camp IM THE ONE IN LOVE [☼] moving in

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Her pregnancy was no longer the secret it had been a mere couple sunrises ago, not after Flamewhisker had caught the lead warrior lurking outside of the nursery.
Still, Roeflame couldn’t shake the stares she felt burning into her pelt as she shuffled in a now semi-familiar direction once again, nesting supplies held clasped between awkwardly parted jaws. The onlookers were far and few between, yet still somehow fueled a sudden self-consciousness.
Roeflame gave herself a shake as she finally neared the mouth of the nursery, entering with a step of forced confidence. Not even her anxiety would dim her enthusiasm, the tabby refused to let it.
Choosing a spot in the empty nursery was a bit eerie, though. With new-leaf well on its way, the silvery queen tried to take comfort in the fact that this solo-situation would only be temporary.
Dropping her supplies, Roeflame wasted no more time beginning to build her nest, kneading plush moss onto a bed of woven twigs, a harsher alternative to lush bracken, but they would work for now.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


It seemed like half a lifetime ago since Roeflame had been first assigned to him as an apprentice. She had later been joined by Burnstorm and under Flycatcher's tutelage, he had been delighted to watch them grow into proud warriors of the clan. Over time he watched as the friendly rivalry between his apprentices developed into something more, and now they were expecting kits.

"Hope you don't mind me poking my head in!" Flycatcher called out with a friendly purr, as he addressed Roeflame. He paused briefly in the nursery, recalling the last time he had truly been here, back when his own children were mere kits. "I just wanted to congratulate you and Burnstorm. I'm sure the two of you will make great parents."
This was just her pace... granted, it was a slow pace, but leaving didn't sound too enticing after the last time leaving the safety of a 'home' had gone. The camp was still a blur of fluttering images and colors, indistinct and vague. It felt about as clear as her future was... foggy at best.

It was still a constant struggle to truly identify individual to individual... their scents were the best indication but ThunderClan as a whole had an overwhelmingly 'the same' undertone that made it hard at a glance. The most she could hope for was to just not run head first into anyone.

Activity looming outside of a den she only recognized as empty was enough to draw her attention... blindly plodding after shimmering figures with strained ears that begged for context. It is Flycatcher's voice (though she cannot remember his name right now) that prompts a story of celebration.

"Parents," she echoes, and there is a jealousy hidden in her tone- she missed that feeling... the way the word 'momma' felt on her lips, at a time that it was a blessing rather than a curse. "S-sorry... I didn't mean to eavesdrop..."

"Uhh... congratulations..."
If Wolfwind stared, it wasn't meant to be nuthin' rude. That was her friend, is all. Her friend who was with her cousin — which she herself took quite a bit to come to terms with. Her friend having kin of her kin who was now gonna be couped up in this place, when Wolfwind thought she was much better fit out and about in the world... Was it worth it? All those moons of stillness so you could properly rear some mini - me's? Wolfwind imagines it must be, though she thinks she might go crazy herself.

Wolfwind plods after Flycatcher, craning her sole eye inward. The former deputy likely had the wisdom of a father to give. I'm sure the two of you will make great parents. Wolfwind nearly snorts and says somethin' about her kin, but that wasn't any fair to him. He'd probably be thinkin' about Little Wolf. " Id offer to help, but I'd be no good, " she remarks, eyeing the nest Roeflame was beginnin' to put together. " You gonna be okay in here? I feel like it's... not your style. " She could be wrong about that. S'not like she's had a ton of time to chat with her lately...

Soon enough, Doepaw is wandering over too, not with a ton to say, but what little she does isn't exactly cheerful. Wolfwind can't recall the full story with her and Fallowpaw... except that her own mother hadn't exactly been a ball of sunshine. Wolfwind would shake her head. " Naw, you can be a little nosy. The kits'll be ThunderClan too, after all "
The news had reached Skyclaw, not by way of his brother's tongue, but instead by some useless sense of gossip. Days prior, maybe (he didn't mind the difference between days and weeks anymore,) he had listened to other warriors on a patrol chitter about when Roeflame would be stuck in the nursery, and how poor a soul she was to be, cooped up there for two full seasons now. And how his brother must be proud, to finally have a lineage of his own to care for.

Skyclaw feels distanced from Burnstorm, yet he knows entirely it to be his own fault. His own guilt. His own blood, spilled over his teeth, wasting away in the undergrowth -

A shake of his head. He doesn't intend to congratulate them so loudly - it seems Roeflame is already annoyed with the glances her way. Maybe if he can muster up the courage, he'll set aside time for his brother, even if it's just a... Good on'ya. Is that what brothers do? A shiver trails down his spine in meager discomfort before he bites the bullet and sets to join the crowd. He hears Wolfwind's comment and repeats, "ThunderClan, for sure." Their SkyClan blood will be diluted and damned more and more. "Hopefully it won't be so... lonely in here for too long, yeah?" Skyclaw tilts his gaze to the other warriors, "I think myself capable of getting an apprentice soon enough - can't have that with no kittens," though teaching his own kin suddenly feels. Odd.​

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Paw-deep in moss, Flycatchers warm chime brings the newly-established Queen to look away from her work, meeting the blue toms gaze with a joyful smile of her own, a purr bubbling from her chest as she steps forward to properly greet her role model.
”Hey! Not at all, I would love the company. Roeflame hums, bumping her crown against his shoulder. In his pause, the tabby also takes a moment to look around, as though she was still trying to piece together the reality of it all.
Flycatcher extends his congratulations, and Roeflames smile softens only slightly. ”Thank you… I think I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything. The younger warrior purrs, her tone light.
Parents… a small voice echoes, and Roeflame leans to the side to see Doepaw, perched sheepishly at the entrance. Empathy suddenly swells in Roeflame’s own heart, blinking a bittersweet reflection in celadon eyes.
”No need to be sorry. You can come in if you’d like, have you checked the nursery out, yet? The tabby queen offers, unsure if the apprentice had been made to sleep within the woven comforts of the den before her apprentice ceremony, or if those nights had been spent in the safety of Gentlestorms care.
After the fateful night of their arrival, Roeflame had admittedly kept her distance, though not entirely on purpose. She and Flamewhisker had been the ones to properly chase their mother from the forest, on the maddened woman’s heels like hounds- it was hard not to feel a tinge of guilt, even if the better part of Roeflame knew it was for the better.
Wolfwind’s arrival earns a snort from the silvery tabby, reminding her of the unfinished nest that lay in a mound behind her.
You gonna be okay in here? I feel like it’s…not your style.
As Roeflame returns to her forgotten task, she spares a glance of surprise in Wolfwind’s direction, before ultimately shrugging. At least she could rely on her friend for honesty, no matter what.
”I think waiting for them to be here is going to be the hardest part, at least when my paws will be full I won’t go stir crazy.” Roeflame muses as her paws work to flatten the moss into a thick circle.
”Y’know I heard medicine cats can tell you how many there are. You think that’s true? While her question isn’t wholly placed on anyone’s specific shoulders, her eyes instinctively flicker between Wolfwind and Flycatcher- though perhaps the latter would be more likely to answer her question.
Skyclaw draws forward, echoing Wolfwind’s comment on her childrens through-and-through Thunderclan blood.
At least, Roeflame thinks, her children won’t be made to question their belonging. They’ll know the forest is their home.
In that same thought, Roeflame is stricken with the realization that at least half the cats present will be related to them in one way or another.
It’s an ironic thought, but does not hinder the grin shot in Skyclaws direction. ”Hopefully! It definitely feels weird to have a whole den to myself” The tabby hums with a nod. A breath of laughter escaping her at the young warriors talk of mentorship.
”You and Burnstorm share the same idea.” The queen purrs fondly, once again recalling how he had to explain to her how Howlingstar knew of their impending litter.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.