(☼) pebbletail thinks he should be celebrating. they've just won back sunningrocks, a piece of territory long coveted by their now enemies, although once owned by riverclan. that had been before his time, before many of his peers' time, and so he feels he should be celebrating, because they won, and the clan will have a better chance at prey for the season. that's what he thinks. unfortunately, his brain and his heart are on two warring sides. bile churns in the young man's stomach as he presses hard against the body of a feline he perhaps cares for most in the world. lichenstar hangs limp between himself and salmonshade, barely awake, barely breathing. starclan has only managed to heal her killing blow, but the other wounds that litter her frame still ooze and gush crimson. pebbletail can feel it, sticky on his own fur.
the rest of his clan follows behind, mute or muttering under forced breaths. pebbletail pays them no mind, a deep sorrow lodging under his tongue and gluing it to the bottom of his maw. he can still feel the touch of salmonshade against him, sobbing out her own emotions as his mother lay dead on the rocks. he cannot feel his bleeding ear, or the slivers of scratches left from that thunderclan apprentice. all he feels is the heaviness of lichenstar against his shoulder, and the fog of her breath on his jaw. thank the stars she's breathing at all.
this is the fastest pebbletail can possibly go, and yet it feels like a day until they reach camp. snowy paws drenched in unfamiliar blood plod along the path, and pebbletail feels his throat begin to close with lack of breath. lichenstar's nose whistles quietly with air, until it doesn't. again. her head lolls against his own, her body stiff and still. the boy feels panic and bile rising in his throat, eyes sparking with unshed tears as he carries his mother's corpse through the reeds. when the familiar tall grasses come into sight, it's as if something sparks in the boy. he pushes himself to the entrance, voice cracking as he calls out; "moonbeam! mo-onbe-eam?" tears fall from honeyed eyes as the tom seeks the medicine cat, and his chin trembles. where are eveningpaw, horizionpaw? where are shellpaw and twinkleflight? where is... "hazecloud? m-momma?" two lives. lichenstar has lost two lives in the span of one battle. "sh-she," a gasp, a breath clutching at his throat. "two. two of them, moonbeam." gently, the tom sets his mother down and continues to hover beside her as moonbeam darts close, seeking, searching.
(where is splashdance? is she alright, is she safe? has harm come to her? midnightash will take care of her, of course. obviously. because pebbletail suddenly can't be trusted around his own best friend. sunspark eyes flit about anyway, seeking river blues.)
the rest of his clan follows behind, mute or muttering under forced breaths. pebbletail pays them no mind, a deep sorrow lodging under his tongue and gluing it to the bottom of his maw. he can still feel the touch of salmonshade against him, sobbing out her own emotions as his mother lay dead on the rocks. he cannot feel his bleeding ear, or the slivers of scratches left from that thunderclan apprentice. all he feels is the heaviness of lichenstar against his shoulder, and the fog of her breath on his jaw. thank the stars she's breathing at all.
this is the fastest pebbletail can possibly go, and yet it feels like a day until they reach camp. snowy paws drenched in unfamiliar blood plod along the path, and pebbletail feels his throat begin to close with lack of breath. lichenstar's nose whistles quietly with air, until it doesn't. again. her head lolls against his own, her body stiff and still. the boy feels panic and bile rising in his throat, eyes sparking with unshed tears as he carries his mother's corpse through the reeds. when the familiar tall grasses come into sight, it's as if something sparks in the boy. he pushes himself to the entrance, voice cracking as he calls out; "moonbeam! mo-onbe-eam?" tears fall from honeyed eyes as the tom seeks the medicine cat, and his chin trembles. where are eveningpaw, horizionpaw? where are shellpaw and twinkleflight? where is... "hazecloud? m-momma?" two lives. lichenstar has lost two lives in the span of one battle. "sh-she," a gasp, a breath clutching at his throat. "two. two of them, moonbeam." gently, the tom sets his mother down and continues to hover beside her as moonbeam darts close, seeking, searching.
(where is splashdance? is she alright, is she safe? has harm come to her? midnightash will take care of her, of course. obviously. because pebbletail suddenly can't be trusted around his own best friend. sunspark eyes flit about anyway, seeking river blues.)
- // helping @salmonshade bring @lichenstar home. looking for @hazecloud and @Moonbeam <3 also might be looking for @splashdance. " #848DAE"
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