pafp I SAY HEY ☀ a “thank-you”

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Dovekit’s stunt was not easily forgotten, neither was Littlekits- the way her children had their tiny hearts set on the one place in camp forbidden to them never failed to boggle Roeflame’s mind. Personally, the queen couldn’t see the appeal, but perhaps that was simply because she had spent her own kithood within its herb-laden walls.
Nonetheless, the trouble her kits caused for their warm-hearted healer was something Roeflame had apologized profusely for in the past, when given the chance. Still, she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for her children’s behavior at times.
This morning, her kits had been given a stern warning to not stray further than just outside the nursery, the rosetted queen wouldn’t be risking having a kit or two attached to her tail on this specific errand.
While she couldn’t have hunted the offering herself, Roeflame hoped the thought would still be enough to count as she bundled a squirrel up in brassed jaws, a pawful of feathers from her own nest tucked under her chin. Russet fur is bittersweet as it blocks the queens peripheral- the prey had been Berryhearts favorite, the one the tabby molly instinctively reached for with each visit. Perhaps it was time to learn Gentlestorms?
Carefully she picks her way towards the medicine den, hardly poking her head in with a quick scan to make sure she wasn’t intruding before setting down the meal and feathers. “Gentlestorm? I hope I’m not interrupting, I wanted to treat you to lunch- if you haven’t eaten yet.” The queen hums, all too aware of their Skyclan guest that also dwelled in this den now.


  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — If anyone had asked if Gentlestorm minds the kittens trying to sneak into his den then he'd answer truthfully that he doesn't and that he quite enjoys their small antics to get their small, clumsy kit paws into the medicine den. The pale healer had been occupied with fixing around the herbs in his den occasionally glancing at his visitor that's in their own nest at the moment and the sound of approaching pawsteps causes the tom's ears to twitch. His head lifts to see the one that peers into his den, his honeyed gaze lights immediately, and the sides of his mouth lift as he offers a warm smile in the direction of the silver queen. "Roeflame," The giant chirps cheerfully as he rises to his paws slowly knowing that the queen didn't really like the smells that surrounded his den and he doesn't blame her since it smells weird from what he's gathered by the kittens that had climbed on top of him that one day, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The other time Copperfang had visited him to make sure that he had eaten and it seems that the lead warrior wished to do the same, it warms his heart with these sweet gestures... That his clanmates care for him just as he does with them as if they were his own. His eyes focused on the sight of russet fur that hung limply from her jaws and it makes him think about Little Wolf, how it had been her favorite prey. It seems a lot of Howlingstar's kin had a liking to the feathery tailed creature and its enough for a purr to emit from his throat "No, you're not interrupting. Thank you," His helm tilting to the side as he takes in the sight of the feathers that he had seen in her nest before speaking, "I'd love if you joined me." A large snowy capped paw motioning towards the stilled form of the squirrel then shifting his attention to her, he can't help but straighten his posture to see if he could see any of her kits sneaking forth or not far from their mother.

"We can eat it outside, I know the smell here can be rather... Overwhelming." The pale medicine cat adds on still having a warm grin present on his maw.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿✿❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 53DAF6v.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    55 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
  • Like
Reactions: ROEFLAME .

Though in her heart Thundergleam knew ThunderClan was her destined home- and felt in her soul how easily she was fitting in, and beginning to sing in chorus with the rest of them- she coould never fathom the depth of the relationship that some cats in the oak forest shared. They knew each other all so well... so deeply. A collective history was woven between them all, each born here or flocked here upon the Clan's creation... a history Thundergleam would never understand.

A concept she did understand, however, was the respect that Gentlestorm and Roeflame commanded by their ranks. They walked starkly different paths, but stood amicably side-by-side now, faces etched with smiles... it was a warming sight, indeed. Thundergleam's rosy gaze pulsed with touched approval. Holding her own ration of prey in a smiling maw, from a little ways away she dipped her head in friendly acknowledgement. "Gentlestorm, your wisdom earns your popularity," she purred, voice tranquil and slightly brushed with humour. His kind nature, betrayed by his name, was likely a contributor for that. "And Roeflame, you are a generous, warm soul. I pray you enjoy your shared meal."
penned by pin ☾