- Mar 19, 2024
- 182
- 33
- 28
〔✦〕"Mirestar really said all that?" The flame-sepia warrior gasped at the retelling of ShadowClan's invasion, surprised at the sheer absurdity of it all. Waltzing into their territory like that, demanding they hand it over. . . He had been fighting RiverClan over at Sunningrocks at the same time his clanmates had been protecting their territory from ShadowClan. Their strength divided, ThunderClan had been overwhelmed by their enemies.
"They wouldn't have been able to handle us on their own so they had to team up," The tom growls, stepping into the territory that was theirs. "Come on, let's hunt before some patrol of theirs shows up." He tells his clanmates, dropping into a crouch and skulking away. Ears listen attentively to every little noise in the forest, mouth agape in search for prey-scent.
It doesn't feel good to do this. But this land was theirs, it had been theirs for moons. ShadowClan didn't 'need' it any more than they did. They were starving. What right did ShadowClan have to demand some of their territory? Just thinking about it made anger surge through him, and Roaringsun nearly missed the smell of mouse hanging in the air. Tail-tip flicking, he approaches the mammal slowly, each step calculated — he couldn't lose this. As he gets closer, leaves rustle and the mouse is alerted, but he swiftly leaps at it and delivers the killing bite. Grabbing the animal by its tail, the warrior turns to head back to his group.
"They wouldn't have been able to handle us on their own so they had to team up," The tom growls, stepping into the territory that was theirs. "Come on, let's hunt before some patrol of theirs shows up." He tells his clanmates, dropping into a crouch and skulking away. Ears listen attentively to every little noise in the forest, mouth agape in search for prey-scent.
It doesn't feel good to do this. But this land was theirs, it had been theirs for moons. ShadowClan didn't 'need' it any more than they did. They were starving. What right did ShadowClan have to demand some of their territory? Just thinking about it made anger surge through him, and Roaringsun nearly missed the smell of mouse hanging in the air. Tail-tip flicking, he approaches the mammal slowly, each step calculated — he couldn't lose this. As he gets closer, leaves rustle and the mouse is alerted, but he swiftly leaps at it and delivers the killing bite. Grabbing the animal by its tail, the warrior turns to head back to his group.

ooc. Set after the invasion. @ADDERSNAP + apprentice, @PALEFIRE + apprentice(s) + @Houndshade + apprentice !
Rolled a 13 ( prey gets taken ) and a 6 ( prey size ). -
ROARINGSUN —— warrior of thunderclan , mentor to none . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
✦ male / he/him / 13 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
✦ single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
✦ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
—— combat details here / battle notes
✦ "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
✦ tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
reference image here
a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.
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