camp i just wanna run - argument

A female burst through the camp entrance, the anger in waves around her with Milkpaw in tow. "Im sick of it, Milkpaw! You never pay attention, you always wander off, and for starclans sake, you cant even hunt and you expect to fight?" the female spat, brown eyes glaring at the apprentice.

"Okay- maybe i can't hunt, but what? Youre just gonna give up on me? Its been A MONTH, and all we do is wander this territory every day. I DONT CARE TO REMEMBER A STUPID LOG, DewMist!" The frosted apprentice would spit right back, fur on his behind spiking up. All he ever heard was how much more patient his sister was, and how much better she was, and he was sick of her envy to be his sisters mentor.

"Thats perfect! I do give up Milkpaw. I cant deal with your attitude. I cant deal with your lack of focus. Maybe, if you were more patient like your-" her words were cut off as Milkpaw scoffed in disgust. "My sister this. My sister that! Go be her mentor! I dont need you, someone else will mentor me. GIVE UP ON ME THEN." He screamed, tears threatening to bubble from his crystal blue eyes, and his voice breaking ever so lightly. "I know this territory like the back of my paw!" he stomped his paw, as if enunciating it, and his tail lashed behind him. "I know that big stupid rock you love so much can see the entire territory! I know to stay careful around the gorge! I know every single territory line, and i always stay away from it. MAYBE, JUST MAYBE I WANDER OFF TO GET AWAY FROM YOU! Have you ever , ever, thought of that? I can't stand you!"

But the words that she wanted to give up on him hurt him. Everyone wanted to give up on him, and a sickening twist of his stomach made the cat out of breath, his throat sore and raw from the arguing they had done. "I had seen a rabbit, that YOU DIDNT EVEN NOTICE, and YOU scared it off! THE ONE CHANCE I HAD TO BRING PREY BACK, YOU RUINED YOU DIM-WIT!"

She was speechless at this point. Her eyes turning from disappointment and anger into concern and sadness. "Milk-"

"No! You wanna give up on me so bad, I'm done with you!" he spat, crystal clear drops hitting the ground, his lips trembling. He'd turn from his mentor, and storm off, ignoring the stares from his clanmates that she so desperately wanted to embarrass him in front of. He could run away, become a loner and no one would have to deal with him then. He heard the whispers, he'd been in enough trouble before that he had probably been in enough trouble to make up for the rest of the apprentices combined. His parents hardly spoke to him, too busy with his siblings and expected nothing of him. He'd probably never be a warrior, but he wanted to be one so bad.

He wanted to be strong like his father, as big as him even. He wanted to be brave, and whenever he tried to show it he got laughed at and mocked! Did anyone even believe him? Or was he just a worthless being. No, he was just stressed. His thoughts were never like this, but as tears hit the ground, and his pelt trembled in anger and sadness, he couldn't help beating himself up. But for now, hed curl up in defeat, his face buried in his paws, and his body curled up as he tried to calm himself down. He didn't need her, he thought, trying to confide in himself.

He'd always be in his sisters shadow, always be the laughing stock that followed crappily in her pawsteps. And more than anything, he hated that feeling.
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Well well, wasn't this a show? Minkbreeze would watch the entire debacle from where she was laying in front of the warriors' den. Her eyes were only half-open, pupils narrowed into slits as the argument was placed on full display for those in camp to see. Pathetic, it was the only word Minkbreeze would conjure up when she looked at Dewmist, to have such little reign on her own apprentice and allow them to cause a scene like this.

No, Mink would narrow her eyes further, that wasn't quite right. The warrior would watch with glittering interest as Milkpaw shouted the firing of his own mentor and stomped away. A snort would pass through her nostrils as she rose to her paws and made her way toward the downtrodden apprentice. As she passed Dewmist, the warrior would smirk at her with a look of pleasant disdain as she meowed, "They say when an apprentice fails, there's no cat to blame but the mentor." Flashing one more smile; one full of warning she would continue until she was just before Milkpaw and meow evenly, "Come now Milkpaw, raise your head. No cat who stands up for themselves the way you just did should shove their nose into the dirt."

Should he look up at her at all, he would see nothing of pride and a look that the warrior was clearly impressed with his display. It took guts to stand up to a cat in authority, especially one that was supposed to be your guide in this miserable life. "If Sootstar accepts your dismissal of your mentor, I'll train you." Teal eyes would glitter with some emotion Milkpaw would not be able to read fully, no matter the outcome of this she would do her best to teach Milkpaw at least some things from today forward.

speech ✩ windclan ✩ warrior ✩ tags

venomthroat | 27 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
Venomthroat, in all honesty, does not care much for milkpaw. So far, the tom has only proven to be a nuisance - as all children are, and all children should be. It is exactly why they doesn't like the little brats, but it is not something they'd ever hold against them. Kids will be kids and all that. Tch. Raised voices and shouting catch the shadowy figures attention rather quickly, dark gaze searching out the cause. Dewmist - another cat who, like most, venomthroat does not have very high opinions of. In fact, they can count them on one paw - with only tigerfrost, cottonpaw, and the clans higher powers - sootstar and badgermoon - really ranking high upon their radar, and even then it is a close thing for those not blood related. What miniscule amount of respect they'd once had is completely lost as they eavesdrop rather shamelessly, tail lashing in annoyance.

If dewmist cannot outwit an apprentice, cannot handle a little bit of... personality, then what use are they a a mentor - no, as a warrior even. "Ugh- Children," they spit out rather disgustedly, but it's not aimed at the usual nuisance, as the muscular feline raises with a slow stretch. Minkbreeze beats them to the point, and dark gaze only blinks slowly - another they have never cared to get to know, and don't plan on changing that decision now. One large paw comes crashing down upon the pale furred apprentice in their best attempt at 'consolation', though it certainly seems to come across as awkward and punishing more than anything else.

"You might be annoying, but you're not stupid. That bird-brain should realize sootstar gave them a job, and they should've done it properly or not at all." it's not quite a compliment, but its close to one, especially coming from venom. "... I suppose you can just stick with one of us, until sootstar makes her decision," they say finally, rumbling voice still slowed by sleepiness. Its not like they want to be stuck babysitting if they don't have to - right? Because it's not like they care...

And to think - their nap had been interrupted by this-?

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It was a boost of confidence he probably didn't need from Mink breeze, blinking wiping his face off in his elbow before lifting his crystal gaze up to her. She was impressed? He would've thought he would've got yelled at some more about being disrespectful and some more mouse-dung. But, he was being rose up and given approval for standing up for himself.

It was a new feeling. "Th-thank you Minkbreeze," his eyes bright, full of compassion and pride, but it was different than his usual look. She even brought the tiniest of smiles to his face, made him happy.

Oof. His gaze quickly turned and fur bristled again before recognizing Venomthroat and his large paw on his flank briefly. He was sure the older warrior didn't mean to hurt him, especially with his following words.

He could just hug them both. But those affections were not known to show, in fact, he didn't know what to say, speechless at the two warriors that were supporting him.

So you guys can help me until Sootstar decides what to do? I would... I would really like that. Thank you.. Really!" a light purr came from his chest, the twist in his stomach forgotten, and a smile on his face bigger now.

He'd have proper guidance now, one way or the other!
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Milkpaw and his mentor's spat interrupts the conversation he's having with another warrior. Weaselclaw's eyes narrow into icy slits as they track the apprentice's tantrum. He screams disruptively into her face, telling her he's done with her. Weaselclaw's tail lashes one. Twice. Who does this kit think he is? Barely out of the nursery and shouting down an experienced WindClan warrior who had simply been trying to train him?

He stalks forward, chin lifted. "Milkpaw," he says, his voice like a gathering storm. "I must have missed the part in the warrior code where an apprentice chooses their own mentor. Or perhaps Sootstar implemented a new law she did not tell me about." His eyes glitter. "Well?"

He turns to Minkbreeze and Venomthroat, who applaud the impudence. Weaselclaw snorts. "Is this what we want to encourage of our apprentices? To dawdle in their training and refuse to listen to orders? The only cat in this Clan who will never have to obey their superiors is Sootstar herself." He dismisses both warriors with the flick of an ear, turning back to Milkpaw. "Did you hear that? You will always be told what to do and expected to listen, unless you'd like to go back to the nursery?" He stares Milkpaw down for several heartbeats.

Milkpaw's jaw dropped slightly, frosted eyes saddened. Was weaselclaw turning this around on him? He wasn't the bad guy! He.. his lip trembled again, but, he wanted to make it clear. "She gave up on me! She.. she said exactly that. She said, 'I do give up on you!' She said if I was patient like my sister... and I.. I cut her off. She always talks about my sister. How much better she is learning. What am I supposed to do, WeaselClaw? And.. and I wandered today because she was talking on and on about hunting! I wanted, I wanted to show her I knew! And she got mad, and ran up to my side, and scared the rabbit away!"

Milkpaw sighed, ears drooping, and putting his chin on his paws. He was digging himself a deeper hole. Knowing how the warriors here operated... he'd be better off just not talking. He could explain for forever, but how much were they actually listening? Were they just hearing what they wanted to?

"Just do whatever, I don't care anymore."

His stomach twisted again, and his eyes were glazed. He really hoped, someone had understood him. But, he was wrong.

That fat rabbit got away, and yet again, he failed to bring home a morsel of prey for his clan. That's all he wanted to do. He wanted to show, behind all of his shenanigans, he was a capable apprentice. He wanted that glimmer that filled his sisters eyes when she came home with prey and got his parents pride, and he got ignored.

When was the last time they even acknowledged me?


In complete shock to the jarring scene the silvery-blue feline is slow to react. She had expected her warriors to handle this outburst just fine, but instead they pity the apprentice and cast glares at poor Dewmist. Her brows furrow, outraged for the she-cat who was being so wrongly persecuted, yet before she can rise to her paws a familiar striped pelt rolls over the scene.

Her fur lies flat, relieved to see him handling the situation with the authority she expected any of her lead warriors to have. She cannot help but admire him and reflect that is capableness and quick-thinking is very well part of the reason she made him her mate. She only strides forward after Milkpaw ceases his spewing, she fixes him a grave look of disappointment.

"It looked like she was on the verge of an apology even after you called her a dim-wit." Sootstar growls, her paws firmly planting into the earth and toes flexing to relieve tension. "Weaselclaw is right, apprentices do not choose who their mentors are... They most certainly don't get to choose when they can just walk away from their mentor." Both figuratively and literally, it seems, as the young tom just confessed, he had walked away from Dewmist entirely. Then she shoots Venomthroat and Minkbreeze a frustrated look, "Warriors do not get to decide that either... I assign apprentices and mentors here, no one else." A smokey tail raises into the sky with authority.

The apprentice was deserving of some sort of punishment, she looks to Weaselclaw and dips her head. He could decide, and she was curious to see what he would rule.
To say that Gravelsnap is appalled by the kit’s harsh words toward his own mentor—it would be an understatement. Their dusk-dappled maw is laced with a scowl, and it only etches itself deeper into his muzzle as he draws nearer, hears the topic of conversation. The monochrome warrior hangs back, however, until Sootstar and her mate are finished scolding both the unruly apprentice and the two half-wits who offer to take over as his mentors. They snort, tossing their head in irritation.

Stepping ever closer, eel-black tail lashing, the warrior thinks of Houndthistle. He was patient and kind—but he would never have allowed them to speak to him with such disrespect, such open defiance. "If I ever spoke to my mentor like that, he would have smacked me into the next season." Their voice is low, but a sneer settles upon their face as they watch Sootstar silently offload something onto Weaselclaw with a nod. Giving him the authority to choose Milkpaw’s fate, perhaps? That would make the most sense. Gravelsnap only hopes that the brown tabby chooses something interesting, like Tigerfrost had when the troublemaking trio of apprentices had disrespected Firefang so blatantly. Milkpaw would likely be much less graceful about taking any sort of punishment.

His ears stay flat, the tears swelling up as Sootstar approached next. He was not gonna say another word. The small apprentice would wish to sink into the dirt at this point.

He was fighting the weight on top of him. Fighting the internal struggles. But he'd just accept whatever they had for him. A flick of an ear to show he was listening. But his throat burned. His breaths were deeper, shaking.

And Dewmist was just staring. Her expression unreadable from this distance. He would carry on looking forward, slowly blinking.

Whatever they wanted, he would do. Just to get it over with.

Gravelsnap approached next, his irritation high and talking about his own mentor. cool.. do it then get it over with. he thought, his anxiety just getting worse with the more cats surrounding him, and telling him he screwed up as if it wasn't already said.

Sneers, taunts, were they waiting for himself to get in more trouble? He didn't know but the time definitely was slowing down as he awaited his own fate.

Weaselclaw feels a familiar presence, a shadow at his side. Sootstar herself, commandeering even at her short height, her tongue sharp as she addresses Milkpaw. The tabby glows with pride at her deferment. That she trusts him again, after that horrid barren period following his demotion, is something he treasures.

Gravelsnap speaks up, irritation blatant at the commotion in camp. "If I ever spoke to my mentor like that, he would have smacked me into the next season." Weaselclaw lets out a quiet mrrow of agreement. He'd not been raised in WindClan's rigid structure, and had largely learned to fight out here on the moors themselves. These kits are lucky to have warriors like Dewmist who take the time to help them become capable hunters and fighters.

Milkpaw is downtrodden, as though he's fallen into the river and been dragged back out. Weaselclaw is not swayed by the sad look on the pale tom's face. "You will go back to the nursery. You will help Spiderbloom with whatever she needs and sleep across from her kits. A true WindClan apprentice appreciates the discipline his mentor bestows on him." But he takes some pity on the boy. "You will continue your training with Dewmist until Sootstar herself gives an order. And when Dewmist can come to Sootstar and her council and tell us that you have learned respect, you may join the apprentices under the stars once more." His voice is stern, his blue eyes serious, but Weaselclaw is not doing this out of cruelty. Discipline is hard-won, and a cat who grows up without it could become reckless, a danger to himself and his Clan.


He would actually be in the nursery? Placed there to help the queens and learn respect? He'd rather be picking ticks of elders until he was one himself! Oh boy was snakepaw going to have a  blast. He'd rather be Snakepaws-

No he wouldn't. This was going to be easy. He could do this.

He could easily get this punishment over with.

But he wasn't happy about it and he wouldn't change in two seconds. "Whatever you wish," he mumbled, his body barely able to lift him up to his paws as he stood.

"Is there anything else you need of me before I go..." he trailed off as he was about to call himself enslaved by spiderbloom. He'd definitely get thwaked for that one. "Help spiderbloom?"

Asking to be dismissed would be way better than just leaving as he originally intended. He faced away from them, his head low and his ears tucked. Like a beat dog, except he'd never tuck his tail between his legs. He didn't want to be submissive but it seemed that's what Sootstar and her council wanted.



An ear flicks in acknowledgement to Gravelsnap, it doesn’t show but she finds amusement in their words. Sootstar has never had a mentor, obviously, she grew up before the clans were formed. She had a father though, and he had been the closest to a mentor she had ever gotten… Good StarClan, if she acted the way some of these apprentices did she’d be in intense fear of the repercussions he’d hail down upon her.

Weaselclaw’s punishment is fair, the blue smoke would say it was being too soft before she said it was too extreme. Sleeping with the kits would hopefully teach Milkpaw some humility, along with respect for the older cats of the clan. In her lead warrior’s place she flicks her tail, ”You may go.”