The blue mink remained eerily calm. "Is that not true? Or have you simply forgotten? Everyone who died that day perished because of Briar and the marshland's egos. The chants for bloodshed when there were options on how to proceed without an unnecessary war. All available options should have been taken before it escalated that far. Anyone who expressed doubt and rationalized that this couldn't be the only way. If they dared to share their own damn opinion then the colony would accuse them of being traitors and kittypet lovers. So, yes, your mother wasn't fit to lead from the moment she endangered the lives of the colony's children and ignored the concerns of those beneath her position." Not once did her pitch waver from her steady, near-monotone cadence.

"Leaping Toad, Ash, Asphodel, Moth, and your father. The list goes on and that's only counting casualties from our side." Did Briar ever once feel remorse for her childish ego? When the clans formed, did she realize that the war had all been for naught? Did the cruel reality that she'd been blinded to finally hit her when alternative options revealed themselves? Alternative options that cats desperately tried to point out. "And Dewdrop. The poor queen was terrified yet some cats had the audacity to criticize her when she expressed concerns over the upcoming attack. The only danger to the clan had been Briar herself."

"You've revealed your bias: the reason why Bone didn't face any repercussions for her actions. I'm glad you confirmed my thoughts. You demand justice for my actions yet turned a blind eye to the concept that day. I delivered the justice you withheld." Although, why had Bone been weakly limping back to the clan? She'd only struck her throat which wouldn't have any consequences on her ability to walk. Sharp eyes glared at Chilledgaze. Did they not grasp the situation? Punishment had already been brought unfairly upon her shoulders. Their medicine cat attacked a former colony member, a cat she'd grown up with, but there was no uproar demanding she be punished.

Unblinking eyes looked toward Flycatcher. His words felt like claws against her skin. But she didn't bow her head in shame, didn't back down. It felt great to know that she had cats that stood with her. Oh, wait. "Tell me, how is what I did a result of my pride? Besides, I wasn't the only one who attacked-" Shit. No, no, no, She couldn't implicate Honeytwist. The sweet, loving medicine cat didn't deserve to have her good name sullied nor face the wrath of her own clan. Also, what actions did she partake in the last few minutes that implied she wanted to bring misfortune to the clan? She'd asked Pitch to leave the cats of the forest alone.

"This was an unresolved, personal issue between Bone and myself. It's only bigger this time because the one who attacked first changed." The fact that Bone couldn't fight her own battles... that she had to hide behind the protections of Briar and now Pitch. It infuriated her. "No. It didn't make me feel better. Rather, it proved that my former colony had purposefully turned a blind eye to the misdeeds. Because apparently saying mean words is worse than trying to kill someone." Which fucking hurt. "It has been enlightening, though. It appears the swamplands have a way of turning their soldiers into monsters. I now understand what you see when you look at me and, I must agree, it is an ugly picture."

Only the youngest seemed capable of realizing the hypocritical nature of the ShadowClan cats. "Shh, Roe. You'll be safe now. ThunderClan will keep you safe." Her facial features softened as she turned towards Roe. Her dear, precious Roe. Once again, she'd brought pain to one she cherished. At the very least, her banishment would ensure Roe remained safe. "I will not argue with your decision, Emberstar. I shall leave the premises on your command." She'd leave now but Pitch probably wanted to hear it from Emberstar's lips to make it "official" or some other bullshit reason. Probably to make her look worse in front of her clanmates but they already looked at her in a negative light so it wouldn't change much. Neither the cats of the marshes nor the cats of the forests ever intended to stand by her side: to listen, understand and offer the help she knew she needed.

"Berry, seek Honeytwist and Beesong during the next gathering. They're good mentors. Follow the stars and you'll find the moonstone." Though she had no right to, she prayed to the stars - prayed that they'd guide Berry in his journey and enable him to protect ThunderClan.

ooc:// all opinions are ic only <3 i loved briar​
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Any hope Emberstar had of keeping this all under control was dashed in a moment. Pitchstar whirled on her, accusing her clan of attacking his medicine cat. She blinked in horror, but tried to maintain her smile. "That's terrible! But, this has to be a misunderstanding," she persuaded him with bright certainty, "There's no cat in Thunderclan that would do that!"

No cat, aside from one.

Her clanmates had assembled behind her, voices of animosity and cordiality mixing in the air. She turned, opening her mouth to tell them to let her handle it. Then she caught sight of Cinderfrost, striding forward with purpose. Her medicine cat was the only one to step in front of her.

Without context, Cinderfrost words were just nonsense for a moment. Too many references to events that she had no knowledge of confused her understanding. It took her entirely too long to realize.

Their eyes met, and she searched her medicine cats gaze. There was nothing familiar there. Once, she had thought they had come to an understanding. That they could, at least, work together. Even if Cinderfrost hated her forever. It wasn't just her though. Time and time again she had seen hate in those eyes, how many cats would get hurt before it was sated?

There wasn't hate in those eyes though, not right now. She wished that gave her hope that it was gone for good. How could it though, when she had been wrong so many times before?

Emberstar doesn't have time to answer any of her own questions before Pitchstar pushed his way in front of her, demanding exile. That she could see the reason in, given what Cinderfrost had done. Many of her clanmates had demanded the same moons ago. It was what he said next, however, that made her eyes widen and sent a shiver down his spine.

"If you refuse to deliver justice yourself, I swear to you, ShadowClan will do it ourselves."

Voices swelled and swirled together at his announcement, and for a moment Emberstar was eerily still. All the vibrancy and warmth drained from her. Everyone kept talking and talking as if she had been the only one to hear what he had just said. What he had just threatened.

There could not be another great battle.

"QUIET!" Emberstar ordered all the assembled cats, with a leader's authority. Her gaze was affixed on Pitchstar, alight with fury. Her own anger frustrated her, but that only added fuel to the fire. "Cinderfrost, get back behind me."

The tiny, scarred began slowly, holding her anger at bay for a moment. This was her first time meeting the new leader of Shadowclan, and there were respects to be paid. "First, I am sorry for your loss. Briarstar and I rarely saw eye to eye, but she had my respect." That was more than she could say for him.

Once she finished with the niceties, her eyes narrowed. "That said, you don't make threats like that. EVER." She spat the words up at the Pitchstar. "Don't ever threaten my clan in front of me." Her words were as sharp as her claws. "More importantly, you are a leader now, you cannot threaten the peace whenever you have been wronged. It is that very peace that you are meant to keep. Our clans were created for that purpose. You have a duty now, and it goes beyond your own borders. Our friends in the stars gifted you with their trust, so ACT LIKE IT."

The molly took a breath.

"But you have been wronged, and for that too I am sorry. As Cinderfrost is part of Thunderclan, her actions are my responsibility, and I will deal with her as my duty requires." That was the promise she had made after her first life was taken, that she would take care of Cinderfrost should she step out of line. Still, she stood between Pitchstar and her medicine cat. "However, I will not do that here, with a dozen cats ready to pounce upon her." On both sides, it seemed. Half her own clan was ready to tear Cinderfrost apart. Her own lead warrior included. "I'm not going to give my approval for a blood bath."

Emberstar stared Pitchstar down. "Leave. Go in peace, and trust that I will do what must be done."
As soon as Pitchstar crosses the thunderpath with his patrol, the deputy is on edge. Tail lifting into the air in a show of dominance, she strides forward to stand at her leader's flank, a few steps behind her but at her side nonetheless. When she orders them back, she obliges reluctantly, taking a few paces backwards while warning eyes remain on their neighbors. They stand upon the thunderpath now, but one step onto the grass and they'll be in ThunderClan territory, an idea Howling Wind doesn't take too kindly to. She glances back, urging Sloepaw back in case this gets ugly. What in StarClan could ShadowClan be so angry about? Whatever it is, she won't allow her clan to appear weak and easily threatened.

But before ShadowClan even has a chance to tell them why they're here, Cinderfrost steps forward, striding right past Emberstar against orders. She gives a lengthy speech, every word causing the tabby's eyes to narrow more and more into shard-like slits. "You did what?" She utters, voice eerily low. When would it stop? This constant violence from their medicine cat? First Emberstar's life, then threatening Finchcatcher, and now attacking another clan's medicine cat? When will the bloodlust be enough? The vengeance? Has she no restraint? This has proven she does not. If Howling Wind already hadn't lost her trust in her former friend, it would surely all be gone now.

Pitchstar delivers his chilling demands and immediately the woman's pelt fluffs out, ears pinning to her head in alarm. Her clanmates' voices rise up around her, some directed at Cinderfrost, some at Pitchstar, and Howling Wind's canines are revealed instinctively beneath all the clamor. She glares daggers at their medicine cat, furious once more at the pathetic show of aggression she has shown, this time bringing another clan into it. Does she not realize how foolish she makes their clan appear? The potential danger she has put them in, all for the sake of revenge for things done moons ago, before whispers of the clans had even been murmured? When Roepaw begins to throw words of venom at the ShadowClanners, the deputy turns icy eyes upon her. An apprentice was not about to make this even worse. "Flycatcher, get her out of here," She hisses lowly, knowing she can trust the tom to do it quickly. This was nothing for the girl to see, and far too fragile of a situation to allow a child to speak so freely when this was a serious matter.

Pitchstar has crossed the border by now and claws slide from their sheaths as Howling Wind bares her teeth, refusing to be pushed around. Emberstar's shout is enough to shut any of them up, but she takes a warning step forward. Get off our land, or else. As embarrassed as she is by Cinderfrost's actions and the apprentice's outburst, her top priority is protecting her clan from the threat knocking at their door.

The source of ShadowClan's leader is exposed so quickly, as Cinderfrost strides forward and begins to speak: she attacked ShadowClan's medicine cat.

Is he... Is he supposed to be surprised?

He'd heard rumblings of what she'd done to Emberstar, already knew he had to watch his own back around her. Knew that her anger towards him made it harder for him to settle into ThunderClan.

As Pitchstar speaks, as he reveals more about Cinderfrost than he'd ever known, he continues to lack an air of surprise. But Finchcatcher doesn't react. Because, he knows. He knows he's not much better than Cinderfrost. He knows hardly anyone who'd fought in the Great Battle, is much better. Knows that most of them've got blood on their paws, in some form. They've all lost - siblings, parents, nephews, the like.

Pitchstar demands exile, and Finchcatcher looks to Emberstar with wide eyes. Was that... Was that something she would do? Exile Cinderfrost, after letting her into the clan in the first place? It doesn't seem right, ShadowClan ordering them around like that, forcing them to change their ranks just because they were angry at them. ThunderClan was its own clan. ShadowClan didn't own them. He crouches down, prepares to pounce at the leader to protect the clan - his clan.

But, Cinderfrost offers. Cinderfrost says she'll leave.

And Emberstar is swift in her interjections, swift in putting Pitchstar in his place, in telling him to leave.

Finchcatcher stands, claws sheathed as he waits for the ShadowClan leader to follow Emberstar's orders. He'll escort them out himself, if he has to.
Olive has been there since the beginning, since Pitchstar had first dragged his miserable patrol to the border, since he had crossed the border, threatened execution. Were they truly any better than Thunderclans medicine cat? The unnecessary violence they spat, cut the shit, one of them snarls. Why at the apprentice? At Roepaw? No... They were no better. All of the sudden, Olive's view of other clans were solidified: they were no better than their words.

Shes silent as she stands there, but her eyes show all of her emotions of anger, of fear. She does not speak, because if she did it would be angry murmuring, but her fur bushes out. Demanding righteousness for actions when one has done the same, how hypocritical. Tearing families apart... She takes a heavy breath.

Flycatcher almost doesn't hear Cinderfrost's response, too distracted by the sudden arrival of his apprentice. His eyes widened with alarm at her sudden appearance, about to tell her to get back before she launches into her own tirade, crying out for Emberstar to tell them no, yelling at ShadowClan, yelling at him. That's what stings most of all, knowing the pain she will be going through. Her words would do them no favours to be sure, but he can't fault her for them either, she is young after all and about to lose the only parental figure in her life if Emberstar is true about exiling Cinderfrost when they got back to camp.

At Howling Wind's instruction, he nods. "Roepaw, come," He instructs with a tilt of his head. "Let us return back to camp...we can discuss matters when we return to camp."
Yowls arise around him, some directed towards Cinderfrost, more directed towards him. A child screams at him for taking her mother away. Huh... Mother? So, Cinderfrost has a child? Pitchstar stares at the girl, shock and even sympathy fluttering across his taut facial features for only a second. She's only a kit, of course she wouldn't understand. How terrible it must be, to find out that her own mother is a heinous criminal.

But Chilledgaze's hiss snaps him back into reality, where things aren't fair and grief is a common occurrence. The sympathy falls from his face, replaced with a scowl. "Your mother is a monster," growls the dark-furred leader. "Go home, kid. This isn't your discussion to have."

Cinderfrost pipes up again, and Pitchstar's vision is engulfed in a red haze. It takes every last whisker-weight of self-restraint not to lunge towards the corrupt medicine cat and end it here and now. "Don't you dare-" Pitchstar snarls, his claws ripping up grass. "-disrespect my mother like that. She did what was best for the colony, you only do what's best for you." How dare she insinuate that his mother is- was- selfish and egotistical? She gave all nine of her lives to save her children. He'd watched her die nine times over, helpless. Cinderfrost doesn't know Briarstar like Pitchstar had. She doesn't have the right to criticize the deceased marshland queen.

His next breath would have been wasted on further arguing, had it not been for Emberstar's yowl. Begrudgingly, Pitchstar falls quiet, zoning in on the flame point once more, if only to hear out her answer.

He would have questioned how Emberstar would have known of Briarstar's death, had it not been for the fury blinding him.

Pitchstar reels back with a growl as Emberstar tells him what he can and cannot do, ears pressed flat against his cranium. "If there is a threat to my clan, I will do whatever the fuck it takes to protect them." His eyes narrow as she talks of peace, and he laughs darkly. "Peace? Do you call this peace, Emberstar?" Pitchstar gestures around him with a twirl of his tail, spinning in a circle before stopping in front of her once more. "If peace is your medicine cat attacking my own, then peace is nothing more than a grand delusion!" There could never be true peace in the forest, that much he is certain of. He will not fall victim to that delusion and allow injustices to occur.

"You want to speak of duty, Emberstar? So be it. Our duty is to protect my clan through whatever means necessary. Our duty is to deliver justice upon those who have wronged us." Justice, Pitchstar tells himself. This is not vengeance, this is justice. "Do you truly believe that the stars approve of Cinderfrost's actions? That they condone unnecessary violence?" Yes, that voice in his head whispers. Yes, they do. But if Emberstar wishes to indulge in this dance, then Pitchstar will ensure that he is the one leading it.

Emberstar declares that she will not punish Cinderfrost here, in front of the audience of ShadowClanners. Pitchstar bristles, a growl rumbling in his throat. But he concedes, after a heartbeat. "I'll give you until sunrise." With that, Pitchstar whirls back around to his patrol, jerking his head in a gesture for them to follow. "ShadowClan, to me!"

As the tom begins to make his leave, he pauses, glancing back over his shoulder towards the ThunderClan leader. "Justice will prevail, Emberstar. One way, or another." Then, without waiting for a response, Pitchstar turns back towards the marsh and begins the trek home.

[ out! ]
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Flickerfire is almost relieved when Emberstar appears, slate-colored eyes level with Pitchstar's burning amber. The flame point holds herself calmly, even offering a smile, though the tortoiseshell can detect her tension.

But neither Clan has to wait long. Salamander herself slinks from the treeline, her words immediate, defensive. Crying about how Bonejaw had attacked her long ago, before Clans existed, and how no one had cared then. Flickerfire scowls at the audacity, the self-pity, the justifications. But she does not speak, for her Clanmates and Emberstar's Clanmates speak out before she can spit.

Her fur begins to tingle, though she does not allow it to bristle, as Pitchstar flings himself a mouse-tail from Emberstar's face. His demand is what it had been of Sootstar -- deal with it. Flickerfire mutters, "That dangerous she-cat doesn't need to be in any Clan, anyway." She glares at Emberstar. She's the only ShadowClan cat who knows the truth -- that Salamander had murdered her in cold blood in front of her Clanmates -- and she's about to spill it to the rest of the patrol when Emberstar snaps back.

Flickerfire stares, unease rippling the fur on her pelt. She does not know how Pitchstar will react to such anger, and she has mounting bad feelings fighting to take hold -- especially when Salamander dares to criticize Pitchstar's mother. She lets out a long, low hiss, but it's merely background to Pitchstar's retort.

Briarstar had initiated a war, and her cats had fought in it -- Salamander included. Flickerfire bites her tongue as fury sizzles like forest flame beneath her dark fur. So high and mighty, as though she'd taken no lives -- when she has, and has otherwise tried! Her own leader, the molly who had given her another chance, only for that trust to be betrayed!

Pitchstar finishes, and gives Emberstar until sunset to do what needs to be done. Flickerfire looks at Emberstar before she leaves, and she says, her voice edged with strange emotion, "It's not worth it to keep a murderer in your Clan. You know it's not." The other ThunderClan cats don't exist to her. She doesn't spare them any sign of acknowledgment.

Instead, she pads back over the Thunderpath, falling into line with Pitchstar's patrol.

// out!

- ,,

She refuses to flinch at Chilledgazes words, but her eyes narrow. She's ready to shoot sharp words their way, her maw even drawing back to do so, but Cinderfrost's voice intervenes.
Her heart is dropped to snowy paws as she listens on, a once fiery expression now dropped to despair- she was just accepting this? Leaving her? Leaving her home?
A comforting coo is directed towards her, but she shoves them away with an abrupt shake of her head, this couldn't be happening.
Emberstars words, as commanding as they are, can barely register in the tabbies mind when they are spoken, the apprentices gaze locked onto Cinderfrost.
Flycatcher, get her out of here.
Roepaw knew it was only a matter of time before she was shooed away, but she would barely take a paw step forward before Pitchstars grating voice was once again being used.
You're mother is a monster.
"And you're a cold hearted bastard, but that's probably how you got to the top, huh?"
She's snarling, pupils narrowing as their flung in his direction, shameless in her insult while the anger burned white in her chest. She refuses to look at anyone else, at Howling Wind or Cinderfrost, so quick to abandon her.
If Flycatcher were to make a move towards her the apprentice would merely lash her tail in his direction, a direct and entitled demand for him to stay away. She would be able to feel the burning gazes on her, fury from her superiors with a chastise on their lips. "We were all thinking it."
With that, the young molly storms off, uninterested in staying any longer now that she knew what was going to happen.

[IC opinions!! She’s just very angry]

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