Jun 6, 2022


  • Neither of them would claim this to be a love story.

    None who knew them would say there was any romance between them. From the moment Forestpaw had defeated a much older Sharp-paw in a hunting competition to earn her warrior name, they seemed to be attached at the hip, much to the latter's chagrin. Her 'best friend,' Forestshade has always called her. 'A pain in the tail' Sharpshadow would say back. Could you blame the two of them for becoming attached, though? In a clan so often filled with heartache and lost lives, the two had found solace in what always seemed to be a constant presence in their lives. They offered each other sarcastic stability and sharp-tongued friendship, and that continued into their tenures as lead warriors together.

    Their perceptions of each other have never quite been aligned. Juxtaposed to Forestshade's once budding, and then persistent crush on the other, Sharpshadow has never seemed certain about how to feel when it comes to her. The grudge he'd held as apprentices was all but forgotten over time. She is endlessly annoyed by her behavior — and yet could be found consistently at her side, many times ending up an exasperated onlooker to Forestshade's antics, resigned to some self-imposed duty of keeping her out of harm's way. It is only as she leaves ShadowClan, that Sharpshadow fully acknowledges their friendship. Whatever else may lay beneath that remains undefined, all the while.

    Forestshade is not new to motherhood. Her approach to raising her next kit will follow the same independent, tough-love parenting style she exhibited with her first litter. But she's learned from her mistakes, and there will be some key differences after reflecting on her relationship with her first litter, especially her strain with Briarthorn. While she will still prioritize teaching independence and strength, Forestshade will make a greater effort to be emotionally available. She may have withheld motherly reassurances and affections from her first litter, but that will no longer be the case with this child. She will still encourage her kit to explore their limits and push through challenges, treating them with the same confidence she has in herself. After all, she believes very much in the idea of making sure her kits will be able to figure out problems on their own! This time around though, she'll be more likely to step in if things go too far. She will encourage an adventurous spirit, exposing the kit to the world around them and teaching them practical skills, like navigation and hunting. All the while, she will be raising this kit with stories of the clans. They will know of ShadowClan and the Warrior Code and be raised to know StarClan as their guide, especially as they reside near the Moonstone in one of Highstones' many caves. Most of all, they will be raised to know who their sire is: a good, loyal ShadowClan lead warrior named Sharpshadow.

    Forestshade has always believed in allowing cats the freedom to choose their own paths, and this will be no different when, at the age of 6 moons, her kit decides they want to join ShadowClan to become a warrior. It is then that she will venture to the ShadowClan border for the first time since she left, and will introduce her child to their clan kin.

    Sharpshadow will be shaken by the discovery of the litter, especially as he learns how near he has been to his child and their mother while remaining unaware. Despite Sharpshadow being largely clueless about what makes a good parent, he will make some attempt to be one, likely to varying degrees of success.

  • This litter is not FCFS. Choosing date will be December 9th! The litter will be born on December 12th.
    There is one slot available, though this may increase to two depending on interest.
    We are content with either realistic aging or aging up for this litter! This aspect will be discussed with the kit(s) upon choosing.
    For the first moons of the kit's life, there is no set activity requirement! Following apprenticeship and beyond, we would like to see them around a fair amount. We reserve the right to rehome this slot after two months of zero activity.
    This litter will be raised by Forestshade in the Loner Lands until they're 6 moons old, in which they may then make the choice to join ShadowClan.
    After joining ShadowClan, the kit must remain there until adulthood.
    Please make sure any birth defects or disabilities are played respectfully and realistically. Genetic mutations are not allowed.

  • FORESTSHADE g1 x SHARPSHADOW g1. This litter will be gen 2.
    This kit will be a half-sibling to Briarthorn, Screechstorm and Sweetpaw

    Sire: LH black smoke w/ low white (carrying non-silver)
    Dam: LH torbie (carrying solid)

    Toms can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, red tabby, or red cameo
    She-cats can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, tortoiseshell smoke, or silver torbie

    Kits will be longhaired
    Kits can have no white or low white
    Kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    Red-based kits can mask black or black tabby
    Tabbies will carry solid; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver


    Earthy names Marshkit, Swampkit, Sandykit, Loamkit, Dustykit, Muddykit, Earthkit, Clodkit, Rootkit, Sodkit, Bogkit, Peatkit
    Sound names Chirpkit, Growlkit, Mumblekit, Buzzkit, Shriek-kit, Scuttlekit, Yelpkit, Croak-kit, Rustlekit, Whinekit, Snapkit
    For both ShadowClan and Sharpshadow Shadowkit
    For their sire, Sharpshadow Spikykit, Barbedkit, Barbkit, Spinekit, Bristlingkit
    For her second mentor and trusted former leader, Chilledstar, as well as for being born in leaf-bare. Chilledkit, Coldkit, Chillykit, Frigidkit, Frostykit

    No names will be based around kit's appearance other than what she can feel (i.e. small size, spiky fur, etc.)
    ◆ No names currently on any Clan census

  • Hypokits do not demonstrate any preference for appearance! They were randomly generated by Blitz and drawn by Floppie.
    *I'd be happy to be comm'd a fullbody design of any hypokit if chosen applicant(s) use said design! :3​

    HYPO 1: LH black smoke


    HYPO 2: LH torbie with low white


    HYPO 3: LH black

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shadowkit/rustlekit/rootkit- afab she/her - tortie with golden eyes - enraptured by the idea of warriorhood, it is this child's greatest ambition to serve a clan with everything she has. in kithood, one could call her almost a fangirl of her favorite warriors from her mother's stories, idolizing particularly her sire, who she longs to meet. there is a glint in her eye every time she speaks of fighting in battle, and she will often be found practicing her battle moves. there is a naïve spark to this girl, the golden child of forestshade. her kit moons are relatively carefree, the idyllic childhood of a wandering princess, protected and nurtured by the world around her.

at six moons, the girl joins shadowclan, and something shifts. perhaps the reality of her situation is expressed to her, not quite abandoned, but left by her mother in a group of strangers. perhaps she finds the truth of her sire to be lackluster, the golden imaginings of a kit washed away to something more realistic. the girl changes upon apprenticehood. still a girl with few wants more than to serve, she becomes more of a soldier than a knight. diligent, gruff and often bored seeming, she will prefer solitude to company and will get annoyed quite easily. disappointment in her clanmates will come easily, and she will seek encouragement and adoration wherever she can find it.

as a young warrior, perhaps she gets her spark back. she will never be the same little girl, but there is something there, a kind, honorable knight returning. all of this is subject to change throughout rp.
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withdrawing due to time constraints, gl everyone <3

the name barbedkit (barbedtongue/barbedmaw) wont leave my mind so hi

notes for full app
- barbedkit (for her spiky fur)
-- alternative names: barbkit, clodkit, sodkit, peatkit, bogkit, scuttlekit, yelpkit, rustlingkit, whiningkit, bristlingkit, frigidkit
-- future names: barbedmaw, barbedtongue, barbedjaw, barbedsong
- she/he/they
- AFAB silver tortie with low white and yellow-green eyes (carries solid and nonsilver)
- problem child, anger issues, has to often be reminded to not play rough or hurt others. prideful and tomboyish
- will join shadowclan
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  • loamkit . ˚ ✦⠀ , *
    i was ever chasing fireflies ࿐ ࿔* ・゚✦

    · forestshade x sharpshadow, loner
    · afab she/they, 00 moons old
  • ( + ) go-getter, always looking to learn more | ( / ) adventurous, aloof | ( – ) overachiever, two-faced
    cheeky often getting into trouble with their sharp tongue, not afraid to bite back with her words towards those who direct their jagged snarls to her. will hurl insults at cats she thinks deserve it, feeling invincible to any sort of punishment since it only seemed to fuel her unbridled anger. only does this if antagonized, otherwise a generally friendly, kind she-cat to be around. often told her company is enjoyed.
    competitive years for a challenge. loam will always develop some type of competitive relationship with whoever she interacts with, wanting to succeed in something better than them for her own selfish gain in pride. thrives in being seen in the spotlight by her superiors, wanting to be number one always in order to impress sharpshadow (she feels as though she has already made forestshade proud by joining shadowclan on her own terms) more than anyone. will most likely develop rivalries in her apprenticeship on top of the bullying.
    curious intrigued by the world around her; with how the clans operate, starclan, nature, and so much more. loam wants to know everything she can, and usually will ask the same questions multiple times since she can't absorb every fact thrown her way. looks at everything through rose-tinted glasses. prides themself on their curiosity due to their growing knowledge at such a young age (they were a gifted kid in elementary school).
    "gracious" (forgiving) though the possible future victim of bullying, they find it easy to forgive others when they don't deserve it. it's something that they feel above others with, making her more patronizing than she would care to admit. doesn't truly forgive others, often holding a grudge with someone they have disagreed with many moons later even after forgiving them face-to-face. holds her tongue when talking to those people, lying through her teeth as she tells them how much she enjoys their company.
    motivated constantly striving to do her best, always seeing the excitement in the little things. this feeds into her adventurous side, often bouncing around her mother to demand some type of trip that required seeing a new location. though, she enjoys seeing the area surrounding her, too. doesn't mind doing mundane activities (which will help in her apprenticeship), usually gathering most of her energy from doing the tasks no one else likes to do. she believes it makes her look better next to her peers, seeing as though she is willing to do the more grimy and heavy-lifting tasks willingly.
    naturalist observer of their surroundings, loam loves to watch all the small details that go unnoticed in day to day activities. advocates for prey she finds beautiful, thinking that ugly prey was there for a reason: to be eaten over the ones that aren't a sore to her eyes. though, she's learning as many bird calls as she can before her apprenticeship to mimic in hunting, hoping to impress her future mentor with her abilities.
    logical loam very much thinks with her mind before her heart, more intent on the facts than how someone may be feeling. they are the definition of booksmart, their expansive knowledge a seemingly endless pit for her to gain whatever intelligence she wants in order to be able to prove herself. they like to have educated (and angry) arguments with others, the feeling of being proven wrong enjoyable for them if it makes her understand more. (would definitely be a debate kid tbh...)
    quizzical questions everything about the world around her. not afraid to ask stupid questions or the possibility of being ridiculed for asking it, more intent on finding her answer from whoever she had asked. if ever in a group setting, will ask niche questions in order to try and get a conversation started. she thinks this is a good ice breaker, but it usually is met with the same awkward, dead silence from before. asking questions is her love language. will ask forestshade many questions, sees her mother as very knowledgeable and wants to learn as much as she can from her.
    religious their prime personality trait, something that loam brings up in almost any normal conversation she has with anyone outside of her mother. she is a devout believer in starclan, which is explained deeper in a plot i have for her. she usually takes anything good as a sign from starclan, and will bless the food they have before it is eaten. their faith may be overwhelming to others and drive them away due to her constant prodding of their thoughts on starclan, or just from her always talking about them. this will die down as she adjusts into her apprenticeship, really just looking for a topic to be able to relate with her clanmates more.
    sensitive easy to aggravate, they are constantly annoyed by the little inconveniences around them and are prone to outbursts if with people they are comfortable around. cares too much about what others think to get upset in public, only comfortable with venting to people that she's become attached to or feels a connection with. can often dump on the wrong person however, creating a rift she thinks between them that she cannot repair.
    shy socially anxious, but not enough to stop her from carrying on a conversation with someone (if they started it and not her). interested in getting to know her peers better and learn everything she can about shadowclan, specifically her sire sharpshadow. will be extremely shy around her, hiding her nose behind her tail and looking over it with wide eyes. will react the same if embarrassed or if expressing deep emotions. not into making friends, but won't miss an opportunity to be able to make one. not reclusive in the slightest, but will usually stick to the edges of crowds and will try to stay as quiet as possible.
    stubborn determined and strong, loam will get the answer or the rights to whatever she pleases. she doesn't take 'no' for an answer, and will have to be taught over her first immature years of her life the value in being told no. will put her paw down and defend herself if needed, but believes that she is right no matter what anyone else tells her. trickles into her faith, stubborn in her faith with starclan and believing they are figures to worship, though they are felines just like them. idolizes starclan and will get aggressive with anyone who tries to challenge her faith.
  • lh torbie with low whiteㅤㅤ|ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
    born into a frame too long and lanky for her to operate, loamkit struggles with above average length in her limbs, giving her a height far beyond other kits her age. she is frail and skinny, leaf-bare vicious by ensuring she doesn't experience the feeling of a warm nest and full belly – if it wasn't for her thick fur, you could surely see the ribs that poke out beneath her skin. she is the colors of the rising sun, flaming ginger enveloping her face as black embraces her forehead and cheek tufts. a darker umber orange lies within the fur on her cheeks, neatly swept together in an alternating pattern. redish-orange stripes strike through the bright ginger on her face, flowing from her forehead towards her eyes, and then under her eyes to her temples. white is drawn like a river under her bright yellow and blue eyes, which pierce through any night where the moon may be absent.

    the black from their forehead extends down the back of their neck along the spine, flowing out into the same black and orange stripes that adorn her jawline. though she already has a hefty amount of long fur, this fur that resides on her spine is somewhat shorter in length, spiky like a defense mechanism. black fur swims down her shoulders, and the same coat pattern blossoms into her tail, a white tuft at the end bringing in a difference from the rest of her fur. the loud orange on her facial features extend down and onto her chest, bowing out into a four pointed star right in the center. loam's underbelly, the inside of their legs, and their front left and back right paw are this same color as well, the dark red stripes under their eyes also lining the orange underneath her. the rest of their fur is as black as the night, elegant and shiny due to their need for cleanliness. she has feathered ankle tufts, and her tail has the same appearance as well. her paws are dainty, her stance sheepish yet rigid with curiosity and excitement. their claws are black, long and curled and slightly stained with the blood of prey. her paw pads are pink, however, and it is something they wish to have been dark like the rest of her palette. smells of citrus and clay.
    mannerisms include: using big words and puffs up fur when upset, hiding in chest fur when embarrassed or talking with sharpshadow, will make intense eye contact with you if speaking with you to show she is listening, licks her teeth if nervous or uncomfortable.​
  • most of loamkit's warriorhood is unplanned. i like to leave my characters without a set guideline to see where they lead icly, and i want to see how her change from kithood to apprenticeship to warriorhood will work depending on how she takes interactions and events that occur around her. these plots are for sure plans i have in the future for her!

    emily said:
    01. VEGAN: will go through a period in her life where she is vegan and will refuse to eat any sort of meat until her first leaf-bare. will immediately cave but will definitely cry each time she has to kill/eat an animal.
    being a naturalist comes with its sacrifices, but loam will not accept such disgrace and will tear down the idea of the 'circle of life.' they will pretty much instantly become infatuated with the animals that surround them, whether they be prey or predator. however, not out of hunger, but from genuine curiosity on how they take in the world and communicate. believing them to be just as intelligent as the rest of them, they will denounce eating meat despite her love of mouse. she will also refuse to hunt for as long as she can before there is intervention, and she continues to do her duties. these events will start from around four moons into her kithood until possibly early warriorship, depending on her resilience through her first leaf-bare next year. once she understands the true nature of starvation (after having already been slightly suffering from its effects for many moons), they will go back to eating meat, though not willingly. will tell her future apprentices how she does not appreciate the killing or act of eating other animals, but that she knows they have to eat in order to stay alive.
    emily said:
    02. BULLIED TO BULLIER: will be bullied in her apprenticeship due to her know-it-all personality and vegan tendencies. she is easy to rile up and will be the prime target for any bored shadowclan apprentices. they will adapt their personality icly to these changes, and will most likely become a bully later on into their apprenticeship.
    never have been the one to fit in (or even having the desire to), it won't be easy for loam to get along with her peers. with her stuck-up and 'righteous' attitude it'll place a target above their head for other apprentices to lash out at. although shy and sticking to herself despite these traits, the apprentices will go out of their way to antagonize and belittle the she-cat, for the way she eats and for her mother leaving to live the life of a loner. they will react poorly and end up lashing out once they've hit their limit, either verbally or physically, and it will get them in trouble with their mentor and the current leader. worrying it will dwindle the connection she's been building between her and sharpshadow, they will try and change their personality to be more assertive and out-spoken, no longer afraid to speak out. this may make her go down a path of bullying herself, taunting the newer apprentices and giving themself a power trip every now and then for their own selfish wants. will grow out of it as she gets older, but it will continue into her warriorhood.
    emily said:
    03. POSSIBLE MEDICINE CAT: will always have hated the act of murder, including that of animals of prey even for consumption. will feel like starclan is calling them to become a medicine cat apprentice if the possibility arises and will act on that. hates combat training and hunting, the act making her sick and having a longing for a spot in the medicine den.
    sympathetic in nature, loam may not be the biggest fan of others, but she has the want to help others even when she feels they don't deserve it. after joining shadowclan, if a medicine cat apprentice needs to be chosen, they will begin to beg the medicine cat for her rightful position as their apprentice; insistent that they are sending her signs and that she must be the next to train. of course, they are not receiving these visions or contacting starclan (they just have main character syndrome). if she is chosen, however, her life will go down a very different path than i have described. no bullying, no empty hole of feeling forgotten and left out, her manipulative attitude slowly fading over time and being replaced with a genuine desire to help those in need, learning to be able to forgive even if she doesn't want to. will be a strong student, always willing to learn and wanting to go the extra mile to impress her mentor. this may go differently depending on ic situations, but this is how i imagine she would change over time as an apprentice.
    emily said:
    04. IDOL: will become obsessed with the image of starclan in all of their perfection and wisdom, idolizing them as the one of the main focuses in her life. she does not understand the concept of getting to starclan however, ignorant in the ways of achieving such a status. this will affect her mid-apprenticeship and throughout her entire life, feeling as though her mother lied to her about them and possibly becoming afraid of death.
    loam believes that starclan is a council of god-like felines that command their every action and conversation, floating above them in the clouds and bickering amongst themselves in their luxury on what to do next. most importantly, she believes them to be alive. she envies their power and longs to be the judge of others' fates, something she thinks about to help her fall asleep at night. however, when she finds out the 'truth' (realizing her misunderstanding), they will develop an fury towards forestshade for not being more honest with them. will eventually forgive her since that's their mother, but will hold a grudge for a while. they will have their entire outlook on starclan shattered, now having to accept that starclan is full of the dead cats that surrounded her parents and many, many others in their clans and not divine beings. will struggle with this and denounce their faith to starclan as they don't believe that former mortals could ever decide their ends. either will stay with this route or will fall back on starclan depending on ic situations.
    emily said:
    05. FORESTSHADE: will have a great relationship with their mother, going out on adventures together and seeing the land around them. they will learn to appreciate nature because of her and will always see her in it, leading to them constantly missing their mother and often suffering from homesickness.
    a mama's girl from the start, loam will want to be around their mom constantly, usually pressed against forestshade when out exploring the world. always wants to be with her and wanting to learn everything they can from her wisdom and clan knowledge, seeing her as someone who really understands life and how you should live it. they will listen to all of her advice and take it to heart, ultimately wanting to make their mother proud and possibly driving her to want to return to shadowclan if they are able to prove they're enough. though joining shadowclan was something they agreed on, they will end up regretting it the moment they get to the border, but will not want to disappoint forestshade and back down. she will end up living with this guilt for a very long time, she will always long for her mother and will dream of her often.
    emily said:
    06. SHARPSHADOW: will have a rocky relationship with sharpshadow, though more from awkwardness than anything else. afraid to disappoint her, they will constantly try to make her proud by going above and beyond whenever she can. eventually will become close with sharpshadow, though not as close as with forestshade.
    shy and anxious to speak with their sire, loam will be too ashamed too try and speak with him out of worries that she's already disappointed him somehow (even though she hadn't). hiding in her own fur to try and cover her shame, she will not be able to speak with sharpshadow for a moon or so until they become comfortable in the clan, pushing out anyone else who may offer her help to settle in as well. may cause tension between the two of them with sharp possibly thinking loam doesn't care about her or like her, but it will just be the apprentice being overly anxious to speak with him – and trying to settle in as well won't help. once misunderstandings are resolved, she will begin to open up to sharp and will enjoy her company, asking questions about forestshade and what they were like together growing up until she left. (i would love if maybe at some point they clash together and end up not talking for a bit??? i love family drama teehee. also if sharp doesn't have an apprentice.... awkward parent/kid time trying to navigate everything esp with loam being so picky...)
    emily said:
    07. POTENTIAL SIBLING: will not react well to having a sibling, pushing them aside in order to be first in her mother's heart. will develop into a sibling rivalry (possibly one-sided from her) and may go down a good route where they enjoy their company.
    if there another sibling is chosen, loam won't be happy about it. she has to be the apple of forestshade's eye always, constantly seeking attention and pushing her sibling out of the way in order to get doted over. stuck up in her snobby ways, she will be envious of whatever her sibling would be better than her at with a burning anger. this will go long into her apprenticeship, them being closed off and distant from their sibling, creating a rift between them when they could have made an ally during their bullying. possibly a large fight where they argue about how loam feels their sibling isn't protecting them at all, but the sibling admits to them all the frustration and hurt they've gotten from loam's sharp words made them drift away. this may have her decide to change her ways and try to become better, or it may go down a worse path.
  • - admires her parents, specifically forestshade. wants to be independent and tough just like her, and admires how much she can do without eyesight. they will sometimes close their eyes and move around doing their day to day activities to put themself in their mom's paws to better understand her. looks at sharpshadow as more of a legend, enamored by her presence and usually too nervous/shy to say anything
    - adjusts fairly well to clan life, likes shadowclan and what they stand for. does fairly well in her training for hunting and tracking, but not in combat. only hindered by their feeling of being unwanted/unliked and the bullying they endure, as well as their peaceful nature
    - hates war/murder. will never maim or kill anyone unless she has to in order to survive. afraid of dying, and it will get worst after her discovery aboout starclan
    - feels as though she can never prove herself to her parents, specifically forestshade. has always felt a pressure to succeed and lets it control her and her actions, will haunt her even when going into shadowclan
    - alternate name ideas are only for if a second kit is chosen with the same name! loam- is my preferred prefix for her
    - future warrior name ideas: *loamspine, loamshade, loamnose, *loampool, loamstone. will be chosen ic-ly from this list!!
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Shadowkit has his sire's build but his dam's color. He's long-legged and long-tailed; apprenticehood molds him into an awkward, disjointed thing, but it doesn't last. As an adult, he will stand with Forestshade's elegant dignity. Beneath his lionish pelt lie slender flanks, easy for slipping through the murk. His face retains a touch of femininity in delicate cheekbones and a pointed muzzle; he tries to ruin it by letting his cheek ruffs run wild. His eyes are thickly-lashed and shockingly alive.

(I'm not sure if I want to use one of my own designs for him or use the torbie hypokit for his fur color but this will be his build!)

CHEERFUL Contrary to his dour namesake, Shadowkit is a bright-hearted soul. He's an easy smile; it doesn't take much to make him happy. His peppiness gets annoying at times, especially during the dawn patrol when he's nearly shouting into ears still clogged with sleep. His steady diet of Forestshade's clan stories give him a gratitude for even the most mundane aspects of clan life.

OPTIMISTIC He can be optimistic to the point of tactlessness. Forestshade's good parenting instilled in him a rosier outlook: he'll figure things out eventually, he and his mother, and there is always something somewhere that he can trust in the world. He clings to this optimism like a lifeline in harsher situations. He's someone who will continually promise that things will get better, just one more step, just one more day.

BRAVE Almost to the point of recklessness, this goes hand-in-hand with his impulsiveness and general bold nature. He doesn't take blind leaps because he accepts the risks, he does it because he thinks the consequences will never reach him. And if they do, they're not that bad.

STEADFAST Loyalty over all! Shadowkit is eager to please; he throws himself headlong into the cause, which is ever only just the good of the clan. In fact, he is someone who needs a mission to live and live by, otherwise he doesn't feel fulfilled and will seek out more troublesome purposes by himself. The idea of abandoning his mantle once he's taken it up is repulsive to him.

INDEPENDENT Shadowkit, for all his dedication, is not a good team player, nor is he enthusiastic about sharing his glory. He can't shake some aspects of his loner childhood: he's at his best when working alone, or with someone he trusts like an extension of himself.

PERFECTIONIST He has big ideas of the way things should be, biggest of all ideas about himself. Shadowkit must excel. He tries to use failures as motivation to do better, but mostly he just ends up beating himself over the head for it. Development may have him put this trait to rest though.

OUTSPOKEN Especially as a kit and an apprentice, his tongue will outpace his brain. He's quick to point out things that look amiss, and he's usually one of the leads in a crowd of clamoring cats.

OBSESSIVE Shadowkit idolizes ShadowClan and his sire to an unhealthy degree. He dives into things headfirst and with his entire being. Once he's latched onto something, he won't quit until it is as he thinks it should be. Even if it seems like he's made his peace with the odds, there will always be a part of him to jump at the chance to change it. He hates letting things go.

VOLATILE His emotions rule him, and he tends to wear his heart on his pelt. His smiles can turn into bared fangs at the slightest insinuation.

VINDICTIVE His anger consumes him, and he mistakes it for righteous passion. Any crime, especially those against him or the ones he loves, are all the worst. Sometimes, it's almost as if he's looking for transgressions to get angry about.

CRUEL He refuses to acknowledge the ugliest parts of him, but there's something delightful about making the wrong pay. They deserve it, after all. Shadowkit fights fair unless he's losing, and if he gets the upper paw afterwards, he shows little restraint.
  • Shadowkit has many traits that put him at odds with both parents, even directly opposing them. His relentless optimism may step on Sharpshadow's nerves, while his insistence on loyalty means he'll never really get Forestshade's wanderlust.
  • Shadowkit's transition comes and goes without much fanfare. He won't be shy about the conflict brewing inside his belly; Forestshade will hear about his dissatisfaction with his gender when he first feels the inklings of it. Shadowkit believes he has always been meant to be something other than what he was born as: a boy, not a girl; a ShadowClanner, not a loner.
  • At some point in his life, Shadowkit's loyalties may shift from ShadowClan to StarClan. As a kit, the two will be held in equal reverence in his eyes. As he becomes integrated into clan life and suffers the usual casualties of it, he might grow disillusioned with it and Sharpshadow. Refusing to believe that he'd ever stop having faith in ShadowClan, he might begin to conflate ShadowClan's and StarClan's will (mostly just making assumptions about what both would want and acting off of delusions).
  • It'd be cool if him and Forestshade went on little adventures while they both are loners! I'd love to have him interact with SkyClan in the loner lands, WindClan at the Horseplace, etc. when he's old enough to start walking long distances.
  • He'll probably throw a tantrum to try and get Forestshade to join ShadowClan with him, even going so far as to bite her tail to try and physically drag her there.
  • Shadowkit would never ever consider an inter-clan relationship, but it'd be a funny side plot if someone from another clan started crushing on him, only for him to spit on them in disgust when they confess their feelings to him.
  • Since he'd be born in the middle of Leaf-bare, I'd be interested in exploring him getting sick and the long-term consequences of it later in life. It'd be interesting to have a conflict between what he wants to do and what his body can realistically achieve. However, not getting sick or harmed much at all, even in Leaf-bare, would leave him with an annoying amount of idealism. Like, "If I survived that as a kit, I can survive anything!"
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  • TwFM5Tx.png
    paradigm to the bleakness her name represents, wide - eyed and lamblike in a way that leads her right to slaughter ; shadowkit is dark as her namesake in mind and mood. despite insecurity and idealism to a dreary fault, there exists a kindness in her rare to the marshlands.
    SHADOW(KIT) ; born to paternal darkness, a coat of shag and shade all too familiar to her homeland . . meant to instill a stealth and cunning she will not inherit.
    f. afab, she / her only. loner kitten. 00 months old. born with a persistent cough.
    FORESTSHADE x SHARPSHADOW. half - sibling to to briarthorn and screechstorm.

  • a shaggy black she-cat with sad, emberous eyes . . smells of deep wilds.
    met into a bout of sickness by virtue of leafbare, deep within the outlands where no medicine cat roams, and bears it for life. her gaunt features show before anything else — cavernous cuts of obsidian forming the same razored edges as her sire. a crowfeathering of black fur shrouds harshly exposed ribcage, draping in a wolf shag over curled kitten limbs and topped with ears tufted so heavy they seem to sag at either side of her skull. she is not born pretty, but she is born silent and dark as the shadows that cling to her lone mother . . thus named for them only moments after.

    time finds her a gangly, awkward molly ; inheriting a great height and a scrawny build, growing early into paws and ears that still seem too large for pinched features. fur falls in thick tufts around the framing of her face, curtailing around the forever - soft frown that plagues her icesharp features. despite her general scruff, she holds herself to a quiet femininity — harnesses it in a way her mother has done only recently . . but with time, her coat stands in oil - spiked strands of overgroomed black, thistlefurred with simmering anxiety. her expression is ever - pinched into something bothersome, creased with a persistent nervousness she cannot shake.

    longhaired black with orange eyes.
  • gentle, meek, cowardly. witty, compassionate, intelligent. sensitive, devoted, insecure. darkness rings sapsweet eyes in the same way it does her mood — plagued from early life by a dark, dreary cloud cresting her low - hanging head. born silent into a bitter cold, reaping what her parents had sown in the softest rattle behind shuddering ribs, shadowkit is first known as quiet in comparison to siblings past. while previous litters of her mother had mewed, writhed for warmth and milk, shadowkit is still as the night, lips sealed tight enough to purse. she will drag herself in measly strides to forestshade's belly in what will be the first in a lifetime of underachievement.

    she bears her sadness early. wears it like a ribbon, wreathes herself melancholy and curls it neat at her neck for all to see. a hunched, gloomy kitten lacking the spark of life her mother bears. taking a certain femininity from forestshade without the razored edge of her tongue to match, shadowkit will present a starling fear of confrontation . . with anything. she fail often, and not for lack of talent. being a meek, cautious child, her mother's attempts at training her into a self - sufficient direction will be constantly thwarted by shadowkit's own shrill insecurity.

    a bleak and bleating child, cheeks dazzled with tears like fat drops of honey — i just cant, momma. i just can't do it! she is pessimistic to a fault ; self - ensnared coward, sensitive in a way neither her parents could afford to be. shadowkit cages herself behind debilitating bars of doubt. plagued with a terrifying sense of helplessness that will chase her throughout life, she will seek shadowclan for safety above all else. whether her mother is truthful with her about her life - ending hesitance or not, she will understand the consequences of a life in the outlands. a lonely, ever - threatening one. one her mother had been built to traverse, in body and mind . . one shadowkit could not.

    kind above all else, shadowkit will find her place shouldering the pressing weight of her clanmates bear . . holding tight to a softness hard to find in the swamp. a constant clash against the more abrasive personalities around her, shadowkit will speak softly, step softly, lending herself to excessive acts of generosity that expend her to no end. compassionate, well - tuned to the needs of those around her ; romanticizing an all give, no take attitude. . though many would argue it does not make up for her cowardly, slacking nature. some will call her a freeloader in the face of big, nerve - wracking threats . . and perhaps she is. she certainly lacks the same bravery as some of her clanmates.

    raised in the bitter cold of leafbare, she will come to believe she deserves any cruelty directed her way — harboring an inherent guilt at her own cumbersome presence that will leave her far more susceptible to unhealthy relationships, ignorant ( often purposefully ) to the harm it causes her. too stricken with fear of bad outcome to inspire change in any way, shadowkit will keep her head down and troubles to herself.
    ⪼ LOVES ; her mother. one of the first of many unobtainable goals will be the urge to model herself after the sturdy, steadfast forestshade. the ability to confront her fears with head held high ( if she even has any fears . . ), to walk the world without care. before reaching her sixth moon, she will feel a sort of misery at not being her picturesque, unabashed daughter. her devotion remains steady and desperate, even as she ventures away.
    ⪼ FEARS ; loneliness. bleakness. the heavy black that hangs over her head. ever the cuckoo in a robins nest, out of place where she should feel at home . . her greatest fear is for others to sniff out the insecurities that taunt her everyday. she will do poorly in the face of " outsider " scrutiny, making each seam - stitched move into her transition laced taut with apprehension.
    ⪼ DESIRES ; to belong. she will go to every extent in order to feel secure, pretending often not to see what bad is in the world. she sticks to a mindset that everyone is inclined to do good ( while curiously not extending the same to herself ), and does her best to avoid change.
    ⪼ WEAKNESS ; generalized anxiety disorder. indecisive and hesitant, shadowkit will find the most trouble with acting when not spurred by fear / the need to survive. she will tend to overreact in certain situations . .

  • plots, notes, playlist . .

    ⪼ BELONGING ; from the early days of hazy grins and toddling kitten paws, shadowkit has harbored a starry - eyed fascination with her mother's stories. tales of a clan of strength and cunning, harnessing the night to their advantage. it is said that their very souls are forged from shadow itself, and in the blackest hours, they are as silent as the wind that whispers through thin leaves . . while comfortable in the safety of a group, they pride themselves on their independence — something shadowkit desires more than anything.
    shadowkit is a particularly bothered kitten. she believes very little in herself from early on, born into a paralyzing fear of everything her mother represents. however . . she can easily be coaxed into confidence with the idea of shadowclan. games of pretend and "playing clan" with forestshade in her early moons will be the most effective way to ease her into basic survival skills !! her anxieties seem to soothe in the wake of this daydream . .
    ⪼ FAMILY LIFE ; shadowkit will have a difficult time adjusting to her namesake clan. unlike the majority of her clanmates, she lacks a clear backbone — fawnish and eager to placate, she will find difficulty connecting with what family resides there. her half - siblings too quick with their tongue, as upright as her mother had been, and her remaining parent holding a place of faraway respect. she will be avoidant of sharpshadow for the first few months of her time with shadowclan, though her experience will be worse off for it . .
    a couple moons in, shadowkit may attempt leaving to find her mother once again. an impulse decision made late one night, bothered that she'd not found her idealistic place ( where she was supposed to belong! ) and driven by a sporadic grasping for normalcy, she may find her — and be marched right back to the shadowclan border when she does. whether they talk it out or forest is Angry with her, she will go back and accept any consequences . . but i would love for her to get closer to sharp after that. someone that could genuinely understand.
    ⪼ RELATIONSHIPS ; as she grows and adjusts to clan life, she will cling to certain people . . despite being a generally warm, if quiet friend to most, i'd love for her to have one cat of similar age that she grows up with. a classic best friend, one that she makes early after joining and is far more outgoing than her.
    this character will treat her in a very absentminded way, being very bubbly and having a good amount of friends that shadow does not. she will develop a very desperate pull towards them, and will realize decently early on that she has romantic feelings — she keeps it quiet, having a gut aversion to romance, instead settling for silently supporting her friend from the sidelines . . content to just be near her, even if it means suppressing her emotions. shadow's extreme self-consciousness wins out over any thought that it may be reciprocated, often second-guessing herself and her worth in relation to this character.

    this character will not be cruel, just unaware ( or at least pretending, being uninterested in it themself ) of the layers beneath shadows loyal attentiveness. they really see her as a best friend, and only a best friend — and then starts seeing someone. someone from another clan, someone that shadow follows them to find and is begged to keep secret. shadow tempers her own emotions once again, and tentatively agrees. absolute doormat behavior. however it goes would be up to ic . .

    in addition to this, she will grow to expect a certain amount of cruelty ( both as a result of her outsider upbringing and shadowclan's difficulties ), which will make her far more susceptible to relationships that do her more harm than good. at this time, she may start seeing a clanmate that does not have her best intentions at heart.

─ for forestshade's second mentor, present in her mind due to the cold weather in the wake of these kits' birth.
─ she/her pronouns, but agab undetermined.
─ largely uninterested in romance or kits as she grows up. love may find her, but she will not seek it.

✦ OOC ─
─ casual chara, aiming for 5 posts a month. with that said, i am obsessed with her.
─ with permission, i would like to bring this concept in to shadowclan as a same-aged peer if not chosen<3

─ lh black smoke w/ low white (c. nonsilver)
─ as she grows, chilledkit inherits a silhouette that's distinctly a mix of her parents. where forestshade's stocky form meets sharpshadow's gangly limbs and mane, the outcome is a creature near unsettling at first glance. aside from keeping it tidy for personal preference, she takes no pride in her appearance, and as she grows chilledkit is likely to pick up many nicks and small scars in exploring the loner life with no healers close at paw. though her pelt is wreathed in the smoke of her sire, the right angle reveals a faint tabby pattern akin to her mother. the only white on her is a quartet of mittens, leaving sharp green eyes to be the most striking feature of her expressive face.

─ the trials of being a loner's kit in leafbare, however, do not allow chilledkit to escape unscathed. she grows up quickly - too quickly, maybe - and by the time newleaf rolls around, a sense of grim realism has instilled itself upon this three-moon-old. she knows of death, knows of the way of the forest. the clans forestshade tells her of are within paws' reach, but too far away for her to grasp.
─ at the age of six moons, with the hottest season just around the corner, chilledkit gathers her courage and tells forestshade - not asks - she will be joining shadowclan.

─ so, maybe joining shadowclan was a mistake. chilledpaw has her wish: she has a clan, and has a mentor, and has her sire in the corner of her vision. the problem is, she doesn't seem to get along with anyone. her instinctive knowledge and formerly independent lifestyle doesn't mesh particularly well with clan life, where too many cats who aren't her mother are concerned with her wellbeing. it's stifling, and the change is maybe too much too quickly. it's possible that she slowly grows to let a peer in, finding a trusted friend and confidante; or, potentially, her defensiveness pushes her to the clan's fringes.
─ NOTE: a lot of chilledpaw's dev will depend on how her apprenticeship shakes out and how her clan reacts over time. it is entirely possible that she will consider leaving the clan before the age of 12 moons, however as per the adopt she will not fully "decide" until adulthood whether she stays.

─ TRAITS TBD / see apprenticeship note
─ newly graced with the name chillednight, named for perseverance and courage, she has graduated with eerily high scores in night-based skills. should shadowclan earn the loyalty of this efficient warrior, they will have found themselves a keen-eyed and sharp-tongued cat who chooses loyalty day after day.

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HELLO EVERYONE!! Thank you guys muchly for the interest and wonderful apps!! We have been hungrily consuming these and i really am smiling so big and wide at the passion you guys clearly put into these <33 We ended up keeping the slot at one in the end because we like WAR.... BECAUSE WE ARE ALL ABOUT SELF HATRED AND FORCING OURSELVES TO MAKE DIFFICULT DECISIONS!!!!

The completely normal Sharpforest kit will be... @pikaihao with Shadowkit <3! WE'LL BE IN CONTACT WITH YOU SHORTLY MY FRIEND to discuss starting dates and the like... THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH ONCE AGAIN