camp IT'S JUST BEGUN [ return from sunningrocks ]

() pebbletail thinks he should be celebrating. they've just won back sunningrocks, a piece of territory long coveted by their now enemies, although once owned by riverclan. that had been before his time, before many of his peers' time, and so he feels he should be celebrating, because they won, and the clan will have a better chance at prey for the season. that's what he thinks. unfortunately, his brain and his heart are on two warring sides. bile churns in the young man's stomach as he presses hard against the body of a feline he perhaps cares for most in the world. lichenstar hangs limp between himself and salmonshade, barely awake, barely breathing. starclan has only managed to heal her killing blow, but the other wounds that litter her frame still ooze and gush crimson. pebbletail can feel it, sticky on his own fur.

the rest of his clan follows behind, mute or muttering under forced breaths. pebbletail pays them no mind, a deep sorrow lodging under his tongue and gluing it to the bottom of his maw. he can still feel the touch of salmonshade against him, sobbing out her own emotions as his mother lay dead on the rocks. he cannot feel his bleeding ear, or the slivers of scratches left from that thunderclan apprentice. all he feels is the heaviness of lichenstar against his shoulder, and the fog of her breath on his jaw. thank the stars she's breathing at all.

this is the fastest pebbletail can possibly go, and yet it feels like a day until they reach camp. snowy paws drenched in unfamiliar blood plod along the path, and pebbletail feels his throat begin to close with lack of breath. lichenstar's nose whistles quietly with air, until it doesn't. again. her head lolls against his own, her body stiff and still. the boy feels panic and bile rising in his throat, eyes sparking with unshed tears as he carries his mother's corpse through the reeds. when the familiar tall grasses come into sight, it's as if something sparks in the boy. he pushes himself to the entrance, voice cracking as he calls out; "moonbeam! mo-onbe-eam?" tears fall from honeyed eyes as the tom seeks the medicine cat, and his chin trembles. where are eveningpaw, horizionpaw? where are shellpaw and twinkleflight? where is... "hazecloud? m-momma?" two lives. lichenstar has lost two lives in the span of one battle. "sh-she," a gasp, a breath clutching at his throat. "two. two of them, moonbeam." gently, the tom sets his mother down and continues to hover beside her as moonbeam darts close, seeking, searching.

(where is splashdance? is she alright, is she safe? has harm come to her? midnightash will take care of her, of course. obviously. because pebbletail suddenly can't be trusted around his own best friend. sunspark eyes flit about anyway, seeking river blues.)

  • // helping @salmonshade bring @lichenstar home. looking for @hazecloud and @Moonbeam <3 also might be looking for @splashdance. " #848DAE"
  • 89442467_tOIzd3yHU0nBWAA.png
    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebbletail's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.
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  • Like
Reactions: salmonshade

It is preemptive, but it is a lesson nevertheless: there are no true victors in battle. Eveningpaw leaves behind the bloodied fields and waters of Sunningrocks, now officially theirs, and yet... she is starting to think they should have just left it be. It is a guilt-ridden thought: she, herself, had been part of those advocating for a fight. It had only made sense to unsheathe her claws and bare her teeth for what is rightfully hers... and with the early frost, extra territory had been paramount.

Now they have that strip of land, and Lichenstar is one life closer to true death.

Had Eveningpaw known the outcome, she would have disagreed with the notion; to hell with parental disappointments. The sacrifice is not worth it... not worth some fish and voles. Perhaps she ought to atone by only allowing herself to eat the bare minimum, to feel the effects of near-starvation, to be reminded of why Lichenstar threw their life away. Or would that only serve to deem it worthless?

She does not feel the sting of her own wounds. The triumph that had come with victory over her ThunderClan opponent had been short-lived — the yowl had died in her throat as she saw the lifeless body of her mother.

Eveningpaw will never get used to such a sight.

Lichenstar's wounds still bleed, and Eveningpaw sees it join Pebbletail's gray flank. The iron-tang wafts along the returning cats; clings to the roof of her mouth. Not worth it... not worth it!

The arrival back home only serves to displace Eveningpaw further. Snakeblink leans against her, as per her own suggestion — it must be uncomfortable even outside his injuries, for his frame is taller than hers thanks to spindly limbs, but it is much better than offering no support. The caterwaul of grief and panic that ensues within camp feels far-away, a mere buzz in her ears; all the while, Eveningpaw looks from Moonbeam to her other Clanmates, wishing the medicine cat would only care for Lichenstar... and nobody else. If that is selfish, so be it, though she does not have the guts to say it aloud.

Helping @Snakeblink but looking to interact with @pebbletail & @lichenstar !

Cragpaw's paws drag as he trudges into camp behind the others, every muscle in his body aching with exhaustion and the sting of fresh wounds. The sharp scent of blood clings to him, but he hardly notices, his head still swimming, replaying everything - the yowls, the flying of fur and claws, and the moment his world had upended.

Half-ThunderClan. The words loop through his mind like a thorn caught in his pelt, refusing to be dislodged. His gaze sweeps over his clanmates, catching glimpses of wounded figures and battered pelts. Pebbletail's voice trembles as he frantically calls out for Moonbeam, and the apprentice's chest tightens. His eyes instinctively search for Crabpaw, hoping for some anchor in all this confusion. Pinepaw is leaning against him and he casts a comforting lick over her head. "Come on." He begins to guide her to the medicine den and tries his best to focus on her and her injury. Instead, memories surge forward: Stormywing's screamed confession, and the miserable look in her eyes after she'd done it.

Half-ThunderClan. It churns in his gut, the sharp sting of betrayal needling his insides. Did Ferngill know? Did anyone else know? His paws keep moving, but they suddenly feel heavy as stone. His eyes drift to the camp entrance, the reeds still swaying as the last of the battle patrol returned. He feels detached. He can't help but question everything. Who he is, what loyalty means, and if he truly belongs here. The frost-laced wind blows through his fur, causing him to shiver. "Moonbeam, Robinheart," He pleads weakly, finally settling his sister near the medicine den. He can't bring himself to look at her mauled face, not until he knows for sure how her eye is…or if it's even there anymore.

// @Pinepaw ⭒ Looking for @CRABPAW @Moonbeam @robinheart
Foxtail limps into camp, with his apprentice trailing shortly behind him. His blood stained shoulder throbs, and the lead warrior tried to hide a wince as he pads forward. They won the Sunningrocks back— but at what cost? His gaze finds its way onto Lichenstar... who lost a life for their cause. StarClan healed the fatal blow to her jugular, and only that. The rest of the wounds inflicted by Flamestar still bleed, and all Foxtail can smell in this air is iron.

His olive green eyes glance at Iciclefang, and the disbelief still runs through his veins. He never imagined her— out of all RiverClanners— to break that code. He remembers how the former queen made public jabs at Splashdance while she finished up her apprenticship.... a cat made up of two clans. She really tried to paint herself that she didn't commit the same crime as Splashdance's parents had, huh? He yanks his gaze away from her, and he wonders if her gaze met his.

StarClan above, he can't even begin to imagine what her children are thinking right now. Everything they have been taught... what she ingrained into their heads... wasn't even entirely true. What a nightmare, The tom thinks with a frown, ears pinned back. Those poor kits don't deserve this.

He looks back at Sunpaw, whom had put up quite the fight. He was impressed by her quick thinking— for an apprentice who didn't have nearly as much time being exposed to clan-life, she fought well. She now knows how dangerous the battlefield can be.... and he feels relief that she wasn't majorly injured. They are both lucky to make it out alive, and he feels grateful that he still breathes. "How bad are y-your injuries?" He asks, as his own wound continues to throb. "...Make sure to g-go see Moonbeam and R-Robinheart."

  • briefly looking at Iciclefang, talking with @SUNPAW.
  • 91060054_6Onc0lc3t1L8246.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    25 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

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࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — She bleeds from her wounds but a sickening satisfaction is what pushes her onward to the way back home but its short-lived when the news of Iciclefang bearing the kittens of a Thunderclanner. If it weren't for the sweet, metallic taste of blood on her tongue then the lead warrior would've shown disgust and maybe said something but there are more important matters to tend to than a traitor. Beefang slips forward leaving behind her clanmates only to spare a glance in the direction of Pinepaw noting how she's missing one of her eyes almost a mirror to her own and her whiskers twitch "You did well today." With a flick of her feathery tail, the black smoke slips into the medicine den ignoring the way her wounds sting and how uncomfortable the dried blood brushes against her fur and flesh. Her lone eye focusing onto her mate soon pushing her nose to her cheek and shuts her eye to take in Moonbeam's comforting scent, Riverclan had won today and the lead warrior would make sure to bring her mate to Sunningrocks to bask in their glory.

Her eye opens once more only to let her nose slip further until it brushes against the ear of her mate and her pupil narrows into a dark slit before murmuring quietly for Moonbeam's ears alone "Iciclefang's a traitor." Her expression solemn already having accepted that the tortoiseshell she had idolized since she had been a kitten had been a fraud, a dry chuckle slips from her throat despite how it hurts due to the scars on her chest from Raccoonstripe. She laughs at the thought that the molly had kept it a secret despite Swiftfire doing quite similarly and her finding out that Splashdance's a halfclanner too, oh, she would've never thought the lead warrior to be capable of such a thing. "Her kittens have Thunderclan blood." The dangerous whisper slips from her jaws as it clenches with an anger only to pull away from the medicine cat to see her reaction to this news, she knows that Lichenstar wouldn't be pleased about this at all.

"Come, my love. The clan needs you." Beefang utters to her lastly pressing her forehead against hers then departs the medicine den once more briefly stealing a glimpse of Iciclefang and then glances at all of those that had been injured. The anger subsides as concern grows for Lichenstar hoping that Moonbeam would be able to help them back onto their paws. Her whiskers twitch wondering if Hazecloud's nearby but the black smoke remains stationed near the medicine den, she would be treated last that way she could share more words with her mate once everyone else is gone.


  • ooc — whispering the hot gossip to @Moonbeam :]
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    16 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

She feels unprepared.

The air tinges with a miasma of iron, metallic ilk that clings to her senses as the reeds part and Riverclanners return to camp. Eyes of citrine widen at the sight of Lichenstar – lifeless atop Pebbletail's back. Starclan will revive the blue lynx point but these memories will never leave her traumatized son. Moonbeam is summoned by the new warrior, given the information that the battle took not only one life from their leader, but two.

Two lives lost in one day.

Robinheart releases a shuddered breath and turns her attention to more bloodstained clanmates. Cragpaw pleads her name among the ivory medicine cat's, a reminder that she is now responsible for their recoveries, his littermate supported at his side. The tortoiseshell stumbles forward and meets Iciclefang's children as they settle near the medicine den. "It'll be okay," she murmurs, voice downy and maternal despite the irregular thrum of her heart and twisting of her gut. Apprentices… maimed in war. She's reminded so much of her own apprenticeship and the death and injury that came with reclaiming their home from rogues. She's reminded of Meadowheart – how his loss had reverberations in her life and Brookstorm's life.

Pinepaw is alive though, she will be okay.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Robinheart asks. Moonbeam is preoccupied with Lichenstar (and Beefang, from a quick glance) but the medicine cat apprentice can at least gather information and figure out what herbs she will need.

// interacting with cragpaw and pinepaw; keeping an ear out for moonbeam's instructions
[ penned by kerms ]
Sunpaw was quiet. A normally very uncharacteristic thing for her. But she follows only a pawstep or two behind Foxtail, who limps from a nasty wound to his shoulder. She had watched it happen, of course. She can still smell the tang of blood in the air and she wrinkles her nose up with a sharp exhale as she tries to rid her senses of it. The battle had been... faster than she had thought, and yet so destructive. She got away so easily, nothing more than a bad scratch- but looking at the cats coming back, Lichenstar... Pinepaw too.

It was... humbling, to say the least. For once... she understands Foxtail too.

The interpersonal conflict that arose with Splashdance, Iciclefang- that's really above her and also, for once, not her business. It's not something she understands and it's not something she's going to pour her energy into, but she can tell there's some shocked faces around here. It's going to be the talk of the Clan for a little while, isn't it. She's prepared to just go back to her den, maybe check in with Moonbeam later when she's less busy since her scratches aren't even that bad, leave Foxtail to clean himself up and deal with the mess that's around them, but of course he's too good for that.

He looks back at her and she stops walking, staring up at him with a sharp blink. Is he for real? Does he even see himself right now? She opens her mouth, then pauses, rewriting the sentence in her head. "Have you looked at yourself? If I'm going to Moonbeam, you're definitely going first." And Sunpaw thinks this is a rather polite revision of what she was originally going to say: are you blind, Foxtail? But she knows it's a valid question. "She just... scratched me. I'm fine. I'll see Moonbeam later when she's... got less to deal with."

//interacting with @FOXTAIL
RiverClan returns funereally, despite the victory wrenched from ThunderClan's claws. Lichenstar ascends home stretched across her Clanmates' back, blood leaking from blue-gray fur. Iciclefang herself walks on paws that feel like they've been carved from stone. Cragpaw and Pinepaw are just ahead of her; her son guides her injured daughter with his flank, his tail, and she hovers as close as she dares behind them. She dares to set her gaze free to travel along her Clanmates', and the eyes she catches singe her to her core. Traitor, it's the unspoken word that rings through camp; she thinks she even hears her name from somewhere, though she isn't sure from what direction.

Iciclefang stiffens. She meets Foxtail's gaze with blue emptiness. There will be no shame in her expression. Her Clanmates cannot tear her down — there will be time for that, later, she thinks. She has bigger things to worry about. She has to make sure Pinepaw is safe, that Cragpaw and Crabpaw aren't wounded, that —

That they forgive me.

The tortoiseshell approaches Robinheart; she directs her question to her children, but she clears her throat, assuming fleeting authority. "Flamestar clawed her eye. I don't know if the eye is gone or not... I don't know if she can open it at all." She wants to press closer to her daughter, wants to take Cragpaw's place, but she doesn't dare. Not yet. "I was there, when Smokestar lost his eye. It... it almost looks like that." She meets Robinheart's gaze, searching the amber depths.

Behind her, the air seems to crackle with static. She feels alien, and isn't that absurd? Iciclefang, one of four in the first litter born to RiverClan; Iciclefang, loyal warrior under Cicadastar; Iciclefang, lead warrior to both Smokestar and Lichenstar; Iciclefang, proud mother to three courageous, hard-working apprentices who have done nothing but serve the Clan of their birth...

She wonders how easily that will slip through her paws now.

  • ooc: interacting directly with @robinheart @CRAGPAW @Pinepaw ⭒ but is meeting gazes of anyone who looks her way
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 29 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

Turtledove felt great. Once she had ensured Snakeblink as cared for, the hefty she-cat had practically pranced behind the return party. Sure, some of her clanmates were injured badly (Pinepaw's eye and Lichenstar's lost lives made her stomach churn), but she was fine. And they won! Their gamble was worth it. She could almost feel the sun's heat on the Sunningrocks in the leafbare cold. Sharing tongues with her friends while stretching out to dry her wet fur on warm stone. Chasing prey from their stone homes for even a little extra prey. Turtledove almost salivated at the thought.

She bounded into camp behind the leaders of the patrol. Lichenstar has been seen. Pinepaw is being looked at. Snakeblink would live. Her wounds were not bad enough to be seen quite yet. They stung, but she would walk away with few scars if any.

She almost giggles as she realized no one has shared the news yet. "Sunningrocks are RiverClan's once more!" She declared to her camp-bound clanmates. Despite their losses and injuries, they had won. ThunderClan will now know just how powerful they are. Soon, all four clans would know.

  • ooc:
  • large stocky silver charcoal tabby she-cat with short tail and green eyes
    13 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual(?) ; currently not looking
    child of Pondstep and Shadoweye
    riverclan ; loyal to lichenstar
    easy to befriend ; trusts easily with a kind word
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed and encouraged!
It is difficult to wait at the camp for a patrol that may not come back, for injuries to be so severe and a battle so hard-fought that those that lived were too tired to carry those who did not back home to be healed, to be looked after. It feels more difficult now with Robinheart by her side, ready and willing to learn, for in the past this would have been on Moonbeam alone - a task she was more than willing to take on alone - but now it was a burden that would be shared by two meant for the path of healing. In her usual way of fretting she is organizing and preparing when those who went to battle for what was rightfully RiverClan's came back, wound-covered and celebrating in their own ways while others struggle with an internal battle of who they were and where they belonged now that secrets were revealed.

It didn't take long for the secret to reach the medicine cat's ears, for as soon as she began to stand to move from den with bundles of herbs clutched in her jaws she is met by her mate, nose sweetly pressed against her ear before the horrible words are spoken. "Iciclefang's a traitor." her eyes widen, head beginning to turn to Beefang for clarification before more is said "Her kittens have Thunderclan blood." and a soft "What?" of disbelief is the only thing that could be spoken around the bundles of herbs that she knew would be needed before she is ushered out into the cold of camp, a small wordless promise of words shared together later that night between the two keeping her paws moving before her name is being called once more, twice more, and the image of Iciclefang - of a cat she would have once wished to be her mentor, someone she trusted more than so many others, who she looked up to - forgoing her clan for a ThunderClanner left her mind, and quickly she got to work.

"Pebbletail, take one of these and use the moss to help clean up some of the blood ok? I'll be right here when she wakes up to help with the rest." She passes the bundle of herbs the warrior's way, a small glance towards her leader before she moved beside Robinheart, another bundle dropped at her apprentice's paws before the first real teaching began, the first of many wounds that would come their way as learning experiences. "You're going to clean around her eye with the moss, make sure you stop as much bleeding as you can." She's working on auto-pilot, allowing Robinheart to work as she instructs quickly, quietly to the other as ears swivel to listen for anyone else calling her name. "Once you get it under control check how much damage there is to her eye, then come find me." There would be more steps to this, it depend on the damage or if there was even an eye left and the herb bundles were not prepared for every route that could take.

Once Robinheart was settled she'd weave through the crowd of gathering cats once more to the center of it all, to where Lichenstar lie with two more lives lost and the ache of knowing she was down to four caused a deep frown to settle in on her face as she began chewing marigold to put on her leader's wounds, as well as anyone else who would come to her to seek out help for their own injuries, for though she knew Lichenstar's wounds would not all be healed by StarClan she knew the worst of them were.

  • --
  • flesh wounds
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • 85735138_Ng21HDz61WrGyCp.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    15 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual polyromantic ; mated to beefang, crushing on redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- The adrenaline that had coursed like fire through the girls veins has begun to wane, and so was the sweet numbness that came with it. In ashen fur the tortoiseshell all but hid on the way home, though it's a hole Pinepaw would much rather be crawling into.

Stormywing's frantic expression is a smear behind the apprentices eyes… eye? Pinepaw shudders, prompting a spark of dull agony to ripple from her swelling socket. Iciclefang's presence is felt, that suffocating motherly concern looming over the Lead Warriors prodige like a shadow- it was fake, it always had been.

Numbly, she lets Cragpaw lead her through the camps entrance like a helpless kit. Her bones breathing away some tension as she finally settles. Though her brother refuses to look at her, Pinepaw would turn to look up to him anyways, her muzzle creased with venom. Words don't come fast enough, Robinheart is already there. Where was Moonbeam…

When Iciclefang begins to speak, her voice feels grating against blood-speckled ears, and Pinepaw lashes her tail. "Keep her away from me." Finally the injured apprentice has enough willpower to spit, fully fueled by resentment.

If that damned Flamestar hadn't intercepted, Pinepaw would have come home a victor. Her skin wouldn't be crawling because of the very blood that ran under it- she would've made sure the leaders daughter didn't escape from her claws alive-

But, that didn't matter anymore did it? Her very existence was sickening, it always had been- only now she was forced to be aware of it.

Reluctantly, Pinepaw would let Robinheart tend to her eye, teeth gritted the entire time. She didn't want to know how grisly the injury was, but a small part of her couldn't help but…

"Is it gone?" There's almost a sick undertone of hope in Pinepaw's voice when she asks; recalling Stormywings familiar golden gaze. Everything was all wrong- she was all wrong.
  • PINEPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, 6 moons.
    stocky, coarse-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with large, white dipped forepaws, a white tail tip and muzzle. Honey hued optics take the shape of almonds.
    apprenticed to Iciclefang.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragpaw && Crabpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Victory spat in the air, and Ferngill felt it- it flung from Turtledove's maw, but he couldn't find it in himself to be happy. Shell-shocked stillness found its eternal place on graceful features, marring him completely- he stuck close to Iciclefang, a verdant eye trained entirely on his neice and nephews. She was hurt, she was bleeding- her eye winked like his own, and Ferngill felt a phantom pain, a strange twitch of claws across his face. Cragpaw... Cragpaw was doing well, at least. Leading her home. He lat a hollow smile sit very slightly on his lips.

It fell when Pinepaw spoke- when resentment flung from her paw. Ferngill felt it like an arrow- as if he could stop Iciclefang feeling it too if he just blockd it, the ginger tom took a step forward. An eye, so often swollen with joy, with blubbering- with everything except for anger flared suddenly with a deep, kindling disappointment. "Pinepaw, don't you ever let me hear you speak to her like that again."

She doesn't know what Iciclefang gave up. She doesn't know her pain- none of them do, Ferngill had to remind himself. None of them knew what Iciclefang had to endure- the brokenhearted expression on Stormywing's face, the desperation in the THunderClan warrior's actions, a constant orchestration trying to slam them together again. A worrying lip trembled- he watched after Pinepaw, feeling a springing worry for her eye, for her eye... for her love, too.
penned by pin
  • Love
Reactions: iciclefang


✦˚.✧˚✧˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✧˚✦˚✦.˚✧
  • For all the meticulous astral-woven care that went into each stitch, the painful truth of its limits came in the form of a glimmer of awareness between deaths. For a moment she had been present to struggle across the territory, paws sliding out from under her, slicked by her own blood and the chilly water of the river. Salmonshade and Pebbletail (their scents are a cold comfort amongst the haze) are all that keeps her upright for every wheezing step.

    At some point she must've stopped being able to keep her paws moving... because the familiar patterned grays of her son's pelt is underneath her. The black spots between blinks grow longer... until there is only a familiar whispering field when she next opens her eyes. Twice. They'd barely made it home.

    There is time to lament her mistakes.. her eagerness, the chance she'd taken to send both of them tumbling down the stones and riding on prayer alone to see her the victor at the bottom. She doesn't regret it. "Sunningrocks are RiverClan's once more!" A tattered ear twitches, relishing in the sound of success being crowed proudly as she draws in another breath- What was there to regret? They'd done it... they'd secured more territory for leaf-bare, her clan could thrive in such troubled times. No one would need to go hungry, no one need suffer like Petalnose had, working to the bone until starvation and exhaustion had caught up to her.

    A soft exhale is parted by a relieved smile, willing to overlook the heavy reek of blood in the air under the assumption it was mainly her own. That was a blessing on its own. No one else had to die for this.

    Except that there is spitting... and shouting and hissing... and it ruins the sweet song of champions coming home from a war waged and won. Ferngill's voice, so sharpened outside of his nature, stands out like a sore pad. "What.. are they... yelling... about..." she asks Moonbeam in a hoarse whisper, ignoring that the alabaster she-cat is probably far more invested in the press of her paws against crimson splattered fur.

    "We won..."

    What else mattered?

    Her gaze shifts towards those that had made such great efforts to get her home safely and winces against the way scarlet pools down Pebbletail's back, how it stains the soft pale tufts of Salmonshade's sunrise fur. "Sorry... to worry... you..." It felt familiar... like apologizing to the blood-stained moon in the silent isolation of the territory for bleeding on it.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ .

    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦ . . ˚ ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦ ˚ ✦ . . ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦
  • Nervous
Reactions: Marquette
જ➶ Victory is their's and she feels lightened in her paws. There is no regret despite their meager losses and the blood that runs in the river. They needed this battle and they needed this victory. It is for the survival of their clan and to send a message that Riverclan doesn't forget the pains and wrong doings of others. Just because Thunderclan helped them with their medicine cat doesn't mean they were suddenly forgiven for Sunningrocks. Her maw stings from her wounds but her eyes sre searching for her. "Splashdance? Splashdance!?" A bit of worry is an undercurrent in her voice as she looks for the other. Just a moment. She just needs to see the other snd make sure that she is okay. Her eyes search then and she slips her way around others, before she finally sees Iciclefang. Remembering what happened on the battlefield makes her gaze narrow, her body tense and when their eyes meet she looks away. Averts her eyes. She can not believe it.

Not Iciclefang.

The molly is someone she has admired since she was an apprentice. Now she has found out that she is a traitor. One who laid with a Thunderclanner. Betrayed her clan. Her muzzle tightens before her ears snap forward at the sound of Ferngill reprimanding what Pinepaw says. "No, she's entitled to how she feels, Ferngill. Her mother is a liar." Her words are clipped as she shakes her head and steps away, tail lashing back and forth as she seeks out a place to rest, wanting the comfort of her mate begore she even thinks about being seen. Afterall her wounds are tiny and insignificant next to Pinepaw and Lichenstar.
  • Sad
Reactions: Marquette

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Ferngill's reprimand feels like a slap to the face, and as quickly as poor Robinheart had Pinepaw's full attention, it is whisked away once more. Gone to place her uncle under a pained, scrutinizing gaze. It clicks, then. You knew.

Ferngill, who's love had been warm sunshine to match her mothers sanctus moonlight, had known of Iciclefang's treachery possibly all along- and now dared to condemn her. Her!

Against the swelling, Pinepaw peels back her lips slightly, just enough to reveal crimson-stained teeth. "How does that pedestal of righteousness feel, Ferngill?" Anger drips from every drawn-out word. How dare he betray her, how dare he love her. She doesn't care if he answers, if he tries to snap again. "Keep… her… away." Is all she repeats, ears flattening as Robinheart would undoubtedly be growing antsy to evaluate her. Midnightash finishes what needs to be said, anyhow. At this point, Pinepaw was more than ready to be whisked off to the medicine den. Damn everyone here.
  • PINEPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, 6 moons.
    stocky, coarse-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with large, white dipped forepaws, a white tail tip and muzzle. Honey hued optics take the shape of almonds.
    apprenticed to Iciclefang.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragpaw && Crabpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Wow
Reactions: Marquette

Splashdance follows the parade with dim awareness; she knows where her paws fall, knows who is at her shoulders, and no more than that. Lichenstar's body is carried by two warriors, the injured is limping along, and despite the trembling difficulty that plagues them - Turtledove cheers. They've won - they've won! - but all that had to happen to secure that win... Blood and truths spilled with the same readiness that muddles her too loud mind.

She wants Pebbletail. The numbness in her paws seeks him first, her blue eyes squinted with a sense of confusion and terror for - for he'd understand. Splashdance cares not for how his pelt is crusted with mahogany hues, nor the fatigue that wears him down. She just needed his comfort, just for the moment whilst she grounded herself again. A sharp tone stiffens her sorrowful gait.


She only hears it the second time. The churning in her stomach is immediate and she turns her gaze from the tom - a quick, tearing motion, no different from a rabbit catching sight of their hunter. The other wears blood painted into her russet fur, and in Midnightash's grace of seeking her, she finds distaste with the actions of another. Ferngill, who's tongue lashes at Pinepaw, a girl who's half-Clan, a girl who's like her - to a degree. Splashdance figures in time she would come to understand the apprentice's anger with her own relation to the situation, but...

A liar.

She retches; a gag with no proof of itself, as her stomach had emptied itself on the way home. Ferndance wasn't a liar, no - was Iciclefang, then? They shared the same crime. Splashdance cannot claim to care for the mottled fem but listening to her lover so easily berate her for the very crime her own mother committed... It's wrong. It's painful. It's -

If Midnightash looks at her, she hisses a sharp, "Don't touch me," to her. She does not want the venomous molly's comfort, not when it comes with sharpened blades and hate. She is a breath of acceptance in this Clan, proof that good can come from dark places... and yet all around her she watches as someone once so respected is torn to shreds with only her brother to defend her; her own kits won't even deign to look her way.

"Don't -" She starts again with the same confused and panging hiss when something crawls up her throat again. She leans away, from her, from Pebbletail, from the Clan... they can have their celebration. She needs a break.
She is relieved when her leader's eyes open, when she sees an ear twitch, but small relief turns sour when the first words from her maw are questions about the yelling, about the anger that radiates through camp despite the victory that RiverClan held within their paws now. They should be celebrating their victory, but it was ruined, and though Moonbeam did not know everything - just the important bits she was sure by the quick words she had heard from Beefang - she knew enough. "Speak to Beefang after everything is done, I do not know everything that happened on the battlefield." Beefang, who would hold no punches, who would tell just the truth and that Moonbeam was sure of. The words were quiet as she worked, and when she was satisfied with her job of stopping wounds and staunching bleeding she would rise once more, swift paws carrying the small medicine cat over to Ferngill, to Iciclefang, to Pinepaw.

She does not stop to heal Pinepaw for she knows Robinheart has that part handled, the apprentice is her first proper patient but she is smart, she is careful with her paws from moons of being a queen within the nursery and taking care of so many of RiverClan's young. Instead she steps between Pinepaw and Ferngill, "Arguing will help nothing-" She speaks to both of them now, for turning the air sour in their victory and for making it more difficult for Robinheart to do her job, "If you are hurt then come with me, otherwise leave her alone for now, let her grieve what she feels she has lost so that her wounds can heal better, once things have calmed down - once the adrenaline from battle has worn off - then you can speak to her again." She is quieter now, speaking to Ferngill and if she were to come closer to Iciclefang. Pinepaw may be training to become a warrior but she was a patient now, and what she did not need was familial arguments to make it harder for her to heal and be healed.

  • --
  • flesh wounds
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • 85735138_Ng21HDz61WrGyCp.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    15 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual polyromantic ; mated to beefang, crushing on redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
Iciclefang's presence is punished instantly by Pinepaw. The injured apprentice hisses to those near them, "Keep her away from me." Even injured — even bleeding heavily from her ruined face — Pinepaw is more concerned with ensuring her mother is not tending to her than she is with her own pain. The tortoiseshell flinches, as though she's been shoved into the leafbare-chilled river; she backs away, her limbs stiff and unyielding as her namesake.

Ferngill is there in an instant, his ginger pelt spiked with anger. "Pinepaw, don't you ever let me hear you speak to her like that again." Iciclefang parts her jaws, wanting to add something — anything — but all she says to her brother is a gentle, "Don't." She almost collapses into him, though she is uninjured — physically. "Leave her be."

Midnightash's voice is cruel as claws from nearby. "No, she's entitled to how she feels, Ferngill. Her mother is a liar." A liar. Iciclefang turns to regard the younger warrior, but she has nothing to say. She had lied, initially, yes, but — but they don't understand. She had told Stormywing to go away before these kits were even worm-length in her belly. She had severed her relationship with the ThunderClan warrior moons before their birth.

Pinepaw fixes Ferngill with a single-eyed glare, reiterating her order to keep Iciclefang away from her.

Her blue gaze shifts to Splashdance, who recoils from her mate's touch. Splashdance, who'd felt her teeth metaphorically more than once. Iciclefang stares at the white-freckled warrior, and she has nothing to say; she watches her walk away with shame bubbling in her mouth like blood.

Moonbeam shoves herself between Ferngill and Pinepaw, reiterating what Iciclefang had said. She clenches her teeth, frustration welling in her stomach. She deserves to know her apprentice's condition — her daughter's prognosis — but in the wake of this revelation, she's being told to stay away. Would Moonbeam keep a single other mother away from her gravely injured kit?

The warrior gives the medicine cat a look full of hurt anger before she says, "Do your best for her. She deserves it, no matter what you think about me." She shoves away from Ferngill, from the healers, from her children, and stalks away from camp, toward the riverlands. She anticipates no one will follow her.

  • ooc: out :') for now anyway
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 29 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

If she were any less afraid, any less desperate to get home, maybe she'd feel bad for working Pebbletail so hard; being taller than most, her strides quicker, longer, the poor boy probably had a work-out. United in grief they had ran, until it was too late and the weight became dead once more. Everything goes by too quick and by the time she comes back in to focus, shes tipping her head up as her and Pebbletail break in to camp, shouting for Moonbeam, shouting for Hazecloud, shouting incoherently for anyone to listen. An angel emerges from the medicine den, bee-lines for Lichenstar. She hands moss to Pebbletail. Salmonshade stands there, breathing raggedly, trying to catch her thoughts as they go a thousand miles a minute. She does not know when Lichenstar had parted from her side.

In these past fleeting moons, Salmonshade has watched her mate die three times in front of her. Once had nearly claimed her, too, and then she had watched red spray and paint the rocks that were now theirs, and then she watched as her head lolled to the side between the pair. Bile rises in her throat and for once, she staggers away to dry-heave, blood-soaked coat feeling all too heavy. All of her sins now pierce an arrow through her heart, this isn't fair, this isn't what I wanted, I didn't want to watch you die over and over. What did she do to deserve this fate? To finally know what love was, for it to be ripped away in the form of a flood, of flashing claws, of a wound too dire? She watches her come to. She nearly wretches right then and there. She asks what happened and Salmonshade has no answers, she asked Moonbeam, anyways... She watches. Waits. She does not part from her leaders side.

When Lichenstar turns and apologizes, Salmonshades face turns haunted, a far-away look crossing over her expression, of icy despair in the cool weather. "It's okay. It's okay," she breathes, fighting to keep her voice steady. "It's okay." she breathes, but everything is all too crushing. The weight of everything comes slamming down on her shoulders with no buffer and she winces, taking a step back. Her back begins to ache all of the sudden. And her legs. And her heart.

As always, old instincts kick in, her fight or flight running through her bones. Need to go. Need to go. Need to go. Her heart thunders too loudly in her own ears and the fact its beating so wildly against her ribcage is beginning to annoy her. It hurts, really, how fast its going... Claws unsheath, then sheath, then unsheath again and dig down in to the earth below in an effort to stay put for once in her life. She bites her lip so hard it draws blood but all she can taste is the metallic tang of the Thunderclanners blood, of Lichenstars, she cannot taste her own. She cannot taste anything else. It feels like tar between her teeth. Her head hurts. Her chest hurts. The superficial scratch on her cheek stings way more than it should. Shes too hot, too cold, too much. Need to go. She parts her lips, the startings of I love you, but nothing comes out other than a strained high-pitched noise.

She loses her internal battle, and she turns. She turns, and she flees. She doesn't know where shes going, or what her end goal is, or what she needs to do but the camp is too loud as of now, with the arguing and the yelling and the snapping. She stumbles slightly on her way out, but she does not cast a single glance behind her.

  • in & out :-)
  • 86667490_5KNc6ZeP7LlNaee.png
    salmonshade ʚ♡ɞ salmon
    cis female ʚ♡ɞ she/her ʚ♡ɞ 45 months
    riverclan warrior ʚ♡ɞ mentoring horizonpaw
    chocolate tortie smoke with blue eyes ʚ♡ɞ tall & regal
    "speech, fd9367" ʚ♡ɞ thoughts
    taken ʚ♡ɞ lesbian
    smells like freshly cut grass & rain ʚ♡ɞ echoes of greenleaf
    penned by chuff
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The return to camp is silent—for once, Crabpaw doesn't speak, and allows others to pass him by without a word spoken to any of them. He isn't even sure whether he's seeing any of them, for most of the walk back. Pinepaw leans heavily against Cragpaw, and Crabpaw moves to press himself against his brother's flank in an attempt to comfort him. Pinepaw is injured, and they're all half-clan mistakes, but they have one another. Maybe they're the only ones they have at all, since Iciclefang clearly knew. Quickly his brother calls for the medicine cats, and Robinheart arrives to help Pinepaw. As the medicine cat apprentice looks her over, he tries to remain calm. What if her eye is completely gone? What if she can't see out of it again?

"It'll be okay, Piney…" he manages to murmur, even though nothing feels like it can be okay. He just has to believe, doesn't he? His sister tells Iciclefang to stay away, and Crabpaw looks to the older calico—he doesn't even know what to say to her, how to feel.

His uncle scolds Pinepaw, oddly unsympathetic to their situation. He doesn't even seem surprised. Does that mean… he knew? Crabpaw's concerned expression crinkles, a scowl finding its place on his muzzle. Why shouldn't Pinepaw talk to their mother like that? She's terribly injured, and she's facing a life-changing secret coming out of the mouth of an enemy warrior. Maybe she doesn't want comfort from a liar. A traitor. Pinepaw confirms exactly that after a moment, and Crabpaw can't blame her for it. "She's right," he spits, the words falling scathing from his tongue. "Did you-" he cuts himself off, sucking in a pained breath. He can't bring himself to meet his uncle's similarly green eye, his own gaze focused solely on the ruin that's been made of his sister's face. "Did you know?"

He doesn't get his answer, because suddenly Moonbeam is at Pinepaw's side and she's sending Ferngill and Iciclefang away. The tortoiseshell turns and stalks off, and Crabpaw can only watch her as she retreats. She had taught him and his littermates to be loyal RiverClanners, but she hadn't been loyal herself. She'd been so hard on Splashdance for being half-clan, but she'd created a litter of them herself. A liar… a hypocrite… is that all that his mama truly is?

  • ooc:
  • 80686756_Bos6IC9xCplEpAA.png
  • CRABPAW 𓆝 he/him, apprentice of riverclan
    𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. highly emotional and difficult to keep focused on one subject.
    𓆟 mentored by cicadaflight
    𓆟 son of iciclefang & stormywing ; brother to cragpaw & pinepaw
    𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓆟 penned by foxlore