camp I OWE EVERYTHING | confession | TO YOU

He can hear the shrieking and shouting from outside camp as he approaches, a squirrel in his jaws after a successful hunt. A wide-eyed glance is exchanged with his patrol before they charge into camp, expecting some violent tragedy - only to stand frozen in shock as they behold Dawnglare and Fireflyglow tangled together in a knot of clumsy claws and teeth. The medicine cats are untrained, but their rage is clear in their expressions. Wolfgrin drops his squirrel, intending to join the throng of cats trying to pry the combatants apart, only for Dawnglare to spring back with a threatening shriek.

What feels like the whole Clan watches, stunned, as Dawnglare spits insults and hatred at them, denying having ever cared for them, declaring that he only came here for... who? And why are Fireflyglow and Greeneyes, of all cats, the "downfall of SkyClan?" Wolfgrin's head is spinning with confusion, and he's helpless to do anything but observe alongside his Clan as Dawnglare - leaves. Their senior medicine cat has abandoned them. The tortoiseshell wants to say "good riddance," to write him off as gone forever, but he can't. Whether his hesitation comes from his shock or some genuine inkling of concern from his too-soft heart, he cannot say.

As Mallowlark surges through the crowd after his mate, a disheveled head swings back and forth to search his Clanmate's faces for any trace of understanding. "What - what happened?"

  • "speech here"
  • 88628463_a9ksGyxeFyvyOEH.png
  • WOLFGRIN he/him, warrior of skyclan, thirty-five moons
    a tall, disheveled chocolate smoke tortoiseshell with orange eyes. he displays oddly dog-like qualities, even smelling faintly like a dog after growing up with them on a farm. his smug, careless, smooth-talking outer persona masks a heart of gold. though the safety of a clan serves his interests well, he is more inclined to loyalty to individuals rather than clans. after the death of his mate, flamefeather, he's begun to privately question starclan.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by solaire@funeralscythe on discord, feel free to ping for plots.