camp I OWE EVERYTHING | confession | TO YOU

// Please wait for me or Flops to give permission for others to reply. Thanks! <3

Once, Fireflyglow would have been too nervous to talk to Dawnglare about his love life. He had momentary crushes on cats before, thinking that they were pretty when he had his sight still. However, nobody ever made him feel like Greeneyes did. From the very moment they had met when they were young, Firefly had bonded with the orange and white tom. When he lost his sight, Greeneyes had stayed by his side and treated him the same as he always did; he didn't make him feel like he had to try harder to be noticed by him, he could breathe around Greeneyes.

Of course, when Fireflyglow and Greeneyes had confessed their love for each other next to the river beneath a silvery moon, the issue of telling Dawnglare weighed upon them both. He couldn't sleep alone anymore, and he had slowly begun to gather extra moss for his mate to merge their nests together. Collecting feathers, entwining soft pine needles into the moss to give it stronger structure. Just right for aching joints after a long day on warrior's duty, perfect for Greeneyes.

As the tom finishes dragging a few mouthfuls of moss over to the hazel bush that was the medicine den, his ears perked as he listened to the sound of Dawnglare murmuring to himself in the back of it. He hesitates for a moment, steeling himself.

"Dawnglare," Fireflyglow calls out from the mouth of the den, taking a step in and dropping the pile of moss down onto the unfinished nest he had been building. Surely, Dawnglare must have known something was going on. He was smart enough to figure it out on his own. Just not.. the who. Well, Fireflyglow was going to inform him, and he wasn't budging. He stares in the direction of the tom who was once his mentor, fluffy tail waving behind him. "..I'm mates with Greeneyes now. He's moving into the medicine den." He states calmly, preparing for the absolute meltdown that would inevitably happen.

He only had to wait. His muscles were tense, paws kneading the ground beneath them anxiously. His face, however, remained a neutral line of stoic calm.​
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Dawnglare has paid no real attention to whatever it was Fireflyglow was up to... Former apprentice of his, sure... but instilled in him by something unknowable were the superfluous ways in which his paws could move and his jaws could flap. Dawnglare had good reason to expect nonsense from them some fair amount of the time. What did it matter, if he did not prick his ears to every word? If he did not bat an eye at every ministration of jet-black paws? He's preoccupied with other things, anyhow... Like the way his skin has never stretched quite so discomfortingly across his skeleton. This stalemate he's caught in — frozen in a den he detests, but caught in a smolder the moment he takes a weary step outside... Fireflyglow flits in and out, in and out. Dawnglare would accost him for it, if he were not so preoccupied with the trembling of his own paws. Was it imagined? Trick of the light? Would it be better or worse for him, if it were so very real?

He can feel the constricting of his throat. Shortness of breath for.... for whatever reason. Is there hate, in the sun-dapples that scatter haphazardly across his floors? Could he only ever be safe without a single tear in his hazel-worn bush? He's yet to step from his den since he rose, trapped between two places he detests. The ramblings catch on the walls, mutterings of what and why?

Then Fireflyglow is calling suddenly, his voice like a set of claws raking fresh across his ears. His head snaps with a quickness that threatens to snap it clean from his neck. Pallid eyes regard the lofty tom with a frenzied wideness. " What? " he tries — fails — to keep his tone from tumbling off the precipice of aggravation. If he did not know better — if he tended to his devices only, another time is what he would tell him; but this is what he is forced to be: something... selfless. A tool shaped by kingly paws and crowning head. Dawnglare does not lack the self-awareness others may see that he needs. No, he knows he will never be in the mood to hear whatever this will be.

And it's without dalliance. Straightforwardly said, and awfully so, at that. Why, it flows with such casualty; is stated with such a squared jaw and sturdy paws. Fireflyglow does not even spare him the dramatics of, there's something I must tell you, or anything of the like. Dawnglare's face sinks, settles into a teeth-gritted frown with slow, slow motions. Fizzling shock; beading anger — and he decides: " ...No. "

He shakes his head. It is slow and deliberate at first, only to crescendo into absolute detestment. What exactly is it that he refuses? His choice of a mate? His decision to move him in? He isn't quite sure, but he laughs like it is the world's funniest, if not woefully timed joke. And oh — perhaps it was... That would be the best case scenario. Indeed, it would be. " No, no, " he laughs; and with twitching paws, claws slid from their sheaths, he wills his former apprentice to laugh along with him. " You don't have a mate, " said as if fact. It ought to be. Dawnglare knew Fireflyglow, didn't he? " And if you did... it would not be him. " Chuckling still, and his claws click out the number of slashings he'd like to give his nose.
If Fireflyglow was to be a fool, he was going to be an honest fool. Everything he was, everything he came to be- it was because of Dawnglare's righteous paws. The tom he grew to become, honest and loyal and pious was he now, yet at the paws of the high priest he is nothing but a bug invading his space with his newfound confession. Dawnglare's response is met with grinding fangs, tongue digging into canines as if to prevent himself from spilling words that could wound the high priest's ego. Ghostly blues flutter open, then closed- was it shock that pulled silence from his lips, or anger?

"I have given everything to you." He finally musters out, his voice strained with barely-held contempt. If he could have one thing in this world, one thing that was his and his alone, it must be Greeneyes. Even he, an ugly beast with ice for eyes, deserved such- didn't he? His jaw twists, ears laying back as the moment grows ever tenser. He can hear the click-click of claws, can anticipate the slash of fire against his face once again. He was already blind; would Dawnglare pluck out his eyes, feed them to Mother as punishment for his disobedience? Fireflyglow swallowed nervously at that thought.

"No." He whispers, "NO." He says again, this time louder- his deep voice booming with.. with.. what was this feeling? "He is mine, and he has earned his place by my side. Unlike.. Unlike your ghost, which follows you like a lost kit." He snaps, teeth bared as haunting eyes grow wider, pupils shaking as he stands tall before the tom that was his mentor not too many moons ago. He was grown now, he could make his own decisions. "And I don't need your permission. Not anymore." He spits, large tail whipping behind him like a storm.

Was he doomed, to follow achingly after Dawnglare, like the wandering little spirit he was? Was he here, or there? "He is my mate now. He is my soul, my heart- everything! You do not get to choose who I love, Dawnglare!" He yowls, eyes alight with something.. With fury. He waits now, chest heaving from the effort. He had never yelled at Dawnglare, never spoke out against him like this before. Had he done so as a child, he would have been tossed aside, wouldn't he have? He knew Dawnglare. Knew of his wallowing self-pity, his self-centeredness. And yet, after all of these many moons, he had ignored it. Why? Because he loved Dawnglare like he was family. He still loved the tom. He had never said it, never spoken the words- and now they seemed so foreign to him, with the anger that ebbed and flowed through his veins like molten fire. ​
Fireflyglow does not join him. Easy out in the form of laughter — one of the few they have ever shared together — it could have been. Instead, he is silent, and his face works as though he's had a mouthful of carrion. Perhaps there's a pang... Perhaps; but oh, all his life, hasn't Dawnglare done nothing but budge? Shuffle his standards, shift his ideals... He should get to keep firm on a few things, shouldn't he? And this — could it be called such, when what Fireflyglow proposes is so ridiculous on any front imaginable? He does not think himself a monster. No, he is struck by disbelief, done in for a joke... His smile teeters. Giggles die. Fine, fine. Said and done, that's all he expects.

...Oh, but it isn't, then. His face lifts, surprise spelled clear. Fireflyglow could have given him much more, he thinks. He'd been far from a flawless apprentice... Even if it was true, did Dawnglare not deserve everything? He had given the very same to SkyClan; toiled and toiled past death and destruction, remains despite the crumbling of everything around them... If he has earned something, it is everything, and yet... he's accepted less-than from Fireflyglow for the entirety of his life. His jaw clenches. One, two — the click of claws. With the lift of a rattling voice, gone is the chance for this to never have happened.

What could Greeneyes have possibly earned? And oh — why is he eager to claim plague-personification as his very own? He begs for an omen, and not the kind that's wonderous, splendor-filled, good news for those who have earned it... He wants this all to die around them. His spine is prickling, then, there; something sealed with a soul he need not mention. An uncertain bubbling, low roil of feeling, attempt at courtesy... Furiousness surges to the tip of his tongue all at once. The smile is long-buried, replaced by gleaming teeth and a wicked-whipping tail. " Watch yourself, " the growl rolls thick. It's more than they deserve. Oh, it's always been more than they deserve.

The right to anger is one that they do not have. He detests it, the furious lash of Fireflyglow's tail, the unbecoming caterwaul, as if he had anything to lose sleep over. As if he was the one haunted. Like the ground burned him as he walked. " Anyone — Anyone else, Fireflyglow! Anyone else! " he matches him in intensity, barrels his voice into a straining hiss. " Do not forget, I gave you your name. Do you think that's all it takes to have you exempt from my charge? "

He turns in full now, anger drawing back his ears. He takes a step forward, an attempt to remind Fireflyglow of his place. " I gave you your name. I gave you your knowledge. I made you who you are! " Oh, this kinship that they claimed — how much of it would have happened still, without Dawnglare burying his way into the thick fat of Fireflyglow's skull? Who knows the purpose he would've held? If there'd be anything to the very fiber of who he was? ( He knows it isn't true. Oh, he knows it isn't. He'd carry his father's soul regardless of what he's done. The man never did anything with a thought to how Dawnglare felt... Did they have that in common? ) " You cannot invite whoever you please into my den, Fireflyglow! "
Fireflyglow can feel the simmering air around him, as if their combined fury and irritation mixed into a pyre of scalding flames. His lips draw back as Dawnglare's voice draws nearer, a deep hiss rumbling in his throat. "I will not let you treat him like this!" He shouts, and now he's definitely sure the shrieking match between the two could be heard by many outside of the bush. A place of safety, of security- a place to rest when one was wounded or ill. Would they taint this sacred place with the foul words that spewed from their vengeful lips? Fireflyglow dares not think of the consequences he shall reap after this is said and done.

Anyone else, he says; as if Fireflyglow could paw away the intense adoration and love he held for the tom with emerald green eyes. Such a beautiful color, from what he remembered- that intense green was all he could remember from his seeing days. "It has always been him." He hisses low, glaring unflinchingly in the direction of the voice that grew closer. How had they gotten to this place, with claws nearly shredding each other's throats? What is duty, if not sacrifice? Dawnglare's next words draws a frown onto the large tom's face, teeth clenched together as he takes a step backwards.

Too close.

I don't want to hurt you.

Fireflyglow's claws slip from their sheathes, digging into the grassy ground as he continues to glare towards Dawnglare, as if his very stare could melt him to the bone. A brush of wind, harsh against his fur, a reminder of leaf-fall; or was it Her, telling them to quell their incessant bickering? No, even She wouldn't intervene in this. Destiny had driven the two toms together, and destiny would drive them apart. "You made me who I am today, but it is my perseverance that permitted me to carry on when the world seemingly stopped in its tracks!" He retorted, back arched and ears pushed back against his cranium. I will not yield. He thinks coldly to himself as he took a emboldened step forward, shoving his face into Dawnglare's until they're nearly nose to nose.

"It is not just your den anymore, Dawnglare. You are not the only one the stars deemed worthy!" He snaps, the fur along his spine standing up on ends. Would the stars strike him down for this, for standing against the high priest- who's holy pawsteps molded the path that lay before him? Fireflyglow cannot begin to imagine that they would- he wasn't wrong. There was no rule against having mates, and the only reason Dawnglare refuses to acknowledge Greeneyes as his mate is because of the self-delivered omen from many moons ago. Green is a deadly color. A reminder left ignored- Fireflyglow didn't care. "If you believe he is plague incarnate, then I am the cure to such madness. I love him, and I'll love him long after I reside in the stars." He growls low, pale eyes staring unblinkingly at the strawberry-and-cream tom. Dawnglare's anger had always terrified him; so scared of the wrath that She could deliver unto him.

Fireflyglow had been chosen. By the Stars. By Dawnglare. By Her. It was never a mistake.

A sharp inhale of a bated breath. A slow, struggling exhale.

"You are not the cat that raised me. You are a shadow of the tom you used to be. So consumed with self-pity, so full of delusions." He growls low, his eyes a raging storm- like the calm before a hurricane, willing to destroy everything he had built. His voice cracks. "You are not as great as you used to be, Dawnglare. You know this. You won't even dare to commune with StarClan after my father's death- what type of medicine cat avoids speaking with our ancestors? It is our duty!" He huffs, lips curled into a grimace at the words he spoke. But, oh, it had been years since he had a voice of his own against his mentor. This was a disaster waiting to happen, was it not? "You are not the only one who had to grieve the life of someone close to you. Yet, you are so- so self-centered that you've become blind to such things!"

// The thread is now OPEN!! Literally everyone would have been able to hear them yapping and yelling at each other, lol. ​
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Medicine cats lived in another world than he, it was something he knew very well. They were blessed by the stars, but were unable to have mates or kits. This rule had served as a barrier of sorts between him and Fireflyglow. While his older brother never voiced it, he saw the sadness beyond clouded eyes. The topic of love was something he strayed away from, not wanting to rub it in his older brother's face. Even though he could not speak upon such matters, he knew that Fireflyglow was deserving of love. Such a kind gentle tom deserved to be loved and fall in love himself. Perhaps it was wrong of him to wish such a thing for his brother, as it could not be. However, he saw the pain that could not be voiced.

The yelling from the medicine cat den, was hard to ignore. It was painful. Brother... It's similar. Why? Why did he do that? Dawnglare may have not been the most respected medicine cat in Skyclan, but none can deny his skill. Fireflyglow was also skilled, but his older brother unfortunately didn't have the number of moons under his claw as Dawnglare had. Experience. However, these days as of late he would say the elder medicine cat was cold.

Crowsight was not particularly close to Dawnglare. The only time in which he came into contact with the elder medicine cat the most had been when he was sick with yellow cough. However, rage began to prickle from hearing Dawnglare's words. You may have given him his name, but he was never yours to begin with! Claws unsheathe as the voices boom, everyone in camp can hear the two spat with one another. You gave him everything he knows, but you aren't the only one who made him who he is!

Black paws lead him to the medicine cat den, focusing on the one that mattered most. Nothing is said. There is nothing to say. His brother would know he is enraged, but not at him. Dawnglare is met with a fierce gaze, one that could burn through flesh. With a level voice he begins, "If you have matters to discuss in private, then do not yell them for all the clan to hear or go somewhere else. However, since you've decided not to, this is the whole clan's issue. My issue." A step forward is taken towards the cinnamon sepia. "Fireflyglow is correct. While you may have helped shaped who he is, he is his own cat. My brother may be blind, but he can see better than you ever could Dawnglare! He has always persevered. I can see it in his eyes, the pain he endures. And yet, my brother will always try to be kind and gentle."

Ever watchful, Crow has always noticed. Noticed the forced smile on Fireflyglow's maw. Whether it was because his own father moved on from Little Wolf, hearing news of his siblings in Thunderclan from another, or having to pull away from Howlingstar's affection, and being unable to live as he himself wished. The anger and frustration he felt when his Thunderclan kin insulted him, never forgiving him for the choice he had made. Both of his parents were dead. All Fireflyglow had what remained. Howlfire. It was Howlfire alone who could understand the most. The pain of making a choice, only ever knowing if it was a mistake when everything ended. I hope choosing Skyclan would not be your biggest regret. If it is, then I'm sorry we couldn't have made it worth it.

"If you care about my brother at all Dawnglare... Then I would hope you would start listening to him and open your eyes. My brother deserves happiness. And you? You deserve a good smacking to the head, maybe that'll get you to start walking again. Blazestar is dead. Nothing can change that, but he meant a lot to you both. You're not alone Dawnglare, but you will be if you keep walking down this path." Honestly, I don't care if you wind up alone and miserable. Especially if you refuse to change. But... I can tell my brother cares about you a lot. He wants you to wake up. "You're not dead Dawnglare, so start living again."

Hah, he wasn't much bothered to get involved, really... Fireflyglow having a mate wasn't that surprising, he supposed. He'd always blinked softly at that Greeneyes- the deep-rooted disease beneath such a happy glance, he was none the wiser to. It would be a bit stupid to have all four of them in that den though, right? Couldn't Fireflyglow find somewhere else ... sleep in the warriors den, maybe? Unlike how it was when Mallowlark had joined, Greeneyes already had a place in there- it was bigger, there'd be less shifting... it was nicer, really. And it'd be nicer for him and Dawnglare, too...

Oh, but he trusted Dawnglare to set it right. Yes- the moon's light shone behind him, even in daylight. it pulsed red and spurred him on- teaching Fireflyglow who was here first, the inception of all things, the beginning of it all... he who knew the most. Even with his name under his belt, Mallowlark knew Fireflyglow couldn't murmur to bones the same way Dawnglare could. No... he'd cower beneath a wounded moon, instead of rise to meet it, fangs glinting, wonderfully terrifying. He'd trust another medicine cat's work, the way Dawnglare would not ... a claw, pinching into a slash, past gossamer binding... have her head if she hadn't sewed it up properly.

No, Fireflyglow and Greeneyes wouldn't have anything like that. It was his and Dawnglare's den, really ... it'd been that way first, and that was the right way.

You are a shadow of the tom you used to be, said Fireflyglow. That was what rose Mallowlark to his feet. Crowsight beat him there, though ... if there was ever any proof he wasn't a Windclanner, that Crowsight was faster than him!

Mallowlark's grin twitched, sharpened. His eyelids stiffened, and grey eyes began to sting with the force of propping them open. His paws prickled, and- oh, how he ought to cuff that warrior across the face with them! Blind him with blood, but it wouldn't do much use, would it? My issue, he said! Crowsight, as if this was anything to do with him...

Another thought, to bash open his head and see if there was a brain in there- a cackle burst forth, a pitching "HAH!" at the image. Mallowlark teetered on his feet a little, swayed on his journey. He was woozy with anger, felt it blazing through his veins, sizzling off his skin like acid rain. If he grabbed Crowsight now, they'd melt into nothing from the heat simmering in his throat- he'd drag them both down, kill them both, but most importantly shut him up.

Mallowlark loomed to his full height. Nary a blink fluttered across silver eyes- no, he didn't flinch, didn't let his slitted pupils leave the idiot's face for one moment. "Your issue?" he said, head snapping to the side so quickly there might as well have been the cracking of bone. "Oh, I'm so glad you decided to involve yourself... but you don't know anything, really, do you?"

Still not blinking. Still hoping his head might pop, if he looked at him hard enough, if he wanted it enough. "He will never be alone." Mallowlark spat, posture threatening.

Dawnglare had been irritating lately, even by his own standards. Some of it was undoubtedly personal, opening up unresolved questions within Chickbloom with all his talk of love and proper relationships…but the majority of his actions had grated on the entire clan. Amber eyes had watched the medicine cat with worming anxiety over the past few days, from kicking out Slate to insulting Silversmoke, something had to give.

The camel’s back had broken while the warrior was away, thanks to the last straw he’d expect. padding into camp just in time to witness the aftermath, dinnerplate eyes blinked a few times to make sure it was really Fireflyglow speaking. Chickbloom had considered the scarred tom a friend practically since he joined Skyclan, but he never understood the respect the other held for Dawnglare. So, seeing his companion finally stand up to the bully put a cathartic sort of smile across yolk-drenched features.

Ever the doormat, Chickbloom had hoped Dawnglare would back down if his own apprentice was the one to speak up. However, it seemed the appointed prophet’s self-delusion was deeper than he could have imagined. A Contented smile turned to a scowl as master lambasted student. The coward didn’t understand medicine. He didn’t understand starclan. Hell, he wasn’t even sure he understood love, but the boy knew what was making him angry in this moment. If Fireflyglow loved someone, then he would defend that decision.

Stepping forwards, Chickbloom took a spot beside who he saw as Skyclan’s true medicine cat. “L-Leave him alone!” He spoke, trying to spit the words but feeling them come out as a dribble. “Fire-F-Fireflyglow has been - been way more helpful than you’ve ever been - sc-scaring away the cats you’re supposed to help w-with that - that weird meanie by your s-side! You have n-no room to judge…” Even as he made a stand, the coward was already taking half-steps back, trying to steel his resolve.​
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They'd been joking when they'd told Owlheart that they suspected Dawnglare would be mad at them for being sick.

It seemed StarClan had a funny way of making their jokes into something un-funny. Like some warped version of hilarity meant to mock their best intentions and hopes. The sound of Dawnglare growling in unhidden argument with Fireflyglow sounds like a gunshot through the relative peace and quiet of the camp. It rings in their ears... makes their stomach twist... urges them to flee. A coward's way out, as was their specialty. But they see the silhouettes of friends creeping closer, asserting themselves into the narrative; What business is it of yours? None of them live in that den... none of them share a connection with StarClan. Who are they to butt in on the bickering of the only two toms that had a stake in that herbal residency?

Curiosity is stronger than their instincts to run away... they draw closer with wary exhaustion. Chickbloom is warbling a sour birdsong, frustrated on behalf of the younger medicine cat, who battles his mentor for his right to live in this space as an adult with his own relationships to consider. The hypocrisy is harder to ignore with Mallowlark's toothy grimace standing there, spitting and hissing back.

They find their early thoughts drowned out. This is ridiculous... no wonder they all think to pile in.

"You guys can't be serious...." The dots of their eyebrows creep together in a disappointed frown, staring at the red and white cat they'd once thanked for saving their life. For saving their eye. Edenberry had found companionship in his appreciation for kittypets... had brought him a trinket from their own home. "He's not a kit, Dawnglare..." they try to appeal to him with a softer tone than the ones that crow around him, "Don't you think you're being unfair...?"

They ignore the presence of Crowsight... the egg yolk dappling beside them fades to background noise. Even Mallowlark, whose sinister grin they'd rather forget, goes forgotten. "Why even take on an apprentice at all if you're just going to suffocate him?" It was a blessing he wasn't a father if this is how he wanted to act...

  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 17 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
  • Angry
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

✧ . He hears it before he’s able to see it.

It was… bound to happen at some point, what Greeneyes arrives back to camp to. Though he’d asked Fireflyglow for time, it’d always been inevitable. This, a secret only theirs, no longer just theirs — knowledge passed to the High Priest.

And to the clan in turn, he learns quickly as he sees the surrounding group the moment he steps into camp.

Fi — “ he croaks out, verdant gaze searching for the seal point within the crowd. His chest twists at the sight he finds, a grimace and barred teeth facing that of what trained him, facing sharp-toothed grins made further sinister. His future denmates.

Greeneyes had wished this to go differently. He knew — Stars, he always knew — that telling Dawnglare would be the worst part of his and Fireflyglow’s love becoming public knowledge. But the rest of the clan, or most of them, at least, they would be happy for them, he thinks. For them to find out this way — in growling tones, in Dawnglare’s denial, his rejection of their betrothal… it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

His heart races, a mixture of fear and anger, of a promise to protect brought to the forefront of his priorities. He shifts his gaze to Fluffypaw. “ Go, ” he urges, his voice wavering, left without the soft regard he holds for his niece as he dismisses her to the apprentice den. She doesn’t need to see this. None of… None of the clan needs to see this.

Greeneyes pushes forward, weaves between Chickbloom and Edenberry, to stand opposite of Crowsight as he reaches Fireflyglow’s side — he’ll thank the three of them later, he notes.

The tom’s never quite found the words to say to Dawnglare, never quite had the means to stand up for himself against the medicine cat’s word, the beliefs set upon him. That he fears, worries may be true — but never has his claws lead to another’s death, never has blood been wrongly spilled by his strike.

It is a defiant act, standing beside his mate now. It is a defiant act, pressing his head into Fireflyglow’s shoulder as the High Priest watches on in further denial. I’m here, I love you.

It’s Mallowlark’s words he can grab hold of easier, viridian darting toward the alabaster face. Albeit strange in persona, albeit questionable that the tom chose Dawnglare of all cats, hardly has Greeneyes had any qualms with him. But now —

And Fi doesn’t deserve the same? To never be alone? ” Words snap, bright tones chipped away and filed into something sharp, though he silently begs the snow-furred warrior for allegiance. Can’t you see? Can’t you see the side we share now?He doesn’t deserve happiness? We don’t deserve to be happy?

The two of them, the tragedies they’ve both faced, didn’t they deserve something good for once? After all the time Fireflyglow has put into his training, all the hard work Greeneyes has had to watch from a distance, after lost time and separation, after everything?
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Former Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble; Mate to Fireflyglow
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
  • Sick
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
Moons, they've spent together. Seasons upon seasons, and Dawnglare had never fully been able to crack that thick skull of him. Peekings of foolishness, omnipresent, always; Dawnglare knew they would land them in trouble one day. Never had he anticipated that it would be with him. Despite the scattering of his sense, brains that threatened to form a puddle on his floors with the tipping of his skull, Fireflyglow ought to know this above all else. Fireflyglow would not let him do a thing by the very nature of its impossibility. No cat could allow him anything.

Fireflyglow bids a step backward, and the spines lining his back dare to loosen. Was he finished at last. Was he, however many moons later, finally accepting of his fate. It's more than he deserves, the willingness to forgive. Forget, he never would. His fangs are held tight in a grimace. The stance he takes is one unwavering and jagged-spined. With frost eyes blazing fury, he demands, let it be. Nothing needed to change. ( Something needed to change, for him to keep going on like this — )

The fool cannot click shut his jaw. No, he dares to step forward even; to push them nose-to-nose. Dawnglare meets him with a sneer. " I do not care what the stars deem! " He'd lost it long ago, a steady drip that trickled into nothing with the death of their wretched father. The stars would shine kindly upon killers, upon heretics, upon cats that deserved to witness nothing but the roll of their own heads. Pretentious, the thought that he could quell a storm that never ceases. With such simplicity — oh, by the power of the love in his heart does spell solution to a problem Dawnglare would have torn out at the throat moons ago, if he could.

Drivel spits forth, floods from his mouth in dry heave. Deluded, he calls him, and he is spitting mad. It isn't delicate, the curl of claws into the floor. A rising hiss rolls his warning. Another word —

And it all turns to dust.

You are not as great as you used to be, Dawnglare.

His mouth dries. The crescendo of anger has no conclusion; no releasing of energy. It is dismay that widens his eyes; that has him clinging to the floor for stability, his tether to this world unraveling too quickly for him to latch onto. You know this ( Oh, he does. ) What type of medicine cat avoids speaking with our ancestors? Dawnglare takes a stumbling step backward. How long — ? " I- " sharpness of the tongue disarmed in a moment. Oh, suddenly he's sick. Suddenly this is no distraction, but a thing intrinsically attached. The winding of a web— had he planned this all? Had He guided the prodigal son with a careful gleam of teeth? That sun-smile, facsimile of love?

Snapping fangs — they lunge at him as if they had always planned on doing so. It is the truth, isn't it? Oh, he has always swam amongst a den of snakes. Had they been waiting on Fireflyglow's word since the moment he's had his name? With the brunt of his body, he is still. Anything but idle are his eyes, flickering from lifting head to lifting head in desperate calculation ." I- " Crowmask noses his way into their business; says it is his fault. " I owe none of you kindness, " a hissed murmur. His sharpness strains to find him again. Blazestar is dead. Blazestar is dead. " I never cared for that old fool! " he barks. ( The blade is sharped of his own volition. This blow is done by none of himself ). He splays claws into the ground; just barely keeps himself from lurching.

He finds dove's wings in the glow of Mallowlark. The sudden rouse, the bite of teeth gnashed in a laugh. Dawnglare is frozen still, but with only his eyes, he says what he's thinking. Didn't he always? Sliver of reason in an unright world. So why, why did he feel this way, like he was being clawed apart from the inside out, still? Dawnglare tries to breathe. Baring teeth for him is his mate; glimmer of life. He should be calm, oh, he should be. He will never be alone. Dawnglare blinks back a glassiness. When, oh when has he ever doubted him besides now?

They yammer on, yammer on — Dawnglare's face gives a twitch. There's no other explanation, he thinks. Nothing it could possibly be but a bolstering, to garner bite from this one. His gaze turns to Chickbloom. Oh, he wishes painful death upon him with naught but a look. His teeth clench. " Quiet. " He only needed quiet, a moment to settle the throbbing in his skull; but more come still. Edenberry— this one's tone patronizes. Dawnglare shakes his head. His eyes squeeze shut. " Quiet, " again, he asks. Then rears sickening eyes, a sun-spot face.

He moves at last, a slow turn of the head to He who has wrought this upon him. Sickening is what this is. Sickened is what Fireflyglow wants him to be; is what He wants him to be. What He wants him to remain, for the rest of his miserable life. If he did not deserve to be happy, why should the rest of them?

The blood rushing in his ears, the harsh panting of breath... They are not things only he can hear, he realizes. A shaking gaze settles upon Fireflyglow, he and his blood that sought to ruin his life. Without another thought, hiss screeching thick, he leaps for his former apprentice, intent on barreling him to the ground.

( It is in a split moment of clarity; a meekness in a voice that pleads for anything but this, that bids him to sheathe his claws. )
It is patience that has brought him this far in his life, patience and mercy to the tom which shared his unwavering delusions with him. That he was an impregnable force, something undying and yet forever youthful. He is nearly blinded by the rage he felt, simmering and boiling and threatening to spill over. There is a ringing in his ears that won't stop. His brother defends him, Firefly too distracted by keeping his face level with Dawnglare's own to pay attention.

Crowsight speaks of all that Fireflyglow has been through.

Those words are a reminder of the pain he has faced. In his twenty-six moons of existence, all he had ever wanted was to protect his family. If it couldn't be as a warrior, then something else. The fates had drawn him into his current position with the help of Dawnglare, preaching Her words as if She could speak directly into his ears. Fireflyglow finds that he is lost in this moment; picturing the starry figure of his father, of the downturned frown of Morningpaw- the disappointed, mournful look of his mother. Of his uncle, his grandmother, of Moonwhisper-

He exhales a breath he didn't know he was holding. A brush of a pelt against his shoulder, a nose into the shaking, trembling muscle there beneath the mounds of thick fur. Greeneyes. I said I would protect you, Minty. He thinks, keeping his face stern and unmoving against the force that was Dawnglare. Mallowlark speaks, Fireflyglow's own voice snarling his response. "And what have you done for our clan-"

Dawnglare is losing it; he can hear the shaking of his voice, the furthering distance showing that he had backed off. His words have hit a nerve, that he knew- but he hadn't expected the actions that soon followed. Fireflyglow feels a body on his own far too late, panic setting in and instinct taking over. Chrysaliswing and Silversmoke and Slate had taught him enough, but the advice they gave flew from his mind the instant Dawnglare's immense force slammed into his own.

His claws sheathe immediately upon impact, massive paws swinging wildly in an attempt to batter Dawnglare in some flimsy attempt at a fight. It is pitiful, the fight these two had wrung upon themselves. Like two untrained apprentices, smacking uselessly at each other. He is on his back paws trying to balance himself before he realizes it. "Enough!" Fireflyglow barks out with a hiss, the weight of his mentor soon causing him to plummet to the ground and onto his back with a pained grunt. With the large tom atop of him, he swings his paws, attempting to lay heavier, dizzying hits upon anything he can reach. "You cannot heal without kindness! A wound will not- ugh!- heal without care!" He snaps, fruitlessly kicking out with his back legs in an attempt to throw the tom off of him.
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It is loud.

Even with one ear, and her mind dozing, she hears it like in annoying fly that buses around her head. Unfortunately it is much worse. She has never cared for her own clanmates bickering, but an eye of gold peeled open, flickering the sleep from it. Before the other snapped open, and she was on her paws.

Flowercloud had no issues with Dawnglare. She cared for him just the same as her other clanmates. But she was not the only one to notice his.. emotions getting the best of him. Was it emotions? Either way, his demeanor has changed -

The large molly hated conflict. She hated battles, she hated to even hate. But clanmates bore venom in their words, the hatred spitting off their teeth. Her paws couldn't move fast enough.

Stars, stop this madness.

Dawnglare was on fireflyglow, demanding quiet. No claws glinted, but she still would interfere. The scarred girl would attempt to grab dawnglare by the scruff, attempt to pull him off of the other and step in between them. "This is enough. Clanmates do not attack one another. They do not put their paws on one another." Her head would turn, demanding of one of the bystanders, "Go get Orangestar."

Her gaze would turn to the red Tom, eyes meeting blue, and a grimace over her normally kind features. "You have served this clan for moons. You know better. " She felt weird, scolding him when she had no power to do so, but no one else was intervening, and she thought the whole argument was.. different.

"You cannot control what's not in your paws. Fireflyglow is your clanmate, whether you like it or not. Slate is your clanmate whether you like it or not. We are all your clanmates. You cannot control anyone but yourself."

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  • Angry
Reactions: DAWNGLARE


There was a blankness in the chimeras expression as it landed on the argument unfolding several paces away from him, ruining his fucking nap. Unimpressed. The noise more than anything had the fur along his shoulders threatening to spike, and for several long moments he contemplated the pros and cons of just walking out of camp. Dawnglare was being an ass, and he did like Fireflyglow- but not enough to get in the middle of one of their arguments when there were more than enough cats willing to butt in already with their opinions.

But what if Twitchbolt came back from patrol to this?

The thought had him frowning, recalling easily enough the last few times drama had been made in camp (he’d been guilty of it too, hadn’t he?) and got to his feet to try and see where the hell Fig and the other Lead warrior were. Someone should be around to put a stop to this, right?

And then, Dawnglare was lunging for his apprentice.

”What the fuck?! he hissed, rushing over to try and grab hold of Firefireglow to pull them back, helping Flowercloud to separate them before slipping between the pair with a soft growl. ”Flowerclouds right- there’s kits here, you can do this shit in camp, Dawnglare!”

OOC- interacting with @Fireflyglow


skyclan - male - 30 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck. [/u]

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He didn’t think it’d come to this.

Words were said, sides were taken, battle-lines drawn inside a place of healing. Somewhere within the whelp’s mind he’d already imagined the outcome; Dawnglare begrudgingly backing down, allowing true love to win the day. Instead there is a yowl of anger, and Chickbloom is ashamed that his first action was to leap backwards.

Other cats intervene, braver cats. It takes a few moments to realize that copper-scent hasn’t corroded the sanctity of this place even as blow after blow is exchanged, yet still he does not move. Dawnglare is one of the few cats Chickbloom believed he could beat in a fight, the difference in their skills evident from the way Skyclan’s healer flails about wildly like a dying fish, yet still he does not move. Chickbloom has fought rogues on the border side-by-side with his clanmates, spilling blood and driving off intruders, yet still he does not move.

This is different.

Flowercloud barks an order, and it gives the coward an out. A way to look like he’s helping fetch a firefighter when the blaze could be seen all over town and sirens were already blaring down Main Street. Chickbloom was brave enough to speak, but that’s as far as he could go in this situation.

Sprinting to the middle of camp, a sense of shame and self-hatred filled the Scottish Fold as he began to call out, “Orangestar! O-Orangestar, help - D-Dawnglare’s attacking Fireflyglow!”
  • Angry
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
Discord and commotion erupted within SkyClan's camp, an occurrence that is not commonplace for the tree-traversing group of warriors. Disagreements happened sometimes, especially in times of high stress and uncertainty, but SkyClanners got along with one another for the most part. What was happening now?

"You do not get to choose who I love, Dawnglare!" The voice of Fireflyglow ring out across the clearing, which prompts Lionpaw's shining blue gaze to quickly find his older brother and analyze the scene unfurling in front of him. Dawnglare was maddened, the red on his pelt mirroring the molten-hot fury oozing from his tongue. His brother's confession—the fact that he was now mates with Greeneyes—was hardly able to be processed by the apprentice before the subject of the argument quickly morphs into a general clash with Dawnglare's controlling nature.

Crowsight also inserts himself into the mix, stepping forth to defend the seal point tom. His maw softly draws agape, eyes glistening with worry as Blazestar's name is dropped into the conversation. His mentor was right. Dawnglare was intimidating and strange to the chocolate torbie point, but his father had apparently meant a lot to him too. What would Blazestar think of their bickering? What would he say to them if he were here? Lionpaw glances up toward the skies, as if hoping that the fallen leader would somehow send down a sign before the situation escalated.

Unfortunately, the ancestors do not intervene before Dawnglare could shout, "I never cared for that old fool!" Lionpaw folds his colored ears back, a scowl deepening on his ginger-splashed maw. The boy does not yet possess the maturity to suppose that the senior medicine cat was merely lying through his teeth out of emotional defense; he takes everything at face value in this moment, truly believing that Dawnglare meant what he said. Hurt stings his chest, his jaw tightening as Blazestar's memory is soiled by the red tom.

Then, in an utterly unexpected move, Dawnglare leaps. His blind brother is knocked over and he proceeds to defend himself by swinging his hefty paws around. "Fi!" Lionpaw cries out, flinching forward as he immediately thinks to jump in but then remembering that Dawnglare was one of StarClan's chosen, too. Would attacking a medicine cat be against the Warrior Code, even if he was only defending a fellow medicine cat?

Bound by duty and the weighted expectations of respect, Lionpaw freezes in place and watches in horror as Fireflyglow's mentor attacks him. Quillstrike and Flowercloud are more braver than he, attempting to break up the physical altercation between the pair. This... this was ridiculous! Did Dawnglare really not want Fireflyglow to be happy? Why not?

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    an apprentice of skyclan, lionpaw is nine moons and is mentored by crowsight. he is the son of doeblaze and blazestar. an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. 
  • Sick
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
beechdapple had been sprawled out atop the sunning stump, soaking in the afternoon warmth when a sudden outburst of voices cut through serenity causing the older she-cat to startle and shoot up from her lounging position with tufted ears perked high in alert upon a broad helm. spats between clanmates are expected to crop up from time to time but this is far from the ordinary as dual-toned eyes fixate upon the bristling forms of fireflyglow and dawnglare who take turns spitting out what feels like seasons worth of built up ire creating a tension that ripples throughout the clan.

anyone who's been apart of skyclan long enough is no stranger to the revulsion their senior medicine cat has towards a particular green-eyed tabby as it's very openly expressed but to think a such a harmless (atleast from everyone else's point of view) statement from a gentle giant like fireflyglow is enough to create such dissonance between the two is alarming. the arguement continues to spiral with clanmates now stepping forwards to defend fireflyglow from the delusional prophet whose only company against this growing mob is that of self-inflicted misery and the ghastly ghoul known as mallowlark.

there's half a heartbeat of silence before the coil of tension snaps and all hell breaks loose with both healers now locked in a tussle full of uncoordinated movements and clumsy batterings paws, it was almost like watching two adult-sized kits wrestle outside of the nursery. beechdapple had since left her perch at this point, hurried paws carrying the senior warrior across the remaining distance to push through the swarm of bodies in order to be at the forefront of it all to momentairly watch as flowercloud and quillstrike make an effort to seperate the pair while chickbloom fetches orangestar.

"oh for stars sake—!" it's all that's hissed out before the stout she-cat breaks away from the group in order to make an attempt at assissting her two clanmates at pulling their medicine cats apart. there'a no way that this was gonna end well especially if their leader is made known about this and comes to investigate.

  • ooc.
  • sCWOGUA.png
  • BEECHDAPPLE —— senior warrior of skyclan , mentoring none.
    🞴 cis female / she | her / ages every 6th
    🞴 a large, long-haired calico w/ high white displaying heterochromia and a noticeable underbite.
    🞴 single / pansexual polyamorous / open to puppy-crushes, crushes, romance.
    🞴 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    🞴 speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character

    🞴 penned by cobatic
    🞴 biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse

There are overgrown paws stuffed in his face. This is the creature he's cultivated. A seedling he'd hoped he could bloom into something useful, something bright and blue-blooded. He could have never lived up to what Dawnglare had — could have never shone so brightly; but with sincerity, Dawnglare had burned his image in him. More than unfortunate circumstance, somewhere along the way, they had grown into a weed sucking him for life. The petals around his head had his clanmates convinced. They thought Dawnglare the imposter instead. It's all gone wrong. It had all gone wrong a long, long time ago.

Light against dark, paws clash without a care. Dawnglare does not stop to consider his own goal past the sounds of his snarling. The brunt of his force does not silence him as it should've. Oh, does Fireflyglow want to believe he is the saint; he is the gospel, tipping pointless jargon into Dawnglare's ears. He does not dignify him with a response in words. Even more frenzied, his battering becomes; a desperate bid to shut him up. He persists, despite the oafish hits lain by Fireflyglow's paws, even if it makes his breath hitch and his grip stumble. If he could, he would choke the ghost of his father out of him. His claws itch in their sheathes. He nearly thinks there is nothing he would not do to shut him up —

And suddenly, there are leeches on him, maggots looking to suckle off of undead flesh. An idiotic nip at his scruff, and he is whirling toward the fool with bared teeth. " Don't touch me! " More interjecting themselves, grey, then white and red and black. He spits when he shrieks, " Don't touch me! "

All at once, there are too many eyes on him; judging, owlish. Behind them all is that of the Grand Star, His gaze unblinking; the same fresh torture it had been in life. In a flurry of limbs, Dawnglare is twisting off of Fireflyglow, a haphazard stumble toward his den's entrance. The jagged lines of his spine frame him as a mongrel against the backdrop of daylight. He is heaving. Bile bubbles at his lips. What has brought him to this? Being treated as if he must fight to remain within his den. His den, hallowed out for his sake and his sake alone! They've always wanted to cast him out, and He aids them eagerly, embittered by His own mistakes.

Dawnglare looks to each and every one of them; the interlopers, the bystanders. A mistake of a child cries out for his brother, and Dawnglare wonders if he could strangle the ghost from them too. They did not deserve the spirit they carried, no — Dawnglare ought to sink teeth in his throat. Did he not deserve to feel it flooding around his teeth?

" You- You've all been waiting for this, haven't you? " His voice shakes. Stark eyes spark with bristling anger, with trembling paranoia. " An excuse was all you needed? You call me deluded, then you c-call me worthless? " ( Had anyone but himself said it, truly? ) Fireflyglow had, oh, he'd spat it out like poison. You are not as great as you used to be. " You don't know who I used to be! " he howls. " My life was ruined the moment I stepped foot in this damned forest! "

He does not watch where he's going. Uneasy limbs carry him sightlessly backward, a slow creep toward an exit. His leg bumps the form of a dissenter, and he slithers away from them with a fevered hiss. " I- I never wanted to be here! I did it for — " the sunlight dappling his den. The touch of lingering Greenleaf warmth that grazes him, the closer to that escape he creeps. He'd done it for the sky's smile, those eyes that would crescent as He spoke. Warm gaze and a sunspot face, one baked into the veneer of all His kin. His heart stutters in his chest, makes a thrumming pulse in his ears.

It's a response to stress, the shaking laugh that flutters in his throat. " You whine to me of your sickness and your wounds and your flesh. I don't care! I've never cared! I did it for your fool of a father! " Never mind the despair he'd felt, as he'd clutched Morningpaw's dying form. Never mind how he'd brought Fireflyglow where he was only so he would not have to see him die. Never mind the constricting of his throat as he had watched this place succumb to Yellowcough. Never mind any of that. " Not anymore. " He sucks in a breath. " Not anymore! "

Mother holds Her dear breath as he stands to his full height. The sun kisses the tip of his tail with His cruel singeing bite. " You- you- you take everything from me, and cannot even af-ford me my peace? " His teeth catch on the syllables, gleaming for all who dare to look at him. " This is the last you'll ever see of me! " Neck-breaking pace, his head snaps to Fireflyglow's mate, infested in both eyes and name. He may not have asked to be born, but the fault is his, nonetheless. " You are the downfall of SkyClan! " he barks. To Fireflyglow, " Both of you are! "

Dawnglare pushes past the throng of cats. He aches for his old home, aches for Mother, aches for the place where he could live without sun-bright eyes tracing his every move. ( He does not let his gaze trace the nursery, where Budkit and Oleanderkit lay. He does not let eyes wander for flaming coat of Figfeather or the patched stripes of Howlfire; and in the frenzy of his emotion, guilt grips him with fierceness too thick for him to even face his mate. ) " I hope each and every one of you drops dead where you stand! " He breaks for camp's exit, and intends never to return.

OOC: out!

It kicked off so quickly, like a crack to the ribs. More voices joining the clamour. He'd always liked the Skyclanners much more than the Windclanners- felt they might regard him a little more kindly, that maybe, maybe he might be one of them. That was what Blazestar had said, that he belonged here. And he felt those words itching in inky paws, burning beneath his skin like nettle-sting, as all of their voices suddenly sounded just like the rot that had spilled from Sootstar's maw, the tyrant who had asked him over and over again for loyalty whilst regarding him with nothing but contempt.

It wasn't just about him anymore, though- was it? They could deride him all they wanted, really- he'd never cared much about it, all until it was directed at Dawnglare. A phantom he'd followed to corners unknown. A destiny he had seized, willingly- and they spat on it, all of them, spat and stomped and jeered, relating their disdain and whipping Dawnglare's back with their vicious tongues, unleashing all the awfulness they'd harboured. Mallowlark's wide eyes flickered between the lot of them, shining with unspent tears of rage- that they would dare, that they would dare!

Chickbloom, Edenberry- he folded his ears back at their efforts. To Greeneyes, he said "'Course I do," but had not the time to say much more before Fireflyglow hissed at him what have you done for our Clan? Wraith-pale fur bristled in a way none of his Clanmates ever would have seen- his grin grew sharper still, his posture wolf-hunched and looming. "I gave up everything for this - !"

And it left his maw only a moment before Dawnglare flung himself at his former apprentice, swathes of the bitter, ungrateful lot of them swarming in to pull them away from each other. It was stupid, but they feared for Fireflyglow chiefly, he was sure.

Dawnglare emerged, backed away, trembling with ire- for all these lumps of flesh, Mallowlark could not reach him, craned his neck over the gawking heads to try and meet his mate's eye. He could not find those moonlight-blues, though- those that had been all he saw in moor-bound dreams for so, so long. His skin refused to cease its prickling, and he imagined if he stomped hard enough on the spine in front of him it would crack and flatten beneath the press of a shadow-soaked paw. That would make the path easier, certainly.

This is the last you'll ever see of me. Mallowlark's heart lurched, and he had never hated the ones that walked these pines more than the moment he heard it. They still, still wouldn't move- watching, watching him go. Not one of them doing a thing as the sun blazed behind Dawnglare, lit him blood red.

"Move!" he shrieked, banshee-pitch. A hulking form charged forward, striking any obstacle. Panic began to hammer through his heart, a fluttering pace- there would be no world where he could let him out of his sight, not now. Maybe the Skyclanners would understand, he had to catch up to him- but his bets would be that they would not. Plague of stupidity that ran beneath them, ignorant to the gentle thrum of the earth, the purr of its approval. "Dawnglare!" Another shout- just his name. The words come back died before they leapt free- a thought, nothing more.

He had to get to him, first.



"Oh, StarClan," Figfeather whispered, her voice trembling. Dawnglare and Fireflyglow were locked in a vicious fight, their claws raking and their fangs bared. It was as if two StarClan cats had descended from the sky, their fury a storm that shook the forest.

Figfeather could cry. A medicine cat she was not, but it did not take an ancestral connection to know this was a bad omen.

She was about to intervene when Dawnglare spat a venomous threat: 'don't touch me!' His words were like icy daggers, piercing Figfeather's heart. She froze, hoping the conflict was over. But Dawnglare's subsequent speech was a flamethrower, his words scorching to the bone. He accused his former apprentice and her brother of being SkyClan's downfall, declared his indifference toward them, wished them death, and vowed never to return.

"Dawnglare!" Figfeather gasped, her voice filled with pain. Dawnglare had been SkyClan's medicine cat for as long as she could remember. He might be eccentric, but he was their clan-mate, their medicine cat! Where had this idea come from? That they wanted him gone? That they didn't care for him? That they didn't love him?

Dawnglare burst from the camp, Mallowlark in hot pursuit. Figfeather felt tears welling up in her eyes. She turned to her brother and whispered, "...He didn't mean that." She meows quietly. "He didn't mean that. He's just upset." She repeated it louder, her voice trembling, "Give him space. Give them both space. They will be back." Thats all Dawnglare needed, right? To stomp around in the forest for awhile to cool off?

Figfeather looked up at the pale blue sky. "StarClan help us... Protect my Clan. Protect Dawnglare in this time of hurt. Bring him peace. Bring my Clan peace." She prays with a heavy heart. It's all she knows to do.