"SkyClan, Gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting."

In the end, she had chosen to wait until the morning to call her Clan to a meeting. Orangestar's rasp comes from the Highbranch, where she crouches rather conservatively. Her plumy tail is tucked close to her form, as if that would hide the ever-less-subtle swell of her stomach. She begins not with the inevitable announcement of her successor, nor the pawful of graduation ceremonies she will conduct today, but with other things entirely.

"Palemoon, step forward." Would the ethereal she-cat need support as she moves to the front of the crowd, sprained paw and blurred sight hindering her in camp as much as it had outside? The understanding they had reached makes her heart ache, the loss of something as intrinsic as a hunter's vision nearly unthinkable to Orangestar, whose maw is set in a grim line at the sight of her friend. At least Palemoon would be able to find purpose elsewhere in SkyClan. "Your Clan honours you and the moons you have given to us, and I call upon StarClan to give you many more moons of rest as you join the elders. You have served your Clan well as a warrior, and we hope that your days in the elders' den are peaceful. Your knowledge and wisdom will still have a place in SkyClan, and we will continue to learn from you. Palemoon! Palemoon!"

As the Clan cheers, Orangestar inclines her head towards the other she-cat. It's rare she does so nowadays, respect often muddied by the idea of subservience in her mind. However, she doesn't often welcome elders to their ranks. Palemoon deserves this. When she moves to her next announcement, she draws herself upwards once more.

"Howlfire. Florabreeze. My council will convene after this meeting. I ask you both join us, as lead warriors." Orangestar seeks the two in the crowd with sharp eyes. Expectancy radiates from her as she awaits a response from them, and satisfaction gleams in her eyes. As she receives a response from each, Orangestar nods her approval.

There are apprentices to be made, carefully groomed and wriggling in her peripherals— but first, there are warriors.

"Spicepaw, Springpaw, Emberpaw, Crochet and Bat. Step forward." Orangestar hides a note of disappointment in her gravelly meow at first, one that fades as she continues down the line: five more SkyClanners who are ready to begin the next part of their lives. Her eyes lift skyward. Are Springpaw's parents watching from among the now-faded stars of first light? Do they sit among others who had once been SkyClan, ghostly lights in their fur, watching the living continue on?

"As leader of SkyClan, I call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn." Orangestar leans forward, scrutinising stare settled atop five faces as if the sheer force would cause their resolve to waver. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?"

  • NEW ELDER: @Palemoon
    NEW LWS: @Howlfire @Florabreeze
    INCOMING WARRIORS (to be named next post!!): @EMBERPAW. @spicepaw @Springpaw @Crochet @Bat

    New apprentices to be made next post! Last chance to get census'd!

    AUG SHOUTOUTS (15+): @Howlfire @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @Johnnyflame @Owlheart @DUSKPOOL @DOEBLAZE @ThistleBack @Chickbloom @oakrumble @Florabreeze @edenberry ?! @KITE @Bat

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — (undisclosed) mate to slate ; mentoring ashpaw
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

  • Like
Reactions: beatles and Thorny
Spicepaw idles. The anxiety doesn't come from the inevitable today - that her life hereforward will change in duty and responsibility. No, her nerves jitter and shake primarily because of the freedom she will be afforded. There is already an untethered nature to her role in SkyClan as a daylighter, but to continue on from today as a warrior, with little boundaries as to where her paws may traipse... It excites her. It scares her.

She looks for the comfort of Edenberry, wishes for the grace of Hazelbeam, briefly minds the gaze of Hawkspine and other warriors... and focuses once again when Orangestar summons them.

Spicepaw pays little attention to the snappy demeanor of their leader. She never harbored a relationship with the ivory cat (and in her mind, doesn't need to.) The shift of a warrior to elder is an event they do not see often, she knows, and so the she-cat lends her voice to those cheering for Palemoon. Howlfire and Florabreeze, too, are invited to a new change in role. New lead warriors, after the mass exodus of many before them. Hopefully Orangestar can find trust in these ones, and they do not fail her like the ones prior had.

And eventually, quickly, her name is called - first among five. She would've been named a moon sooner if not for her folly and devotion. Her gaze looks for Edenberry again, wanting to say something to them, before she presses forward with her grouping. Orangestar asks for her dedication, her strength and perseverance. Her understanding, her honesty. To give everything for SkyClan if she must. Her stomach churns as she dips her head down. "I do," she says. And she does not know if it is the truth.​


Figfeather answers Orangestar’s beckoning dutifully. She strolls into the clearing with her fur groomed to almost perfection, not quite mistakable for a RiverClan cat yet. The marmalade tabby doesn’t have the faintest idea what the leader will announce at this meeting as far as the title of deputy goes. She does a glance around for Twitchbolt nervously, they’ve not spoken since Orangestar brought them to her den but now she knew he was a serious contender for the position.

All Figfeather can do is hope her words and hard work has been noticed by Orangestar. She deserved to sit beneath her.

Somewhat frustratingly so, Orangestar does not go straight-away to the announcement of her successor leaving Figfeather in an anxious plunder. Still she listens to her announcements, firstly being Palemoon joining the elders den. In many ways she felt bad for the she-cat, if life was fair she’d have pawfuls of moons left as a warrior. Yet as Orangestar said she’d still be able to serve her clan as an elder without fatally wounding herself, the incident of her falling out of the tree could’ve been much worse. Figfeather calls her name, ”Palemoon!”

Then a promotion. But not hers- or Twitchbolt’s. Howlfire and Florabreeze are asked to step forward and become part of Orangetsar’s council as lead warriors. Her eyes widen with both surprise and excitement before she lets out a murmur of approval.

Howlfire, her friend, was a valiant and thoughtful warrior. Figfeather’s foil in many ways. Florabreeze has proven herself time and time again since joining SkyClan many moons ago under Blazestar. Her experience as a daylight warrior would be useful to have on the council again after Johnnyflame had departed. They were good choices and had Figfeather’s approval.

”Howlfire! Florabreeze!”

Butterflytuft sits near the nursery, her soft fur blowing in the morning breeze as she watches Orangestar begin the meeting. The sight of Palemoon limping forward to receive her honor stirs bittersweet emotions in her chest. While the she-cat’s new life in the elders' den is well-deserved, it’s a reminder of how fleeting the warrior's path could be. She didn’t ask to be born with such poor eyesight, she didn’t ask to have it hinder her so. Sympathy sweeps over her but it doesn’t stop Butterflytuft from joining in the chant with a gentle voice to honor her dedication, "Palemoon! Palemoon!" She makes a mental note to visit her often - she’s sure Budkit would like the stories.

As Orangestar shifts the focus to Howlfire and Florabreeze, Butterflytuft's ears twitch in surprise. Her friends’ names are called…to be lead warriors! She beams, watching them both. Howlfire had been a queen with her in the nursery and they’d grown close during their time together, and she had always admired Florabreeze's kindness and optimism (though she can’t help but glance toward Honeysplash, wondering what their reaction will be). Still, she lifts her voice once more. "Howlfire! Florabreeze!" She cheers happily, tipping her muzzle towards the sky.

Finally, when Orangestar calls for the group of apprentices, Butterflytuft's gaze softens. She remembers her own apprentice journey, the excitement and fear that came with her warrior ceremony, and how so much has changed since. No longer does she walk the path of a warrior - does her vow still mean the same? I do, they say, and she looks around the crowd briefly, searching for Fluffypaw or Weedpaw or Daisypaw. Soon, they’d be making this same promise, earning their own warrior names before the whole clan. The thought brings a mixture of anxiety and excitement to her and she wraps her tail tightly around herself, tuning back into the ceremonies.


It felt.. odd to sit among his clanmates as a regular warrior of Skyclan. He’d been so fresh into the clan when he’d first been promoted that it was difficult to remember a time when he wasn’t a lead, and so he supposed it was normal that a part of him missed it. Sure, it wasn’t all that different from how things were now- he still went on patrols and trained constantly, and nobody really treated him any differently, but..

Being a lead warrior had been so deeply important to him for so long.

Being able to help guide others, knowing he was among the best of the best- there was a certain pride and passion that came with all that, and while he’d given it up freely so that he could put his time elsewhere, that didn’t mean he wasn’t missing the hell out of it.

But did he regret his choice? Would he go back and change it if he could?

No, not even a little. Even if he was sent back with the knowledge that Silversmoke was alive and healing and waiting for a chance to come back, he didn’t think he’d be able to stand it. His mate would always have someone in their corner waiting on them, someone who was willing to give up everything just to make sure they were okay, and Johnny would never let them forget it. Silversmoke was loved, and he was all Johnny really needed to be happy.

Besides, rank was something that could be earned back if he really wanted it. For now, he was content to enjoy this new chapter in his life; one where he was allowed more than just stolen glances and the occasional fleeting touch. And he took full advantage of it too, enjoying every second of closeness he was allowed. He’d even rearranged his routine so that every five or six days he would find himself curled up beside Silversmoke in their shared nest instead of returning home to his twolegs.

He’d watched the humans closely for a while to make sure it didn’t upset them, but so far things had been working out just fine.

”Sounds like an exciting one today.” he mused as he took his seat beside the larger cat, leaning against their shoulder as sun-gold eyes watched Orangestar speak from atop the Highbranch.

Deputy was a rank he’d long accepted he’d never reach due to his daylight warrior status, but that was okay. It meant less to him than people would think, though he certainly wouldn’t have turned down the offer if it’d been presented to him. Too proud and headstrong, too alive with the spirit of his clan to ever not want to be right there in the midst of it.

But that announcement wasn't the first to come. Instead, Palemoons retirement comes first. Well deserved, in his opinion. Sometimes he wondered if he’d make it that far, if he’d live long enough to see his kits have kits of their own and if he’d be around to tell them stories about his own life and to impart whatever wisdom he might have. It was a beautiful thought, and it was something he would have been blessed to see, but there would always be the part of him that wanted to die fighting- to go out swinging for his clan at the jaws of some fox or dog.

Howlfire and Florbreeze found themselves invited to join Orangestars council next. Johnny couldn’t help the way he brightened a bit at hearing his fellow daylight warriors name called, straightening up to grin at the shecat in approval. Skyclan needed a daylight in a lead position if the clan was to continue on the path of eliminating prejudice, and he fully endorsed their leaders choice on this one. Howlfire had also proven to be nothing short of an exceptional warrior, and while she wasn’t stepping up to fill in the empty space that Johnny himself had left behind, she was no less a good choice.

”Palemoon! Florabreeze! Howlfire!” he called, adding his voice to the others as he cheered for his clanmates.

OOC- sitting with @SILVERSMOKE

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Ghostkit had always been a terribly squirmy child. Today, it was so much worse. Each time Duskpool took his eyes off her for even a moment he would find she had scurried out from under him, usually to hide near his haunches. I'm going to be an apprentice today. I'm... I'm not ready! I'm gonna be the worst apprentice ever. There was no way she could go up and stand in front of Orangestar, in front of the whole clan! Duskpool needed to tell them she just couldn't do it yet. Oh, no. What if Orangestar already knows I'm not ready, and she calls everyone up but me, and I stay a kit forever? The young molly couldn't decide what would be worse! She was promptly scooped and shuffled back in front of Duskpool, and as Orangestar began to speak she finally tried her very best to be still. As terrified as she was, it wouldn't be fair, not fair at all if her squirming drew attention away from promotions and new warriors.

Palemoon was becoming an elder, and Ghostkit bowed her head and cheered. Such an honour. She really deserves it. She must have tons of stories to share about her life! The inevitable wandering of her mind allowed the youth some calming distraction. New lead warriors were announced in Howlfire and Florabreeze. Ghostkit cheered for them too, though a little sheepishly. She still felt bad for invading Howlfire's space some time ago. Howlfire had sought her out later, though, and the resulting conversation hadn't been terrible. You'll make a really good lead, I bet. New warriors were up next, and it was then Ghostkit began to hold her breath. Their whole lives are gonna change. Right now.
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As always, at the call of Orangestar, Howlfire takes a familiar spot below the Highbranch for the clan meeting. She's pretty used to what to expect at these meetings, or has a rough idea what might be coming, but it catches her a little by surprise when Palemoon is called forward. Sympathy flashes in her expression as she watches the other be called to the warrior's den. "Palemoon! Palemoon!" She cheered, adding her voice to that of her clanmates. If life had been fair to her, she might have had many moons of service left in her, but alas fate had other plans for her. Howlfire hoped she would be comfortable with the elders, pleased with the thought that Palemoon's knowledge and experiences could yet help future generations of SkyClanners.

Orangestar's next announcement is rather less formal. Howlfire blinked in surprise when her name was called alongside Florabreeze. Apparently, the council would convene after this meeting and Orangestar wanted them both to join her. Does that I'm - ? Howlfire's question dies in her mind when she matches Orangestar's gaze and gives her leader a curt nod - one that said she understood and that she accepted. She's aware of Orangestar pushing ahead, calling forward apprentices that were soon to become warriors. Howlfire listens, of course, but her gaze also seeks out Florabreeze, flashing the other she-cat a warm, congratulatory grin.
crochet’s tail twitched impatiently as she sat down. any moment now, she’d be renamed. her full warrior hood of skyclan peeks over the horizon, shrouded in orange and whites of her leader. there are more important announcements to happen, apparently, so the molly leans back to listen. a retirement, two promotions… all of which were deserved. it was nice to see a kittypet step up the mantle, even though she put the life behind, it won’t stop any biases. "palemoon! howlfire! florabreeze!"

finally, finally… her breath catches in her throat when her name is called. it takes her a few seconds to realize she needed to shuffle closer. "yes!" she chirps, stretching her neck out like she’s trying to reach the stars.

Orangestar's call to attention is acknowledged first with a flick of a tall ear and then with the movement of long limbs after... They look for Spicepaw with a knowing sort of glance, a squint at the corner of their eyes that says 'yay!' and hopefully inspires some confidence in the younger she-cat. Palemoon's name being the first spoken is startling, if only because they assume that maybe the dappled leader has chosen a deputy outside of her council- but they are reminded, painfully, of the circumstances of the older warrior by looking at her. Frail... recovering....

They offer a sympathetic smile as Orangestar names her an elder... at least she will be well taken care of now. It is deserved.

Florabreeze's name catches their attention more than Howlfire's does (a teen-ish petty frustration still bubbles in their chest with her)... Hearing her named lead warrior is a pleasant surprise. She's newer to SkyClan than Edenberry is, recalling a walk sharing stories of their origins, how they came to be part of the pine-dwelling clan... but her personality is radiant and what age divides them clearly has informed her with some amount of wisdom. "Woohoo!" A simply cheer, rather than the chanting that floods from the mouths of others (they are far too distracted by the prospect of what this day means for Spicepaw to care).

And it finally starts, at the tip of everyone's tongues as the cinnamon girl promises her life to the place she'd spent so many moons traveling back and forth to. Her nervous glance catches their bright-eyed stare, a grin pulled across their face in a flash of reassurance. Yay for you, little sister! It's finally time!

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 16 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​

There's a struggle to keep her eyes open for a moment, the glare of morning making her blink away the remaining sleep that haunts it. Large paws kneed at the ground in an attempt to truly wake her up for the day, the subtle change in weather is always what throws her through the loop most of all. She could swear that once she has a grasp on rising with the sun the slightest cool breeze or hot flash will knock her right back out. Meetings were hard to miss, even harder to sleep through so in her mind it was a saving grace that Orangestar called for one this morning. Gathering amongst her clanmates will always carry some kind of fondness to her, that fostering of community was always noticeable during moments like this.

Palemoon is called upon amongst the crowd from the gravelly toned leader, in response her whiskers twitch with interest as she watches with rapt attention. Unsure of what was happening until it occurs, having not seen an elder been given ceremony until now. Hopefully her recovery would be swift and then she gets the opportunity to experience all the joys of an elder. She deserves to be looked after, to be able to not worry about the stressors of warriorhood and instead sew her wisdom across minds both young and old. From her curious glance amongst the crowd it seemed that no one objected to that fact, though she wasn't too sure why anyone would. "Palemoon! Palemoon!" She is boisterous in her cries, as she often tends to be. Especially in moments like this, she thought it was important to try and ring loud and clear.

There's an assumption that things would swiftly transition to talks of apprentices and warriors, she's keenly aware of what kits are graduating to apprentices this meeting from her visits at the nursery. There was a secondhand excitement especially for the kits this time, not that she wasn't just as buzzing with joy for those hopeful new warriors. Instead, an informal offer is given. At first she believes that she's hearing things, she's pretty certain that she heard the first part right. That there's a meeting of Orangestar's council after this meeting, she registers that Howlfire's name was called upon but she can only stare dumbfounded that her own name had been called alongside the other she-cat.

She's quick to nod enthusiastically, trying to meet that sharp gaze of the SkyClan leader. Of course she accepted this, she was ecstatic over the offer. Florabreeze tried to sit up a little straighter, when Orangestar continued on with what she assumed was business as usual she craned her neck to look for Howlfire. Beaming at the torbie in silent congratulations, wanting to save the actual vocal chatter until after the meeting had concluded. For now, she wanted to pay respect to the apprentices called up, after catching Howlfire's gaze she's quick to look back to the Highbranch.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 36 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Oddgleam settles himself near the nursery, his mismatched feathery fur flowing in the breeze. He cranes his neck up, watching at Orangestar starts the meeting atop of Highbranch. As Skyclan's leader announced that Palemoon is moving to join the elders, it was sympathetic.

It doesn't stop him from chanting with the rest of the chorus of voices. "Palemoon! Palemoon!" He wasn't so close with the former warrior, he makes a mental note on visiting her in the elders den if he has the time. Tail twitching where its resting, curled atop of pale paws.

When Orangestar shifts her focus on Howlfire and Florabreeze, his ears perk up with a flick. It's surprising. Hearing both warriors be named as lead warrior sends a smile upon his lips, a pleasant feeling bloom in his chest. He is quite happy with both cats being lead warriors, even though Florabreeze is newer to the clan. The young calico queen supposes he should get to know her sometime. "Florabreeze! Howlfire!" He chants, a smile reaches his maw
  • temp oddgleam reference
  • ( LIKE HONEY IN WARM MILK ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan queen.
    ⸝⸝ non-binary ; HE / THEY ; 17 MOONS OLD & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / mated to crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Orangestar carefully descends from her perch as murmurs of I do reach her ears, realising rather belatedly that she had mistimed the action. Still, the sky does not split above her head for her sin, and five voices reply to her question all the same. Now standing at the roots of the thorn-laden tree, the leader's ears twitch. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names."

One by one as she names them, Orangestar would rest her chin atop their heads. First, she turns towards the young cat of deep crimson fur and piercing eyes.

"Emberpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Emberfall." It's an uncommon warrior's name despite the skills their Clan has among the boughs. Orangestar believes the fiery she-cat before her had earned it, and would wear it well. Would SIlversmoke remain present at the meeting this time, to see his apprentice named? "StarClan honours your tenacity and diligence."

Next, with a hat perched atop a ginger head. Spicepaw's performance had been much more satisfactory on her second attempt at a warrior assessment. Had it been her assessors? Mere bad luck? Orangestar doesn't know. "Spicepaw, StarClan honours your perseverance and empathy. From this moment on, you will be known as Spicepurr."

Then, her own apprentice, here a moon behind. Orangestar still finds it hard not to furrow her brow with disappointment when faced with the black-and-white molly, but Orangestar holds it aside enough to meow, "Springpaw. From this moment, you will be known as Springshine. StarClan honours your empathy and your optimism."

Next ... "Crochet. StarClan honours your enthusiasm and courage." It had surprised Orangestar to know that the former kittypet would be changing her name with haste. She knows it cruel to compare littermates, and would hate to have it done to her, but ... maybe she had been too used to Doeblaze. The lilac she-cat had retained her name, that piece of her past, well into her warrior life. "From now on, you will be known as Bloomfur."

Finally, a rough-and-tumble tom who had found his footing beneath Thistleback's stern judgement. His flippancy would get him into trouble over the moons, she's sure. However, he had earned his place just as much as the other new warriors with him."Bat. From this moment on, you will be known as Batscreech. StarClan honours your passion, and your sense of justice.

"I welcome you all as warriors of SkyClan. Tonight, you will sit silent vigil as told by the warrior code."
Orangestar's gaze passes over each of the five as she speaks, lingering briefly as though it would assist her to commit their new names to memory. "Emberfall! Spicepurr! Springshine! Bloomfur! Batscreech!"

The leader returns to her perch as the new warriors return to their places among the crowd, perhaps beside mentors, friends, or kin. Orangestar makes brief eye contact with Springshine as she settles. She would speak with her now-former apprentice after the crowd had dispersed. But first, the meticulously-groomed kits by the nursery would be given their moment to shine.

"Adderkit, Ghostkit and Foxglovekit. Step forward. You have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to become apprentices." Orangestar beckons them forward with a curl of her tail, and allows the weight of the Clan's stares to settle upon fragile shoulders.

"Adderkit. From now, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Adderpaw. Your mentor will be Eggbounce, who has shown his skills are to the standard of teaching an apprentice. Eggbounce, I expect you to teach Adderpaw all you know." Adderpaw's bluntness would likely bring hardship to Eggbounce's more laid-back nature, however Orangestar believes her kit would eventually find his footing as a mentor with his kin.

"Ghostkit. From now until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ghostpaw. Your mentor will be Howlfire." This was shaping up to be quite the meeting for one of her newest lead warriors. Howlfire is among one of SkyClan's better known warriors, a keen mentor, and would be a near-maternal paw to guide Ghostpaw along.

"Foxglovekit. From now until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Foxglovepaw. Your mentor will be Duskpool." With luck, the even-tempered warrior would be able to keep his grandkit's burning temper at bay long enough to shape him into a reasonable warrior. If not ... Orangestar glances across the crowd. SkyClan had harsher warriors to pair an apprentice with.

"Adderpaw! Ghostpaw! Foxglovepaw!"

Orangestar doesn't dismiss the meeting right away. It's clear that there's something else she plans to say, though she seems content to wait for the cheers to quiet before doing so. These kits have waited six moons for their moment in the Clan's eye, after all.


Foxglovekit watched his sister anxiously prod the ground, steps always so clumsy seeming and energetic bringing a shake to his ginger head as she burrowed into Duskpool. He sat further away from them, his own body feeling some form of excitement from not being absolutely bored, and able to go explore the world further than he ever got while trying to sneak out. Never got far though, he wouldn't admit that the creaking of branches scared him, or the wind howling in the silent trees would send him running back.

Though the eery silence was something he did enjoy. He was just small, one day he'd easily get past it. Orangestar was given a respectful gaze, unlike all the other cats, his hues settled freely upon her eyes, her form that was lionized amongst the clan. Now he'll see more of what it's like to be a leader- a warrior, and today marks the start of his real life.

He listened with a flick of his eyes as Palemoon would finally become an elder, and the apprentices that became warriors. Or the kittypets finally gaining their names and joining their ranks. Fortunately it was easy enough to keep the word from slithering off his tongue, and keep himself silent until they called their names. Out of respect solely, he found himself calling their names as well. "
emberfall, spicepurr, spring shine!" There wasn't much excitement in his tone, clearing his throat at the mouthful of names to speak more. "Bloomsc- bloomfur, batscreech." his eyes narrowed at himself almost mixing up the names, flattening his ears and hoping he wasn't too loud to embarrass himself at that.

And then it was the apprentices turn, and he would almost scramble forward as if it wasnt fast enough that he would be able to get out of camp, and get on with his training. Who would he get? Maybe Orangestar herself, or, someone special. Someone who'd put a little hmph in his step to feel a little more power- and boy was he ever so slightly disappointed to see that he had been paired with- Duskpool. How- interesting. Wouldn't it make more sense to pair him with ghostpaw? Though foxglovepaw chose to not argue, he'd watch the other apprentices touch noses with their mentor before finally doing the same with duskpool- holding back the inner turmoil at the

beckoned by the call of a meeting, beechdapple joins the moving crowd as they come together to settle beneath the highbranch with heads angled slightly upwards and attentive ears sat high upon crowns to await for orangestar to grace them with upcoming news and ceremonies. speaking of, they begin with one that isn't seen very often which is an elder's ceremony made for the young palemoon who's eyesight unfortunately deteriorated over the course of her life. it was hard not to feel a sort of pity for the dainty she-cat who still had so much to experience as a warrior but beechdapple silently wishes for the rest of her life to be a serene one as she joins the elders before chanting alongside the rest of her clan

"palemoon! palemoon!"

what follows up next is the new addition to orangestar's council, howlfire and florabreeze and it's a pleasant surprise. both warriors are incredibly deserving of such a position and she's rather glad the leader's circle is beginning to fill out again especially since so many had been demoted or have stepped down quietly which made the senior warrior realize the lack of deputy who's spot near the leader remains vacant. pushing that thought aside for now, the calico cheers for the new lead warriors with a toothy grin.

"howlfire! florabreeze!"

stars, by the end of this meeting beechdapple isn't sure she'll have much of a voice with how much celebrating is taking place! their patched leader continued the ceremonies with apprentices and co being deemed full-fledged warriors and kits who've reached six moons taking their first steps onto the path of warriorhood. "emberfall! spicepurr! springshine! bloomfur! batscreech!" the senior warrior bellows out, a rasp catching onto a few of her calls. when the chanting is done for the new warriors, she'd start up again for the apprentices.

"adderpaw! ghostpaw! foxglovepaw! she is definitely going to need a drink from the river after this.

  • ooc.
  • sCWOGUA.png
  • BEECHDAPPLE —— senior warrior of skyclan , mentoring none.
    🞴 cis female / she | her / ages every 6th
    🞴 a large, long-haired calico w/ high white displaying heterochromia and a noticeable underbite.
    🞴 single / pansexual polyamorous / open to puppy-crushes, crushes, romance.
    🞴 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    🞴 speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character

    🞴 penned by cobatic
    🞴 biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse



Quill leaned over to fix a few stray tufts of fur that sat atop his mates head, silently fussing over the cream and mahogany tomcat while Orangestar went on with the rest of the meeting.

He had no idea if she was going to choose Twitchbolt she’d be stupid not to take him back, or was that just his bias talking? but either way, Quill would support him. His only regret was that the only direct contender was none other than figfeather herself, a cat who he mostly considered a friend. To know there was a rivalry between her and the guy he loved was a bit of an irritant, but not enough to go clawing at it until it bled. He liked Fig, and wasn’t keen on spoiling that alliance anytime soon.

Though it was obvious which of the two would have him if it came down to picking sides.

”Congrats, you guys!” he called out, tone dull but the corner of his lips tugged faintly upwards in what could only be assumed to be approval. He would have to visit the elders den later to make sure Palemoon had a proper nest…


skyclan - male - 30 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Seated above her Clan once more as cheers ring through the hollow, Orangestar's attention drifts between two cats in particular. Ambition, in the form of marmalade fur and a chin held aloft. Remorse, in the shape of a dusty pelt and determined eyes. The jubilant calls in SkyClan's camp turns to whispers, then quiets in full to a weighted silence as Orangestar makes her decision.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that they may approve of my choice once more." Brown eyes fall from the gaps in the trees to settle upon the cat who had once served at her side. A mirror of his initial promotion to the role, though this time laden with much more than a new leader's expectations. "The deputy of SkyClan will be Twitchbolt."

You have one more chance. Her stare says, as if it had the ability to pin him in place under her scrutiny. Were he to break her trust again, cower from fated duty like the cat he had once been, Orangestar would ensure he never saw another Gathering as long as she led. She would not make this mistake again. Surprised murmurs turn to cheers, and Orangestar sits back slightly upon her perch.

"Dismissed. New warriors, come and see me to determine your vigils."

  • DEPUTY: @TWITCHBOLT !!! this has been planned since the very start of ora's leadership, and i just want to say a big welcome back to pin and twitch in the deputy role<3
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — (undisclosed) mate to slate ; currently expecting kits
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


After the joy of her and Florabreeze's promotions had passed, Orangestar pushed ahead with the meeting. As expected, next up came the soon to be newest warriors of the clan. Emberpaw became Emberfall. Spicepaw became Spicepurr. Springpaw became Springshine. And Crochet and Bat received their new names, becoming Bloomfur and Batscreech. "Emberfall! Spicepurr! Springshine! Bloomfur! Batscreech!" Howlfire cheered.

Where one group of apprentices was promoted, a new batch of kits awaited the appointment of mentors to teach them. Adderkit was given to Eggbounce, Foxglovekit was given to Duskpool. And surprisingly, Howlfire received a new apprentice in the form of Ghostkit. As was customary, Howlfire stepped forward, touching her nose gently atop Ghostpaw's head. "I look forward to training you," Howlfire mewed softly. After a few awkward interactions, she was hopeful that things could take a more positive turn from now on. Allowing Ghostpaw to settle back in with the rest of the clan, Howlfire's attention is once again caught by Orangestar, as the leader names her deputy. It is a surprise to hear Twitchbolt called forth again. Howlfire didn't doubt the choice as much as she might have long ago, she was more surprised at the fact that Twitchbolt had already stepped down before and she didn't know if it was possible for one to retake the position. Regardless, she is quick to throw her voice into the cheers, once the shocked whispers subside. "Twitchbolt! Twitchbolt!"
  • Love
Reactions: Ghostpaw!

He quivered at Quillstrike's side, and for once was glad he always shook- it hid the anticipation that was jerking him about, this time. Since his talk with Orangestar and Figfeather, the brown and white tom's innards had felt as if they were tearing themselves apart, just for the hell of it... that familiar clawing insistence of anxiety, the sort that had forever bothered him, scraping like, like- some sort of dying, drowning beast. Oh, but he wasn't going to do it this time, feel as if he was going to die... he was better than that now, right?

Thoughts of deputyship were pushed aside as Florabreeze and Howlfire's names were called out- something distinctly delighted glimmered in wide green, a smile growing upon his face- two friends, he'd say... hoped they felt the same way about him, anyhow. And deserved for the both of them- Florabreeze, he remembered letting her in here... so maybe there'd been one good decision he'd made.

New warriors graced Orangestar's tongue, too- he blinked toward them, his scratchy voice calling out their names along the throng - "Emberfall! Spicepurr! Springshine! Bloomfur! Batscreech!" All fitting names, he thought- stars, how did she do it. Emberfall's swift grace, Spicepurr's kindness, Springshine's bright cheeriness, Bloomfur's enthusiasm to fit into SkyClan life, and Batscreech's spiking tone and tenacity.

That the kits were already apprentices never ceased to make him feel like a decaying elder, but the lot of them had good mentors- well, all but Eggbounce, whose potential for teaching was yet to be seen. From a distance, if they were to look his way they would find a smiling face, something encouraging inked in dwarfed pupils.

There was an expectance in the leader's eyes, still- one Twitchbolt recognised, and felt needling upon him. Him. He couldn't believe, really, that these were words he was hearing twice in his life. That he was to be deputy. Again- he could practically hear that doubtful chorus, but this time he didn't shy in the face of it. He straightened his back, and his head snapped in a quick nod.

Resolve settled in green eyes. "I ww-won't let you down." He looked at Orangestar, but spoke to them all.
penned by pin ✧


"Emberfall! Spicepurr! Springshine! Bloomfur! Batscreech!" The red tabby cheers the names of her new den-mates. She had watched all of them grow into the warriors that they now were, whether they had been joiners or born into SkyClan itself. She felt confident that they'd all perform well in their new positions and make SkyClan proud.

As quickly as they were added to the ranks of warriors, kits are promoted to replace their spots in the apprentice's den. "Adderpaw!" Who had one to Eggbounce, "Ghostpaw!" to the newly promoted Howlfire and lastly "Foxglovepaw!" to Duskpool. Honeysplash and Chrysaliswing's kits, though they had been more Florabreeze's than the forementioned tom-cat's... She hopes they are all more like their parent and mother and their father's blood does not run too thick in their veins. Chrysaliswing was a strong warrior, but his sour heart and ill-temper made it difficult to give him credit for much else.

Now, the ceremony she had been waiting for. Figfeather's heart feels like a stallion's hooves running against her chest. Her eyes avert away from her leader and into the sky, she murmurs a prayer, pleading. 'I'll make SkyClan proud. I'll be the deputy this clan needs, StarClan... Please.'

'The new deputy of SkyClan will be...' Amber eyes try to meet brown, yet they stare... off. 'Where is she looking? Is she looking for me? I'm right here- Orangestar I'm right here!' 'Twitchbolt'.

Her tongue goes dry as her blood runs cold. His name screams in her ears as she feels claws plunge into her chest, digging past her ribcage to rip into her heart. She has felt disappointment many times before and the anger and sadness that flooded in with it, but never like this. Her claws twitch in and out of their sheathes as her face burns a hidden bright red, she feels looked over, humiliated.

'I ww-won't let you down.' 'Fox-dung!' She wants to hiss at him in her fury. He's let them down once, he's let Orangestar down, what did Orangestar see in him that she could not give her? Figfeather was smart, resilient, strong and loyal to the bone. She's given herself to the Great Journey and served all of SkyClan with unwavering confidence. How has she lost in the eyes of Orangestar to someone who has already failed her once? Whose grappled with the position she regifts him before and tossed it aside?

Tears birthed from a concoction of emotions, disappointment, frustration, anger, and humiliation prick at her eyes. Her face has turned stone cold but the emotions that had sparked in her eyes burned bright for all the clan to see. 'It is an honor to even be considered at all,' a humble and composed cat would say, but Figfeather is not that. Proud and ambitious, hungry to serve her clan and claw her name into it's history this was a battle she could not swallow defeat easily for.

The clan cheers for him. His name lumps in her throat and she feels she may choke on it. Figfeather is ghostly silent, her voice absent from the celebrating yowls.
Butterflytuft feels a wave of pride and nostalgia wash over her as she watches the ceremonies unfold. Her eyes linger on the new warriors - Emberfall, Spicepurr, Springshine, Bloomfur, and Batscreech - as they settle into their places. They look so confident, so ready to take on the world. Her gaze lingers fondly on Springshine, for she’d watched the she-cat grow up in the nursery, only a little older than her first litter. "Emberfall! Spicepurr! Springshine! Bloomfur! Batscreech!" The queen calls out their names with warmth, her voice blending with the others in a harmonious chorus.

As Orangestar announces the new apprentices, Butterflytuft watches Adderpaw, Ghostpaw, and Foxglovepaw with a maternal gaze. They seem so small, so full of potential. Her heart swells with a mix of pride and protectiveness as they touch noses with their new mentors. She catches a glimpse of Foxglovepaw's determined expression and smiles to herself. It’s not the spark of eagerness she ever had - no, she’d been cowering and shaking during her apprentice ceremony! She’ll miss this bunch in the nursery, but she’s so happy for them. "Adderpaw! Ghostpaw! Foxglovepaw!" Her chant rings out once more, this time with an encouraging lilt.

And then, finally, the moment many cats have been waiting for. Orangestar is going to announce the new deputy today. She sits forward, eyes round with curiosity, and then surprise, quickly followed by a burst of excitement. Her best friend! She’d always known Twitchbolt was capable, but to see him chosen again, after so much doubt had filled his head, fills her with a sense of elation. She tries to catch his eye, a grin spreading across her face. “Twitchbolt! Twitchbolt!” She cheers loudly, perhaps louder than the quiet she-cat has ever cheered. But as the clan celebrates, a shadow of worry crosses her mind - how will Figfeather feel about this? She's happy to see someone she cares about stepping into such an important role, and she knows she'll support him with all her heart, but she can’t help but search the crowd for her sister. When she spots her, her heart drops when she sees the look on her face. Butterflytuft’s head dips with sympathy, a frown tugging at her mouth. Oh, Figfeather….