
  • SALMON SALMONSHADE ; likes her name, thinks it rolls off the tongue.
    ❝ so you think theres no meaning in anything that we do? maybe its the silence, maybe its the war, try to understand it, try your best to understand the world. you're bleeding down the highway you just wanna listen to the road. ❞ - to the blade, everything everything.
    ⤷ named salmon after her mothers favorite fish, shade after her dappled pelt
    — cis female; she/her & feminine terms only; lesbian
    — warrior of riverclan, distrustful of every other clan
    — currently 43 moons; ages every seventh of the month
    — created 8.07.23 at 30 moons
    — penned by chuff; extended playlist ; pinterest ; toyhouse
    salmonshade is a taller woman, standing at about thirteen inches from the ground up. with typically narrowed cobalt eyes and a resting bitch face, she more than likely looks like anything but approachable. her body lacks any visual scars, pristine and always well-groomed; she carries herself much like a deer would and that in itself effects how she is built, head always on a swivel, with longer legs that seem just slightly too tall and a longer muzzle. theres a mane of fur that fluffs up around her neck, though when groomed like usual one would barely notice its even there. tufts sprout from the end of her long ears, darker colored, which makes her seem just slightly taller. her tail is feathery, a little too fluffy for her body.

    most of her body is splashed with white, with most of it on her mane and underbelly, the under side of her tail the odd wing-like marking that spans across her back, as if someone drew feathers across wet paint. her base coat has splashes of various chocolates and some mahogany reds, with more velvet-y chocolate leopard spots dotted alongside her back and tail, blending her ears in to orange and lining her paws.
    Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh.

    Etiam facilisis urna nec tristique facilisis. Proin tincidunt, elit sit amet pharetra eleifend, orci mi euismod eros, nec dictum justo sem ac risus. Ut condimentum metus enim, sed vehicula velit pulvinar sit amet. Proin efficitur dui sed lorem tincidunt efficitur. Phasellus finibus, eros eu congue tincidunt, nunc mauris commodo libero, et consequat erat sem nec nisl. Sed tincidunt bibendum tellus, id lobortis sem ultricies id. Curabitur non congue diam, tincidunt accumsan nunc.

    salmon has a form of ocd & anxiety; this is the only thing that i relate to oocly as i use my personal experiences to form her own, nothing she does is a reflection of my personal feelings! everything is ic opinions :)

    xvi. the tower | paladin | elf | vaporeon | swords, pink skies and narrowed eyes
    salmon is a tough nut to crack; overthinking relationships, friendships, she's never had any after all. all of her life she had been alone, and now shes finally making an effort to branch out...
    SOUNDS LIKE: kyoshi, avatar the last airbender. voiceclaim
    SMELLS LIKE: freshly cut grass, distant rain & flowers
    speech is #fd9367
    PERCH xx NPC only child, never knew her father as he was not in their lives
    mentoring N/A | mentored moonbeam, riverpaw
    mate to none | parent to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: moonpaw, lichentail, snakeblink
  • ► EULOGY - prof
    POOLS - glass animals
    TO THE BLADE - everything everything
    OCEAN BREATHES SALTY - modest mouse
    TICK TOCK - joji
    EBONY SKY - young fathers
    WOOF WOOF - arthur
    DREAMLAND - glass animals
    EASY - waveform

  • ●●●●●●●●●○ HUNTING: proficient, only in river hunting.
    ●●●●●●●●●● SWIMMING: second-nature, this comes as easy as breathing.

    ●●●●●●○○○○ TRACKING: okayish, not exactly great on land.
    ●●●●●●●●●○ COMBAT: proficient, salmon is quite the fighter.
  • salmon jumpscare

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    former apprentices, moonbeam, bitepaw, riverpaw

  • salmon, by nature, is an awkward teacher, as much as she is an awkward cat. she had never had someone looking up to her, and though her time with moonpaw was brief, it has helped shape her to be just slightly better. salmon does care, though she sucks at showing it; compliments are rare, but when she does, her apprentice will know it is genuine. she is easily flustered by unruly apprentices, and will tend not to get along with them as well as a quieter one. she places a huge emphasis on river hunting and swimming, though her apprentice will not learn much weaving or fixing/repairing dens... salmon, herself, isn't the best at that.
  • salmon wants her apprentice to be well-rounded, exceptional in everything that screams a riverclanner. she, unfortunately, does not believe in a drypaw riverclanner; if you're assigned with her, prepare to get your paws wet.

    a fantastic fighter, though a little reckless. tries not to pass the recklessness down.
    a good water fighter as well, her apprentice will be taught this as soon as salmon deems them a good swimmer.

    excels at river hunting. this will more than likely be her apprentices strongest skill.
    mediocre land-hunter. achievable, and will be taught briefly, but this will not be her apprentices strong-suit.

    swimming, if you cannot swim, at least float, by the end of the first week, salmon has already considered herself to have failed.
    skill elaborate
    skill elaborate
  • salmon holds a very tight paw on her apprentice. they will be expected to respect her and her rules, and in turn she shall respect them and give them what they need to flourish (even if it means reaching out for help from other mentors).
    she does not take to being embarrassed lightly, or disrespected. punishments include chores and everyday apprentice duties that typically would normally be a filler between lessons. if she has to hold you back, stars forbid, she will (as much as it would embarrass her to do so).
    a strict sense of loyalty and duty will be instilled. salmon will have various sit-down lessons on what is expected of them as an apprentice, as a warrior and clan-culture in general.
    will only have her apprentice train with claws out during certain circumstances, such as being asked or preparing for something big. wants her apprentice to be prepared, but does not want to hurt them. she will, however, not use claws herself; she will be hitting back harder than normal, but with sheathed paws.
    will clearly let her opinions be known on who sunningrocks truly belongs to; its riverclan, and her apprentice must be ready to take it back at smokestars call.
    OOCLY; i would love for various privs between her apprentice & her, whether its training sessions, or the clan-talk sessions. salmon is very in to there being a lesson each day.
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  • 81452832_bOcoySRKc8PW5Ka.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 42 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring horizonpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, fd9367" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff


[slide=ଳ⋆。˚][fleft][IMG width="182px"]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/81452832_bOcoySRKc8PW5Ka.png[/IMG][/fleft][color=#F0445E]❥[/color] [color=#fd9367][S]salmon[/S] ,, [B]salmonshade[/B][/color]
[color=#F0445E]❥[/color] cis female ,, she/her ,, 42 months
[color=#F0445E]❥[/color] warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring [abbr=played by pikai]horizonpaw[/abbr]
[color=#F0445E]❥[/color] fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
[color=#F0445E]❥[/color] "[COLOR=#fd9367]speech, fd9367[/COLOR]" ,, [I][COLOR=#fd9367]thoughts[/COLOR][/I]
[color=#F0445E]❥[/color] lesbian ,, single
[color=#F0445E]❥[/color] smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
[color=#F0445E]❥[/color] chibi by [color=#fd9367]pin[/color] ,, penned by [color=#fd9367]chuff[/color][/slide][slide=𝙼𝙰𝚈𝙱𝙴 𝙸𝚃𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚆𝙰𝚁][/slide][/tabs][/justify][/FONT][/box]
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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

pls ask in my discord channel (chuffs-chalice) to be added!

❝ Moonpaw... Oh, how I wish I could protect you from all of this, from everything, I wish I knew enough to help. The Stars said I let you down, to take you down the path of the healer, and thus abandoned you in turn... It's not fair, starshine, i'm sorry. ❞ | Salmonshade adores Moonpaw, being her first apprentice and all. She feels a motherly kind of connection with the girl, and tries to make sure the medicine cat knows she's always there, rain or sun, busy or not. Moonpaw is quite like a daughter to Salmonshade, though you'd never find the woman admitting it. She's still upset that Moonpaw was called to a different path, though slowly getting over it; she could not be prouder of the girl for making her own choices.

❝ He is my apprentice. He has been good, so far... I hope he knows he'll go to great places someday. I'll make sure of it. He'll be one of the finest warriors in Riverclan by the time his warrior ceremony rolls around. ❞ | Riverpaw is Salmonshades second apprentice. She likes the kid and is protective in the way that mentors are. She can only hope he'll keep heeding her teachings, she knows he has good things on his horizon.

❝ Lichentail is... my friend. I like them... I like spending time with her, I like her... attention. Does she think i'm weird? Stars, oh, I hope not... Am I weird? Why do I care so much about their opinion? ❞ | Salmons relationship with Lichentail is... weird, to say the least. Sal admires the deputy and looks up to her, though cares a little bit too much about their opinion and sometimes stumbles over words. She feels odd about the deputy, but considers them a friend nonetheless; more and more she finds herself seeking Lichentail out.

❝ Hazecloud... I don't know. She is Lichentails mate, for as much as I know... I helped her with the kittens and shes a good mother. The kittens seem to adore her after all... I feel a bit weird in her presence, like i'm kinda just... sticking out, a bit- I mean, she's pretty, and shes elegant, and I feel like I stick out besides her like a sore paw... I'd like to get to know her more. She's a good cat, I think. ❞ | Salmon doesn't have much to talk about regarding Hazecloud, besides the fact that her cheeks heat up when shes around, probably embarrassed from the aforementioned reason. She'd like to become friends with Haze, but finds the nursery a little too... suffocating to be around.

❝ I quite like Snakeblinks company... He's funny, and he's a good cat to be around. I feel as if we have a lot in common, after all... I enjoy our conversations, no matter how brief. ❞ | Snakeblink is someone Salmon considers her first friend. She feels comfortable being a little more authentically herself in his presence, as she gets the vibe that he may just be as odd as she can be sometimes. Hopefully hes up for another talk, soon?

write your character's opinion on them <3