i feel undone ⚘ joining ⚘ want to run

————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

They keep talking, bickering amongst themselves, debating on what to do, whether to let him - them - live or die. The cat before her begins to introduce himself, but he's interrupted, and she resumes pressing her face into Dandelionwish's side.

From there it's a bit of a blur, their harsh voices going in one ear and out the other until the fur at her side rumbles with spoken words, a tail curling around her, warm and safe. Daisypaw lifts her head sharply, staring at the sepia tom as he speaks, slowly turning to see who he was speaking to.

She's faced with the sight of golden paws, a pale chest, where the head of a WindClanner would typically be. No, he is far taller, far broader than even the surrounding warriors, and her dark ears press to her skull. Blazestar, he is addressed as. The leader of SkyClan. That was why she hadn't recognized their scent. SkyClan, sworn enemies to WindClan. She has to bite back another thin whimper.

Only... he doesn't order them to death, doesn't tell his warriors to leap at them. She's referred to as a kit, a voice in the back of her mind notes sourly, but she doesn't have it in her to speak a peep.

His command is to bring them to their camp. Would Dandelionwish be stuck there too, never again to smile like he used to? Would he have to try and escape into the middle of the night, this time with SkyClanners snapping at his heels? Would she have to run again too?

Her gaze drifts down to his paw, mangled and bleeding. He had used it to stop Tigerfrost from biting her. Daisypaw hiccups then, more warm tears staining her cheeks as she thrusts her face into his fur for the umpteenth time. "M'sorry," she whimpered.

————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————
"And dead WindClanners are less monsters for Sootstar to make. Let's hope he didn't finish training his replacement." Orangeblossom meows, ears twitching backwards as she fires a firm retort back towards Squallmist. She has little space for sympathy for moor-runners, even injured ones like this. Her attention slides sideways as Sparkstorm pleads with her, promising that she'd go on more patrols to make up for it.

Not my call." She responds, tossing Dawnglare a pointed glance. Sparkstorm wouldn't know what herbs to search for, and that knowledge would have to come from their medicine cat; if they were even allowed to stay, considering Blazestar hadn't yet been summoned. A small voice at her side earns a twitch of torn ears, and Orangeblossom addresses her apprentice next:

"Dandelionwish, WindClan's former medicine cat. The kit beside him is Daisypaw." She meows, confident in her words as if she hadn't just learned the kit's name. Some small part of her wants to send Eveningpaw back to camp, to keep her with her father where she'd be safe from having to see the debate over another cat's life, but Orangeblossom resigns herself to the fact that her apprentice would have to see something like this sooner or later. Silversmoke approaches, dropping his voice low to speak to her, and she nods agreement. He might be onto something, at least. She'd bring it up to Blazestar. Orangeblossom parts her jaws, ready to snap back at Mountainheart, but Daisyflight soothes her immediate irritation and Blazestar of all SkyClanners beats her to the admonishment. Good.

A hush falls over the group as their leader addresses the injured WindClanner, a skinny scrap of fur who protests he'd spoken out against the raid and been exiled for it. A sick ray of elation shines bright in her chest, smug, as Dandelionwish confirms her hopes; good, the moor-rats could all die then. But Blazestar ... compassionate, stupid Blazestar with a heart too soft for war, takes them both in.

Orangeblossom sighs.

"Do so, Sharpeye. Thank you. Slate, Sparkstorm, you two go with him." She orders the other two warriors, shooting Squallmist a disdainful glance as she does so; he'd be going too if Blazestar hadn't already beat her to the assignment. Giving Slate this responsibility would turn his vitriol elsewhere, at least, and he could put that energy into something useful. Sparkstorm could probably gather some moss or something while she was out. As for the kitten ...

"You did nothing wrong." Orangeblossom leans down a little, not crowding Daisypaw but making sure the bicolour would be able to see her if she looked up. Her expression is grim, expression set in a frown and scars prominent as ever, but her voice is gentle as she continues; "Can Daisyflight or I carry you back to camp? I'm Orangeblossom, Blazestar's deputy."


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentor to eveningpaw
    ✦ 26 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn ear, scarred muzzle, scarred right legs. walks with a limp.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

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