storage ixora's sanctuary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies ornare nunc vel placerat. In dui lacus, interdum nec ligula non, vestibulum tincidunt ex. Mauris bibendum velit magna, vel pellentesque lorem blandit et. Mauris ullamcorper semper malesuada. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus arcu, id consectetur mauris. Suspendisse porttitor neque sagittis massa elementum, et volutpat nisl tempus. Curabitur in sodales tortor. Curabitur varius aliquam lorem pharetra placerat. Nullam eget consectetur nibh. Vestibulum volutpat nec sem sed dictum. Vestibulum tincidunt odio in neque mollis, ac cursus lectus finibus. Donec facilisis lacinia sapien, sit amet vehicula odio. Curabitur augue nisl, vulputate at lacinia a, posuere nec lacus. Proin vehicula mauris eget ornare bibendum.

Fusce tincidunt sapien rutrum felis finibus, eu sagittis quam maximus. Nunc cursus nisi eget risus vulputate, a congue mauris feugiat. Nulla vitae nisi ex. Nam at velit sem. Ut ornare auctor porta. Phasellus scelerisque maximus justo sit amet sagittis. Sed pulvinar odio porttitor nulla tempus lobortis. Pellentesque consectetur quam in erat interdum dapibus. Nullam sagittis dolor nec orci fermentum, vitae pharetra purus tempus. Pellentesque bibendum sed nisi vel rutrum. Nam gravida neque quis pretium tempor.

Integer fermentum vitae mauris ut malesuada. Aenean elementum diam vel sapien ornare, id euismod neque luctus. Duis quis laoreet arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur imperdiet aliquet quam, quis tincidunt dolor. Etiam ac suscipit libero. Mauris et velit blandit, lobortis sapien vel, sollicitudin risus. Sed varius, lorem eget accumsan sollicitudin, ex enim mattis urna, a mollis velit arcu non purus
  • speech is #E1AFD1
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  • 'aster' ASTERFROST
    ━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | 44 moons ,, ages every 13th
    ━━ NPC xx NPC | kittypet origins
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

[box=55%][justify][font=georgia]TEXT HERE.[/font][/justify]
[slide= ♡ — OUT OF CHARACTER][justify]speech is [color=#E1AFD1]#E1AFD1[/color]
[slide= ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗][img][/img]
[slide=CHARACTER INFORMATION — ♡][justify][color=#AD88C6][s]'aster'[/s] ASTERFROST[/color]
━━ WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN | [abbr=created 3.13.24 at 44 moons]44 moons ,, ages every 13th[/abbr]
━━ NPC xx NPC | kittypet origins
━━ MATE to [i]none[/i] | PARENT to [i]none[/i]
━━ MENTOR to [i][abbr=penned by dallas]DARKPAW[/abbr][/i] | MENTORED by [i]NPC[/i][/justify]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies ornare nunc vel placerat. In dui lacus, interdum nec ligula non, vestibulum tincidunt ex. Mauris bibendum velit magna, vel pellentesque lorem blandit et. Mauris ullamcorper semper malesuada. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus arcu, id consectetur mauris. Suspendisse porttitor neque sagittis massa elementum, et volutpat nisl tempus. Curabitur in sodales tortor. Curabitur varius aliquam lorem pharetra placerat. Nullam eget consectetur nibh. Vestibulum volutpat nec sem sed dictum. Vestibulum tincidunt odio in neque mollis, ac cursus lectus finibus. Donec facilisis lacinia sapien, sit amet vehicula odio. Curabitur augue nisl, vulputate at lacinia a, posuere nec lacus. Proin vehicula mauris eget ornare bibendum.

Fusce tincidunt sapien rutrum felis finibus, eu sagittis quam maximus. Nunc cursus nisi eget risus vulputate, a congue mauris feugiat. Nulla vitae nisi ex. Nam at velit sem. Ut ornare auctor porta. Phasellus scelerisque maximus justo sit amet sagittis. Sed pulvinar odio porttitor nulla tempus lobortis. Pellentesque consectetur quam in erat interdum dapibus. Nullam sagittis dolor nec orci fermentum, vitae pharetra purus tempus. Pellentesque bibendum sed nisi vel rutrum. Nam gravida neque quis pretium tempor.

Integer fermentum vitae mauris ut malesuada. Aenean elementum diam vel sapien ornare, id euismod neque luctus. Duis quis laoreet arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur imperdiet aliquet quam, quis tincidunt dolor. Etiam ac suscipit libero. Mauris et velit blandit, lobortis sapien vel, sollicitudin risus. Sed varius, lorem eget accumsan sollicitudin, ex enim mattis urna, a mollis velit arcu non purus.
  • speech is #F7C566
  • 74028738_XzCGyRTaHNbfSfl.png
  • juncokit juncopaw JUNCOCLAW 'JUNCO'
    ━━ windclan duskclan BARNCAT | 11 moons ,, ages every 21st
    ━━ CASSO xx BUDGE
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by mockinggrin

[box=55%][justify][font=georgia]TEXT HERE.[/font][/justify]
[slide= ♡ — OUT OF CHARACTER][justify]speech is [color=#F7C566]#F7C566[/color]
[slide= ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗][img][/img]
[slide=CHARACTER INFORMATION — ♡][justify][color=#F7C566][s]juncokit[/s] [s]juncopaw[/s] JUNCOCLAW 'JUNCO'[/color]
━━ [s]windclan[/s] [s]duskclan[/s] BARNCAT | [abbr=CREATED 11.21.2023 AT 7 MOONS]11 moons ,, ages every 21st[/abbr]
━━ MATE to [i]none[/i] | PARENT to [i]none[/i]
━━ MENTOR to [i]none[/i] | MENTORED by [i][abbr=penned by velou]mockinggrin[/abbr][/i][/justify]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies ornare nunc vel placerat. In dui lacus, interdum nec ligula non, vestibulum tincidunt ex. Mauris bibendum velit magna, vel pellentesque lorem blandit et. Mauris ullamcorper semper malesuada. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus arcu, id consectetur mauris. Suspendisse porttitor neque sagittis massa elementum, et volutpat nisl tempus. Curabitur in sodales tortor. Curabitur varius aliquam lorem pharetra placerat. Nullam eget consectetur nibh. Vestibulum volutpat nec sem sed dictum. Vestibulum tincidunt odio in neque mollis, ac cursus lectus finibus. Donec facilisis lacinia sapien, sit amet vehicula odio. Curabitur augue nisl, vulputate at lacinia a, posuere nec lacus. Proin vehicula mauris eget ornare bibendum.

Fusce tincidunt sapien rutrum felis finibus, eu sagittis quam maximus. Nunc cursus nisi eget risus vulputate, a congue mauris feugiat. Nulla vitae nisi ex. Nam at velit sem. Ut ornare auctor porta. Phasellus scelerisque maximus justo sit amet sagittis. Sed pulvinar odio porttitor nulla tempus lobortis. Pellentesque consectetur quam in erat interdum dapibus. Nullam sagittis dolor nec orci fermentum, vitae pharetra purus tempus. Pellentesque bibendum sed nisi vel rutrum. Nam gravida neque quis pretium tempor.

Integer fermentum vitae mauris ut malesuada. Aenean elementum diam vel sapien ornare, id euismod neque luctus. Duis quis laoreet arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur imperdiet aliquet quam, quis tincidunt dolor. Etiam ac suscipit libero. Mauris et velit blandit, lobortis sapien vel, sollicitudin risus. Sed varius, lorem eget accumsan sollicitudin, ex enim mattis urna, a mollis velit arcu non purus.
  • speech is #DC6B19
    ━━ KIT of THUNDERCLAN | [created 4.12.24]3 MOONS ,, ages every 8th[/abbr]
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by none

[box=55%][justify][font=georgia]TEXT HERE.[/font][/justify]
[slide= ♡ — OUT OF CHARACTER][justify]speech is [color=#DC6B19]#DC6B19[/color]
[slide= ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗][img][/img]
[slide=CHARACTER INFORMATION — ♡][justify][fleft][/fleft][color=#F7C566]SHROUDEDKIT[/color]
━━ KIT of THUNDERCLAN | [created 4.12.24]3 MOONS ,, ages every 8th[/abbr]
━━ [abbr=npc]CRIMSONSUN[/abbr] x [abbr=npc]SHADEDMOON[/abbr] | BROTHER to [i][abbr=pennd by ryn]FADINGKIT[/abbr][/i], [i][abbr=pennd by kitty]GLOWINGKIT[/abbr][/i], [i][abbr=pennd by noodles]DWINDLINGKIT[/abbr][/i], and [i][abbr=pennd by abri]SHADOWEDKIT[/abbr][/i]
━━ MATE to [i]none[/i] | PARENT to [i]none[/i]
━━ MENTOR to [i]none[/i] | MENTORED by [i]none[/i][/justify]

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    SLATE, SLATEPAW, SLATETOOTH SLATEHEART ; a name he wears with pride; a resemblance of his freedom and individuality.
    ━━ SLATE for his grey fever coat as a kitten | HEART for his chosen path of strength and compassion
    ━━ AMAB / he,him | Bisexual
    ━━ Moor-runner warrior of WindClan | Loner-born
    ━━ 23 moons old | Ages every 6th | Created 12.27.2022 at 6 moons
    — penned by ixora; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    As far as WindClanners go, Slateheart is entirely unremarkable in appearance. His namesake comes from his ash-grey overcoat as a kitten, which gradually gave way to the pitch black of his fur now. Even and steady, his monochromatic palleted is broken only by the white 'V' shape on his neck, white toes and a lightly painted tail tip. Slateheart's fur is short but not sleek; he thinks of himself as 'scruffy' with curly ends and occasional mats.

    Much like his color palette, Slateheart is tremendously average in build, standing tall and lean enough to be a lengthy runner but muscled just enough to hold his own in a fight. Slateheart is no more brawn than he is agile and excels in consistent, steady-paced attacks of medium force with well enough stamina and defensive strength to stay his ground for a short amount of time - a jack of all trades, and master of none. In battle, Slateheart makes a formidable bruiser, competent in both dealing and surviving an average amount of damage.

    ━━ A nick under his right eye, obtained by Harbringermoon in the Rebel-Loyalist battle of WindClan.
    ━━ A torn left ear, obtained by Nightmareface in the Rebel-Loyalist battle of WindClan.
    ━━ Long, jagged claw marks, obtained from throwing Nightmareface off his back in the Rebel-Loyalist battle of WindClan.
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    Intelligence ♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡
    Confidence ♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
    Charisma ♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡
    Creativity ♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
    Empathy ♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
    Humor ♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
    ( + ) loyal, empathetic, resilient, idealistic
    ( \ ) introverted, socially awkward, anxious, follower
    ( - ) pessimistic, impulsive, possessive, selfish

    ━━ LOYAL Slateheart is a cat of fierce loyalty to those that he trusts and confides in. Though typically cautious around cats he isn't familiar with, his trust is easily won over by empathetic or 'honorable' cats; cats that he would idolize and want to be like. Though this makes it easy for him to pick good leadership to follow, it is just as easy to manipulate.

    ━━ RESILIENT Resilience is the key to Slateheart's namesake, and something he prides himself on immensely. He came to recognize this personality trait after enduring his father's cruelty and coming out on the right side of history as one of Sootstar's opposes.

    ━━ IDEALISTIC As a cat that was robbed of a normal childhood, Slateheart has a lot of ideals and fantasies that he doesn't always elaborate on - things he are too naïve to recognize as childish or, sometimes, impossible. While it's good to have high standards and big dreams in moderation, these come to an extent that often get Slateheart into trouble; such as, diving headfirst into the fires to save his mother, breaking the code for the sake of falling in love, or idolizing cats to the point of faulty trust.

    ━━ SOCIALLY AWKWARD Another consequence of being raised by an iron paw was the social isolation that came with it and persisted through most of his apprenticeship and warriorhood. Slateheart tries to socialize with other cats, but often does to awkwardly by stumbling over his words, missing social cues and saying things that aren't widely accepted by others (ie. accidental insults, misusing phrases or slang). At least he's trying.

    ━━ IMPULSIVE Part of being a big dreamer is the impulsivity that comes with it. Slateheart is usually quick to act without thinking, convinced that following his heart will grant him good results in every situation. The thought of consequences for these actions don't usually come until they're presented to him by authorities. He does what is good for him, usually at the expense of his good record and sometimes at the expense of others.

    ━━ POSSESSIVE & SELFISH A side of Slateheart that hasn't been displayed since his apprenticehood is his selfishness and, by extension, possessiveness. Slateheart holds onto the good in his life, and anything dear to him, with all of his might.. and, unfortunately, this can sometimes include other cats.

    Does not make eye contact in conversations. Shuffles his paws when nervous. Does not like to groom his own fur. Loves running and racing. Tends to dwell over embarrassing situations.
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    Slateheart is easy to befriend, if your character excels in carrying conversations - though, he usually prefers the company of cats as quiet as himself. Cats that he views as noble, loyal or generally 'good' are usually shown interest in by Slateheart.

    When it comes to falling in love, Slateheart is as oblivious as a kit. He isn't quick to recognize romantic feelings as 'romantic', and usually dismisses anything that surpasses his normal desire for friendship in other cats. Though, a special somebody seems to have him distracted lately..

    ━━ PLOTS: Not currently open to reciprocated love plots. Open (and may be interested in) cats to show interested in him (unreciprocated), and/or potential future companions to be used ICly to prove his loyalty.

    SOUNDS LIKE: Warm, friendly, and relatable. Generally relaxed and casual, but not always articulate. / chris pratt as starloard
    SMELLS LIKE: sage.
    speech is #bbbb88

    Mate to N/A | Parent to N/A
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Troutsnap, Dimmingsun, Rattleheart, Blizzardpaw, Gravelsnap
    ADMIRES: Sunstar
    FEARS: Sootstar, Lynxtooth
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    ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

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    IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    ☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
    ★ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies ornare nunc vel placerat. In dui lacus, interdum nec ligula non, vestibulum tincidunt ex. Mauris bibendum velit magna, vel pellentesque lorem blandit et. Mauris ullamcorper semper malesuada. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus arcu, id consectetur mauris. Suspendisse porttitor neque sagittis massa elementum, et volutpat nisl tempus. Curabitur in sodales tortor. Curabitur varius aliquam lorem pharetra placerat. Nullam eget consectetur nibh. Vestibulum volutpat nec sem sed dictum. Vestibulum tincidunt odio in neque mollis, ac cursus lectus finibus. Donec facilisis lacinia sapien, sit amet vehicula odio. Curabitur augue nisl, vulputate at lacinia a, posuere nec lacus. Proin vehicula mauris eget ornare bibendum.

    Fusce tincidunt sapien rutrum felis finibus, eu sagittis quam maximus. Nunc cursus nisi eget risus vulputate, a congue mauris feugiat. Nulla vitae nisi ex. Nam at velit sem. Ut ornare auctor porta. Phasellus scelerisque maximus justo sit amet sagittis. Sed pulvinar odio porttitor nulla tempus lobortis. Pellentesque consectetur quam in erat interdum dapibus. Nullam sagittis dolor nec orci fermentum, vitae pharetra purus tempus. Pellentesque bibendum sed nisi vel rutrum. Nam gravida neque quis pretium tempor.

    Integer fermentum vitae mauris ut malesuada. Aenean elementum diam vel sapien ornare, id euismod neque luctus. Duis quis laoreet arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur imperdiet aliquet quam, quis tincidunt dolor. Etiam ac suscipit libero. Mauris et velit blandit, lobortis sapien vel, sollicitudin risus. Sed varius, lorem eget accumsan sollicitudin, ex enim mattis urna, a mollis velit arcu non purus.
    • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
      slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
      ━━ 31 MOONS,, ages every 6th
      ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
      ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♡ | generally healthy, but experiencing shortness of breath.
    • 78016217_relDzXG2vj7CiMr.png
    • speech is #bbbb88

    [box=55%][justify][font=georgia]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies ornare nunc vel placerat. In dui lacus, interdum nec ligula non, vestibulum tincidunt ex. Mauris bibendum velit magna, vel pellentesque lorem blandit et. Mauris ullamcorper semper malesuada. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus arcu, id consectetur mauris. Suspendisse porttitor neque sagittis massa elementum, et volutpat nisl tempus. Curabitur in sodales tortor. Curabitur varius aliquam lorem pharetra placerat. Nullam eget consectetur nibh. Vestibulum volutpat nec sem sed dictum. Vestibulum tincidunt odio in neque mollis, ac cursus lectus finibus. Donec facilisis lacinia sapien, sit amet vehicula odio. Curabitur augue nisl, vulputate at lacinia a, posuere nec lacus. Proin vehicula mauris eget ornare bibendum.
    Fusce tincidunt sapien rutrum felis finibus, eu sagittis quam maximus. Nunc cursus nisi eget risus vulputate, a congue mauris feugiat. Nulla vitae nisi ex. Nam at velit sem. Ut ornare auctor porta. Phasellus scelerisque maximus justo sit amet sagittis. Sed pulvinar odio porttitor nulla tempus lobortis. Pellentesque consectetur quam in erat interdum dapibus. Nullam sagittis dolor nec orci fermentum, vitae pharetra purus tempus. Pellentesque bibendum sed nisi vel rutrum. Nam gravida neque quis pretium tempor.
    Integer fermentum vitae mauris ut malesuada. Aenean elementum diam vel sapien ornare, id euismod neque luctus. Duis quis laoreet arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur imperdiet aliquet quam, quis tincidunt dolor. Etiam ac suscipit libero. Mauris et velit blandit, lobortis sapien vel, sollicitudin risus. Sed varius, lorem eget accumsan sollicitudin, ex enim mattis urna, a mollis velit arcu non purus.[/font][/justify]
    [slide=CHARACTER INFORMATION — ♡][justify][fleft][img width=150px][/img][/fleft][b][size=18px][color=#779977][s]slate[/s] [s]slatepaw[/s] [s]slatetooth[/s] SLATEHEART[/color][/size][/b][size=18px][/size]
    ━━ [abbr=created 12.27.22 at 6m]31 MOONS,, ages every 6th[/abbr]
    ━━ [abbr=penned by tinyleafs][s][color=#ececaf]LYNXTOOTH[/color][/s][/abbr] xx [abbr=npc][s][color=#ececaf]ADELAIDE[/color][/s][/abbr] xx [abbr=penned by loki | adoptive][color=#ececaf]SILVERFOOT[/color][/abbr]
    ━━  SIBLING to [i][abbr=penned by foxlore][color=#ececaf]GRAVELSNAP[/color][/abbr] and [abbr=penned by tinyleafs][color=#ececaf]ASHPAW[/color][/abbr][/i] 
    ━━ MATE to [i]none[/i] | PARENT to [i]none[/i]
    ━━ MENTOR to [i][abbr=penned by wren][color=#ececaf]BEEPAW[/color][/abbr][/i] | MENTORED by [i][abbr=penned by tinyleafs][s][color=#ececaf]LYNXTOOTH[/color][/s][/abbr][/i][/justify]
    ━━ HEALTH [abbr=updated 5.12.24]♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♡[/abbr] | generally healthy, but experiencing shortness of breath.
    [slide= ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗][img width=500px][/img]
    [slide= ♡ — OUT OF CHARACTER][justify]speech is [b][color=#bbbb88]#bbbb88[/color][/b][/justify]
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