private I'm a call away ☠ Morelpaw


Quieter than the dead
Dec 18, 2023
*+:。.。 Morelpaw. Although Bonechill would never say he had favorites within his family, there was a special spot for his blue tabby brother in his heart nonetheless. He was the kitten Bonechill had the honor to name; the only blue within the litter that matched their mother. He was gentle and quiet, with wonder in his eyes that made Bonechill want to drag down the mountains and pull loose trees to show him every fascination the world had to offer. Soon, this soft soul would be pushed into battle, and Bonechill...was more than a little worried.

With the sun at its peak, ticking ever closer to war the closer it travels towards the horizon, Bonechill finds his anxiety can stand the silence no longer. Trailing through the throng of cats preparing for battle, Bonechill would lock eyes with his sibling easily. "Morelpaw" his voice is soft in the way a family member can bring out of him, "Did you eat?"

    Shadowclan — warrior
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodwing, Shadewhisker, Splashdance
    Half-brother to Gigglepaw, Morelpaw, Branchpaw

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

Time creeps closer to his first battle, and his curiosity toward tales of skirmishes past has waned. As warriors boast their past successes, as they share their first battles with other clanmates his age, Morelpaw finds his excitement towards the experience gone and replaced with anxiety instead. His mothers and some of his siblings will be there; he knows he won't be alone, but his nerves don't shift even at the slight comfort.

The gray tom settles on the outskirts of the battle's preparation, needing the distance away from it all for a moment. Maybe if he takes a breath, he'll be fine. Pale blue eyes close, a deep breath taken. When he opens his eyes again, he faces a set of green and his older brother calls for his attention.

" Hmm...? " the boy hums, shoulders straightening in an attempt to look okay. He has to be: for his parents, for his younger siblings, the older ones too. Did you eat? Morelpaw blinks. He'd forgotten — is that what's making him feel so nervous? Having no food in his system? Nonsence. He's certain he'd still feel this way, even with half a frog in his stomach.

" Yes...? " he lies, though it comes out as a squeak, and a sheepish smile tugs at his maw. A sigh follows — he should know better than to lie to Bonechill anyway. " No. I... forgot. I just — " His head ducks, ears flattening against his head.

" I'm scared, " he admits, gray tail wrapping around his paws. He looks up at his brother, seeking his comfort as a question falls from his lips. " Were you this scared too? During your first battle? "


Morelpaw is a mirror of his fallen mother in plush, gray and white fur. A hunger for knowledge guides Morelpaw's path and he finds himself unafraid to ask others questions about anything that comes to his mind. He is protective of his family — especially now, in the wake of his mother's death.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Apprentice of ShadowClan
Needledrift † x Chittertongue †; Adopted by Ferndance
Brother to Bloodwing, Shadewhisker, Splashdance, Bonechill, Gigglepaw, Branchpaw
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Briarthorn
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
AH this is so late — don't worry about replying to this if you don't want to! Just wanted to throw a post at it before warrior time!