IN LOVE WITH JUDAS — windclan former deputy x loyalist plot litter (CLOSED)


probably listening to old people music
Nov 26, 2022


  • THEIR STORY: One would likely not use the term "true love" to describe the relationship between Snakehiss and Berrysnap. In fact, there is nothing romantic between them at all, aside from hidden agendas and motivations. How they came to be is a combination of possibilities — Berrysnap perhaps wanting the status of being the newly-named deputy's mate, Snakehiss wanting a new partner to show off after he had been so humiliatingly dumped by Cottonfang ( WindClan's medicine cat who he had been promised to become mates with when the time came ). Plus, Snakehiss had wanted to meet the familial expectations of taking a mate and raising a family as soon as he possibly could. However, neither Snakehiss nor Berrysnap had anticipated kits so soon after they had made their relationship official.

    Snakehiss, expecting to raise his children in the new era of loyalist WindClan under Sootstar's iron rule with a mate he did not even love, will soon have his entire world flipped upside down as the WindClan rebels plan their retaliation and eventually drive Sootstar's followers out of the moors — including pregnant Berrysnap. Although Snakehiss will choose to remain loyal to his home at the last moment, he will continue to think about Berrysnap and the kits he never got to meet... or so he believes.

    SLOTS: may change based on interest!
    — open
    — open
    — open ( will be staying in duskclan )
  • — The application is FFA and is expected to provide basic information, including realistic genetics provided in this post. Please note if you'd like your application to be considered for a WindClan slot, DuskClan slot, or either!
    — Although the number of slots may fluctuate based on interest, one kit will remain behind in the Sootstar loyalist-founded DuskClan. This is a great opportunity for roleplayers who may want a very casual character + there will be chances for future interactions between DuskClan and WindClan as well ( meaning... Snakehiss may end up meeting them! )
    — All activity levels are welcome for this litter as long as the character is active enough to remain on WindClan's census ( activity expectations may differ for the DuskClan kit but they will at least be expected to participate in DuskClan plots ). Slots may be rehomed after a month of inactivity without prior notice. Please communicate with either Beatles or Halimede if you are going to be inactive or if you are no longer interested in your slot.
    — Despite Snakehiss' inexperience and flaws, the WindClan kits should generally feel cared for by their clan. The DuskClan kit may have a different experience depending on the environment of the group and it should be noted that Berrysnap will also be an inexperienced parent.
    — Any disabilities and birth defects must be played realistically and respectfully.
    — Kits are expected to stay in WindClan until adulthood unless a plot calls for otherwise. The DuskClan kit may be able to leave DuskClan eventually if discussed/plotted out, but they will be expected to remain long enough to partake in DuskClan plots. Please do not kill them off without warning and prior discussion.
    — Kits will start at 3 moons and will age realistically on [date tba]
    — Application will close on 02/14 and slots will be chosen on 02/16. Kittens will be born and ICly brought to WindClan shortly after!
  • Sire: SH black w/ low white, vitiligo (carrying longhair)
    Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white, polydactyl

    — toms can be black or red tabby
    — she-cats can be black or tortoiseshell
    — kits will be shorthaired
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — red-based kits will mask black
    — kits may or may not carry longhair
    — kits may or may not have polydactyl
    — kits may or may not have vitiligo that will develop into adulthood

    — cousins (1x removed) to whitepaw
  • — Having multiple name options is preferred. Feel free to DM us if you have a name idea that is not on the list, although we would prefer a list name overall!

    ** personal favorites

    SNAKEHISS' NAMING LIST: — In honor of: Snake, Venom, Viper ( his grandfather/himself ), Shade, Dark ( his father ), Rose, Puddle, Flower, Bloom, Blossom** ( his mother )
    — After the moors: Plover, Gale, Zephyr**, Mist, Misty, Dew, Osprey, Privet, Hare, Gorse, Fleet, Swift, Running, Lavender, Furze, Grouse
    — Appearance-based: Black, Night, Crow, Raven, Patch, Russet, Ginger, Rowan**, Dapple, Dappled, Long, Tall, Sorrel
    — Misc: Dawn, Evening, Wasp, Hornet, Rook, Valerian**, Wisteria**, Violet**, Ivy, Sharp, Lily
    — No-nos: any prefixes already in use in WindClan, Soot, Badger, connotations relating to other clans ( with the exception of Shade, Dark )

    BERRYSNAP'S NAMING LIST: — Ash, Ashen, Bat, Bear, Blizzard, Boulder, Bracken, Bramble, Breeze, Bristle, Brook, Buck, Burdock, Buzzard, Claw, Cliff, Cougar, Crescent, Crow, Dawn, Falcon, Fallow, Fire, Flame, Flint, Fox, Frost, Gale, Ginger, Hail, Hare, Hart, Hawk, Hemlock, Hickory, Holly, Hornet, Hound, Iris, Ivy, Jackdaw, Jagged, Jay, Juniper, Kestrel, Laurel, Leech, Lichen, Lion, Lynx, Needle, Nettle, Night, Osprey, Quill, Raven, Rock, Rook, Rowan, Scar, Sharp, Shred, Sleet, Smoke, Sorrel, Spider, Spike, Stag, Starling, Stone, Storm, Strike, Talon, Thistle, Thorn, Tiger, Valerian, Venom, Violet, Wasp, Willow, Wolf, Wren, Zephyr
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names: valeriankit
duskclan kit (depending on the vibe i may plot to have them leave duskclan once they are older! approaching warrior age if not there already)
turkish van-esque patterning; almost completely white with some red spots ? picrew
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gl everyone i cant wait to see these babiesssss!!!





appearance eye-color ref
Expand upon it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

Personality notes. Soft, cowardly, deferential, obedient, hopeless romantic, faithful, pious, malleable, resentful

  • Notes
  • alternative prefixes: Rose-, Night-, Raven- (would like a referential/familial name if possible!)
  • possible suffixes: -wish, -whisper, -cloud, -light, -moon...etc
  • playlist pinterest board
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it'll be a cold day in whatever hell you came from

violet | violetkit | violetpaw | violet-???
alt. names of valerian, wisteria, venom, viper

nonbinary (undiscovered) [afab] | uses feminine pronouns [she/her]

aromantic | demisexual | polyamorous

kit | windclan/duskclan

tortoiseshell with high white + heterochromia | ref
a an almost solid white cat, there is very little color upon her short, messy pelt. black and red dapples her face, marking her chin, eyebrows, and one ear; while one paw has colored toes. eyes paint a startling contrast to her pelt - one eye so dark it's nearly black, the other as pale as ice. blank faced and expressionless, she seems to have inherited her fathers permanent scowl, though on violet's sharp-cheeked face it often gives her the appearance of looking down upon her clanmates. a slim figured child, despite her delicate build violet is tall in a way most of windclan is not - easily towering over most her age and growing every day.

cold | unflinching | single minded | strong willed | observant
a quiet presence, violet keeps mostly to herself. she is far from a social creature, and while she rarely goes out of her way to avoid others she certainly doesn't encourage any sort of social attachment with others. when she does speak up, it's either with sharp-tongued sarcasm and blatant hostility; or with silver-tongued wit and honeyed words - she ill say anything to get what she wants, and actually takes pleasure in confusing others with her words. single minded in her focus and stubborn to an extreme, her will is all but an impenetrable wall. there is no changing her mind once she'd decided upon something, be it pursuits, beliefs, or loyalty - she perques anything and everything that catches her interest with single minded focus and near unmatched perseverance.

snakehiss x berrysnap | gen 00
? littermates (name, name)
other relatives: whitepaw(cousin),

introverted | hard to form platonic relationships with | hard to form romantic relationships with

amoral | loyal to family above all else

plot ideas.
no preference between the two clans - activity may be slightly higher if within windclan however
this is still a wip; will add more later tonight
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(alt names: lavender, wisteria, wren)



masking nothing; carrying longhair; has polydactyly

appearance here. pelt > eyes > body > face > voice > gait > scent. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

  • I use this as the attention-grabbing paragraph to draw readers into your application! should be short and wholistic, easy to grab at-a-glance what sort of character you are making.

    CON ●●○○○○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●○○○○○
    INT ●●●●●●●○○○
    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●●○○○

    describe personality in detail here

  • FRAGILITY: describe how his softness and kindness will lead him to wither or persevere depending on factors; support or disdain, kindness or harshness.

    HEALING: develop an interest in herbs and medicine, in wanting to help others without fighting.

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here





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ty guys for the interest! so excited to see these apps

a few edits have been made:
- kits will begin at 3 moons and will age realistically
- kits may or may not be polydactyl!
- kits may or may not have vitiligo that will develop into adulthood
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    Wire-furred black and white tom with blue eyes. Swiftkit is gifted short, thin fur. Dappled black is spilled across his white pelt, even forming in the shape of a crescent on his rear legs. He walks on big paws that he has not yet grown into. Forepaws bear an extra toe each, a gift from his dam.
    ⤷ Genetically SH black and high white with blue eyes. Toyhouse.

    Loyal / strong-willed / proud / ambitious / judgmental / challenging / stubborn / aloof / self-sacrificing. Swiftkit is the ideal WindClan cat, loyal with a generous dose of stubbornness. He is known across the clan for being a kitten with many ambitions and often being found attempting to help with clan chores more fit for the apprentices.

    When met with failure, Swiftkit is only fueled further by it to do better. Strong-willed, he is unlikely to give up to difficult tasks and is ready to face any challenges the day presents. Some may argue this is just an effect of Swiftkit’s stubborn pride, but not a cat can deny him the praise of being a hard worker.

    Quick to judge, Swiftkit bears strong prejudice for non-WindClan born cats from kittypets, to loners, to mousers in the Horseplace. He is often the first to scoff at clan-mates when they do something hare-brained and quick to remind them of it for the next half-moon. Loud-mouthed and challenging he’s not afraid to raise his voice and tell another cat just what he thinks, making him quite the spit-fire on border patrols.

    Despite his aloof characteristics he is ultimately a clan-mate you can trust to not let you drown. Swiftkit will always have your back in a hunting patrol, border patrol gone-wrong, or a verbal quarrel. For those he loves he is self-sacrificing, ready and willing to take the heavy blows and hardships upon his shoulders if it means sparing the cats around him. ​

    ADMIRES Snakehiss


    Difficult to earn full-trust, impossible for most non-WindClan born cats.
    SMELLS OF Peat and wildgrass
    speech is #78abb8

    - Event here.
    - Event here.
    - Event here.

    - Event here.
    - Event here.
    - Event here.

    - Event here.
    - Event here.
    - Event here.
  • post template

Swiftkit is my heavily preferred name, but if absolutely necessary I wouldn’t be opposed to the following;
• Dapple(d)
• Shade
• Dark
• Black
• Claw (tbh wouldn’t mind this one, seems cool to name him after extra claws/toes)

I am personally only interested in a WindClan slot. I am Sootstar’d out and would prefer to avoid a character associated with her at all if possible!

I do juggle a full-time job, hobbies, and a handful of other characters. I can promise consistency and long-term use of Swiftkit, and i can ensure he will remain on the census. I cannot promise that Swift will be seen everyday but I will make it my goal to have him a present and often-seen presence on the board :) Swiftkit if chosen, will be my sole and main WindClanner and will have my devout attention there.

• Ambitiousness and stubbornness shows evidently in Swiftkit even as a child. Clan-mates, or A clan-mate cannot help but see Snakehiss’ reflection. Though the warrior has chosen the correct path now, will Swiftkit be fated to follow in his father’s dark paw steps?

• I would love for a Firestar / Bramblepaw mentorship dynamic. I think it would be really cool if his mentor saw Snakehiss’ misdeeds in him and silently takes it upon themself to ensure Swiftpaw doesn’t travel down the wrong path.

• As a kit he is confused by his clan-mates apprehension to Snakehiss. Sometimes when hearing clan-mates say mean things about his father Swiftkit buries himself under his nest to hide confused and hurt tears. When taught further by his mentor about WindClan’s history and his father’s temporary deputyship Swiftkit will be startled and look at his father strangely for awhile. However, his love for Snakehiss will not vanish and this knowledge will eventually lead to further admiration for Snakehiss. Plus… technically his dad was a deputy, isn’t that cool?!

• Will be incredibly confused by his DuskClan roots. Aware of them he is, yes, having joined WindClan so young the place becomes more of a vague memory than anything. Ultimately he considers himself full WindClanner despite technically being born outside of it. One could argue this is very ironic considering Swift despises non-clan blood cats.

• If icly given the opportunity, he would attempt to persuade his DuskClan litter-mate to join them in WindClan. Promising a better future, kinship, and a life worth living. I’m not rly sure what the plot all contains but basically this is to note that he would be interested in a relationship with his DuskClan litter-mate, so long as they chose to align themselves in WindClan.

• First-born vibes?

• Meant to ultimately be very WindClan-like. I’m probably going to have him go down the path of a moor-runner.
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Sienna-splashed, the color of fallen leaves, her pelt is a pop of bright hues against a normally-drab background. Swathes of black fur cut through the already-wild canvas of ginger stripes, and white graces the edges of her pelt. Her eyes, almond-shaped and sharp, drip with the warmth of honey—but they hold a clever, calculating gaze when focused. Of course, as a kit, Claw’s presence is undermined by her proportions. Thin and gangly, with spindly fawn-legs and bat-cone ears, the kit clearly has much to grow into, and her coordination is further proof.

A girl who looks at WindClan and sees only what she could have had. She places all of the blame for the end of Sootstar’s rule on her father, even though she never knew Sootstar or Snakehiss. With a passion for fighting and a strong sense of justice, Claw hopes to take revenge on those who wronged her family and her clan in the past. Although, being as young as she is, her threats don’t sting as much as they could when she’s grown into her too-long legs. She is often viewed and treated as older than she is, saddled with duty, but even as mature as she is, she still retains a kitlike naïvety and overconfidence that gets her into many sticky situations.

Born and raised in DuskClan, Claw is a stranger to WindClan as a whole. She only knows of the clan through what her older clanmates tell her, and as such she believed that DuskClan is superior—that what DuskClan does is indisputably right. Even as a kit, she has sharp eyes and a sharper wit; she is difficult to deceive, and is able to see right through many lies from others. However, she is naïve enough to believe that none of her clanmates would ever lie to her, and so her suspicions are often ignored. She is not the type of cat to go with her gut, preferring to meticulously plan each and every aspect of her day, and she is prone to panicking if her plans are disrupted.
  • DuskClan kit; I’d like for her to stay in DuskClan, though ofc depending on family-related plots / DuskClan’s stability she could end up elsewhere.
  • Alt names: hemlock, spider, sharp
  • Paladin. Oath of vengeance? Gets her power from her belief in her oath, & is both strong and charismatic.
  • Older Claw: sly, manipulative, cunning, fox comparisons, ruthless, loyal
  • Pokemon type: pure poison. the shared typing between her parents, and a fitting typing for a girl who will grow to be shady and conniving. May become dual-type as she ages (stares at poison/fighting)
  • I really like the idea of her being the youngest of the litter. Idk she’s got cutthroat youngest sister energy
  • The idea would be that she’s constantly fed only the worst information about WindClan and Snakehiss (or even complete lies) so she grows up thinking that WindClan is evil. Maybe she’s told that her siblings were stolen by her father to be raised in WindClan. She would hate the clan with a passion, and would be among the first to suggest violence when problems arise.
  • Claw’s overall personality would be greatly shaped by those around her, but I’d like for her to follow in Sootstar’s footsteps, in a sense (doomed by the narrative unfort). There would still be room for redemption if the family as a whole wanted her to eventually join WindClan, but depending on IC factors, trying to integrate her into WindClan might not work out well.
  • She’d show exceptional fighting skill and battle sense from a young age, but would struggle socially. Doesn’t know how to make friends and seems very distant and closed-off; only ever wants to spar with others, and is shockingly bad at hunting.
  • Shows little respect for the lives of prey, tends to play with her food or tear it apart. Wdym the mouse isn’t supposed to be used for battle training
  • Looooves talking. During fights, while hunting, while sharing tongues, anytime. (when I’m in a yapping competition and my opponent is Claw: 😱) Hates listening though, responds to others speaking with the occasional nod or “yeah?”
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FINISHED! leaving my notes in as well!

— windclan kit
— i want to leave personality past kithood open to develop based on the interactions they have with others and the interactions they witness between snakehiss and windclan. their kithood personality that i have written here is based on the notes in beatles' channel and is entirely up to change based on irp experiences
— BUT as a kit they will be a little goody-two-shoes. not very emotionally attached to their dad right away, but follows their curt parenting style and looks up to them as a role model. may change if/when they learn about sootstar's reign and snakehiss' role in it
— big rule follower, enforces rules on others - often earning the ire of others. 'teachers pet'-esque, but means well. wants to be a warrior, acts like an adult, loves playing 'clan' with other kits (as long as they're the leader or deputy). hates bullies!! hates conflict
— snake, blossom, dawn, violet

(alt names: zephyrkit, nightkit, blossomkit)



carrying long-hair

true to his name, snakekit is an imitation of his father with short black fur and a similar physique; only set apart by his grand white patches and striking yellow eyes. thin and long-legged, snakekit's destiny as a moor-runner is laid out for him since birth, and manifests in his kit-hood activities: the boy enjoys running and climbing, often to the chagrin of others. unlike his father's sharp and defined features, snakekit's face is soft with a delicate nose bridge and rounded cheeks. only his ears seem to sharpen as he grows, as they stand high and alert. to reflect his strong personality, snakekit walks purposefully and confidently, keeping his chin and tail held high at all times while he perfects his straight and business-like posture.

  • a black tom-kitten is introduced to snakehiss as 'snakekit', after his strong resemblance to his father in both looks and strong personality ('zephyr' for the moors and his sleek fur, 'night' for his dark colors, 'blossom' after snakehiss' mother and the kit's springly yellow eyes) - he is said to be the first to nurse, often clambering over his siblings despite there being plenty of space. while his father seems awkward and uninvolved in their rearing, it won't be long before snakekit learns how to walk and becomes his father's shadow.

    CON ●●●●●○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS ●●○○○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●●○○○

    snakekit seems to take his name as his purpose as he begins to shadow his father, shortly after learning to walk. he strives to insert himself into snakehiss' day-to-day life, mimicking his interactions and curt parenting style and subsequently dishing it out to other kittens. within the nursery, he commands a strong presence, bossing around other kittens and taking on the responsibility of ensuring all rules are followed. though he means no malice, his monitoring of other kittens may quickly become overbearing to the children and mothers alike, and may result in his exclusion from some social activities that may involve bending rules - such as sneaking out or pulling pranks.

    all kittens dream of becoming a warrior one day, but snakekit takes his one step further. of course, in every game of 'kitclan', he is the lead warrior or leader at his own persistence - in reality, this is paralleled. snakekit wants to be a warrior in the quickest way possible, and soon falls into a phase of becoming a 'helping hand' around camp - picking up chores and conversating with older cats. predictably, nest-making and cleaning becomes a bore, and this phase ends shortly thereafter as he discovers he likes pretending to be an adult much more than the real responsibilities he placed on himself.

    though his dreams are big, snakekit's ambition is utterly harmless. though there is an aspect of 'teacher's pet' behavior in his bossiness, it is well intentioned at its root as he means only to ensure the safety of his nursery-mates. at a surface glance, snakekit pushes others around to put himself in charge for his own gain, but beneath this is a heart of gold. as quick as his reaction to misbehavior, snakekit takes no liking to bullying and will always take a stand if others are being picked on. similarly, he is devotedly protective over others, especially his littermates, even if his fussing over them goes to extremes.

    if one could summarize snakekit in his childhood, they would describe him as guardian-like; while he may be pushy and bossy at times, a bit of a 'goody-two-shoes' if you will, snakekit has a good heart and is always there for others in need, even if it means sacrificing a little bit of their freedom to ensure their physical well-being.
  • INFLEUNCED BY IC: As with all my kit applications (unless a personality is set by the OP), Snakekit's personality here is a loose guideline and is subject to change depending on his interactions with others! This is especially important if he and his siblings are treated differently due to their loyalist (and/or half-DuskClan) heritage - and whether or not he witnesses his father being treated differently on the same account.

    'GOODY TWO-SHOES': Snakekit is a strict rule-follower, influenced by his father's curt parenting style; with the nursery as full as it is, he often takes up the responsibility of 'keeping an eye on' the other kits, older or not. He does what he is told by the queens, and expects others to do what they are told as well, frequently getting on the nerves of older, independent kits. This could open up possibilities of him getting picked on by older kits, getting excluded from games, or getting stern talking-to's for his bossy behavior. One way or another, I expect this behavior to lessen as he gets older - or, carry into apprenticehood and cause trouble for him there.

    THE GUARDIAN: Snakekit is devotedly protective of his littermates, and even goes as far as to stand up for other kittens if they are picked on. He is surprisingly empathetic, and puts a swift end to his 'duties' if he feels the need to aid someone else. There is a sub-surface side to him that is emotional and fun-loving, accessible to those that can tolerate him enough to get to know him. This opens up plots for close relationships with his siblings, and a couple close friendships with other kits, and possible conflict with cats that he deems to be 'bullies'.

    RELATIONSHIP WITH SNAKEHISS: Though he lacks an emotional connection with his father, Snakehiss is Snakekit's idol and motivation, and the cat he wants to be most in this world - mostly in part to their name, but also as an effort to be close to him. If allowed, he will frequently follow Snakehiss around and attempt to hang out with him, gradually picking up on his mannerisms from the way he talks to the way he walks. It is possible that Snakekit will extend his protectiveness to his father, attempting to stand up for him (in a cute and un-menacing way, even if he tries to appear tough) if he ever witnesses mistreatment.

    How he feels about his father growing up will depend entirely on how Snakehiss behaves towards them. As Snakekit grows more independent, he will follow his father around less, but will continue to carry the mannerisms he's picked up. He will never be opposed to any attempts by Snakehiss to bond, though with his busy life as an apprentice, any attempt at bonding after noticeable distance from his father may be met with awkward acceptance. How Snakekit reacts to learning of Sootstar and Snakehiss' involvement (if he ever learns of this) will depend entirely on the circumstance on which he hears it (who tells him, when they tell him, what recent life events have happened to him, etc.).

    On the contrary, Snakekit will have little to no interest in meeting his mother, and may consider his milk-bearer to be his other 'parent'.

  • referencing 'dad notes' from beatles channel in the windclan disc!

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  • n0mXrXR.jpeg

    BLOSSOMKIT ; a name which is borne of great pride and importance.
    blossom is a boastful and prideful molly. perhaps it's a wicked twist of fate that windclan has been blessed with a mini-snakehiss with far less self-control, but this molly is born with a great sense of importance right out of the gate. she is loud and judgemental, and she'll always let you know when she's right and you're wrong. she places a lot of importance on inborn skills and lineage. however, she lacks the same cunning underhandedness as her father, no matter how much she pleads to be his favorite.
    ⤷ blossom is named for snakehiss's mother, rosepool, who died tragically from yellowcough (alternative names, because i'm not too picky: snake- hornet- violet- or laurel-
    — she/her/hers & prefers feminine terms; sexuality tbd
    — kit of windclan, loyal to windclan with great emphasis on a "separatist" sense of superiority
    — not yet born; no age
    — penned by carat; PINTEREST (wip for now!)

    Blossom is a small cat, even for a WindClanner. As she begins to grow from apprenticeship into adulthood this will become particularly noticeable. Some may describe her as "runty", and others may point out that she might be trying to make up for her slight height with her big attitude, but as she reaches adulthood she will fill out in musculature despite her small size. Because of this, she may have some sort of altercation with authority or her parents on whether she should be a moor runner or tunneler.

    Blossom's coat is a mixture of pale oranges and depthy blacks, resembling the autumnal scenes of the trees changing color on the borders of WindClan territory. She has an even balance of black and orange littering her fur, though her face is split in color nearly clean down the middle (albeit for some paler wisps here and there). Her fur is short in length and soft in texture, appearing somewhat velvety.

    She has soft features that lend themselves to a delicate appearance that does not reflect her sharp and offputting personality. Blossom's face is an ovular shape with a muzzle which blends well with the sphere of her head, and her ears are well-set over her eyes. She has pale, jade green eyes which resemble her father's- something she is sure you won't forget any time soon.


    Blossom is a narcissist through and through, but when you initially meet her that is far from the first impression you'd get. She is cunning and underhanded. She greets strangers and clanmates with a sweet smile and helpful advice, but she remembers every weakness and secret she perceives or is told. Blossom behaves in a humble manner, but really this "humility" is just a thin veil which cloaks her superiority complex. Even when she boasts, she often does it in such a way that makes her look like she doesn't really think she's better than anyone else. Blossom is often seen befriending underdogs (who she sees as being "losers") in an attempt to raise her social status even more.

    She does, however, also tend to turn her criticism inward. Her judgement tends to be two-sided, and her perfectionism is geared largely inward. Blossom may be underhanded, but she is also a hard worker and often beats herself up for small mistakes. She seeks the approval of her father and of the senior WindClanners and high ranks- even if she does not perceive them as being as innately pure or superior as she is. She can be slightly idealistic sometimes, often imagining opinions and scenarios that are untrue in order to motivate herself further.


    does not trust or fall in love / make friends easily.
    SMELLS LIKE: freshly upturned earth
    speech is #FB8CFF

    SNAKEHISS xx BERRYSNAP sibling to tbd! | mentoring n/a , mentored by n/a
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: n/a yet

  • ► YELLOW IS THE COLOR OF HER EYES - soccer mommy
    ROAD TO NOWHERE - talking heads
    MY MOM - kimya dawson
    CHOKE - idkhow!

  • IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    ☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
    ★ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
  • posting template

blossom- laurel- snake- hornet-

-inherits their father's self-importance and obsession with lineage and "purity"
-focuses a lot on perfection
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APPLICATION DONE!!! Good luck, everyone!

PRIVETKIT: He / Him; Duskclan Kitten – A kitten crafted of callous shade and ungentle undoings. The pristine fruit from a bowed bough, the apple of repetant sin, and the phantom of the moor's martyrs.

Privetkit is average-sized, if one were to compare him to his peers in Darkclan and his family in Windclan. Descended from a mother who surfaced from the very fields she fled, he has a wiry and somewhat fragile stature, as though he were created of barbed fence and petroleum ocean. Apt of the windswept conduits of his origins, angles of bone and muscle often find themselves emerging to the surface. Compared to an average feline, he stands just below them, though that does not mean he is any less formidable than his bulkier peers. Under the strands of velvet and night lie lines of thew pylons, stringy yet nevertheless rippling underneath his fur.

The tomcat has a somewhat angular face, countenance defined by sharp angles and unkind roundings, like a forest darkened by midnight. An ill temperament seems to have etched itself onto his features, even well into kithood. His eyes are narrow, with eyelids always lidded in a disinterested-looking stare, as if a passive sneer was ingrained into his very skull. This expression does not betray him - and is in fact, quite fitting of the tuxedo-colored feline. His limbs are thin and withy, like the twigs and sticks that hold up a great piney woodland. Barbs of fur and fuzz and thorn stick out at times - but he makes sure to settle them down. His tail is long and wispy, as if a trail of smoke extending into the sunset sky, as the meeting point between the cloud and the ash.

In coloration, he resembles his father quite prominently, from his serpentine glare to his sable-and-snow coat. In many ways, Privetkit is a spitting image of the snake. His coat takes a striking pitch ebony with tips of off-white, snowdrift through the tar. The most striking thing about him is his ghost striping, persisting even into adulthood. If the sunlight blesses him at the right angle, purls of rushing stripes can be seen through the mire of coal-colored pelt, almost iridescent and transient in its manner. In regular lighting, these stripes blend in with his black pelt - an illusory thing, as though it were never there in the first place. On his left frontmost paw, he is also polydactyl, as he bears six claws instead of four. He has subtly fern-green eyes, dull yet glowing amongst the midst of the umbrage.

─ 3 Moons: SNAKEHISS xx BERRYSNAP; Cousin (once removed) to Whitepaw

✦ Bookish and prudent to a fault, Privetkit takes care to calculate his every move yet never reserve any judgment.

The tomcat takes himself very seriously, often thinking himself the smartest man in the room. In the manner of a shrewd mathematician or a meticulous artist, Privetkit finds mountains out of mole-hills and method in the madness. Impossibly obsessed with symmetry and the likes of orderliness, he often makes a fuss out of uncleanliness and chaos. The tom makes sure to groom himself properly too, even at an age in which it should be the last thing on his mind. After all, a good first impression stays with a cat like a bad habit to the addled brain.

He tends to quickly remove himself from those he deems unhygienic or unbecoming of his own reputation. Although judgmental and fast to riposte at one's imperfections as the adder does to the unsuspecting mouse, he almost never raises his voice. His tone remains at a slow lilt, like a tugboat rocking on a sea of tar and honey - certain, and yet wary of the depths that pray consume it whole. Still, the black cat loves to be assuredly snarky, pointedly prodding at his peers behind their backs. All in all, Privetkit makes sure to keep himself prim and proper for his superiors. He has little patience for things that do not concern him; he would rather not waste what little time is in the day taking care of another cat's miserable problems.

Privetkit does not often concern himself with being social or making relationships with others. In fact, the act of forming bonds and connections seems to be more of a strategic game to him, than anything. Though, that does not stop loneliness from gnawing at him - in fact, the absence only makes the heart grow bitter. He is a man remarked by great isolation, though it is of his own doing; even at a young age does he close himself off from the rest of the world. It does not help that he tends to be gloomy and sarcastic at every point that he can, which tends to drive away the weeds of potential friends before they've even a chance to bloom in his garden.

He is observant and ambitious, though unconcerned with leadership itself like many are. Instead, he just wishes to do his job well - whatever it may be. Of course, he also wants a good life for his mother, however they can get it through their dismal life conditions. With hawkish eyes unbecoming of a downy-furred kitten, he watches the state of Duskclan. He tends to know everything, including the latest gossip - even if you didn't tell him, he tends to sit in the shadows and simply listen. Clever and precocious, he tends to inquire about everything in the world, seeing even that which may be unremarkable to others. Dignified and eloquent, he tends to study all that he can.

There are very few cats that earn his respect. His mother and his leader are two that always have his esteem. In fact, Berrysnap is one of the very few cats that he seems to soften up for - even if her inexperience as a parent sometimes has her make mistakes. Aptly, one could consider him a mama's boy - and though he often tries to deny it, it is very much the truth. His leader, no matter who it happens to be at the time, always has his admiration as well. After all, competence comes with the crown of kinghood (doesn't it?). He takes promises very seriously - as promises are the links of society, and if one is broken, then the whole structure becomes faulty and ruinous. His responsibility and integrity are incredibly important to him.

It is no wonder why he never tends to be popular among his age group...

✦ For your future consideration...
Ardent Ambitions: Duskclan is all that Privetkit knows. In a room full of traitors, he is their kin. Privet strives to be the best of his narrow world, a renegade king. He will strive for whatever role he can in Duskclan, though meager they may be. He especially wants to make his mother proud.
Rogue Rook: When he grows older and the throes of his home are long gone, he will have to make himself useful in another way... Living on his own (presumably) is hard, but by taking prey and protection in exchange for getting his hands dirty, he is able to make a killing for himself. He doesn't mind - he's had to do it many times living under Duskclan. The same dance under a different den.

Miscellaneous Notes:
─ He is aromantic asexual (aro-ace). He is romance-averse and does not experience any form of attraction aside from purely platonic.
─ I don't mind Privetkit going to either clan, but I did design him in mind for Duskclan (so I would prefer for him to go there rather than Windclan).
─ I will be transparent in saying that there may be periods of time where I cannot post for a week or two. My life tends to get hectic without much foresight. That being said, I am planning for Privetkit to be one of my main characters.
─ Warrior name(s) (in no order of preference): Privetwing, Privetfeather, Privetshadow, Privetbite, Privetglare
─ Alternative names (if necessary, and in order of preference): Helleborekit, Rookkit, Shrikekit, Serpentkit
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i know you won't know what my rping looks like so i yanked a (really really old) post for ref - like i said in my intro idk what my activity will look like but i'd love to attempt playing in windclan (its my favorite teehee)
POTENTIAL NAMES: [ wasp* / badger / dusk ]-kit *personal favorite

GENDER / PRONOUNS: cis female - she / her



short, well maintained shiny fur. a tortoiseshell like no other, her markings refuse to blend in some areas creating sharp black angles all over her body. particularly, her face, neck, and back carry a long cut streak of black smoking off of her black tipped nose. her chest opens into a beam of orange sunlight, tiger stripes falling back towards her spine. her thin, long tail is the color of midnight, connecting to her body stripe, it almost elongates her figure. dappled rings of golden orange surround each eye, emphasizing their size and roundness. said eyes are a glowing amber and green, with observant yet perpetually thin pupils. even when making eye contact, they seem to stare through you searching for some failure of virtue, while managing to ignore your presence entirely. of medium height and small body, with lean tight musculature, X was not made for warfare. she is a hunter. both in watchful eyes, tensed perfect posture, and lightness of foot. disproportionately longer legs, with ribbons of shadow leading to black tipped paws. she is not a cat that is meant to be noticed, she blends with fallen leaves, barren fields, and shadows alike.



- FRAGILE / DAMSEL IN DISTRESS / UNASSUMING: her? what could she possibly do? a stiff wind could knock her over, and her voice barely picks up over the meekest of apprentices. when the kits wrestle to mimic the warriors, she is the first to be eliminated. skulking off steaming with frustration and disappointment. this prioritizes improving skills of the mind, hunting, conversation, strategy. while not an apt fighter herself, she will study combat and pick out the flaws of others. if given enough time to wear down an opponents endurance, she will strike them in ways they are weaker.
- JUDGEMENTAL / PERFECTIONIST: there are expectations when you're the daughter of a well-known respected warrior in the clan. eyes watch you, you must know how to act right. there is respect, honor, manners, and when they are not used correctly, she will know. a watcher of felines, a self proclaimed study of character, a natural born hater. she will silently judge what she considers brazen or bullish behavior. excessive loudness, disrespect of elders, or bad language or disregard for social rules. this list will grow as she finds more to be offended by, as she grows older, her tolerance for other cats will be very dependent on personal history / fond memory.
- NATURAL ADVISOR (NATURAL MANIPULATOR): there is always praise of natural leaders. the strong personalities that are capable of making the final call and sticking through to the end. someone who inspires hope or even fear. someone that has all eyes on them. X is not such a personality, but her ability to mask personal distastes opinion gives the leader something they desperately need... approval and guidance, the tongue that will always clean their fur no matter the horror they are forced to endure, because, what makes a truly great leader is their ability to shoulder suffering, hate. not one ruling will be loved by all, but if it wasn't your decision alone... your right paw she-cat, watching your back for enemies.
- GOLD BLOOD: blood is thicker than gold, at least, hers is. it runs thick and molten through her veins, binding her and a family tree that bends the rules of devotion and ambition. brother, cousin, father or mother, it matters not, they take priority over everything. laws, religion, nothing could keep her heart from severing those ties. she will always have foggy, milky newborn memories of her first clan. always know what she couldn't have. sometimes resentful, always dedicated family girl. she follows her father like a shadow, and watches her siblings backs with a violent passion.
subject to changes, this was a pretty rough wip that i'll finish if being accepted: LINK
the smell of mint and the fresh, almost grassy notes of the raspberry leaves. almost acrid as it floating to his nose, not unpleasant, but definitely peaking curiosity. onekit knew he would be welcome to come learn with the others, join his peers as they leaned on pillars of knowledge within their community. a small tail flicking behind his body, displeased with the size of the crowd. he would love to charge in and declare his own interest, but it seemed if anything futile. onekit's original fear from not having a present medicine cat was dissolving into a pool of many cats aching to fill the hole. they were lucky, to have those already educated on such things when no one sat office to teach.

it was with caution that onekit finally let his paws bring him closer to the spectacle. more to get a closer taste of the smells, bundles of herbs bent to release fragrant oils. it made his mouth water, a stomach not quite full off of his meager rations giving a gentle rumble.

"they both smell quite spicy, in their own way," his shoulders craned forward to get a look at the green leaves in question, brown eyes studying their forms but failing to discern the two scents from another. if not previously mentioned, it would be easy to assume they were from the same plant, same simple origin. "why not keep them separate while you gather?"

it seemed too obvious to be possible. some roadblock presenting itself to the mortal cats unable to create new methods, stuck in tradition. the safety of the easy way. perhaps it was only onekit who had such difficulty telling the two scents apart. a melting pot of cool and crisp clouding his mind to look past, into the truly obvious.
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sh tortoiseshell with dark orange eyes, polydactyly on front paws
petite and wisplike, violetkit is a small tortoiseshell with a personality much larger than she is. she will remain small her whole life, head likely hitting her father's shoulders at adulthood, and puffs her chest out proud and holds her head high to gain whatever extra height she can. violetkit's pelt is a sleek, solid black that absorbs almost all light that touches it while it's thick with kitten down, making her appear almost as a small void of light. deep red speckles dot across her pelt, thicker along her haunches and shoulders in dark lines. the markings can be hard to spot, almost invisible unless she's turning to face you. a dark red dorsal runs down her back, her largest identifiable marking. white touches her appendages ever so lightly, coloring her toes and the tip of her tail. violetkit bears a small white splotch on her chest, a striking resemblance to snakehiss' own. her eyes are a glittering orange, like the low-sitting sun.

this is just a rough draft! a lot of this is prone to change depending on how she's raised and how she develops :) i would like to stay true to her core personality traits, however.

violetkit, like her father in his youth, has an ego that's a bit too big for her. although she does not latch onto the nationalism snakehiss himself was raised with, she cares for him extremely greatly as her only parent, and for that matter flaunts him as her father. she's proud of snakehiss, proud of being his kin, and loves to show him off to any who would listen much to their own chagrin. violetkit thinks snakehiss is the center of the world as a kit, shadowing his steps and pestering him whenever she gets the chance. her reactions to things hinge largely on what snakehiss himself does, or what she thinks he would feel. in her youth, this will likely have violetkit offering more mild reactions to things, as when left entirely to her own devices she can be quite dramatic and loud in matters. violetkit will inflate things to be bigger problems than they really are, hunting for a sense of superiority or potentially even attention out of something as simple as losing a kit-fight. depending on how she's raised by snakehiss himself, or if she finds another parental figure to attach to, violetkit will either do little things for their validation - or, if snakehiss' attention is elsewhere far more often than his kittens, violetkit will lash out and act out for attention. consequences be damned, she will want her father's eyes. a lack of approval is no problem for violetkit, as long as eyes are on her.

despite her storms for attention, violetkit is not a rotten child. she is not malicious or particularly hateful, and being "right" doesn't always matter to violetkit. in fact, she has little issue accepting her own wrongdoing once her temper has cooled off a day later - but her temper in itself can be quite the problem. when things don't go her way, even as simple as missing the goal in mossball, frustration absolutely overtakes the tiny tortoiseshell. attempts to quell her anger will result in a tongue lashing much unbecoming someone so young. hopefully, as she grows, she will be offered tools and tutorage on how to redirect her anger and quash her vile thoughts. when someone themselves is the source of her ire, she is less sharp than she would be if someone was stepping in on her own failure, typically speaking with blatant exasperation, dramatic sighs, and a dose of needless sass. harmless, but annoying. violetkit can be hard to get along with because of how quickly she views something as being unfavorable to her, and her reactions to them make her unappealing to spend time with. violetkit is quite the sore loser, and can be prone to ill-hidden jealousy.

violetkit is a loyal friend to those that are able to tolerate her temper tantrums, however. violetkit, unafraid of punishment or apologizing, might even fall into a friendship with a troublemaker where she regularly takes the fall and offers lies and apologies to cover as though she had done actions herself. she thrives off of attention, after all, so if someone gives her a wealth of it and all she has to do is stretch the truth a bit and sit in the nursery for a few days... hardly a price to pay. while she doesn't mind stretching the truth in an instance of being reprimanded, violetkit is much more brutally honest toward other cats. she'll openly tell you why she doesn't think you're very funny, that she thinks you smell, that you're actually kind of ugly. violetkit doesn't understand how these things can be hurtful at first. as she ages, this will likely dampen down significantly, and violetkit will become much kinder with her words; but she will be unafraid to speak her mind, what she views as the truth, whether about another cat or about a situation. violetkit is incredibly brave, almost viewing herself as invincible - this is a large driver in what makes violetkit step in the way of a bullet, so to speak.
  • alternate names in order of preference are hiss-, shrike-, and fleet-! ideally a windclan kit <3
  • this would be a very casual character for me, for complete transparency. sunlitpaw is my primary character but violetkit would probably see around 10-15 posts a month! her personality would make it easy for me though since she'd probably follow snake wherever he goes, so at least for her kithood i'd likely just be posting in the threads you do if she can feasibly there :)
  • i would like for her to be a dice roll character! her moods in threads, as in whether she's particularly temperamental or more mild, will be dictated by a d20! i'd LOOOVE to mess around with modifiers depending on development and recent reactions, as well. her growth would also be dictated by dice rolls, so for example her skill as a tunneller would be up to rng and whether or not she rolls well every month!
  • i am absolutely in LOVE with her concept so if she isn't accepted you can definitely expect to see her elsewhere <3 good luck to everyone applying!!
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