Rook explaination: after the bird of the same name
pine group
male, he/him ──── heterosexual | monogamist
created 08.06.22 at 50 moons ──── ages 2ns of ever month
↳ penned by @Thorny
↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
longhaired black smoke with heterochromatic eyes / reference
rook was so named for his dark black smoke pelt, which brought to mind the dark plumage of the bird of the same name. his fur is long and relatively smooth, though prone to sticking up in places no matter how much he tries to lick it down. he's an average sized tom despite what his long fur might suggest, with a slender body hidden beneath that coat of his. rook did initially just have yellow eyes, but his left eye started to become flecked with green after a couple of years.
↳ carrying dilute
↳ ( Personality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
true neutral, ENTJ-T
(+) loyal, hard-working, talkative when he wants to be (/) loner, reflective (-) hot-headed at times, grumpy
↳ mannerisms elaborate
↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
SHADOW x RAINY sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
Friends with:
↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
physical health: 100% | mental health: 100%
will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | might show mercy
excels at climbing, running, jumping ──── poor at land hunting
healing & peaceful powerplay allowed, etc. -
Backstory / simplified historyblah blah blah
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