- Jun 6, 2022
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Neither of them would claim this to be a love story.
None who knew them would say there was any romance between them. From the moment Forestpaw had defeated a much older Sharp-paw in a hunting competition to earn her warrior name, they seemed to be attached at the hip, much to the latter's chagrin. Her 'best friend,' Forestshade has always called her. 'A pain in the tail' Sharpshadow would say back. Could you blame the two of them for becoming attached, though? In a clan so often filled with heartache and lost lives, the two had found solace in what always seemed to be a constant presence in their lives. They offered each other sarcastic stability and sharp-tongued friendship, and that continued into their tenures as lead warriors together.
Their perceptions of each other have never quite been aligned. Juxtaposed to Forestshade's once budding, and then persistent crush on the other, Sharpshadow has never seemed certain about how to feel when it comes to her. The grudge he'd held as apprentices was all but forgotten over time. She is endlessly annoyed by her behavior — and yet could be found consistently at her side, many times ending up an exasperated onlooker to Forestshade's antics, resigned to some self-imposed duty of keeping her out of harm's way. It is only as she leaves ShadowClan, that Sharpshadow fully acknowledges their friendship. Whatever else may lay beneath that remains undefined, all the while.
Forestshade is not new to motherhood. Her approach to raising her next kit will follow the same independent, tough-love parenting style she exhibited with her first litter. But she's learned from her mistakes, and there will be some key differences after reflecting on her relationship with her first litter, especially her strain with Briarthorn. While she will still prioritize teaching independence and strength, Forestshade will make a greater effort to be emotionally available. She may have withheld motherly reassurances and affections from her first litter, but that will no longer be the case with this child. She will still encourage her kit to explore their limits and push through challenges, treating them with the same confidence she has in herself. After all, she believes very much in the idea of making sure her kits will be able to figure out problems on their own! This time around though, she'll be more likely to step in if things go too far. She will encourage an adventurous spirit, exposing the kit to the world around them and teaching them practical skills, like navigation and hunting. All the while, she will be raising this kit with stories of the clans. They will know of ShadowClan and the Warrior Code and be raised to know StarClan as their guide, especially as they reside near the Moonstone in one of Highstones' many caves. Most of all, they will be raised to know who their sire is: a good, loyal ShadowClan lead warrior named Sharpshadow.
Forestshade has always believed in allowing cats the freedom to choose their own paths, and this will be no different when, at the age of 6 moons, her kit decides they want to join ShadowClan to become a warrior. It is then that she will venture to the ShadowClan border for the first time since she left, and will introduce her child to their clan kin.
Sharpshadow will be shaken by the discovery of the litter, especially as he learns how near he has been to his child and their mother while remaining unaware. Despite Sharpshadow being largely clueless about what makes a good parent, he will make some attempt to be one, likely to varying degrees of success.
◆ This litter is not FCFS. Choosing date will be December 9th! The litter will be born on December 12th.
◆ There is one slot available, though this may increase to two depending on interest.
◆ We are content with either realistic aging or aging up for this litter! This aspect will be discussed with the kit(s) upon choosing.
◆ For the first moons of the kit's life, there is no set activity requirement! Following apprenticeship and beyond, we would like to see them around a fair amount. We reserve the right to rehome this slot after two months of zero activity.
◆ This litter will be raised by Forestshade in the Loner Lands until they're 6 moons old, in which they may then make the choice to join ShadowClan.
◆ After joining ShadowClan, the kit must remain there until adulthood.
◆ Please make sure any birth defects or disabilities are played respectfully and realistically. Genetic mutations are not allowed.
FORESTSHADE g1 x SHARPSHADOW g1. This litter will be gen 2.
This kit will be a half-sibling to Briarthorn, Screechstorm andSweetpaw
Sire: LH black smoke w/ low white (carrying non-silver)
Dam: LH torbie (carrying solid)
Toms can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, red tabby, or red cameo
She-cats can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, tortoiseshell smoke, or silver torbie
◆ Kits will be longhaired
◆ Kits can have no white or low white
◆ Kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
◆ Red-based kits can mask black or black tabby
◆ Tabbies will carry solid; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver
Earthy names Marshkit, Swampkit, Sandykit, Loamkit, Dustykit, Muddykit, Earthkit, Clodkit, Rootkit, Sodkit, Bogkit, Peatkit
Sound names Chirpkit, Growlkit, Mumblekit, Buzzkit, Shriek-kit, Scuttlekit, Yelpkit, Croak-kit, Rustlekit, Whinekit, Snapkit
For both ShadowClan and Sharpshadow Shadowkit
For their sire, Sharpshadow Spikykit, Barbedkit, Barbkit, Spinekit, Bristlingkit
For her second mentor and trusted former leader, Chilledstar, as well as for being born in leaf-bare. Chilledkit, Coldkit, Chillykit, Frigidkit, Frostykit
No names will be based around kit's appearance other than what she can feel (i.e. small size, spiky fur, etc.)
◆ No names currently on any Clan census
Hypokits do not demonstrate any preference for appearance! They were randomly generated by Blitz and drawn by Floppie.
*I'd be happy to be comm'd a fullbody design of any hypokit if chosen applicant(s) use said design! :3
HYPO 1: LH black smoke
HYPO 2: LH torbie with low white
HYPO 3: LH black