camp IT'S TIME TO BE AWESOME ;; training

In the eyes of many, Fireflyglow was a medicine cat that seemed too bent on peace to fight in battles. If forced to, like the rogue's raid on the camp, he'd always lash out wildly in an attempt to hit cats trespassing into his holy grove of a holly bush. However, as of late, the seal point had found himself in the forest surrounded by trees once more. A fake excuse to go collect herbs when he had done it enough that day already, an attempted disguise to hide the true hobby he'd taken up.

Like lightning through the underbrush, Fireflyglow dashes through bushes and overgrowth; tail flicking to and fro behind him. Memorizing the layouts of the trees, the bushes too hard to push through. It wasn't easy, and if one followed his line of sight, you'd watch him crash into tree trunks head on quite often. But when he does, he suddenly lashes out with unsheathed claws, wildly slicing at the pine tree in front of him.

"If the voice is higher, they're taller than you. Or higher up." He repeats to himself in a hurry, backing away from the tree and using his back paw to guide himself back into the bushes before dashing once more. It's only when he nearly hits another pine tree does he stop, ears swiveling and on alert. "It's considered rude to spy on me, you know. Got any advice for me? I'm trying to learn how to fight.. Just a little. So I can hold my own if something were to ever happen." If someone tries to hurt one of my siblings again, but in front of me next time.

Eggshellbloom winces at Fireflyglow’s words, much like he’d been wincing watching at friend slam headfirst into quite a few trees minutes earlier. “O-Oh, I wasn’t spying, honest!” The Scottish Fold squeaked from his low branch sounding dejected. The boy was a fool, but an honest fool he remained. “I was just - y’know - taking a walk. T-Then I saw you, and I was wondering what you were doing, so -“ Okay, maybe the coward was spying, but it wasn’t exactly intentional.

Hopping down from his perch, Eggshellbloom shot Fireflyglow a small smile. “B-But yeah, I think that’s r-really cool of you. Y’know - trying to improve yourself, and all that.” Given his own skills, the perpetually-petrified tomcat was hardly one to offer advice, but he understood the drive of tenacity better than most. That was something the two of them shared, he supposed. Amber eyes briefly flicked over the other’s frame - come to think of it, who would win in a fight between him and Fireflyglow? The thought was…unnerving (not to mention more than a bit disappointing, imagining the outcome).

“M-Maybe I could start learning how - uh - how to use herbs, huh?” Eggshell offered, trying to both take his mind off the idea and lighten the mood.​
"It'd be really bad if one of our medicine cats killed himself by bonking his head into a tree," Cherryblossom drawls, slipping down from her low perch after Eggshellbloom. The paleness of her coat made hunting difficult and hiding moreso, but it wasn't hard to hide from a blind cat... unless you were a kittypet, apparently.

The tip of her flame-patterned tail twitches with a mixture of amusement and consternation. It was sort of a shame that Fireflyglow could never really use Blazestar's greatest gift to him to its full potential: she finds herself at times envying Slate and Silversmoke's natural disposition to cuffing heads. In the end though, she thinks he's far more useful in his current position. Who else would be able to stand being around Dawnglare all the time and manage to adopt some of his mannerisms? "I think you're better off learning other things," the deputy remarks towards Eggshell, giving him a cool sidelong glance.

"What's up with trying to learn how to fight anyway? We have more than enough warriors to protect you." She rolls her silk-furred shoulders. "What, do you, like, not trust us?" The medicine cats rarely left camp without escorts, though it was very well within their right to. But even the most mundane of herb-gathering patrols were sent out with at least a couple of warriors; she made sure of it.

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
“That ain’t no way to talk to yer medicine cat, now is it?” He drawled out, comin’ to a stop at the small gatherin’ with peaked interest, wavin’ a wooly plumage. “So what if he wants to learn? Ain’t no harm to anyone and it sure ain’t yer decision, now is it darlin’?” He commented, honeyed words tiltin’ dangerously with a curious hum at the young deputy. Persnickety one, ain’t she?

He hummed, turnin’ molten hues toward Fireflyglow, methodical in his calculations, Outlaw padded forward, steps echoin’ to observe the little stripe of paradise. “Why not practice on a livin’ cat than a tree?” Honey words flutterin’ handsomely. “Might be better practice if yer learnin’ to fight somethin’ that nips back.”p He may be clueless about SkyClan’s nature at heart, but Outlaw was good at fightin’ and defendin’, much like Duskpool. He supposed that was somethin’ they strongly shared as babes.

“Think the most important lesson is protectin’ yer weak spots.” He advised. “At first glance, they’ll assume yer weak, ain’t worth givin’ it their all.” He mused. “Best use that to yer advantage if ya find yerself alone, but given yer importance, that’ll be rarer than a cat findin’ a feather toy in the wild.” He chuffed, scarred lips curlin’. “Say kiddo, do ya notice a change of pressure when someone comes up to ya?” He inquired, obsidian ears twitchin’ thoughtfully.
thought speech

"And that's no way to speak to the deputy either," Howlfire pointed out, shooting Outlaw a glance as she approached the group. Although her expression wasn't hostile, her tone had a bite to it, a warning to show the deputy the same respect he wanted her to show Fireflyglow.

Her amber gaze then sweeps over the others present, trying to gauge what was happening. It seemed her brother wanted to learn some fighting moves, which, in Howlfire's opinion, didn't seem like a bad idea. Eggshellbloom and Outlaw seemed open to the idea, Cherryblossom a bit more confused. "I don't think it's a bad idea, to be honest," Howlfire confessed, looking to Cherryblossom. "It wouldn't have to be anything as strenuous as the regular warriors but I don't think it would hurt. At least if we ever had a situation like the time when WindClan raided the medicine den, he'd be able to defend himself to a degree."