Skunk-kit, now Skunkpaw, faces his new apprenticeship with the grace and poise of a proper RiverClanner by screaming at the top of his lungs his absolute jubilation, "LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
His delight and eagerness is quickly crushed beneath a heavy paw at the realization he was to be given Houndstride as his mentor, formerly Houndsnarl and a cat he had found quite intimidating from the day he spotted the scarred tabby moving around the camp on his first excursion from the nursery. Skunkpaw's expression tried not to sour, his nose wrinkled as he forced the smile on his maw to remain fixated there resulting in a pained expression one might give when told a particularly unpleasant joke, but the only funny thing here was this mentor pairing. Did Cicadastar not like him? He thought he and his mother were good friends, why couldn't he have gotten one of the nicer cats then? Like Willowroot, she was nice and didn't push her apprentices around. It could be worse, he could've gotten that white-spotted brute Iciclepaw had; what a horrifying notion! Maybe Houndstride wasn't so bad in comparison...
Skunkpaw wandered over, snaggle-tooth grin and ears flat to his new tabby teacher and he offered a lean forward with his nose, neck outstretched to touch the others as he'd seen many apprentice do before. It was customary right? Or was he weird? Oh no!