border i got knots all up in my chest 🦭 joining


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Jun 22, 2024
An unsynchronized furry of blue-gray paws run across browning grass, one paw-step off from tumbling face-first into the soil below. Adrenaline coursed through what felt like unused veins as Seal bounded towards the unfamiliar stench that was so prevalent in the forest behind his home. He remembered the first time the scent crossed his path, inhaled without warning and almost bringing him weakly to his knees from the smell. It was overwhelming, different from anything that he had ever encountered before. It warned him to not cross whatever border that had been established in those tall, lanky pine trees.

But it was as though it were calling to him -- the way the scent drifted constantly in his house's direction, the whispers of neighboring cats that shared stories of cats living amongst themselves quietly in the forest. Most important of all the details, towering greatly above anything else for him, was that apparently one of these wild groups accepted outsiders. And Seal was just that.

The border's scent was stronger, now, swirling around in his nose enough to make him sneeze. Today, Seal would be coming here alone. No, he could not have Toast finding out what danger he was possibly putting himself into. Otherwise he'd never be able to even explore the forest in the first place! So what was the fun in telling his house-mate when the boy could just... go on his own? Bounding up to the invisible line that separated him from what he expected to be endless freedom, hesitance graced his presence as the chimera paused to weigh his options. Though he was one to dive head first into all things unknown or exciting, something didn't feel right about crossing over into their territory. The way that they had set everything up seemed to scream "If you even think of crossing this border we will gut your heart out!" Well, maybe not that extreme, but it was enough to keep Seal's paws rooted into the soil with curled claws. "Hellooooo? Anyone out theeeree?" Squeaky and bubbly were the words that tumbled forth from his maw, figuring it wouldn't hurt to call out and see if anyone may be nearby. "Iiiii, uh, heard about'cha group, er, Sk- StarClan? Uh, SkyClan...? somethin' like that? Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I want in! I'll do whatever it takes to be a part of your... erm, clan." Hopefully he wasn't making a complete fool of himself.
  • ooc:
  • 88869703_8CJ9GLU7C0nNo9y.png
    ✶ sealpaw. daylight apprentice of skyclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    𓆝ㅤafab male, he/him | pansexual, single
    𓆟ㅤ7 moons old | ages every 00/01/00
    𓆞ㅤrescued kittypet | mentored by tbd
    𓆝ㅤsh blue smoke/blue tabby chimera
    𓆟ㅤnpc xx npc | close with toastpaw
    𓆝ㅤwritten by emily, ic opinions | tags
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How does Copia often find himself nearing the twolegplace border? The black smoke lets out a tired sigh as the scent of the twolegplace enters his nostrils— it's such a bittersweet smell to the older tom. It reminds him of what home used to be, and no matter how badly he wished he could revert things back to "normal", life will never be the same. I need to stop lurking near the border, The black smoke thinks to himself as he pads along. So far, Copia has been lucky with not being seen by former rogue-mates. But who's to say how long his luck will hold out for.

With a flick of his torn ear, Copia begins to pad further into the safety of SkyClan territory. He thought he was far enough from the border to avoid any 'guests', but his ears swivel back towards an unfamiliar, bubbly young voice. Copia comes to a pause and looks over his shoulder, mismatched eyes landing on the chimera. Another kittypet, He thinks quickly to ease his worries, and with a twitch of his tail, the black smoke resultantly approaches the kittypet. How do they know about StarClan? He supposes he should be impressed, but why would a kittypet know of them? It's a strange thought, considering how the clan looks up to their dead for guidance and wisdom. And StarClan certainly isn't watching over some kittypet.

"We're SkyClan, yes," Copia confirms with a low swish of his tail, mismatched eyes studying the stranger before him. He takes a mental note of the vibrant blue collar, wondering why so many kittypets, like themselves, would want to willingly leave their life of comfort. Living out in the wild isn't easy, and it's a lifestyle only the strongest can endure. "It isn't, er, up to me, if you can join." Copia mews awkwardly with a flick of an ear. "Living in SkyClan is nothing like the soft life you're used to, heh." No offense.

  • 89763132_S5MU9f3ZeHFl3mu.png

    artwork by llumisky (via TH) for the artwork<3
  • Copia
    37 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    pixel by nopeita <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & white
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)


It's curious to see Copia so close to the Twolegplace border, is he looking for someone? Part of her believes so but then another part of her believes maybe she's just trying to apply meaning to something mundane. He could just be curious, or not thinking about it. She hopes it's not the latter considering the amount of deaths that have happened here presumably when others have let their guard down. The scent of a Twolegplace cat does admittingly spike her concerns considering what her thought process just was.

Seal expresses an interest in joining, though. Inquiring if this is SkyClan. His voice squeaks and chitters like a baby bird, it's very endearing and she now felt rather ridiculous for thinking something capable of sounding so cute could be a threat like that. Puffing out her chest she approaches the pair with a kind smile "This is SkyClan!" StarClan isn't an actual clan, is on the tip of her tongue, in concept yes but not in a physical sense. Seal could be spared that particular tangent though, she's sure that someone would be deligated to explain that at a later date.

This could all happen after he joins, if he is able to join at least. She frowns at the mention of a soft life, that is something she hopes the clan would understand to not always be true giving the unfortunate circumstances to some kittypets who have joined the clan. With a flick of her tail she breathes the irritation out, it's just a different perspective and she has to remind herself about that.

"Copia is right, it isn't up to him but clan life is very different to life in Twolegplace." Her gaze flickers to the collar that adorns his neck and in turn cranes her own neck so her collar can be on display. "You seem very eager! This is good, you'll need to be loyal to SkyClan. I'm assuming you might want to return to your twolegs in the night?" she raises a paw to gesture to his collar.

"I do that to! But this isn't a vacation or anything, you'll have to work, to hunt and defend the clan with your life. Do you think that you would be willing to that? I don't want to scare you off" she always feels so scary and serious having to lay out these expectations. Though, she would much rather that then someone get in over their head and wind up being injured or worse!

  • apprentice tag <33 @jellypaw ♬
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into -- well, -- more minutes. And then more... and more... ugh, what was taking them so long! To Seal, it had been eons ago that he had called out into the vast pine forest, his own echoes his friends after try after try after try. Realistically, it had only been about 10 minutes since he first howled out into the frosty wind. Maybe going out in the middle of fall wasn't such a good idea. But shouldn't it still be peaceful, with only a slight chill to the air? He supposed he didn't know much. He hadn't gone through fall yet!

Seal's rounded ears swivel at the sound of Copia's voice, who had caught the young boy calling out into the forest in that moment just to hear his own echo. His pupils suddenly grew so round you could only see black, yet somehow it looked as though thousands of stars were shining in those dark orbs. "Ooh, hihihi!! You're a SkyClannie? SkyClan... er? I don't know, but hiii!" In his mind he was ready to be a warrior for them, but it was obvious that he had much to learn. At least he had the enthusiasm! "Oh jeez, lemme introduce myself first! 'M Seal, 'm from on yonder!" It really wasn't too far, but for him, the walk lasted a life-time. "Who're you, Mr. Mysterious?"

Though Copia's next words made his tail hang low, shoulders slumped after the realization that this may take more dedication than expected. Puffing out his chest at the dark tom's last remark, Seal tried to make his voice a little deeper to appear more serious and hopefully threatening. "Pbbbfffffsshhhhttt. You think I have a soft life? Think again! 'M, uh, the sparring champion in my household! O- on the block!" The white lie slipped passed his lips with a bit of anguish, upset that he had to do it but feeling as though it was the right thing to do to get him in! It's not like a little lie wouldn't hurt anyway! He could just say he actually doesn't know how to fight when he's in, they'll be fine with it!

But his facade was easily broken by the appearance of another SkyClanner, this one seeming much more friendly than the other! A big toothy smile replaced his already curled one, excitement wafting off him in waves as he kept himself from bouncing up and down. It was what he did whenever his housefolk brought others over! But he could tell this wasn't exactly the time and place for that right now. "Oh boy, your name is Copia? How cool! What were you named after? I'm named after a water animal!" He rambles on, now turning to Florabreeze with joyful eyes. "And what's your name? Twolegplace? Ohmygosh I love your collar!" Seal heard everything she had to say, even if it didn't seem like it. Despite the constant blabber, the boy had extremely look hearing and memory. It was easy for him to be able to recall this moment later on whenever he needed it.

Taking a deep breath, he finally squeaked out a little "Sorry!"
before letting her continue, nodding his head eagerly in agreement with her. He was eager! He did want to be loyal to SkyClan! Choosing to keep silent in order to make sure things stayed smooth sailing from here, Seal nodded his head repeatedly to Florabreeze as she mentioned wanting to go back to his "twolegs" at night. After putting two and two together, the chimera realized she must've been speaking about their owners. What a strange thing to call them. He supposed that was just the way of a clan cat.

Her next words, though, make him tremble a bit in his spot, swallowing the jovial yell to accept bittersweetly. He had to defend the clan with his life? The only people he had thought about that for was his housefolk and Toast. Why would a group expect him to throw his life away when he hadn't ev en met most of them yet? But the curiosity was too much. It ate away at him, begging for just a small bite into the life of a clan cat.

Seal gave a somewhat weak smile to Florabreeze, an apologetic one since he knew that she was just trying to make sure he was prepared. She seemed really nice. "Um, yeah. Yeah, I can do that, I think." Leaning back and onto his haunches, he looked around before letting his mismatched eyes meet Florabreeze's with a shrug of his shoulders. "So, uhh... what now?"
  • ooc:
  • 88869703_8CJ9GLU7C0nNo9y.png
    ✶ sealpaw. daylight apprentice of skyclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    𓆝ㅤafab male, he/him | pansexual
    𓆟ㅤ7 moons old | ages every 00/01/00
    𓆞ㅤrescued kittypet | mentored by tbd
    𓆝ㅤsh blue smoke/blue tabby chimera
    𓆟ㅤnpc xx npc | close with toastpaw
    𓆝ㅤwritten by emily, ic opinions | tags
Last edited:

Oh stars, she forgot to introduce herself. She wasn't sure why she managed to gloss over that every time she was at a border, there was a soft exhale of measured breath. Making a mental note to try and remember to actually introduce herself next time before twitching her whiskers. "I'm Florabreeze! Nice to meet you" hopefully this would be the last time she forgets to mention her own name. Though, she wondered if Seal would find it strange since Copia doesn't hold a clan moniker. The thought fades as she beams at the compliment of her collar. Craning her neck to show it off with pride as she huffs, this time not from self inflicted frustration. It had been so long since she had first heard all these clan terms that she forgot that it's not natural to other house cats, she gestures with her tail to the artificial landscape behind him. That sprawls beyond the Thunderpath, she presumes that he was from there anyways, hence the collar.

"Thank you! Your collar is stunning, it really suits you" formality fades for a moment, losing herself in compliments only reserved for those who also hail from Twolegplace. Even then it was only a select number of them that wore collars, Edenberry comes to mind and reluctantly Blood Mary does as well for the denizens that walked beside her without collars to show to the rest of the world. Just as quickly as that formality left her it came back, having to remind herself that she has a duty to fulfil. He apologises and she pays it no mind, acknowledging him with a nod and a kind smile. Taking the mantle of her title seriously once again she continues to explain what is expected of the young Seal.

She can understand the worries behind her words, she herself hadn't taken them seriously at the time. So it was curious to see someone understand the gravity of what it is that's requested of him. To lay his life on the line for a clan that he doesn't know, she tries to not shy away from the topic of death though. Better to find out now than be faced with a battle and have this sprung upon him, or after he gains that potential paw title. "Good, you're young, aren't you? You'll be assigned a mentor either way who can help ease you into it. I know it sounds scary, it's important to know though" there is sympathy in her tone. Hope that he understands where she's coming from. With a hum she straightens up, satisfied that he poses no threat and genuinely seems eager to join, her standards are quite easy to appease though.

"You'll come meet with our leader, Orangestar" she explains, gesturing with her tail for him to cross the border and follow her. Though she waits until he passes by her, preferring to not turn her back on him due to basic safety precautions. She hopes the leader is up to it, still aware of the fact that it hadn't really been that long since she birthed her kits.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}