been rollying around. Incidentally he’s nearby when the grumpy Hopekit tiredly comes grumpily from the nursery to confront a bunch of warriors on their volume. His rolly polly is forgotten and he stares towards them, curious to see what would happen. He agrees fully with Raccoonstripe; it was toooo bright and early to be wasting time drooling in the nest.

Gentlestorm is much more well gentle with his words and as soon as the medicine cat stops he pipes up. "Wakey wakey Hopekit! Come play with me!" he meows padding closer to the smaller tom. "You’re already up so why not?"


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The universe loved making Roeflame eat her words, it seemed.
When her litter had been born, the thought of rearing three kits was intimidating- when Leopardtongue passed, three turned to five.
The queen doesn’t regret it, Hopekit and Coalkit were darlings… though, at already such a young age, the former has picked up a knack for spite.
When Roeflame had last checked on him, the beige kitten had been tucked peacefully in their nest, giving the tabbied molly a small reprieve, it was much easier to take care of five kits when one of them opted for a nap.
Still, Roeflame never strays too far from where one of the kits is, and happens to be sharing a meal with someone near the nursery when she hears a familiar bleary voice utter can you shut up?
Shock shot Roeflame to her paws, and hurried her right over.
Gentlestorms soft input earned the snowy healer a grateful blink, but this was a situation for her paws to navigate through.
”You know better than to speak to warriors that way, Hopekit. Try again, politely this time.” Her tone does not betray the exasperation the seeps the energy from her, but they are firm. Once Hopekit corrected himself, Roeflame would be happy to send him back to the nest, if he wished.
She doesn’t blame his frustration, the nursery is overcrowded, filled to the brim with queens and kits alike, the silvery molly cannot fault him for being upset that his sliver of peace was being interrupted- the brashness simply wouldn’t fly, though.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

⊱⊰ When he asks his question, the she-cat’s laughter ceases abruptly, and she even says that she’s sorry. Someone said something funny, and Hopekit knows that funny things make cats laugh. It makes sense. He nods, and little paws begin to scrabble at the dirt, satisfied with her answer and prepared to settle down for another attempt to nap. But then the brown-furred warrior who sits nearby tells him that he should stuff moss in his ears. That sounds like something a mousebrain would say, but Hopekit knows that calling his clanmates mousebrains is mean, so he simply stares at the older tom for a few heartbeats. "No," he responds to the tom’s next question, words punctuated with a shrug—he doesn’t have to play, does he?

Luckily, the kit is joined in a few short moments by a hulking, fluffy form. Gentlestorm’s first statement is confusing, but his second is even more confusing for the sleepy little tom. Hopekit doesn’t know where else he can sleep. The nursery is where he sleeps, and he isn’t allowed to go with his big brothers into the apprentices’ den to sleep. Maybe he could sneak in there… Or… A good idea crosses his mind, but it is quickly forgotten as another kit pads over to invite him to play. Tornadikit is right, he is already up…

But before he can agree to play with the other kit, a shadow falls across the ground in front of him. He looks up, and—oh, Roeflame doesn’t look very happy. The queen looms over him like an owl or even a hawk, her voice saying his name like a storm on the horizon. He messed up. "Oh," he says. The little tom looks properly chastised now, ears tilting back against his head as Roeflame scolds him. She says that he knows better, but he thought he was supposed to ask for things. Frustration rises, but Hopekit clenches his jaw as he thinks hard about how he can try again nicer. His cinnamon-flecked caretaker’s words are firm, uncompromising, and he has no other choice but to turn back to Leafhusk with a long, slow blink. He’s supposed to say please when he asks for things, isn’t he? "I’m sorry, Leafhusk. Can you… please shut up?" He huffs, giving a little frustrated stamp of a paw. Well, why is he even asking again when he doesn’t even have to now? "But you don’t have to now. ’m gonna play with Tornadokit now."

Quickly, the kit’s attention turns elsewhere. Tornadokit wants to play, and suddenly he’s not that tired anymore. With a flicker of his fuzzy tail, Hopekit questions the other kit, "What are you playing?" He hopes that it’s a fun game, at least, since he isn’t getting to sleep—but even if it isn’t fun, then it has to be better than counting clouds.
she didn’t envy roeflame, the young queen has her paws full with five kits. not to mention how overcrowded the nursery is. leafhusk doesn’t venture near the den unless she’s delivering food, but the stress that radiates off the containment is second hand some days. everyone is overworked. she knew kids came with attitude, stars know adderpaw’s been scolded enough to re-fill the fresh kill pile. hopekit takes her apology well, and to her surprise, doesn’t fight back on raccoonstripe’s blunt tone. but her head tilts at the way he scrambles on the dirt, was he going to lay down, right there, to sleep?

the kit is stopped before she can get her answer, tornadokit and gentlestorm pad over to say their pieces. she turns her head to meet the snowy healer’s gaze, giving an apologetic smile and shrug. her clanmates were trying to fix it, guide hopekit in the right place, but only one cat could do it- and she approaches. voice firm, but careful, and leafhusk turns to look down at hopekit, curious to see how he’d correct himself. her maw twitches into a smile, extremely amused by his addition of a single word. it was cute, but she’ll spare the lilac kit’s dignity.

"thank you, hopekit," she mews, trying to show that a simple please does work wonders, even if it’s used incorrectly. "i’ll try my best next time—" the kit is gone before she can finish.

"he’s.. wonderful." her attention turns to roeflame instead, smiling sympathetically over to the queen. it’s the most discreet way she can say don’t worry, without saying her adopted son’s name.

  • 80086491_tN0R2xbOnPV1ykB.png
    thunderclan warrior / / former kittypet・38
    mentoring adderpaw
    cis woman・she/her & bisexual
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted・all opinions ic
    won't start fights・will try to end fights・won't kill
    excels in stealth and tracking & average at fighting
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord