camp I'VE BEEN CHANGING [ nest re-arranging ]

Jun 11, 2023

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- // takes place not long after this thread

His paws feel like they're full of mud as he drags himself back to camp. Clouds still clung overhead as his head was lowered. He wasn't sure where Lupinesong was now, but it didn't matter. While he wanted to make sure she was okay, that someone was taking care of her, it.. wasn't his responsibility- but it was too, in a strange way. He had caused the extra weigh of grief on her heart. That was his fault.

Paws found himself inside the warrior's den. Blue eyes were sharp on his nest, pressed so close to Lupinesong's, with little gifts sprinkled inside. Greeneyes's gift was always tied to him, a feather gifted as he became a warrior. The others... Anything Lupinesong had given him he carefully untangled from his nest, laying within hers, before the moss was gathered. Teeth bit down into the green as he shifted the nest further away.

He really didn't know, or care, who's nest he was now not so far from, paws silently working at the nest as he tried to form it into a good shape. The rumble of thunder wasn't far off, and his head lifted, ears twitching and eyes focusing on any of the other warriors who were watching him. A frown crossed his face, and he slowly settled into the moss, trying to ignore any pressing looks, or questions that came his way.
  • "speech"
  • DnLL8mM.png
  • FALCONPAW 🌧 he/him, apprentice of skyclan, fifteen moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Figfeather doesn’t have a clue on the romance life of the younger warriors of the clan. She’s tried to keep an eye on it but… it got perplexing quite fast. She had been unsuspecting Falcongaze to separate his nest from Lupinesong’s. An invisible brow raises as he places it carelessly next to another nest. The way he awkwardly avoids eye contact with the rest of the warriors in the den tells her he doesn’t want any of the questions, doesn’t want to be spoken to. She doesn’t blame him.

She glances around as if Fantastream would be hovering nearby, then she meows, ”Time will make it better.” Only, did it? Because her heart still aches for what has been lost, even if she knows both of them are doing better now. No more constant arguing. No more stress with raising the kits. No more stress about each other. Still, when she thinks about all the fun they had together it feels like thorns were jabbing into her heart.

Figfeather had to believe it would get better one day. It had to, for them all.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Kurt doesn't know the hurt that Figfeather and Falcongaze now share, and he doesn't know if he ever will - he hopes that he won't, that one day love will magically fall into his lap and happily ever after can come along, but he knows it's never that easy. Emotions are sharing them with another, it's a messy thing, but it's a part of life that most everyone goes through.

He trusts that FIgfeather knows what she's talking about - there's something in her that speaks of her having experienced what Falcongaze is experiencing now, and her simple words speak worlds louder than anything Kurt could offer up in sympathy for his Clanmate. One day, he hopes to have that kind of wisdom, to have that kind of bond with the other SkyClanners, but for now all he can offer Falcongaze is a reassuring smile and a affirmative nod to Figfeather's words.

The atmosphere was weepy, a lingering lost of somethings. She was settled quietly in the warrior den as she noted Falcongaze removing his nest from Lupinesong's, and leaving all the trinkets that she assumed was given to him by her— back in her own nest. There is no words said from the lynx point as she stays in silence and quietly minds her business, but nothing goes unwatched under the loving gaze of the stars. Figfeather, however, decides to say something despite the lingering silence on how time eventually heals the pain and she curiously tilts her head. The recent newcomer, Kurt, also agrees (or nods along) towards the lead warrior's words. The ethereal beauty gently tucks her paws underneath her chest, settling in a more comfortable position.

”. . . The stars have spoken. . .” Palemoon would coo softly under her breath, almost inaudible as ghostly blue eyes open and drift towards the other lynx point. ”. . .It was not. . . meant to be. . .” She would respond towards the rest as she yawns softly, her seemingly always tired gaze softening towards the newer warrior. ”Everything happens. . . for a reason. . .” The mysterious beauty would state as she glances around for sight of Duskpool, her night companion that she enjoyed the company of. Perhaps, a visit to Honeysplash and the little ones she bore would be nice. Starclan was surely happy to see new bustling life in the sky-dwelling clan.

  • ooc.
  • PALEMOON ⋆ she / her / hers
    ✶ lh fawn lynx point with low white and pale blue eyes, blind in the left
    ✶ 36 moons old; ages the 20th monthly
    ✶ bisexual demiromantic; currently single
    ✶ currently mentoring none; formerly mentored by NPC
    ”speech”, thoughts, attacking
    ✶ all opinions are in character only

as the tom watches his friend take his nest away from lupinesong's, his heart drops to his stomach. for a moment he is inclined to delude himself into believing that maybe it's just because he wanted to make his nest bigger. more comfortable. but the removing of any trinkets and gifts, leaving it right with lulu's things makes it cement. they're... no longer padding after each other. we're they ever mates? he doesn't know. he does know how she looks at cherryblossom as a opposed to falcongaze and that makes him sad. even still, he feels guilt. like this is his fault for saying that he loved the tom in the first place. he should have just... kept his mouth shut. maybe they could have fixed whatever was happening, maybe lupinesong would have still been with falcongaze... but he's not a good liar. he still can't lie very good about what happened to his eye, and he couldn't possibly lie about what he meant when he said he loved falcongaze.

even when falcongaze was avoiding him, he still watched him. keeping an eye out just in case he needed him. that's just the type of tom he was. he waits patiently for his friends, and if they need him, he is there for them. more so with falcongaze who he is so helplessly in love with. his stomach hurts seeing this. parts of him doesn't even wanna go over there but his nest doesn't... look good. he's not one to judge but there's no possible way that falcongaze will get sleep in that.

"h-here... l-l... let me. pl-please?"

he gently moves his paws to take the nest from the other, starting to weave it correctly.

"i'll... I'll make sure you have the b-best nest here, o-okay?"
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Cherryblossom isn't stupid. When Falcongaze comes sloping back into camp with overcast eyes facing the floor, mismatched ears stand up a little straighter. When he half-heartedly starts pulling at his nest and shedding its trinkets into the sweet-smelling one nearby, hope jumps up her throat. Everything happens for a reason, she silently echoes, sings.

Lemonade eyes, saccharine-deep in the dim light of the warriors' den, linger on Figfeather. She and Fantastream had gone through something of the same, hadn't they? At least you two didn't have kits! Thank StarClan you two didn't have kits. Cherryblossom is discerning enough not to call attention to it out loud, but she can't help the faint air of smugness creeping into her expression as she looks on, like a lazy tide crawling inevitably towards the shoreline.

Rising with a languid stretch from her own, flower-strewn nest, she graciously slips off the guise of deputy to become only a girl again. "Sooo... are we all just watching him?' she pipes up, innocently cocking her head at the likes of Kurt and Palemoon. Drowynose's presence is sort-of expected; they were friends, to her understanding, which wasn't suprising because Drowsynose would try to worm his way into friendship with anyone.

"Hey, be careful with that," she meows, gaze sharpening upon a particular bundle of fresh flowers now in Lupinesong's nest. Lu might hate to see their delicate petals crushed beneath the daily stampede of paws in the warriors' den... in fact, she's probably out there somewhere, hating this whole situation.

A hard frown cracks across her porcelain face, directed without warning to the bystanders of the fallout. Is no one thinking of Lupinesong? She almost shoulders Falcongaze as she snatches the flowers from the adjacent nest and marches out, a flouish of her plumy tail marking her silent exit.

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
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Waking . . . waking not to the pleasant, expected bleed of dusk onto the horizon, a soft bloom of blood into the almost comically blue sky ( blue as familiar eyes, she might say if it wouldn't make her tear up ), but to intruding voices and the off - kilter sense of midday through the cloud cover visible through the den's exit. The tabby blinks, lifting her head off her paws with a gentle protest from her shoulders; tucked as she very intentionally is towards the shadowy back of the den, she has an unwelcome view of Falcongaze's grim task.

He rather unceremoniously—carefully, yes, but in her opinion without ceremony—shifts a pile of small gifts from his own nest into the unmistakable flower - fragrant one belonging to her daughter, and with little fanfare, shoves his own away from hers. Bobbie scowls despite herself, and if it were anyone else's . . . what did the young warriors call it? She doesn't really know . . . oh, well, whatever. The point is that if it were anyone else, she'd concur with Figfeather's simple mrrow of assurance and perhaps dispense some advice of her own, being a relative veteran of tough ends to relationships ( tough doesn't even begin to describe it ).

But it's not just any warrior; it's Falcongaze, the scruffy tom her daughter has been padding after, obviously relocating their nearly - entwined nests in what is unmistakably the sign of an end to the two's shared affections. The words of Palemoon and Drowsynose, combined with Cherryblossom's own abrupt exit, cinches it: she's heard enough. Why is everyone ( except Cherryblossom; thank the stars her daughter has such a good friend! ) here, soothing Falcongaze, rather than out there making sure Lupinesong is okay? Even Drowsynose is heading over to help fix up Falcongaze's nest rather than checking on his sister.

Great StarClan . . . She tries not to show it, but the combined exasperation of her abrupt awakening and her daughter's romantic troubles on top of everything else ( oh, stars, everything else ) going on is enough to send the tabby pushing past a wordless Kurt with a muttered, " Sorry, " and out the roughly hewn den entrance. " Good luck with your nest, Falcongaze, " she murmurs, managing to make it sound pleasant, though the way her shortened tail snaps briskly behind her in an unconscious mimickry of Cherryblossom counters her polite tone.

" speech "

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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Eyes. They pressed into his skin, stared with a weight unlike any before. He's aware of exactly what he did. Blue eyes flashed at the souls that stared at him in order- Drowsynose, expected. Bobbie's stare felt like lead upon him, so he was quick to avoid. Quietly did the murmurs move his direction. Figfeather- someone who had a far more involved relationship then he, giving him a drop of hope. He gave her a quick, forced smile, because even that felt wrong.

Nightcrawler nods towards Figfeather, a soft agreement. Palemoon speaks, and he disregards it with a twitch of his ear. He would not aire what happened, though he was nearly sure that Cherryblossom was going to have something to say about it. His chin lifted towards her, blue eyes focusing on her. Today he bears no sharp snap of response, just a weathered warrior staring forward. As Cherryblossom snaps at him for moving the bundle of flowers that he had moved carefully, he bears no response.

When she pushes past him, Falcongaze is quick to avoid the sting of her shove, agile feet shifting him to the side, continuing with his task. As he steps back to let Drowsynose adjust his nest silently, blue eyes cast towards Bobbie. It is now that he shows more then disregard, his ears pinning back and quick flash of grief upon his features. "Don't worry about me." He whispered, gesturing after Cherryblossom, out towards where Lupinesong had denied his offer of a walk home.

Blue eyes, deep with storm clouds, stare for a moment longer at the cat he had carried home once, ensuring her children knew of her status, ensuring Cherryblossom had been there at the time for Lupinesong, but he does not mention it. He doesn't even think about it as his head turned towards Drowsynose, the same strange look on his features. A sharp, stuttered inhale, before he's speaking again. "Go find your sister with your mother and Cherryblossom. I'll be alright. She.. please." Falcongaze said, his ears lowering.

And if Drowsynose did as he pleaded, Falcongaze turned and stepped into the freshly re-woven nest and curled into a ball, his tail hiding his head.
  • "speech"
  • FALCONPAW 🌧 he/him, apprentice of skyclan, fifteen moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.