──⇌•〘 INFO He has spent much of Sunflowerpaw's recovery thinking about their training. They have lost time, but Wolfsong holds tightly to the confidence that there are still many moons they can make full use of, that they will walk with him to the Moonstone and Wolfsong's voice will carry their new name in chorus with the rest of the clan. It will be difficult to reach, but it can be done. He just needs to be careful not to force progress too quickly; his own eye might have healed more cleanly had he not so stubbornly resisted all efforts to keep him from pushing too hard.

So he's brought Sunflowerpaw to the Sun-Warmed Pool.

"We will soak your paw here for a time," he explains, nodding to the shallow water. "We will start every training session here. Once your muscles have relaxed, I want to test your limits— which means you must tell me when you are in pain." His single-eyed stare is somber on their face. "Pressing through it may demonstrate strength of will, but that strength will come at the weakness of your body."



The Sun-Warmed Pool -- Sunflowerpaw knows of it more than they're actually familiar with it. The other patients in the medicine den had spoken of it, had gone on trips together when the apprentice was still not recovered enough to walk beyond the gorse walls of camp. They'd seen it, too, in their brief time exploring the territory, but hadn't thought much of it. But now, they listen dutifully to Wolfsong's words, carefully submerge their injured paw in the water. It seems they'll know this place well, soon.

They can understand, with the water lapping softly at their fur, why the raid-injured cats would come here -- why their mentor has brought them here now, has declared it the start of each of their training sessions. It soothes the lingering ache, leeching away scraps of stiffness. It's also just nice, they have to admit. Sunflowerpaw breathes a soft sight of relief, letting themself relax. Not too relaxed though, the excitement of beginning their training still hums just beneath their skin, but there is no impatience to it. They've been waiting so long, a short time soaking in the pool is little to add to it.

Wolfsong's voice is grave when he insists that they must let him know when they're in pain. A moon ago, they would have rejected it, and a part of them still does, but this is routine now. A simple nod is offered in response. Vulturemask, Wolfsong, both have given the same instruction. Much as it rankles them, much as they want to keep pushing until they have nothing left to give, they fear the consequences if they do. It's just training, after all. No use making themself worse off for the times when it'll actually matter.

When enough time has passed, their paw feeling better than it has in -- well, since it was caught in the trap, really -- Sunflowerpaw lifts themself from the pool, turns to Wolfsong with a querying tilt of their head and a bright determination in their eye. They're ready.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled121_20230316165404.png
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Reactions: WOLFSONG
──⇌•〘 INFO He does not speak during Sunflowerpaw's soaking, his own paws in the water while he switches between staring at the sky and searching their surroundings. They can never be too careful, even in their own borders; while they eat well during newleaf's bloom, hawks and foxes enjoy abundance as much as they do, and the many hares should not lead them to lower their guard.

Fortunately, no such beast shows itself, and he rises from the pool as his apprentice does. He meets their gaze and nods in return, wordlessly leaving the pool behind them. "You will run a short distance," he instructs, "which I will now mark." Wolfsong trots away to nudge a large stone into place, large enough to be visible some foxlengths away before returning to them. "You will start slowly at first, and I will tell you when to go slightly faster. Think of the sun as it wakes— it does not appear at the horizon and sprint to its zenith, but reaches it gradually as you will."
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Running. Of course that's what they're starting with, they are known as moor runners for a reason. And yet — there is some hesitance to Sunflowerpaw when their mentor proposes it. Here is the way to know the true extent of the damage, here is the thing which their clanmates feared they'd never do again. There is a part of them that worries at the idea of truth in these fears, of being left behind as their clanmates race the moorlands. And yet, they can walk now, and they could not a mere moon ago. Gradually, he instructs them, taking their time as does the rising sun. They can do that, they think. However long it takes.

They give an uncertain glance to Wolfsong before they take off but — no, there's no room for uncertainty now. They need to try at least. So they start — slow, as he says, it's a relief to do so, barely moving faster than a walk. But no — a little more than that, they speed up a bit on their own. Their gait is awkward, front paw falling upon the ground only to draw back up immediately each time as though burned as they hobble quickly moreso than properly run. It's not comfortable, and they don't know how mch more speed they could gain like this. Better than nothing, though.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • 64267309_IEuvGOmxnhCCLcz.png
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Reactions: WOLFSONG
──⇌•〘 INFO He recognizes the moment Sunflowerpaw's speed increases too soon. Their gait noticeably lags, and while he would not have called it smooth before, it is clearly causing discomfort— which will develop into pain without remedying it now. He does not want to hinder their healing already. "Stop," he commands, firm but not harsh. "We do not want to worsen your paw by pressing your limits too soon." They had not waited for his signal, perhaps overeager or determined; either way, he will address it. "Remember that I will instruct you when to change your pace. I ask you to trust my judgment." He jerks his chin at the path. "Again, slower."