he's angry. a looming, bristling creature as he struts in through the beech and brittle reed — mottled shadow, he looks out of place here, long and tall as the circle of beech around them, “ all those old enough to swim, gather around for a clan meeting! “ agitation grates his tone, unsheathes claws from bony paws as he leaps up onto a large, overturned stone. it is not river rock, but it would have to do for now, “ we’ve many apprentices to be named this month, but before i begin, some important news. “ his ears swivel downward, fighting to ignore the way it pulls at the raw side of his face, “ dogs have taken up sunningrocks — thunderclan seems to believe we should drive them out. i will not. should this have been newleaf, perhaps my decision would have been different.. but here in the the copse, across out flooded rivers, we are safe, with much more to worry about. for now, the border of sunningrocks will remain unscented ; the season has given us enough to worry about without their expectations. “ nothing but cold stone and frost, not a living being so brave as to scavenge about its biting surface.

the man takes a moment for murmuring to subside, props himself up on a slanted shoulder in wait. after a moment, however, he lifts his tail — silencing, “ until leafbare’s end, there is little for us there anyway — but should you encounter a thunderclanner on patrol, be cordial. “ they were not an ally he was willing to throw away just yet, regardless of howling wind’s offense, “ they have lost lives to these hounds, and for that we must be respectful — may starclan light their paths. but as always, riverclan will come first. we can do nothing but offer our condolences. “ he flicks an ear, wraps his great, fluffy tail around alabaster paws, “ weve much to do in the aftermath of this flood, but we will prevail, as we always do. and with that being said.. “ a smile ghosts across his maw, causing a wince from the pull slip on the frostbitten lengths of his upper lip.

snakeblink. cindershade. please step forward.

oh, he was excited. it shows in his eyes, a brimming pride as he scans the crowd, looking eagerly for the two felines. they should be close behind, ever present on patrol, “ my dear friends.. you have both proven yourself loyal and worthy, role models of riverclan. your courageousness, your dutifulness, has not gone unseen — and so it is before the eyes of starclan today that i invite you both to my council as lead warriors. “ it rolls on a gentle purr, chest puffed and head held high. he’d the utmost faith in them both — alongside smokethroat, with willowroot busy in the nursery, they would all work to make riverclan strong. should they accept.. and get along, that was, “ do you accept?

big big congrats to @Snakeblink and @Cindershade !! welcome to the team < 3

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−—−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.


Snakeblink’s paws are carrying him towards the voice of their leader before his ears have fully processed the meeting announcement. It’s instinctive, second-nature, as natural as following the river’s current.

He settles among his clanmates, close enough to be soothed by the warmth of their grouped bodies, and listens uneasily to news of dogs at their border. All clan cats know to avoid canines, of which dogs are the most loathful: the teeth of even a small adult fox can rip a warrior to shreds, and the baying beasts that sometimes go rampaging through clan territory are often twice the size of their vulpine cousins.

Cicadastar’s cautious neutrality reassures him. If they’re lucky, the dogs will stay on the other side of the river. Snakeblink has only seen one from afar — he’d rather not get to know what the inside of one’s open maw looks like.

Experienced warriors like Dogteeth and Houndsnarl (or Ashpaw, their newly minted fox-huntress) might be able to go toe to toe with their namesakes, but the same cannot be said of the rest of them.

Besides, Smokethroat is running out of eyes to lose in battle. Better they don’t go courting danger more than strictly necessary.

Murmurs course through the crowd. Snakeblink lets his gaze wander as his clanmates discuss the announcement, watching for open disagreement or doubt. No decision is ever unanimous, but recent objections over the welcoming of refugees from enemy clans has him wary of dissension, which the flooding and hunger of leaf-bare only feed.

He smiles approvingly at Cicadastar’s words — as always, riverclan will come first. Then, his name, followed by Cindershade’s, has his ears swiveling back in concern.

He seeks Cindershade out in the crowd, mind buzzing. Cicadastar wouldn’t upbraid them in a meeting for a slight — and, when it comes to Snakeblink, commonplace — conflict. Then why? A patrol, maybe? A special duty for them to carry?

In a way, yes.

His mind offers a conclusion before their leader has finished speaking, but Snakeblink can scarcely believe it until the words fall from the other tom’s mouth: lead warriors. The pride in their leader’s eyes, the trust, are nearly overwhelming. It fills Snakeblink’s chest with warmth, chasing the chill of leaf-bare from his sharp bones and settling next to his heart, buoyant and astonishing.

”Yes.” The word sounds punched out of him, a little strangled in his hurry to get it out before the offer is rescinded. He clears his throat and repeats, steadier, ”Yes, I do.”

He meets Cicadastar’s gaze head-on and tries to convey the full force of his thankfulness, of his devotion, with his eyes alone. You won’t regret this, he thinks fiercely. This is everything he’s ever wanted and he will not — cannot — let his leader and his clan down.
  • ooc: VERY excited, thank you so much <3
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Can't help but feel a little called out, but he wasn't bothered by it in the slightest. Smokethroat was more amused if anything by the insistence to be cordial because he genuinely felt he had been, his amusement more to their bold expectations than mirth at their struggles but he'd be lying if he denied not finding Cindershade's joke at the time funny in its own way and to hear it said from their deputy he had spit in her face. Well, perhaps he'd meet such expectations next time if it was what cats would decide he'd done anyways. The dark tom approaches to sit down, tail lashing briefly before folding around his paws. Condolences to their dead, of course. It wasn't like RiverClan could put its own struggles on pause to deal with anything else. The waters were slowly receeding, or at least they looked it, so perhaps soon they'd be back in camp and preparing for newleaf in some time soon.
It was the second set of announcements that had his ears pricked forward curiously, it had been a long time since more cats had been added to their small council and he was more than eager for the additions.
In what felt like a lifetime ago he stood before the smooth and sloped pile of stones in the camp next to Willowroot, offered a place in a clan he was still uncertain of, unfamiliar with from a tom he could only regard as a sudden and unwanted authority figure. Things had changed plenty since then, he'd warmed up to clan life, he'd warmed up to clan mates, he'd warmed up considerably to Cicadastar himself. Willowroot was as much kin as anything, he'd eagerly greeted her kits into the world, he'd pushed and bullied his own apprentice into shape since then and Iciclepaw was more than meeting expectations now, he'd developed a comraderie with a few cats and an intense dislike of others. RiverClan was home.
Cindershade and Snakeblink would be more than good enough for their new roles, loyal cats with RiverClan's best interest even if one was more prickly than he and the other having a very poor habit of using his mouth too frequently.

[Ooc: -kazoo noises- CONGRATS YOU NERDS!]
  • Love
Reactions: Cindershade


Chirping Bird made her way over to the familiar call of Cicadastar. Finding a spot to get comfortable in. Looking to the leader as the meeting gets started. Things had been tough lately and she was hoping warm weather was just a couple of moons away. She didn’t like the idea of dogs being so close. But the river would provide them protection for now. The elder could only hope Thunderclan wouldn’t suffer.

New lead warriors are good. It was a sign of having strong warriors. Chirping Bird purred with joy for her two clanmates. “Congrats!” she called out to the two.
To his beckoning call she would come, a held high tail while scorched paws glided through the clearing to Cicadastar and the forming group. She'd sit along the out skirts of them per usual in these meetings, poised with a coiled tail around her to hear the news. He talks of the dogs that lingered on ThunderClan's side of the flooding river, but tool position on Sunningrocks in what what technically their territory. Cindershade remembers the patrol with Smokethroat and Buckgait, the wretched stench of musk that violated her nose as they grew closer. The rather large pawprint Smokethroat pointed out, then the patrol of ThunderClan that had also been at their borders. They asked what RiverClan had planned to do in retaliation, to which they denied to cross the river at this time. It was much too risky as frigid waters flowed harshly and over took the stepping stones to even reach other there for a dry paw. She'd fallen into those waters just as Cicadastar had, but not nearly as long; Smokethroat also had—she'd not be stepping a single toe into that river until New-Leaf came and the sun would warm it's shimmering surface once more.
The warrior is lost amongst the crowd, her own thoughts swimming in her mind as he continues on. It is only when he calls upon her name does she look directly to the looming leader, velvet ears pulling forth in curiosity as she briefly meet the crystalline gaze of her leader. What now? Snakeblink is also called and a groan almost slips over her tongue. Is he going to punish me for smacking that flea-brain the other day? Reluctantly she obeyed his command, slinking through her clan mates to join at the tabby warrior's side with a huff. If he's gotten me into trouble I swear—
Thoughts cut off abruptly as Cicadastar begins to speak of them being role model warriors. Nothing but praise came from his exuberant tone, a head held high and posture straightening as he did. He invites them to his concil as lead warriors and Cindershade can not help but raise her brows in surprise. Pride soon blossoms within his chest as her own posture straightens a bit. Ears flick as Snakeblink accepts and she dips her head in response. "I also accept, Cicadastar. Thank you. We won't let you down." Her tone flowed over darkened lips in a formal manner, but a smile itches to pull at her features. She was now a lead warrior.

// Thank you so much!! <3

In every situation you give me peace
Sablekit pokes her head out from the makeshift nursery as Cicadastar leaps upon his temporary meeting perch. Perwinkle eyes watch as the clan mills about, gathering at the river king's paws to hear what he has to say. She certainly did not know how to swim yet, so the child begrudgingly stays put. Quietly she tucks her paws beneath her, listening to the sound of clan news spilling forth. The thought of dogs being out there somewhere is a frightening concept, but thankfully did not sound like a threat they would need to deal with. Her ears perk as Cindershade and Snakeblink's names are called, a small smile pulling across ebony and ivory lips as they are promoted to lead warrior.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Iciclepaw is not surprised by Cicadastar's admonition that their Clan is to be cordial to ThunderClan. One ear twitches at their leader's instructions, and she sneaks a glance at Smokethroat. In her opinion, they hadn't been not cordial. Her remark had simply been... encouraging. She does feel for their losses, however; regardless of her frustration at the deputy for insisting RiverClan deal with their Clan's problems, she would not wish that on any Clan.

Except WindClan, perhaps.

Iciclepaw is stirred from her thoughts as Cicadastar promotes two prominent warriors to his council. The tortoiseshell dips her head to both Snakeblink and Cindershade -- both acceptable choices, in her opinion. "Congratulations," she tells them both in a voice cool as river water.


The stout tom joins his new clanmates as silently as a galumphing maine coone slogging through cold mud slush can. It's a miracle he's not taken by curses. His jaw is set tight by the time his ears tilt toward Cicadastar's voice and he almost snorts as he comes to sit beside Sablekit. Sunning rocks sound like they'd be great as spring eeks in (a rare welcome change from his old home in these frigid months) so, naturally, it'd be a fight to get to them. If he were still a childless bachelor, he'd have considered stomping over there to size the dogs up but the river and newfound responsibility and not actually know where they are puts a halt on that. That and well, he was quite lazy then, but he would have considered it. Places to laze are worth fighting for after all.

As for Thunderclanners, he has no ounce of respect for them and sees no reason why he should but for the sake of playing nice, he files that neatly away in the back of his thick skull. He can concede that their are more important things right now and he's glad that Riverclan is focused on Riverclan, though taking chances that could have been counter to that are the only reason he's here. Stamping his paws for warmth, the tom hums in approval at the lead warrior announcements. He knows little about Snakeblink but Cindershade he tentatively knows to have her head on straight. Maybe because she reminds him most of a Shadowclanner, as ironic as that is as someone seen as a traitor like him. He'll gladly accept that title to stay at his mate's side."Don't forget us when you're famous," he muses with a light smirk.

♚ Hyacinthbreath waits as Cicadastar begins his announcements, shoulders slouched and eyes peering upwards. She waits, ever so patiently, for him to tell her she needed to leave. That she'd blown her chance, but he doesn't- not yet, at least. So instead, she settles down and waits, paws tucked under her.​

❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞
Gloompaw scrambled to the edges of the crowd, not quite in the front but not lurking around the back, either. Usually, she found herself distracted by different things, like how tempting it was to pounce on a clanmate's tail, swishing in excitement when they knew their friend was getting a ceremony. Or whispers of cats beside her. Right now, she focused on the places where frostbite had worried into Cicadastar's skin, trying to shake the memory of his still body upon the ice.

She snapped out of it when he spoke of dogs. The scent was undeniable when the wind blew towards them near Sunningrocks. Gloompaw agreed they shouldn't be driving them out. Too many trials had befallen them. She didn't think of ThunderClan's own tragedies, however, merely the idea of terrible beasts ripping a RiverClanner from limb to limb.

Then, the leggy leader spoke of lead warriors. She knew already that Willowroot and Smokethroat were considered those. Gloompaw didn't know Snakeblink or Cindershade well yet, but she could see why Cada was promoting the two of them. "YEAAAAAAAAHHH!!" she half-screamed, clapping her paws on the ground. "CINDER AND SNAKE!"

they accept, and the chimera is instantly pleased. it shows on the sharpness of his features, brightening where his annoyance had pinched, “ wonderful. starclan thanks you both for your service, as do i. “ his chest puffs, standing straighter and confident — they would do fantastically, he had no doubt. his gaze finally moves, lands on a familiar face and, for the second time, the dark tabby is the reason he is here. amidst the river, standing tall before them all, and now simply alive.

houndsnarl, my friend.snarl. he was wrong with this one. named so quickly after the great battle, in truth, he’d never seen the tom bare his fangs unless necessary. it did not suit, not hound — the tom was bright as the sun and twice as brilliant, selfless to a fault. he lifts his head towards the heavens, feels the warmth caress his features, ignores the way it pulls on his rotting maw, “ long ago, i had named you for your ferocity in battle. i realize now how you’ve grown, unburdened by the war that had once ravaged us. i realize this name no longer suits. and thus from this day forward, you will be known as houndstride — for the leaps and bounds you’ve made here, and your quickness to act in the face of danger. “ for saving him. for the gashes that settle just over the arch of his thin shoulders, crusting to heal. for the sickness he’s faced in its light, freezing aside him. if he’d been any more conscious, he’d have lit his ears for risking his one life when cicadastar carried the burden of many, “ thank you. “ for everything.

he takes a moment, takes a breath. they’d many apprentices, and thus, he begins with willowroot and poppysplash’s litter. though he’d not seen the latter in a moment — he prayed to the stars she was hunting for most of the time absent — his chest swells with pride upon spotting their little ones, milling about the crowd, “ now.. poolkit, hazekit, antlerkit, it’s time for you to be apprenticed. please step forward.

poolkit, from this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as poolpaw. you will train alongside koipaw under lightningstone. ” no longer needing to shadow their refugees, the blue tom was one he knew could accept the challenge — koipaw would brood, as if he did not see her grumpiness upon the meetings she attended. whether it was of the news or normal apprentice - aged moodiness, the man flicks a tail, dismissive of even his own thought. continuing on, “ antlerkit. from this day, until you reach warriorhood, you will be known as antlerpaw. you will train beneath clayfur. “ not the brightest leaf on the tree admittedly, the sheer amount of sand he’d ingested is cause for concern. the man would be watching closely, but clayfur was not entirely unintelligent despite his eating habits — a friendly face, ever - present on patrol, “ im sure he will train you well. “ he picks his words carefully ; he would prefer it if the tom didn’t teach the young kit everything he did, “ and hazekit. from today onward, you will be known as hazepaw, and i will oversee your apprenticeship myself.

now, boneripple’s litter. blue eyes search for signs of the dark - furred kittens amidst the crowd, “ sablekit, silentkit, skunkkit. you have all reached the age of three moons and it is time to begin your apprenticeship — please step forward. “ he lifts his head, cranes his ears forward. shadowclan descendants, born amidst the rivers

skunkkit. until the day your take your warrior name, you will be known as skunkpaw — you will train alongside darkpaw under houndstride. he taught me well, and i am confident that he will pass that knowledge onto you. “ the dark tabby was smart, river - wise and gnarled from life. newly renamed, newly reassigned. the man searches for sour apple eyes once again, swimming amidst the sea of faces. if he finds them, he would hope to offer a small grimace of a smile, almost - bashful, “ silentkit. until the day your take your warrior name, you will be known as silentpaw — you will train under whitetuft (npc). may he teach you everything he knows. “ the alabaster she - cat was kind, but strict. perhaps she would do some good. now, the final of the litter, small and white - streaked, “ and now, sablekit. until the day you are old enough to take your warrior name, you will be known as sablepaw, you will train alongside pinepaw under cindershade.

then, the child. new, young, out in the cold away from her twolegs and his teeth grits, but she is here. adjusting amidst them, as protected as the rest, “ fawn, under my rule and the eyes of starclan, you will be known as fawnpaw. buckgait will be your mentor. “ she’d enough time, “ catfishpaw, dovepaw. your former mentors have retired to the elders den, and thus catfishpaw — redpath will be taking over your training. redpath.. behave. “ he says it teasingly, a trill upon his words. the vibrant molly was something else, but if anything, fantastic in both combat and fishing. unafraid and boisterous, he hoped she would do the child good, “ dovepaw, you will be trained beneath bluestorm ( npc ). i’m sure she will teach you well. “ an older molly, kind and hard working, “ oddkit, until the day you’re made a warrior, you will be known as oddpaw. your mentor will be rainchaser ( npc ), may he pass everything he knows onto you. “ a strange kit, but they could make something of them yet. the man takes a breath, the raw edge of his mouth burning with the strain of his low honks. he’s tired the ebb of irritation still low in his chest — he takes a long, deep breath to force further back down.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • mentor list pairings since this is Long
    @ANTLERKIT mentored by @CLAYFUR
    @Hazekit mentored by me < 333
    @Skunk-kit mentored by @HOUNDSNARL.
    @Sablekit mentored by @Cindershade
    @Silentkit mentored by whitetuft (npc)
    @Catfishpaw mentored by @Redpath
    @dovepaw. mentored by bluestorm (npc)
    @oddkit. mentored by rainchaser (npc)
    @Fawnpaw mentored by @BUCKGAIT.

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.

Last edited:
Antlerkit listens on in silence at announcement after announcement. Dogs on the sunningrocks. Two things the young one had never seen, therefor an image could not be conjured properly in their mind nor any degree of understanding the weight of the situation. Dogs, they had heard, were big, slobbery creatures who almost all seemed to rely on base instinct. Like a cat, but taller, and grosser, and much more dangerous. They shuddered at the thought. But what the sunningrocks were was beyond their understanding as a kit raised in a harsh winter, so soon taken from the home they were born to this temporary location.

And then a renaming, new lead warriors. These, at least, were more easily comprehended. And much more exciting. The thrill steadily swelled within their chest, and they quickly joined in the loud chants of the new names, the congratulations.

This thrill did not settle down until their own name was called. The thrill quickly turned to panic. Oh stars, that's me, was the first thought that manifested in their mind. The panic was not for a fear of being in trouble. No, the young one knew full well what was coming. They had been prepared for it, after all. That was perhaps the problem. Kithood was... stressful. Their life thus far had been filled with cold and tight spaces and disaster. There were very few moments Antler had experienced of simply existing as a child. Playing with sticks, sneaking out when they were not allowed, pestering older cats by inciting play fights... Each had only happened a handful of times. Surely they were not ready for this. For responsibility, training. Surely Cicadastar would see this error and hold them back. Their siblings can go on and learn to become mighty warriors as Antlerkit stays as is.

They loved adventure, deeply and truly. Of all their siblings, they were always the first to suggest creating chaos (when situations allowed for it). But upon being handed real adventure with real consequences and responsibilities, they felt themself shrink. A rush of thoughts on how to trick Clayfur into telling Cicada to revoke their apprenticeship flooded through their mind. Alas, what was set in motion could not be undone. This was it. They shook the fears from their mind as best they good, swallowed down the uncertainty.

Clayfur wasn't the worst mentor one could have, by far, at least. Antler had always thought he was one of the more fun warriors to be around. Not as grouchy as some, and Antlerkit... Antlerpaw was sure they'd find similarities in peculiar palette and interests. Maybe it would be okay.

Shaky black paws carry the child over to their new mentor, their first steps with a new name. Upon reaching Clay, the new apprentice dips their head and gives the best grin they can muster.

penned by tuna
The chocolate tabby’s head shoots up when he hears his own name called, hazel eyes wide as he stares at the leader. Cicadastar trusts him to take on an apprentice? He swipes a white paw across his eyes—because of course they’re not filling with unshed tears, no way. He’s going to mentor Antlerpaw, a child who so far seems to be a perfect fit for him (though, really, Clay would have said that about any apprentice he was assigned).

Pride swells in his chest, because he finally has an apprentice and he’s going to do the best that he can to train a good RiverClan warrior. He isn’t sure whether the smoky feline is comfortable in the water yet, but his assumption is that they aren’t. They were born as the cold set in, after all, and the river has been too cold to swim in for months. Either way, they’ll learn at their own pace, he’s sure. Nothing good has ever come of pushing others into doing things they don’t want to. He just hopes that he can live up to expectations as a mentor.

With a flourish, the warrior lowers himself to their height, tail flicking happily. "We’re gonna have fun. I’ll train you the best I can," he murmurs, unsure whether this is a time to be quiet or not. He tries to steal a glance at one of the other news mentors, but his eyes catch on Willow and Poppysplash instead. Shit, he’s going to mentor their kit! He won’t let the nerves get to him, though; he offers the newly-named Antlerpaw a broad grin in return, toothy and bright enough to light a den.
  • Like
Reactions: ANTLERPAW
Fogpaw steps into the crowd with his typical silence and trains his eyes on Cicadastar with equally common neutrality. It's quick to morph into a pleasant smile then as he hears his siblings awarded their apprentice names, swishing his tail in delight and encouragement. He recalls when he received his own paw title and how it encouraged him to try to be better. It's debatable in his mind whether that really worked out for him but he hopes better for them. His eyes shift over, watching as @wolverinefang cheers and rasps his kid's ears in glee and congratulation before turning his attention to Houndsnarl, no, Houndstride. He wonders over Cicada's words then regards the other apprentices who gained their paws then Snakeblink and Cindershade with a level of quiet thought. He'd offer them a smile in best wishes if they glanced his way but can offer little else.
There's still somethin' off about the dark tabby tom, but no soul's been brave enough to mention it yet. He's settled off towards the side of the meeting, not in the back but not so close 's'to call attention to himself. He's no interest in feeling their eyes on him. Whether it's as the reclusive warrior or the one who'd pulled Cicadastar from the water, he doesn't want any sort of thought at all. And as the meeting drones on, for a while he gets just that. His shoulders settle to a calmer demeanor, eyes softer, attentive rather than defensive. The promotions don't surprise him much. Familiar faces that bring a shine to his eyes, and he thinks the both of them'll be good for it. Another set of good voices that Cicadastar may rely on. He tries not to mind it.

The noise of congratulations that follow drowns out his thoughts. His mind's a momentary buzz of white noise until it's his own name that breaks the silence. His shoulders draw back up nearer his ears, searching for safety in the ruff of his throat. All that he says is enough to soften, to soothe and to settle. Houndsnarl's become a part of him as anything else. A joke in his brighter moments, or a deadly reminder in his worst. It's what some might face when he's pushed too far, or maybe it's just the way he playfully bares his fangs. But he'd died in those waters. Like Cicada himself, Hound'd been reborn. His new name suits that just fine. Houndstride. As if testing the new name, his paws flex.

And a new apprentice to boot. Oh stars above but he tries not to let his dismay show on his face. There's a flicker'f it, he's sure, but it's quickly restrained. Bone's kit, and the one that'd played with his old name like a dazed piece of prey. He nearly lowers himself to press his face against the mud. Instead, he searches out Skunkpaw, newly named. This should be...entertaining.

  • ooc:
  • ──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
    ──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
    ──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"
  • Haha
Reactions: Kangoo
oddpaw | 03 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58
The child of fire and ice is more than eager to be called forwards this meeting - wide eyes shinning up at the leader of riverclan as it's called forth. It's all they can do to keep from stumbling head over heels, a burst of light and life they havn't felt in days suddenly pulsing through them. They're given a new name - oddpaw - and they were it with pride as they go to touch noses with their new mentor. "Oddpaw will do good!" it chirrups every so cheerfully, a beaming grin upon their face, and contentedly they toddle on away when it is no longer their turn to stand upfront. An apprentice at last.

there is a stake plunged through her chest, eyes turning to lightning, searching for solace. it is still strange to reform the name of fawn, to see her within the clan. buck can not say a word about it, and there would be no use in expressing anything but acceptance. storm has learnt much from her, molding him into a perfect fighter. letting him grow within the land and learn to read it as easily. he'll be a warrior soon, and it leaves a vacant spot. the deputy is sure to give a look to koi, who will also be leaving lightning's side soon enough. to simply let it be for now.

she leaves the two, a small semblance of a family. her eyes roving the crowd for the unfamiliar fur of fawnpaw. at the very least, the deputy can greet the other and welcome her into the clan further. when the earthen woman approaches the much younger molly, she dips her head to the other. "i hope you are ready for clan life. training will start tomorrow." clipped words as she looks down upon the other, looking to see if she'll respond. or if she will be silent in her acceptance of her fate.

It seemed not only that the shadowed molly has been granted a promotion upon Cicadastar's concil, but granted another apprentice as well. As Sablekit accepts her new role into apprenticeship, a long path in becoming a warrior, Cindershade smirks softly. A crooked little thing, her smile was. She had not interacted too much with @Sablepaw as of yet, mostly because kits make her a bit—uneasy. She's never sure what to do with them. But now, training begins and that is something the now promoted lead warrior is familiar with. Paws stride forth with the utmost confidence as always, her head held aloft until she's by the obsidian hued molly's side. "I will make you one of the greatest RiverClan warriors to come, child. No one will dare question your heritage and loyalty with me guiding you. Training will begin at sunrise." The woman speaks low to her appointed apprentice, dipping her head to her. Virdian hues will interlock with periwinkle for a brief moment before turning back towards Cicadastar for more announcements.
Her name slips from their leader’s mouth, and Hazekit thinks, finally. This is the start she was waiting for: the first step towards becoming a warrior, with the freedom to pace the territory — and perhaps beyond, wherever Starclan guides her. She shoulders the name of Hazepaw with ease, but the words that follow, the knowledge that Cicadastar himself would train her, has her swaying a little with surprised pride.

Thick fur puffing out, she straightens and steps towards the chimeric tom, wondering what his training will be like. She won’t disappoint him — but she hopes he won’t confine her to boring camp duties. Helping the elders is all well and good, but she’s seen enough of them while being in the nursery.

Koi is brought forth by the call, odd eyes squinting as she stares towards the mottled man, he's angry and he clearly displays it as he informs the clan about Thunderclans transgressions. Okay, cool, whatever, Koi doesn't exactly have it in her to truly pity the other clan. A thorn in their side at most... She sends a nod to Cindershade and Snakeblink once they're called to be promoted.

All is fine until someone is assigned alongside her. To Lightningstone. Already does her frustration bubbles, ears flattening against her skull. How many more does she have to compete with? First Hyacinthbreath, now Poolpaw? Of course, her thoughts are bitter as her lips threaten to form a scowl. As she moves to turn her head, leave, she catches a glimpse of Buck. She's giving her a look and even if it may not be pleased with her, Koi is desperate to please her instead.

Koipaw only huffs and looks away, letting it go. She holds her tongue for now, for the simple fact that she would be a warrior here soon. Koi instead gives a rigid nod to Poolpaw and stares blankly in to the crowd, letting Gloompaws cheers fill her ears instead of her own thoughts.