I didn't think they would actually say yes. Oddpaw is his friend, so it shouldn't have been a surprise that the younger apprentice was more than happy to come with him to hunt for feathers. It may have been due to the fact that they actually hadn't done much together and their friendship started so suddenly. The pair just looked at each other and decided they liked what they saw and became friends. It's nice. It's also peculiar to look at another apprentice sleeping, waiting for them to wake up to ask them to hang out. Crowpaw is usually the first apprentice to awake and that is due to Silversmoke's training. The warrior whisks him away before the sun rises, so on the days in which he has no training... Let's just say he wakes up before most of the clan. All he does is watch the apprentices for awhile. It does get boring just to stare at snoring apprentices for minutes after all. This time however, he shifts between Oddpaw and Owlpaw's sleeping forms.

Owlpaw surprises him more than Oddpaw. He isn't sure what to call them, but he likes her. She has an appreciation for feathers and they both have a fondness for birds. While they've known each other for their entire lives, heck... They were apprenticed at the same meeting and would become warriors together, he hadn't held much conversation with her. Both of these cats are peers whom he was supposed to have some deep relationship with. To think, before his apprenticeship ended he would be doing what many of his peers had done moons ago. He truly was the runt of the litter?

Three apprentice pad through the forest in search of feathers on the ground or birds. What fails to dawn on him is that Oddpaw and Owlpaw may not be friends. They could be enemies and the only reason why they haven't clawed at each other is because of him. Or maybe this was their first time getting to know each other as well. Nevertheless, the hulking black apprentice would smile. There seems to be a bounce in his step. "What kind of feather's do you think we'll find together? Or birds?! Is there anything you two want to find specifically? I want to find a robin!" They should be easy to see, since they're red. Dunno if it's still not time for them to come out yet.
  • @ODDPAW and @Owlpaw! can't believe we're on a feather hunt y'all
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
He was delighted to have come feather hunting with both Crowpaw and Owlpaw, he trotted next to Owlpaw with a little bounce to his step. Here he was outside of boring camp, and into the vast forest. Letting out a series of hums, with no specific song in mind he lets his gaze fall at the ground for any pretty feathers he might stumble upon. The pastel splashed calico, sweeps his tail tip across the ground as he lifts his head to scent any birds nearby and hopefully their lost feathers. He angles an ear to what Crowpaw said, he lifts his head from where he was sniffing out any random birds. Turning his skinny frame around, to let his copper gaze stare at the older apprentice. "Ooh, maybe I could find a jay their feathers are pretty.. or a woodpecker!" He mews with a soft sigh, imagining different birds and their different, colorful feathers. He settles onto his haunches, to wait for Owlpaw to speak what kind of bird and their feathers she want to find.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( really? that's it? seriously.. ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — cismale ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    ♡ bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & puppy-crushes
    — a medium-furred sliver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone


The offer to go feather hunting with Oddpaw and Crowpaw was surprising, she hadn't spoken often with either one but she enjoyed their company. Perhaps that was why the surprise was not an unwelcome one. She tilted her head as she watched Oddpaw bounce next to her, then to Crowpaw who had a similar bounce in his step, if not a little bit more self-contained. A small smile found its way on her maw as she looked between the two of them, not realising her usual gait was replaced by one that had a small bounce in its place. The Newleaf sun was a welcome change, it was ideal weather to be looking for feathers, and potentially the birds that carried them.

Her companions' choices for birds were exciting to hear about, she hoped Starclan was kind enough to them that they could find what they were looking for. “I'd like to see a dove, maybe an eagle? I'd prefer to not see an eagle, just a feather would be fine” Her gaze raised to look at the tree branches above them as she spoke, growing slightly concerned that invoking the creature's name would be enough to make it appear. “I'd be happy to find any feather with a cool pattern” she added quickly. While she appreciated pretty colours on feathers she found her eye was drawn towards unique patterns. Truthfully she was just happy going on this outing, even if nothing came out of it.
"Jay's are really pretty, I love how blue they are! It makes them stand out. Although, I'd never expected such a small bird to screech so loud!" He can't help at laugh at the memory of watching from a branch jay's interact with one another. It sounded as if they were arguing over something. Never in his life was he prepared for the screeches that left their beaks. He had expected them to sound a bit like finches considering they were small too. Not as small as finches for sure, but the difference had astounded him. "Woodpecker's are cool too, but I wonder if their beaks hurt all the time. Do you think they hurt? I mean it has to, right? It hits bark and bark isn't super soft."

Seems like Crowpaw can be rather chatty when it comes to the right topics. He can't help but playfully push against Oddpaw to ask, "If you had to pick between a woodpecker or a jay, which would you want to see more?" His attention is taken away from Oddpaw as Owlpaw shares what bird she would like to see. Her choices are interesting, considering one of them could kill them easily. It's amusing in a way. And it appears she knows that too because she quickly amends she would very much not want to see an eagle. The black tom chuffs, "I was about to say, Owlpaw are you sure you want to see an Eagle? Considering they can kill us easily. That's... Kind of a bummer though. I wish we could actually look at it without the stupid thing trying to eat us."

As much as he loved birds... I serious don't want to die by one. "Doves are the small white birds, right? They're super cute." Let it be known that Oddpaw is not forgotten when Crowpaw turns to look at his friend. "What do you think Oddpaw? You like Doves or Eagles?" You know... For a first hang out as a group, they seem to mesh well. It's almost as if they've been friends for moons. Even though they only really started hanging out today. While Owlpaw states that she is happy with any feather with a cool pattern, he blurts out, "I'm happy with finding any feathers."
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
He lets out a soft laugh, a sound like soft whimechimes blowing in the gentle wind at Crowpaw's explanation on jays. He remembers the first time hearing a jay, when he was a little thing loud to his poor ears. His head lulls to the side in thought, slowly- he didn't think about how woodpecker's beaks hurt at all. "Their beaks seem hard.. I don't know if they hurt. Maybe? Bark isn't very soft." he mews with a shake of his head. He curls his tail around his paws, where he was settled ears angled toward Owlpaw as she said what her type of bird she would like to see or collect a feather from. An eagle?! He blinks at the red tabby, when she shares she wanted to see an eagle he parted his maw to speak but clicked it shut. I mean.. if she wants to see an eagle that isn't my business. Feeling a small playful push, he answers Crowpaw's question with a chirp. "Hmm, I would like to see a jay, they may be loud. Buuut I would like a feather from the little thing." Ending his sentence with a bob of his head.

He flicks an ear as he looks, as he agreeds to Crowpaw's words on the stupid thing trying to eat us. The calico lets a brief 'mrrp' at Crowpaw's question towards him. He answers with a soft meow, smiling "Doves are cute, I like em! I would love to see if we can find dove feathers. If not then.. any feather that is pretty I would love to keep." He sweeps his tail across the ground near this pale colored paws. He thinks to himself, that it feels like they've all been friends for longer but it's only now that they have the same topic of interests. He loves it. Letting out soft hums escape, he feels joyus glee about having friends in Skyclan.

Having friends is so much fun.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

“I think if it hurt them they wouldn’t keep doing it” Owlpaw offered, did woodpeckers get hurt when pecking the wood? While she doubted it, this wasn’t something that she had considered before. She enjoyed Oddpaws answer about wanting to see a jay, she laughed at the thought “well, jays could be easier to look for, since they’re so loud.” While they were small they could always combine some jay feathers so that way there was more volume for nests or multiple to decorate ones fur with.

She looks back from the tree branches to her friends, they were friends right? Acquaintances? When does one graduate from being an acquaintance to being a friend? She narrowed her eyes as she tried to think about the answer to her own question, this seemed more like an activity that friends do rather than acquaintances, so she was happy to call them her friends. She laughs softly at Crowpaws words, sharing that sentiment of wanting to see one without dying. “It would be nice to have a feather from an eagle, I think that’s a long term goal. I want one so I can show everyone at camp, doing that without dying is ideal.”

Owlpaw is more than happy to look for a dove rather than an eagle, she would even settle for a pigeon, they looked kind of similar? Yeah! They’re the white birds. If we find a dove feather you can have it, Oddpaw. I’m happy with anything we find, I just like feathers in general.” Friends share things, right? So she was more than happy to give the calico the feather if they only ended up finding just one, still, she was determined to find the feather that they wanted. “So, we’ll keep an extra good look out for robin, jay and dove feathers and maybe the actual birds themselves? Others we find are bonuses.” It seemed like a solid plan, they were sure to find something out there, as long as her friends were having a good time she could even be fine with not finding anything.