- Jun 8, 2022
- 184
- 116
- 43
/y'all im so sorry this is so long, theres a tdlr down below
The early morning was crisp. Leaves snapped in the breeze, the chill of leaf-bare beginning to frost the air. Tempting the light across the treetops, the sun poured silken rays of gold through the branches above. Hunched over a freshly snapped fern frond was a mother. Her calico pelt was ruffled, unusual for the well-kempt molly, and her shoulders slouched with exhaustion.
Teeth pierced through the tough stem, Daisy Flight yanked the makeshift platform along the worn pathway. Every bump and knock to her precious cargo made her wince. A muffled apology was all she could muster, voice flooded with regret. "I know, I know little ones. Your mother hasn't started this off smoothly has she? I'm- hrumf- sorry..." Any squeaking mewls would mash her lids shut, pangs of their discomfort flaying her resolve. But she couldn't leave for help and there were too many to carry.
It had been moonhigh when she left the nursery. Waves of ache, a restlessness that had her paws aflutter. The queen had known what was coming. Making the most of the sleepless state she had fled camp, unable to bear the familiar holly bush, the hushing breath of nearby resting cats. And, well, seeking the help of Dawnglare would be asking for trouble. His not-so-subtle threats of 'ripping her to shreds' wouldn't be beneficial during labour. What did he know anyway? What could the stars have told him about birthing? No, absolutely not.
Straying so far from camp had been a little... short-sighted, however. Daisy Flight had wanted to see the tops of the twoleg nests. Why, the calico wasn't sure. A tie to her past perhaps, to the father of these kits. Raven Ramble... A fool to be sure, but one she had spent many moons with. In the throes of pain, an untempered string of consciousness longed for him. Alone, she had wondered how he might have responded if he had been there in the moment. Annoyance, apathy, concern? The inky tom had always been so good at consoling her, and in her weakness she craved it. But now, lucid and determined, the calico knew this was for the best.
Cleaning off each of her kits, an intimate welcome into the world, had filled her with such adoration. Gaia had warmed her up to motherhood, however there was a thin veil between them still. Her own uncertainty, their unfamiliarity with each other? She vowed to bring down that barrier every chance she got. They were a family now, and a big one at that. A dark slate she-kit, pelt so deep it was almost purple, a pair of red tabby boys, one splashed with white, and a snowy tom brushed with steel. Daisy Flight couldn't wait to introduce them to their older sister.
At long last a passing pine trunk, its bark slashed with claw marks, signified the camp behind her. Still backing up, tail wrapped against her side, the molly pulled herself and the kits into the clearing. The final, desperate wrench was apparently too much for the fern. With a dull snap it gave way and Daisy Flight was flung into the floor. A quiet wail of dismay left her as she noticed one of her kits had rolled off, away from the warmth of their siblings. Almost stumbling the mother dashed forward on stiff limbs, scooping up the sunrise-striped tom. He was already the smallest, and now she had allowed him to take a tumble. Not smoothly indeed, in any sense of the word.
Bundling them back together, she tended to them, tired eyes scanning for any blemishes. Once assured they were all safe, the queen turned to look over camp. With a fruitless groom of her chest, she readied herself for its inhabitants. She'd squirrel them into the nursery in a few moments but as deputy, she needed to be dignified. Head held high, despite the wooziness it brought her, Daisy Flight stood as if she wasn't coated with mud and leaf litter. "They're here!" The announcement was sung, weak and strained.
/tdlr: Daisy gave birth out of camp and pulled her kits back atop a large fern leaf. She stumbles in, exhausted, and has to pick up one of the kits (?kit - penned by ava) after it falls from the leaf. She has just turned to camp and announced their arrival
tagging @Snowkit @GREENKIT@ava @nico for the kitties and @Gaia for sibling meetings
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