I'M NOT A MAMA'S BOY &. sick


ever since the gathering, they have been feeling a bit under the weather. why? they don't know. they pushed it off. insisted they were fine. they were fine. as they made their way out of their den, their gaze narrowed at the brightness from the sun. they made their way to the fresh kill pile, pulling a piece off before simply staring at it. nothing. not even a lick of appetite. their nose turned up at the thought of eating before they just pushed it away, standing up and making their way back to their den. they don't quite make it before they sit back, trying hard to breathe. was it always this hard to breathe? did their chest always feel so tight?

"don't feel good... geckoscreech?"

they wheezed as they looked around for their mate. where was she?

// @STARLINGHEART tag but no need to wait for her !!!

Could Chilledstar even get sick? It didn’t seem possible, yet it was happening right before her. Wheatpaw sat up and stepped forwards, autumn eyes tinged with worry. Chilledstar had always seemed like an automaton, a cat so devoted to rules and order that trivial things like eating or breathing were passed over in favor of ever more work. It was that side of Shadowclan’s leader that never ceased to annoy her, but seeing them vulnerable like this…it felt wrong.

Wheatpaw wanted to help, but ignorance about how and a fear of getting sick herself reduced the wanderer’s options down to practically nothing. Before, such a situation wouldn’t have bothered her (or at least, she would have pretended it didn’t). But now, after the Somali lookalike had accepted Shadowclan as her home, she wanted to do something. “You are fine” she assured, a slight break in an otherwise elegant voice betraying her nerves. “If you are not, then who will stop me from taking kits on tours of the territory?”

Wheatpaw was no medicine cat, so she attempted to stem the unease seeping into camp with humor. It might have worked, if only the apprentice was as relaxed as she wanted everyone else to be.​
He misses nothing, and with his own reservations about contracting yellowcough, Granitepelt instantly recognizes the bleary glaze of Chilledstar’s blue eyes. Their steps are halting, and the way they attempt to gnaw at a bit of prey before shoving it away is telling. Their leader has fallen ill. He listens to the croak in their voice as they call for Geckoscreech, and he begins to knead his paws. Sootstar will want to know about this. His tail tip twitches, green gaze following Wheatpaw’s golden-red form as she tries to lie to Chilledstar’s face. You’re fine, she says.

You need to see Starlingheart,” he contradicts her. His mouth twitches. “You’ll get Geckoscreech sick, too.” Were he to get yellowcough, he’d sleep in the swamps rather than put Starlingheart in more risk than she already is… and he clenches his jaw, realizing Chilledstar is now adding to that danger.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Not everyone is immune to this. She knew this, relatively well, infact. Starlingheart should be sick by logic's take too, but then again, pestilence was never fair, was it? Scalejaw inhaled sharply as Chilled lifted their voice, calling out for their mate. Scalejaw's ears lowered, and she padded forward towards the situation at hand. She stepped close to her friend- eyes searching Chilledstar's for a long moment, if they permitted her that much. Her lips twitched and drew back for just a moment, before she was turning away. Holding her gaze on Chilledstar wasn't going to fix them.

"I'll retrieve Geckoscreech." She decided, eyes narrowing at Granitepelt. "As long as they do not touch, it shouldn't be an issue." Scalejaw stated, stepping away from Chilledstar. Ears lifted and twitched, turned, as her maw parted. When she located Chilled's mate, she was heading away. Wherever the other cat was, she'd find them, like a hornet finding it's target. Upon finding the other, her breath caught momentarily. Even when she saw Halfshade's corpse, she hadn't frozen up. This was different. They're still alive. Stop acting a fool. "Geckoscreech. Chilledstar is... they appear sick." Scalejaw said, straight to the point. No reason to pull punches, not with this sickness.



[penned by dallas].
"Are we really to be that lucky?" his mouth hums in quiet answer, though he does not deign to stop Scalejaw entirely in her march. Like Granitepelt, he....lingers, listening. Unlike him, there are none to report to. He steps just slightly closer to the grey-pelted warrior, picking out the similarities to himself in the midst of these worrywarts. A gentle soul off to go get their leader's lover, and he looks at them, looks around for Geckoscreech, and then to Granitepelt once more. The mate to their healer, so terribly troubled in these hard times. All of those that might die beneath her paws, though not through her own carelessness. Carefulness. Too much of it. Those little glimmers of hope.

Despite himself, Snakesight begins to worry ever so slightly. His eyes narrow. "Perhaps we should keep them from the others. I doubt that it passes through touch alone– how else did it come to ShadowClan? Snuggling at the Gatherings?" He shakes his head. "No, we must protect the many, don't you agree?" Chilledstar has many lives to spare. The rest of them? Only the one.

  • OOC.
    ——  a sleek silver and black cat with venom-green eyes and a large scar bridging his nose. he carries himself with confidence that might seem at odds to his small stature, but leaves no room for any to doubt him.
  • "speech"
Nightswarm approaches next with both of their ears perked forward and can't help but wince at the sight of Chilledstar being sick though they can only imagine that they will be fine. Their thoughts similar to that of Snakesight, the leader had lives to spare while the rest of them did not and were at large risk of getting sick and very well dying. The dark feline avoiding the sick like a plague and remains a little astonished that Starlingheart hadn't gotten sick herself but she would be from all the stress that would lay upon her shoulders now that they were down a deputy, medicine cat apprentice, and leader. Being a medicine cat seemed to be their sister's curse that no one could lift and it would only rest more heavily on her shoulders.

Then Wheatpaw starts to speak about how Chilledstar is fine and the whole kittens out of the camp for a tour is enough to make their ear flick with annoyance for the daft molly. Nightswarm bit their tongue knowing that it was best not to come up with some sharp retort and get their littermate seeing as nobody else was doing that "I'll go get Starlingheart." They walk off to get their sister and bring Chilledstar's condition to her.

/ went to get starlingheart

  • beez2.png
    ➼ 34 moons old
    ➼ shadowclan warrior
    ➼ child of briarstar & amber
    ➼ asexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ➼ semi-difficult in combat; relies on stealth, their agility, and strategy
    ➼ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ➼ penned by bosstaurus

Every day it seems to her that more and more are falling ill and this is her life now. Go out, get herbs, come home and attend to the sick. Try to sleep. Try to eat. It was a vicious loop and some days she finds herself wondering how she is managing to stay on her paws at all, how someone can function off of so little. She finds herself often wishing that Magpiepaw was still here, but she quickly shakes the thought away. ShadowClan needed him to be on that journey - all the clans did.

She finally finds time to rest, legs tucked underneath her and eyes half open, but it would not last for very long. Her sibling pokes their head into her den and immediately, before they can even say anything she is standing with a heavy sight. "Who is it- who is it this time?" she asks, fearing the worst.

When she lays eyes on Chilledstar of all cats she feels nothing short of dread. No no no no no. They were the worst possible cat to get sick right now. Smogmaw was gone - off on the same journey her apprentice had left on and Ferndance was well... Ferndance. Who would lead them while they were down? She bites her bottom lip, worrying it with her teeth as she feels anxiety begin to make it more and more difficult to breathe. "Frog dung" she hisses quietly to herself.

She disappears back into her den for only a moment, and when she re-emerges it is with a small bundle of herbs. Chickweed, honey, feverfew. All things she has been giving her patients in order to ease their symptoms. She comes to stand beside the black and white pelted cat and she places the herbs in front of them. "E-eat these and then- then we need to get you t-t-to your- to your den" as she had approached she had heard the tail end of the conversation and she had to say, she was inclined to agree with Snakesight. "He-he's right. You should-you should n-not you should not spend too much time together. It is for the best." For the clan. Always for the clan.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 57481195_eU7dbr873IhoDGh.gif

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan medicine cat
    ➵ mates with granitepelt
    ↪ mother to nettlekit, flintkit and ghostkit
    ➵ a scrawny and small framed black and white she cat with short fur and green eyes
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]