it's time for me to strike again 𓆟 twoleg trash

As Foxtail looms over the river bank, he hopes for a better day for hunting. His last hunting patrol wasn't so lucky— they ran across a strange bucket, filled to the brim with fresh fish. But as tempting as it might've been to take the fish back to camp, it just.... wasn't safe to do so. It had been too good to be true; fresh fish just waiting for a patrol to stumble upon it. He swears he smelt something off about the fish, who knows maybe it was poison. But whatever it was, it wasn't worth the risk of making clanmates sick. He shakes the thought out of his mind, olive green eyes scanning the flowing river. Today will be better, he knows it for sure! There's no suspicious buckets of fish, no scent of twolegs— a perfect day to be out in the territory!

His eyes widen as a fairly large silhouette moves along with the current. It moves along the river bed and disrupts the silt, obscuring his view. It must be a bottom feeder, maybe a catfish? He thinks to himself, his tail twitching behind him. Catfish can get quite big so it adds up... they can put up quite the fight. Do it, He tells himself as he lets out a nervous exhale, think of how many cats will be fed by this fish alone! With a gulp, Foxtail propels himself into the water, and dives underneath the surface, claws out stretched. He expects a battle when his claws make contact, but it's like this fish is.... lifeless? It doesn't make any reaction to his sharp claws, and it continues to attempt to move along with the current. That can only mean one thing.... This isn't a fish! He thinks bitterly, whatever he sunk his claws into doesn't feel like, and doesn't act like a fish!

Knowing that it can't put up a fight, Foxtail resurfaces and swipes it with his paw, knocking the object out of the water. He pulls himself out of the river as it stumbles on the grass, frowning as his gaze lands on what was in their river. The strange item resembles twoleg hind paws, as if it was meant to be worn by them. ...Though, the item was quite worn out and dirty, falling apart even. "Twoleg j-junk," He frowns with a shake of his head, twolegs can be so careless. This isn't the first time he's swiped twoleg trash out of the river, annoyingly enough. "At least it's n-no longer in the river..."

  • walleye slot for the bingo event! + apprentice tag: @PEBBLEPAW
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons

TAGS — Another day, another patrol. It's true that Foxtail's last escapade had not been so fortunate. Ospreypaw still gets a bitter taste on his tongue when he thinks about the wasted bucket of gold, but... well, if it had been poisoned, then he supposes he wouldn't have wanted to eat it. There's still plenty of life left to live; plenty of river left to swim in. Ospreypaw would see to that much.

She sits on the bank a few tail-lengths away from Foxtail, focusing at first on her own fishing — until she hears a great splash, and sees him battling a shadow in the river. At first she's excited. Adrenaline pools in her berry-red pawpads; she feels heat in her ears and her stomach, eager to see what he's caught, and then....

"Oh," Ospreypaw mews, disgust palpable. Flatly, she elaborates: "Great." Cindersong has half a mind to cuff her ear, but the punishment never comes. Lemon-yellow eyes scrape ungratefully over the rotted twoleg thing. It almost looks like a pelt, but it's so... strange. Maybe if they dried it, they could use it in nesting material, but the thought of having some twoleg trash in her nest makes her skin crawl. Ospreypaw flicks her nose back towards the river, assessing the shadows that swirl at its bottom.

"Let's hope that there's not more." Wouldn't that just kill her mood!


Claythorn's voice is a harsh interruption. "There probably is." She stated gruffly, her tail lashing. The warrior was less then excited about this whole situation- well, she was downright pissed about it, but that was beside the point. Mismatched golds stared out over the river- even now, she could see the hint of a second shadow, cast against the far bank of the river. A soft breath left her, turning her eyes to regard that of the older warrior.

"It would have been a good catch." She attempted to compliment, before turning her vision downshore. Hopefully, there wasn't more waiting for them that was akin to what they just saw. Her nose wrinkled, tail lashing for a brief moment. Her mutter is sharp as she moved to keep scanning the shores for any birds or small prey to catch. "It stinks." Thoughts tumbled and churned like that of a stick caught in rapids.

How much longer would this continue? Would this be a lasting thing? Ears twitched roughly at the thought. They'd eventually be driven out, if the twolegs got any worse. Even now, the fish was dwindling and that of land-prey was disappearing from the noise.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Surely there couldnt be more of these things right? The young apprentice surely hoped not as it looked like it would kill a fish rather than help anything. What was it anyway? It looked mishapened from where they stood but they couldnt care much about it. The annoyance at twolegs only grew in their chest and they swallowed thickly in response. These creatures seemed to be ruining everything in the forest. First leaving behind trash like this in the river, fires too close to camp and cats going missing cause of them- when did it ever end? Could these beings not see what they do is wrong?

Magpiepaw had come up from the other side of Ospreypaw and flicked back their ears in distaste, "Sadly i think Claythorn is right, there probably is more and we're just going to keep findin git" They mutterd sourly and lashed their tail back and forth idly, "Hopefully nothing goes wrong with this trash in the river- what if they poisoin a fish next and we dont know?" Their realism was deloving into paranoia rather quickly and they shook the idea from their mind quickly.

The chimera cat looked down at their paws, trying to backpedal on their nonsensical rambling, "Or something like that-"​


Of A Monster
"FATE IS A SUNDRESS" ˚୭ .ೃ⁀➷ tags ── THE RUSH OF disappointment runs white through dizzypaw's stomach. much ado about nothing. much ado about trash. it feels like it's always more twoleg nonsense. will they ever be allowed a break? enough time to just get their heads above the current?

dizzypaw echoes claythorn's sentiment with a gentle hum - it would've been a good catch. confident and cool, there's something to be envied in foxtail's form just a moment ago. oh, it's so upsetting! riverclan takes such pride in the place they call home - in their namesake. twolegs must not know how to care for things not theirs... or something. maybe that's the point. it's just a passing thought and certainly not like dizzypaw knows what makes them tick (or that she particularly wants to beyond a fleeting bewilderment).

worried gaze flits to magpiepaw as they elaborate some on their thoughts. it's a concerning sentiment - poisoned food, yet further increasing trash. maybe something worse than those. dizzypaw doesn't want to think about something worse than truly, indelibly inedible fish. how would they continue daily clan life? she swallows her nerves and tries to push it from her thoughts.

"should we look for more, while we can?" dizzypaw queries of no one in particular. she picks up her paws as a way to relieve the tension she inwardly feels - this is all she can think to offer. she doesn't want to think about it getting worse. she can't think about it getting worse.​

() he crouches beside his mentor with claws unsheathed, anticipation rushing through every vein in his body. fishing with foxtail is one of pebblepaw's favorite pastimes, a part of training that barely feels like training at all at this point. his mentor is an expert at all things fishing, and peb's determined to learn every technique and little trick to make him even better than foxtail is right now. he copies the patched tom's stance almost perfectly, looming over the water like some great predator, waiting for helpless prey to find its way into his claws. foxtail tenses next to him, and excitement floods the boy's chest as he watches his mentor leap into the water with a great splash, and he hops to his paws, craning his neck to watch.

foxtail surfaces all too quickly, a bitter look on his face as he flings some odd smelling thing out of the water. pebblepaw hurries to sniff it, dark nose wrinkling at the stench of this twoleg trash. "that's too bad," he murmurs, glancing up to meet olive green eyes. "that was a really cool leap, though!" he adds, and flicks his tail. "maybe we can take a little break and go diving for twoleg stuff? we could get rid of it by their weird dens."

padding over to the edge again, the boy arches his head over the water, narrowing his eyes to try and see the bottom. nothing so far... but one can never tell. "the fish probably hate it as much as we do."

  • // " #848DAE"
  • 82323968_6BWV8DbihYOd2RT.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.
That's not a bad suggestion,” Troutsnout would murmur at the suggestion of her sibling, Dizzypaw, and Pebblepaw. It would be nice to help the fish by cleaning up their waters, after all they lived in Riverclan and were essential part of their lives despite being prey. They were part of their home and culture, and it was only respectful to treat them much as they would treat their home. “What if we split into partners and clean up any trash we see?” She would suggest towards the gathered group, an ear giving a flick a moment after as she glances at the water.

I'm sure it would help Riverclan out and the fish population. We wouldn't have to worry about spoiled fish as much anymore.” The spotted warrior would murmur as she observes for any nearby floating pollution, using a paw to shovel it out of the rivers. She intently focuses on gathering any litter from the waters that floated close enough to the shore, putting them in a small pile and ranging from an assortment of sizes, shapes, and smell. It was pitiful, in all honesty because their food population suffered which inadvertently caused them to suffer as well. Did Twolegs never think of the consequences of their actions? Was there no higher power for them such as Starclan for them, with beliefs and regulations that treating life horribly would send you to damnation?

Who knew?

They were strange creatures after all that seemed to act selfishly and believe they were the only ones at the throne of life.


࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Her mismatched gaze focuses onto Foxtail noting his technique for fishing and she watches so that she may pick up a few tricks of her own. She glances over in the direction of her cousin, Pebblepaw, knowing that he had a good mentor and he would learn plenty from the patchy tomcat. He resurfaces with twoleg junk which causes her snout to wrinkle with disgust despite the small compliments given to the warrior and her large ears twitch as Dizzypaw mentions if they should continue looking for more to expel their river of this junk. "It would be for the best," She agrees in a monotonous voice as her feathery tail lashes behind her and briefly listens to what Troutsnout says about splitting into pairs so that they could gather more a lot better.

She grimaces at just the sight of all the trash and how these twolegs could disrespect their river like this... Careless creatures. Beepaw approaches the water letting her snowy capped paws slip into the shallow water and angles her bat-like ears forward paying attention to the water to see if there's anymore twoleg trash closer to the shore or in the more shallow parts of the river.


    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    11 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; currently interested in moonbeam
    currently being mentored by houndstride
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed