- Jun 9, 2022
- 413
- 103
- 43

↳ weasel for his brown and white pelt; claw for his ferocity in battle
— male; he/him; heterosexual
— lead warrior of windclan, fiercely loyal to only windclan / detests all other clans; formerly a horseplace loner
— created 1.1.2022 at 16 moons / ages every 1st
— died 9.22.2023 of yellowcough
— currently 36 moons
Weaselclaw is a bit taller than the average cat, but he has almost no bulk to him. He has somewhat narrow shoulders, long legs, and a build meant for speed rather than endurance or brute strength. Weaselclaw has a short, thin pelt, easily ruffled by the wind. Most of his body is a light earthen color, and his tabby stripes are not black, but a darker shade of brown. Creamy white interrupts the pattern from his muzzle and throat, all the way down his undersides. Each of his paws has the same white coloring. Weaselclaw has stark, strange blue eyes that are almost tinted gray in some lighting. His left ear is torn from battle, and his chest dons a slash scar.
gen 1 / carrying longhair, dilute, solid -
Intelligence ●●○○○○○○○○(+) loyal; stalwart; courageous; steadfast (/) blunt; careless; oblivious (-) xenophobic; misoneist; quick-tempered Weaselclaw is a warrior who is dedicated to following the rules and working hard for his clan. The warrior code is his bible, and he'll follow his leader's orders to a T, regardless of what they are. Weaselclaw is quite traditional, preferring the 'old' way of doing things, and change is hard for him to adapt to. He is not a humorous cat, or one who even gets most jokes, but when he does attempt banter it is usually poking fun at someone. He is blunt to a fault, and rarely considers someone's feelings before speaking, though he does not intend to be mean-natured. Weaselclaw is quick to fight; spending precious time solving problems makes little sense to him. Strategy is not his friend. Once Weaselclaw makes a decision, he knows it's the right one, and he'll follow through on it. Weaselclaw can be easily tricked, and becomes quite angry once he finds out he has been deceived by someone. Outsiders are bad, and that's as far as he cares to think on it. Those who betray WindClan's leader are betraying WindClan themselves, and, by extension, StarClan, as Weaselclaw believes they are the closest to their warrior ancestors and therefore the most blessed.
Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
Creativity ●●○○○○○○○○
Empathy ●●●○○○○○○○
Humor ●●●○○○○○○○
— mannerisms: gruff voice, expressive face -
Dusty xx Layla sibling to Vole | mentoring Hollypaw, mentored Sparkspirit
Mate to Sootstar | Parent to Moorpaw, Addervenom, Harrierstripe, Bluepaw, and Cottonpaw
──── Close friends with Sootstar,Juniperfrost
──── Friends withTigerfrost, Sunstride, Scorchstreak
──── Likes Wolfsong, Firefang, Bluepool, Mintshade, Sparkspirit
──── DislikesVulturemask
──── Loathes Smokethroat, Cicadastar, Smogmaw, Chilledstar, Blazestar -
strength ●●●●○○○○○○in a relationship; heterosexual / / taken by Sootstar
stamina ●●●●●●●●●○○
agility ●●●●●●●●●○
hunting ●●●●●●●●○○
swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
grace ●●●●●●○○○○
Weaselclaw's trust is earned by devotion to Sootstar in particular. He is also impressed by those who are courageous and would sacrifice themselves for their Clan. Does not make true friends easily but is generally amicable towards Clanmates.
— physical health: [ 90% ] | mental health: [ 70% ]
— will start fights / will not flee / will (sometimes) show mercy
— excels at hunting, long-distance running, sprinting, combat
— poor climbing, swimming
— sounds like: voice description / voice claim if u have one
— smells of wheat and sunshine
— speech is #CBA271 -
► SONG NAME - artist
SONG NAME - artist
SONG NAME - artist
SONG NAME - artist
IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
★ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
[box=57%][justify][font=Helvetica][color=#c4c4c4][glow=black]TEXT TEXT TEXT.[/glow][/color][glow=black] "[b][color=#CBA271]QUOTE.[/color][/b]" [tabs] [tab=✧][/tab] [tab=INFO.][fleft][bimg width="165px"]https://i.imgur.com/CYUjQAd.png[/bimg][/fleft]— [s]weasel[/s] . [b]weaselclaw[/b] — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan — heterosexual ; taken by [b]Sootstar[/b] — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes — "[b][color=#CBA271]speech[/color][/b]", [i][color=#CBA271]thoughts[/color][/i], [u]attack[/u] — penned by Marquette — chibi by Oliver[/tab] [/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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