it's tradition | sharing tongues



OOC- please wait for @HEATHERPAW and @Fireflypaw before posting :)

Another day was coming to an end, and after a long, grueling training session with a few of the other warriors, Johnny made his way back to camp like the good little soldier he was while the rest went out to try their luck with hunting. The bobtail had been tempted to join them, but the evening sun was already beginning to drift low on the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues that bled into purples.

He had to go home soon.

Returning to his twolegs was always a bittersweet thing. Johnny loved them dearly, and he couldn't express how relieved or grateful he was to them that his late night returns didn't seem to be causing them any unwanted stress or confusion. They loved him just the same, fed him and looked after him just the same, and his own love for them didn't waver in turn.

Laying at the foot of their bed though, warm and well-fed, protected, he always dreamed of the pine forest.

"Can't go back lookin' like this." he mused aloud as he looked himself over.

To be fair, the damage could have been much worse. Johnnys coat was fairly short so he didn't have to worry about tangles or knots usually, but it was ruffled from a day of work and the white parts of him were obviously much less white than they should be.

It had become a nightly tradition of sort for Johnny to spend the later part of dusk making himself presentable to be welcomed back into his twolegs home, a task he usually went about on his own despite having noticed that most of the cats tended to group off at this time, talking and grooming one another. It was nice, and often he'd find himself tuning into the chatter, the sound soothing in a way he couldn't really put words to.

Still, Johnny never really joined them, not because he was against such a social interaction and casual exchange of touch, but because he still wasn't sure where he stood with many of these cats and the last thing he wanted to do was disrupt anyones night by trying to insert himself into things.

And so, he chose to simply be content with being there at all instead.

Sharing tongues with his family was just about the only time everyone was in the same place, where they didn't have to worry about being called on for duty. Surprisingly, if you chose to share tongues it was a bonding experience for most. To gossip amongst each other, talk tactics, whatever the group felt like discussing..

Today, though, Fireflypaw strayed from his father's and mentor's side in favor of greeting the newcomer. Johnny, he believed the tom's name was. He seemed content to be alone, but Firefly was never one to just let somebody sulk by themselves. His paws carry him over to the soldier-like tom, seating himself right next to him before he smiles. "Ah- Would you like to share tongues? I heard some juicy gossip over there, if you'd like to talk about it." He musters, his awkwardness only so sudden as he realized just how odd it might have seemed at first. Oh, well.

"I'm Fireflypaw, though you already know that- probably. You can call me Fi!" If Johnny accepts, he'd wait for another cat to join them before he settles down to prepare his gaggle of rumors he'd kept for moments like these. New friend, here we come!
જ➶ She loves sharing tongues. It is a good way to get to know all of her clanmates and she is often seen bouncing between groups. Listening in on what others have to say and trying to figure things out. Gossiping is definitely fun but the rambunctious apprentice never really fit into any certain group but she hardly notices with all the back and forth she does. Yapping away and making everyone's ears fall off. Even today she is blathering about how she chased a squirrel up a tree and bit fluff out of its tail. A good first try but no cigar. She is about to launch into another tale when she sees Fireflypaw with someone else. Beaming brightly she bounces up and makes her way over in a skipping trot and she gently bumps her hip against his. "Hey Fireflypaw! What's going on here?" Gently she does a roundabout before sitting down and eying the other.

"Hello there sir! I'm Heatherpaw and it's wonderful to meet you!" Her nose almost seems to quiver as she inspects him and she lifts a paw up, motioning around his fur. "You got some smudges! I can clean them right up!"
sootsprite | 33 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #ffff99
Of all the puzzling thigs about these clan-cats, one of the most confusing is likely their casual affection towards one another. Her joining process had been surprisingly easy, and even still they rarely questioned her - never asked much about her personal life. She simply had to help out on patrols and otherwise was free to come and go, to laze about, to really do whatever. Its strange indeed.

As the sun begins to lower itself in the sky, she knows soon it will be time to return to the nest - time to suffer the presence of the slobbering beast and enjoy the company of her twoleg kit. An endless supply of toys to entertain her and only the finest of foods and yet - it still does not compare to the feel of the wind in her fur and the taste of the forest in the air.

Sunshine eyes watch as two apprentices approach another tom, her expression remaining empty-headed and light - approachable. "Looks like he could certainly use the help!" she says cheerily - her own owners had never seemed to mind much what state she returned in, so long as she was safe and sound and unharmed. They'd brush her when she returns anyways - what point was there in tidying up beforehand?


Yellow eyes, liquid sunshine, blink in suprise at Fireflypaws sudden offer, but a doggish tilt of his head gives away his curiosity. "Sharing tongues- is that what their doing?" he wonders aloud, gaze sweeping back toward the cats scattered about camp. The younger tom certainly paints a tempting offer for him- gossip while getting help with his fur? He was definitely eager to know more about his new clanmates, but somehow he wasn't sure if they'd be okay with him obtaining that information through gossip. Then again, it certainly did look as if this was something the majority of the clan was partaking in.

"You sure the other cats won't mind us tradin' gossip about them?" the tom asked with a chuckle, though the arrival of Heatherpaw -who also seemed to zero in on his messed up fur- only reinforced the idea that this truly was the norm for the clan.

With Sootsprites words of encouragement filling ringing in his ears, he finally relents with a shrug.

"Alright- I mean, if you two really want to, I wouldn't mind the help. My furs short but those white parts can take some time to get properly cleaned." he warned them, gesturing for Sootsprite to join if she so chose to. "Now, about that gossip.." A long as it was nothing harmful he was willing to entertain it.

It had certainly been a long enough day and as it drew to a close he'd notice a small gathering of his clanmates. Grinning a bit, he'd head right over tail cocked in a friendly greeting. He didn't know most of them very well but any time he could bond with his clan was welcome. It certainly looked like Johnny could use the help anyway, he looked a mess.

"Pigeonsong, I'd be glad to help too." The tom would add as he sits beside the clowder, giving his own fur a couple of licks self-consciously. He didn't really know any of them, other than Fireflypaw of course. He was much more fond of the apprentice than their mentor, Dawnglare kind of rubbed him the wrong way.

Casting his dull amber eyes back towards Johnny, he'd look for assurance that his help was welcome. It was more of a formality than anything but he wouldn't like it if someone just came over and started grooming him without permission.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

A deep green gaze had been watching from afar as Fireflypaw, Heatherpaw and Johnny started to share tongues and she grew curious. White paws moved up from the ground and over the dirt ground towards the little group that was also joined in by Pigeonsong. Bananapaw blinked a few times and then lightly touched her tail to Fireflypaws' side, just letting him know she was there, and she asked curiously, "What're you guys doing?" She had seen it before, the tongues across fur, but she never understood why it was a thing. Was it to help? Or did they think Johnny was a kit and needed to be cleaned or something?

She crouched down with the group and looked over at Pigeonsong for a moment before she smiled brightly, "Can I groom your fur, Pigey?" She asked the red tabby tomcat with a wave of her tail. She then glanced to the other two apprentices and Johnny before blinking a little bit, "Did i hear something about gossip?" She crawled closer to the group with her head lowered and whispered softly, "Who're we talking about?" She asked curiously.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png