camp I'M NOT A FAN OF PUPPETEERS // confrontation

// takes place right after this thread
@REDFLOWER @darkthistle @Ravenstrike

When Leafhusk had brought the news back to camp and told the rest of the council what exactly had happened out in the forest, Howlingstar sat in disbelief for what felt like forever. Three cats, one a brand new warrior who had just sat vigil this past moon, threatened their own clanmates over something as trivial as prey? Roaringpaw's words echo in her ears. This has gone too far. Her three warriors have taken it too far.

She stands on the Highrock when the rest of the cats finally arrive back at camp - Redflower, Darkthistle, and Ravenstrike are flanked by their bristling clanmates. Verdant eyes cut like diamonds into them, narrowed and piercing. At the sight of them, she cannot keep her tail from lashing. "Explain yourselves now," She demands, firm voice bouncing off the sides of the ravine. No matter what they say, her mind is practically made up. She will not risk harm of any of her clanmates. These three will answer for what they've done, and she will not sit around waiting for something else to happen before she does something about it. Ivory claws glint as they slip out out of their sheaths, the fur along her spine standing up in anger.

One would have to be blind or willfully ignorant in order to claim to not know what was happening in ThunderClan lately. It had all come to a head now, when Redflower and a small group of her cronies threatned an apprentice. Burnstorm cannot say hes surprised when he hears it was her. He remembers the other day, Roeflame's scathing words as she chastised the other warrior for bullying a kit.

His grandmothers answer to their latest transgression is swift, and as he tilts his head to gaze upwards at her he swears he can see the decision she is about to make lurking behind her bright green eyes. He cannot say he would argue, or that the three cats before them would be missed. ThunderClan had no room for cats who behaved in such a way, in his opinion. Bullies and trouble-makers is what they were, and if they were allowed to continue on like this it was likely they would get someone hurt, if not themselves. Right now though, he just sits and waits for the verdict he knows is coming.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
There was genuine sadness in Roeflame’s gaze when the news had been relayed, making its way like wildfire through camp until it had reached the nursery. Sadness for the fact that she wasn’t the least bit surprised, spare for perhaps the three warriors' audacity.
Placed simmering next to her mate, Roeflame decided that if her kits chose to, they’d be allowed to watch as well, under the condition that they are merely seen and not heard. After the whole Coltkit debacle, Roeflame had made her opinions on the three’s shaky place in the clan loud and clear, and as celadon optics fly upwards to search into her leader's ivy green, the cinnamon queen has full trust in her leader’s next decision, that it would be the right one. Pupils slice through the gathering crowd to focus back on the three, searches the faces of Redflower and Ravenstrike in particular, the latter couldn’t try to faux-yawn in the face of her leader, and the formers siblings could do nothing to help their sister from this one. Her demeanor betrays none of her pettier spite, and the lead warrior is a mere reflection of her mates composure, waiting on a stilled breath.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

⊱⊰ Hopekit had been napping when the news reached the nursery at last. Warriors threatening their classmates over prey sounds like something made-up; these cats are trusted enough for Howlingstar to name them as warriors. Why would they do anything to hurt their clanmates, or ThunderClan as a whole? And why would they do it on a day when the lilac tomkit just wanted to sleep? Sleepily he drags himself from the nursery with his mother’s permission, settling into place beside her and Burnstorm. Howlingstar stands on the Highrock where she calls the clan’s meetings from, but instead of a meeting, she glares down at three cats who have done terrible things to their clanmates.

"Are they in big trouble?" He asks in a hushed voice, turning wide copper eyes upon his mother. He shouldn’t be talking now, he knows—he should let Howlingstar say what she wants to—but this is the first time any ThunderClanners have done something so bad that Howlingstar has asked them to explain themselves. This is the first time Hopekit has truly seen her as a leader, and not just a friendly, gentle-natured grandmother.

  • ooc:
  • 81309324_2wmLWzBSS6UkcAG.png
    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
A ear twitches as she glances up to Howlingstar and nothing shows on her face: no regret, no pity, nor anger or distinguishable. ”What is there to explain?” Ravenstrike simply states back as she holds the gaze of the leader, a stark contrast of sage in comparison to her icy amber gaze. She had spent 30 moons in the colonies and in Thunderclan; she's watched everything flourish and everything was crumbling underneath Howlingstar. Kittypets that had no worth to be clan warriors find their way in fighting warriors, which caused countless lives to sacrifice themselves. Did it make her sad? No, they deserved to die. It was their destined death after all, and everyone who grieved after was obnoxious.

”You've lost your tempo, Howlingstar.” Ravenstrike responds with a yawn as she puts a paw over her mouth at the end and idly flicks her tail. ”It's long time that you've retired. Everyone knows that you're unable to keep up with your duties as a warrior, and you're disrespecting the land that we forged ground up.” Her words dripped venomously with a posture that showed she had no care left to give in the world, a claw idly tapping the ground. This was so boring; Thunderclan deserved only the best yet. Look at where they stood now.

”Have you tried looking at what has become of Thunderclan? It's a laughingstock. Leafhusk is on the council and has done what for Thunderclan? Scoff in disgust at bones and bugs? We pick up rogues and kittypets as if we're a nursery now. We're already struggling with feeding our own blood and we have to feed those not of our clan? ” She states as she glances around and shrugs her shoulder, scoffing under her breath as she rolls her eyes. What had her clan grown into? The scars worn on her flesh were the victories she won for Thunderclan, and kittypets and rogues were allowed to join without anything special.

All they did was play dress up and believe they were a warrior, yet had no qualities of a true warrior. Ravenstrike finds herself yawning boredly once more, her cold gaze never leaving the old lady standing upon the high rock that destroyed the pride of her home with her senile age.

She had been prepared to grovel, had been prepared to lick the pads of Howlingstar's feet if she'd had to, but the cats' gleaming amber eyes and their bristling pelts tell her there is little to no mercy to be found here. Howlingstar herself stands perched atop the Highrock, her green gaze narrowed with disappointment. "Explain yourselves now," she commands, and Redflower feels her paws tremble. She searches the crowd for a confidante — for Skyclaw — but just now, all the faces she's grown up with are blurred and unrecognizable.

Ravenstrike speaks. The black she-cat says everything Redflower belives, and then some. The tortoiseshell's breath is shaky as she lifts her chin, golden eyes glowing defiance. I must stand by what I believe in.

"Ravenstrike speaks the truth, Howlingstar. You have gone soft. The whole Clan has." She ignores whatever mutters or yowls of dissent may follow. She draws herself up, willing herself to stare her leader in the eye. "Our Clan hungers while kittypets miss their catches and pick from our fresh-kill pile. Our nursery overflows with kits who will never be real warriors!" Her tail lashes, thinking of Coltkit's bumbling moves and tears, thinking of Ivorykit, who can't track a catch hidden under her dainty kittypet nose.

She fixes Roeflame with a challenging glare. "And your council! It's as soft as you are!" She lifts her lip as her expression twists from Roeflame and Burnstorm to wherever Leafhusk sits. Ravenstrike is right, she thinks. Howlingstar is not fit to lead ThunderClan any longer.

"This isn't the ThunderClan I was born into, and it's not the ThunderClan I swore to defend when I earned my warrior name!" Her belly swells with fear of the unknown, but she is proud of herself, of the way she stands her ground. I'm doing the right thing. I'm doing what the rest of my Clanmates should be doing, but are too cowardly to do.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

His pelt prickles with anger — and with a certain level of discomfort. He'd heard Redflower and Ravenstrike make barbed remarks about kittypets before, but he'd dismissed it easily enough. He'd never expected to find them swarming around Ploverhop and Roaringpaw like wasps around swollen fruit, stingers erect and ready to draw blood. Whatever their background, they're our Clanmates now, he thinks, thinks of Moonwhisper and Burnstorm, thinks of Thistlepaw, thinks of the bitterness in his mouth when he spits the word kittypet.

Raccoonstripe is still as Ravenstrike and Redflower defend themselves. His heartbeat quickens, his mouth floods with bile. "You've lost your tempo, Howlingstar," the dark warrior mocks. "Leafhusk is on the council and has done what for ThunderClan?"

Redflower is soon to follow. "You have gone soft. This is not the Clan I swore to defend when I became a warrior."

Raccoonstripe's mind whirls. Kittypet, he thinks, and the word bounces in his brain.

"You dare to speak ill of your Clan leader?" He shows his teeth, unable to keep silent any longer. "You threaten your Clanmates and justify it by saying we are soft?" He lashes his tail, but his paws prickle still, and he thinks... he thinks...

Of all the times I've said that word the way they have.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 43 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

“the three of them! they threatened our clanmates like predators!”

the words hiss and spit out as she recounts the blasphemy to her council mates. eyes dramatically wide, itchy paws dig at the dirt beginning to cake around her claws. leafhusk wanted to stay cool about it, feel like rabid about it, but she couldn’t stop thinking about what she saw. flamewhisker’s patrol was right on time, eerily so… if they had been just a few minutes late. no, she doesn’t want to think about it.

she exhales shakily, forcing her body to settle as she waits for the patrol to pour back into camp. redflower, ravenstrike, and darkthistle crawl back into the ravine like weevils, showing no remorse on their expressions. she looks back at them, face twisting into something smug. how oddly fitting the kittypet tattled on them, and with howlingstar looming over the highrock, punishment won’t be soft. their insults to her–the council–almost makes her smirk, finding the young warriors to be grasping at sticks. they have nothing. her tail curls around her paws, awaiting the impending retaliation.​
As shocked murmurs rise up around them all, Howlingstar's gaze remains icy, unwavering as she takes in Ravenstrike and Redflower's words. Her patience is wearing thin, and her eyes narrow even further as their defiance continues. Her son’s words strengthen her resolve, pride in his stance drawing her to stand even straighter. "Enough," Her voice is a cold, hard echo that reverberates through the camp. Her tail lashes with irritation, and her claws dig into the stone beneath her paws. "Your insolence and disregard for our way of life have reached an unacceptable level. ThunderClan's strength lies not in blood. It lies in respect, honor, and loyalty. You lecture me on what ThunderClan was once like? You pups - I was there when StarClan lit the sky, I was there when this clan was named.” Her teeth flash in a snarl, bristling fur lining her shoulders as she leans forward to cast a shadow over the ground below. Emberstar must be rolling in her grave listening to this. It was under her where cats of all backgrounds could join the clan freely. Her kindness is why ThunderClan grew to be the force it is now. “If taking in kits is weak to you, then you have never been one of us. I may not be as young as I once was, but stars above, at least I have a heart.”

She pauses, allowing her words to sink in, but she somehow doubts they ever will. Her slitted gaze sweeps across the gathered cats, seeking to impress upon them the gravity of her decision. "Ravenstrike, Redflower, and Darkthistle,” Howlingstar's eyes flash with a mixture of sadness and resolve. Just this past moon, she gave Darkthistle his warrior name. She thought he was a cat she could be proud of. She thought all of them were. And now they stand before her, without an ounce of remorse in their expressions. "Your actions undermined the very foundation of our clan. I can no longer even trust you with your own clanmates in a hunting competition." Her voice hardens. "The safety of my clanmates must be preserved at all costs. Those who threaten that will be cast out, no matter how long they have been among us.” She will not make the mistake of Sunnyday again. She won’t repeat Emberstar’s mistake of letting Cinderfrost stay. “Therefore, I hereby exile you from ThunderClan. You are no longer welcome within our borders. Leave now and do not return. Raccoonstripe, Leafhusk, Burnstorm, ensure they leave our territory. Briarsong, Lightflower, Yewflame, you go as well.” She cannot be too careful.

Howlingstar's eyes return to their usual stern calm as she adds quietly, "May StarClan have mercy on you."

// mentioning @BRIARSONG @Lightflower @Yewflame! to go as well

☆⋅⋆ ── they were tactless. too loud. and now, howlingstar stood above them all to cast them away under starclan's watchful eye. briarsong's tail twitched, she bit her tongue. how were they to be successful in their mission like this?

even when given the chance to grovel for their spot, to continue quietly within their goals, ravenstrike and redflower turn their noses. selfish, briarsong thinks. they would all have to be more careful now that the eyes and ears of thunderclan's most sensitive were growing alert. her heart stops for a moment when she hears her name ring through the crowd, for a moment indignation flared in her stomach, worry that somehow she had been caught up in this punishment, that she had failed too.

her tongue rakes her lips when she finds she is only an escort. she sends a glance towards yewflame, remembered how she liked to talk just as much as those who were cast out. it is a silent warning to be wary, that if he were to pipe up on this patrol, there would be no camaraderie in briarsong's response. silently, she moves near raccoonstripe, waiting to leave on the lead warrior's command.
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • BRIARSONG she/her, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings and narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / former apprentice to saffronpounce
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


So let's pretend we like each other

A cold glare was shot towards Redflower, toward Ravenstrike and even Darkthistle, all who spoke their truths- the truth, and it managed to get them exiled from the clan, through gritted teeth they moved to stand near Briarsong awaiting to escort the three now exiled while keeping their toungue tight. He knew when to speak and when not to, and now was not the time to jabber on, and yet he could not understand why Howlingstar wished so much to protect the outsiders that was running their clan through the dirt.

Plummed tail swished irritably before glancing back to those who stood on the residing end of Howlingstar's words, how unfair this situation was to them. Yewflame had worked hard, had served this clan and so have they, but now for telling the truth- of ommitting to Howlingstar's weakness they were to be exiled? Pathetic, truly. Is this what it meant to honor ones clan? Especially if it meant witnessing their own leader becoming...soft? He made a soft tched noise, still deciding not to say a word.

Their leader's words were final, and as much as he wanted to put his own voice into the situation, he was just an escort as well and he did not dare want to end up having to leave the clan over something so...pointless, exiled for speaking ones mind. She pitied them really, she did but for now he will play nice, bite his tongue and hold his thoughts until the time is right.
〕Darkthistle's words replayed over and over within her mind as she came to a halt near the three cats who now stood on trial. She had never in all her seasons here imagined to hear such words be spat to another clanmate. Thunderclan had always had its fair share of ill tempered cats, but never cats who would openly threaten to harm someone and 'make it look like an accident'. Their views on blood purity had gone way too far. She wasn't sure where they had came up with such nonsense in the first place. When she had joined Thunderclan, the majority of the cats who formed the group had either loner or kittypet blood already, just like every other clan. Regardless of how they spun it, every cat here had a history of non-clan heritage.

She watches the three as they begin to spew insults at their leader and at their clanmates, claiming that the kitty pets were missing their catches, and Howlingstar had gone soft. They called out Leafhusk for being on the council, and Flamewhisker let out a huff in response. She barely recognized these warriors. They were far from the clanmates she had once viewed them as, acting like unruly rogues that the clans strived to not be. Her tongue begged to speak, but she remained silent. She wouldn't waste her time trying to speak with these fox-hearts, not when she knew what was coming. The look on Howlingstar's face said it all. She hadn't seen her leader be so upset since Trufflepelt had tried to kill her.

Soon her suspicions were correct, and the trio was exiled. The deputy dipped her head in agreement, and turned her blazing gaze towards her now former clanmates. "Good riddance." she hissed under her breath. As much as she would've liked to help escort them away, she assumed there would be much to talk about with Howlingstar after they left.

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 34 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
Escorted back to camp like a lost kit, spoken to one like he was just mewling underpaw. His ears twitched and flattened backwards, chin lifted without remorse, amber eyes glittering with some level of deep discontent. In truth, it was his words, spoken a hint too loud, spoken where the 'good' cats could hear him. It was his fault that Ravenstrike and Redflower were getting exiled, and the anger burning in his throat was of his own making.

Do not think of this as guilt, though- it was far from it. It made it all the more clear that Howlingstar wanted to protect those with sullied blood, keep them near her. Leafhusk was given a pass, even though she had run to camp, babbling and yowling about their grievances. Darkthistle's lips twisted in a cruel grin as the two near him began to speak, to state their case.

And as Howlingstar spoke, ice shot through him. Pins, and needles, against his paws and flank, biting into his throat and laying like a wounded animal before him. Amber eyes snapped up towards her, the hundreds of eyes pressing into his flank making this even worse. To be exiled, and not only that, to be watched as it happened. "Mercy?" Darkthistle finally spoke, his chin lifting as he stared directly at the leader of Thunderclan- not his leader.

"If they had mercy on us, we'd never have to watch you go soft. We'd never have to watch kittypets get handed positions on the council. I wouldn't be exiled." Darkthistle spat. To the younger of the clan, it was just raw anger in his tone, but to those of more wise, more experienced? There was something promised in the way he spoke and moved. The slight curl on his maw, the narrowing of his eyes. Darkthistle was wiser then to just take his things and leave for a new home.

He refused to look at those who thought them fools for playing their hand so soon. He wouldn't out them. Darkthistle had failed one- he would not fail again. "So be it. Send your kittypet lovers to watch us mope our way out of the territory. How does your heart feel now, Howlingstar?" He questioned loudly, his head turning to the rest of clan- those who watched with justification in their eyes. He pinned his vision to Leafhusk, to Ploverhop, to Roaringpaw. To Bigfang, to Roeflame's near-apprentice kits, to Burnstorm. "Pitiful." Darkthistle uttered.

In a show of confidence, his shoulders rolled back, chin lifting. Pride in his step, refusing to let those who just became his enemies see him falter. "Well? Lets go then. Can't stand the reek of soft kittypet born any longer." He said, voice still just as smug as it was each and everytime he rewarded nicknames to kittypets, each time he kicked nests. And without looking backwards, Darkthistle headed for the tunnel to leave camp.​

-ˋˏ ೋ- Leafhusk’s scuttling entry into camp and Howlingstar’s ascent of Highrock caused anticipation to prickle up the spine. Aloof, but curious as to the fuss the kittypet ‘lead’ warrior had kicked up, Poppyfoot drew closer. In their younger moons, the leader’s stalwart silhouette had brought about feelings of pride and aspiration, but knowing who she allowed council and stand beside her now? It was hard to conjure much faith. His ears stiffened when the recipients of the oak-whorled molly’s severity finally came into view.

Ravenstrike’s disrespect was striking, but sound. The warrior had to resist nodding along, a burr of agreement settling in his throat. Thunderclan was falling to the wayside in favour of acceptance and some misguided sense of progress. They weren’t Skyclan, so why were taking cues from that undisciplined lot? If they didn’t act now, change course, they’d be seen as just as weak and uncoordinated.

A bright gaze tracked their sister as she spoke up as well, an avalanche of pride and fear gathering with each word. She was right! Moons spent in anticipation of, and then learning to, upholding Thunderclan’s traditions couldn’t be replicated in outsiders- they’d never understand, truly, how to be a warrior like forest born cats could. They were either too frail, or too untrustworthy. When Raccoonstripe bit back in defence, Poppyfoot wanted to yowl ’yes, yes they do!’ Because daring to speak up was the only way change could happen, before more drastic measures.

Before assent could rumble from them, Howlingstar’s voice carved through the fray. Livid fur, teeth lashing through a snarl- she met the cats who wanted what was best for them all with ferocity. She’s gone mad, couldn’t she see? Field-drought eyes flit conspiratorially to Roeflame and Leafhusk, and the others who sat on her council. The leader had been led astray, or perhaps, been enabled to let this all fester.

His fledgling fury was shot clean from the air, however when talk of exile began. "No, you can't-!" The aborted cry fell beneath the handing out of orders, Darkthistle's retort a distorted hum as they sought Redflower's attention. It was overblown, a disproportionate punishment- Howlingstar couldn't. Things were going to the dogs, and the clan was losing some of the few cats brave enough change things. Genuine dismay smeared across the warrior's features.
-ˏ— ღೋˊˎ-

  • ooc -

  • poppykit / poppypaw; POPPYFOOT — he/they
    — thunderclan warrior
    — 14 moons / ages every 15th
    NPC x NPC - sibling to Redflower, Foxfang
    — nonchalant, self-satisfied, sociable, spiteful, cowardly, loyal to a select few
    ↳ penned by detectlife

    Poppyfoot is small but lanky, their pelt a dense mahogany. White scrawls up one of his front paws and chest, merging with the irregular markings on his face. Ash-green eyes peer at those who pass with scrutiny.
    ↳ chocolate tom with low white​

Raccoonstripe challenges them, and then Howlingstar's voice booms above their accusations. "Enough!" Her yowl is fierce, cold as leafbare frost. Redflower's paws tremble — until recently, this was a leader she had followed her whole life, a leader she had respected and honored, and to see her wrath is still a terrible thing, no matter the circumstances. She hears the word exile, and despite her defiance, her blood runs cold. "Exile?" Her teeth clip together, and she searches the crowd desperately for Foxfang, for Poppyfoot. She meets her sibling's gaze and trembles as he cries out for her.

"Do not worry about me," she mews, trying to put strength into her voice. "I have the heart of a true ThunderClanner." As the escorts near her, she bristles, snapping, "Don't touch me — I'll walk on my own."

She gives Darkthistle a long look before turning her amber gaze to Ravenstrike. Finally, she nods, and she allows herself to be escorted from camp.

This is not the end, Howlingstar.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

It was a surprise to see Howlingstar move up the highrock as cats filtered back into camp, back from their game of trying to catch as much prey as possible. Something so sour, the feeling of never having enough prey to feed the cats of the clan, had turned into a game by the softer cats of the clan. Instead of working hard and simply trying to stay alive and keep those around them alive they had turned it to a game, a competition, and though he didn't know what had happened fully, only gathered information from the scene that slowly unfold before him, Sproutpaw couldn't help but realize that had he been there he would likely be one of the ones to be talked to now. ThunderClan was growing soft and there were few that realized it, even fewer who were willing to do something to rectify it.

Eyes glance toward his mentor for just a moment as everyone around him spoke, voices blending into each other as the cats being questioned explained themselves before mismatched hues landed back on the three before him. He wouldn't have called them friends, but he did enjoy their company. They had been willing to speak the truth out in the open and were now being punished for it, punished for their crime of caring too much about the wellbeing of a clan that clearly didn't care about them. It was disgusting, and that was made clear on his face when the punishment for caring was exile.

Eyes widened, though the older apprentice remained silent, eyes glancing to Redflower, Darkthistle, and Ravenstrike as they were escorted out. He could only hope they wouldn't go too far, for maybe one day they'd be able to come back to a ThunderClan that was proper, a ThunderClan without kittypets to soften their hearts to make them weak.

  • --
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    9 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Kittypets, kittypets- the word had been whirring around, and Thundergleam had only recently recognised it as an insult instead of simply a description. Anger prickled cold beneath Thundergleam's pelt, an unfamiliar feeling. The Stars warmed her within, always ... and they were watching now, she knew. The Truth was not what these ... these disobedient heathens spat/ They defied the wisdom of StarClan by insulting their leader so. Howlingstar was blessed, adored ... this was not right, none of it!

Her demeanour was cold, and still as a skeleton. She had never seen before the disapproval that darkened Howlingstar's gaze- never heard the words that left her maw. Exile. Thundergleam's jaw tightened, her eyelids fluttered. Anger still stewed within her, sickented by the dissent. ThunderClan, it ... it had needed saving. And to save something, you had to purge it of all evil. Stewing evil, conniving, conspiring. THey would stay together, undoubtedly. Camaraderie, for they had never lived outside of ThunderClan.

Pity filled her eyes, if nothing else... for these souls who had lost their war. All of this over a hunting patrol ... it was a waste of talent, of cats who could have helped craft ThunderClan into the haven it would soon be. Poppyfoot's shout sent a pang through her heart. To lose a sibling in this way- Redflower assured them not to worry, and Thundergleam's pale, watchful eye settled upon his face for just a moment. To Raccoonstripe and his party she blinked softly, dipped her head ... and to the exiled trio, her eyes were as pale-cold as decaying flesh. Darkthistle spat at StarClan's generosity, and Thundergleam felt frozen solid- her tone was quiet, rime-raked, and perhaps would not even be heard. "You are right. You do not deserve the mercy StarClan might give."

A tufted tail lashed, and her eyes fluttered closed. May they meet the foxes that would leave them to bleed slowly, whispering wishes toward a cold sky for a kinder death, karma for throwing this life away over a hunting competition, over nothing at all.
penned by pin ☾
. ° ✦ Word of the trio's actions had spread in hushed whispers upon return, and Bravepaw could only feel the spark of anxious anticipation prickle beneath his fur knowing Howlingstar would council their punishment. The molly was not one Bravepaw would ever strive to anger, already doing so once before in his childish antics placing himself and others in danger before. Her voice alone could cut stone and she wouldn't have to shred a single unkind word to do it.

He neared behind Hopekit as his little brother woke, by habit lingering nearby. The chocolate furred tom shook his head, hoping that it wasn't true. That the rising tensions and aggressions could be helped and managed, but it had progressed far too long even for the forest queen's patience.

Exile, she proclaimed, and Bravepaw gasped, covering his mouth quickly with a mitted paw. There are outbursts, casted glowers and bitten tongues, but it is Thundergleam who's words Bravepaw found guidance in that moment.

She was at the whims of this distrust before, the harsh opinion these so-called ThunderClanners had. Their bodies may have been formed by the Clan but their hearts were cast in shadow, Bravepaw knew.

"A true ThunderClan warrior would not disgrace their home this way." He added in support, lifting his chin and standing proudly among those who stood behind their non-Clanborn friends and kin.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
⊱⊰ He awaits the fate of three clanmates with wide copper eyes, interest clear in his gaze and the way that it flutters from Darkthistle’s pelt to Howlinngstar’s fierce green glare. She announces the trio to be exiled—it’s the first time Hopekit has witnessed anything like it. Exiled. They’ll be gone in no time, chased from the territory to fend for themselves. If they like being mean and saying bad things about their clan so much, then why don’t they go make their own clan, anyway? The lilac tomkit’s fluffy tail curls around his forepaws, brows furrowing when the three attempt to argue. But eventually they’re moving out of camp, and though Darkthistle’s eyes land on him for a moment, Hopekit doesn’t think they’ll be hard to chase away.

The talk of true ThunderClanners doesn’t strike him as odd, necessarily. There are certain things in life that are true, like leaves being green and the sky being blue. But those things also change, don’t they? Leaves turn brown and wither away, and the sky paints itself in peachy hues when the sun sets. Things change. And so do cats. Some cats, at least. "I’m glad you won’t be like that when you’re a warrior," he says to his brother, his voice low. He doesn’t know what he would do if it was Bravepaw or Coalkit getting exiled…

  • ooc:
  • 81309324_2wmLWzBSS6UkcAG.png
    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

shes not heard that word in . . in . . freckleflame blanches, watching from the sidelines with exile still ringing deep in her ears by the time all is said and done. aside her, thundergleam twitches and seethes and the sheer energy writhing it’s way through the sea of pelts creeps dread up her limbs. above a ripple of hisses and shocked murmurs, she can hear poppyfoot cry out — you can’t! but freckleflame knows that howlingstar can, and does. they begin to stalk out, snapping and glaring and freckleflame tucks in on herself as they pass her, squeezing too - broad shoulders together as if it would do anything to make her embered form smaller.

something like secondhand guilt churns in her belly, a distinct need to look away and pretend she does not witness kin lose kin, to lose herself to the rush of blood in her ears that makes everything sound as though she’d been submerged. darkthistle spats at starclan, face curled ugly around a snarl that she cannot open her eyes to see. until they’re gone, she squeezes thin lids shut, waiting and pretending talk of true thunderclanners does not stir something deep and veiled within her. a question she asked herself, born of her fathers heritage and her siblings disappearances. in this vital moment, she is frozen — she says nothing, and does nothing, and that was the whole problem, wasn’t it? kittypet blood was kittypet blood.

  • i.

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    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. she is fire - forged, smoldering ; something bright and voracious, radiant as the blazes that once raged through her homeland. shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over her hulking form. a heft of roundness settles comfortably upon her form in adulthood, padding muscle hardened by her life in the forest and yet still partially concealed beneath a tangled thicket of undergrowth - laden pelt. warriorhood had brought her to full height ; kittypet lineage showing itself in glimpses of rotund paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. she is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a mirrors image of her late father, sunfreckle, and just as warm.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MAINE COON MOGGY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.