i wish, i wish ✧・゚:* storage

Jun 6, 2022
hello *ೃ༄ welcome to marquette's storage! i'll be putting all of my bios in one place here as well as coding practice, art, wips, whatever.

please don't post - not because i don't love y'all, but because i have adhd and if this gets cluttered it'll be useless to me lmao <3


  • MARBLEPAW ✧ Medicine Cat Apprentice of ShadowClan
    Marblepaw is the daughter to exiled murderess Siltcloud and ShadowClan lead warrior Lilacfur. Rogue-born and initially feral upon her entrance into ShadowClan, Marblepaw slowly came to terms with her circumstances. She is promised to follow in her aunt Starlingheart's pawsteps as a healer. — tags

    RACCOONSTRIPE ✧ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    Raccoonstripe is the son of Howlingstar, current ThunderClan leader, and has great ambitions to succeed in her place someday. Ambitious, calculating, manipulative, and with a commanding presence, Raccoonstripe's only goal is to ensure his Clan's survival and success. Mate to Nightbird, father to undetermined. — tags

    ICICLEFANG ✧ Lead Warrior of RiverClan
    Iciclefang is the daughter of Mudpelt and Icepsarkle. Iciclefang is cool, collected, capable, and sometimes accidentally callous. Proud of her Clan and the riverlands she was born into, Iciclefang will do anything to protect RiverClan from harm—including shun outsiders and denigrate the other Clans. Iciclefang is mother to Cragkit, Pinekit, and Crabkit. — tags

    BLUEFROST ✧ Lead Warrior of WindClan
    Bluefrost is the daughter to Sootstar, the former tyrant leader of WindClan, and her staunchest supporter, Weaselclaw. Bluefrost was raised to believe she was princess of the moorland; she was mentored by her mother and carefully shaped from the ground up to be loyal to her. After Sootstar's death, Bluefrost has found herself floundering in what she left behind. — tags

  • FLUFFYPAW ✧ Apprentice of SkyClan
    Fluffypaw is the gentle-natured, anxious daughter of Dandelionwish and Butterflytuft. She was raised with love, though she was coddled from a young age and now struggles to find her footing as an apprentice. Tender-hearted, it doesn't take much to make Fluffypaw cry or well over with emotion! She is best friends with Candorpaw and is mentored by lead warrior Greeneyes. — tags

    MOUSENOSE ✧ Warrior of ThunderClan
    The child of late former lead warrior Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose, Mousenose is loud, exuberant, and sometimes obnoxious. Mousenose wants attention, good or bad, and will act out to get it. To her friends and Clan, she is loyal—but she can certainly be exasperating at times! — tags

  • IVORYKIT ✧ Kit of ThunderClan
    Kittypet-born and brought into ThunderClan, Ivorykit is still inept at learning the intricacies of Clan life. She is passionate and abides by a moral code that sometimes places her at odds with her Clanmates. She has a ways to go before she can be reformed into a proper ThunderClan warrior. — tags

    POLLENFUR ✧ Loner
    Secret mother to Downyfur, Pollenfur is a former WindClanner. Under Sootstar, she witnessed atrocities and left in the night to become a loner. Flaky, whimsical, and melancholy, Pollenfur is a wanderer at heart. She currently resides at the Horseplace so she can keep an eye on her daughter. — tags

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Fluffypaw #f0e1fe

Marblepaw #A6B163

Bluefrost #9ac0ff

Iciclefang #C8E9E9

Raccoonstripe #D4A017
Mousenose #32CD32
Ivorykit #fadadd

Pollenfur #7a9488
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